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The Witcher 3 has been delayed to May 19, 2015.

I'm glad. My backlog is huge anyway and I'm sick of companies rushing out games only to patch the fuck out of them later. Take all the time you need, CDP.
Buggy mess? Probably not.

Not delivering on original promises? Most likely.

Disappointment? Hard to say considering the previous efforts of CDPR.

Well let me try and explain myself in the best way possible, according to the verified insider the devs have been in super crunch mode for awhile, and will continue to be up to release. My dad once told me something when I was younger and he would work under similar super crunch "get it out the door yesterday" kind of things. He would always tell me how a company is like a big clock and everyone consisted of the gears that would make it tick, he said "You may be able to grease up a clock to make it run better or with ease, but you can never speed up the pace at which the gears move, otherwise that clock would just keep shitty time." I don't know how relevant it is here, but it seems like it might be.


Sucks but I love Witcher and want it be released at its full potential. This might also be great news for those looking to upgrade as new hardware might be announced before its release.
I really hope this game turns out well. It looked so promising so it's disappointing hear about the troubles CDPR seem to be having :(. I might actually buy Evolve now. So much for February being the "new October."


I have a huge suspicion that without the backlash there wouldn't be any delays. They would have shipped the game as is. Then they realized that people were not that easily satisfied. Maybe it will turn out that that rushed trailer was a blessing in disguise.

Are you serious? A delay isn't a decision which companies are making from one day to the next.. you need a somewhat longer time to rethink this.. You need to know about this the investors (they aren't going to be happy obviously, so you need to convince them why they should still be with you), you need more money to put into the development, you need to know about this shops, etc.. there are many, many problems with this decision..
Are you serious? A delay isn't a decision which companies are making from one day to the next.. you need a somewhat longer time to rethink this.. You need to know about this the investors (they aren't going to be happy obviously, so you need to convince them why they should still be with you), you need more money to put into the development, you need to know about this shops, etc.. there are many, many problems with this decision..

Yes, an AAA game is playing with someone else's money. Only a indie team could delay a game release by just deciding that they wanted it so.


Was it ever confirmed that the game was running on console?(assuming it should be XBO)?
Because I already have it pre-ordered on GoG and don't really feel like I should be worried at all.
I don't think they've ever officially shown the console versions. I think they've always had it running on PC when demoing.
Goddam lol


Of course The Witcher III is more expensive, but remember TW2 cost 10 million. I don't expect a BIG increase, though.


Difference between good games and the likes of Unity right here. Ubisoft wouldn't have the balls to delay a game like this, so they release Unity.


You know what, that's one day after my Birthday. I'm okay with this. That just means CDProjeckt is peronally giving me the best Birthday gift of all
unless they delay it again.


Forgot about Watch Dogs and the Division huh?

Watch Dogs was delayed once, how many times has the Witcher 3 been delayed now? Also WD was still in a shit state when it was released.

There's also the fact that AC is an annual series, they didn't want to mess with that even with Rogue coming out.
Watch Dogs was delayed once, how many times has the Witcher 3 been delayed now? Also WD was still in a shit state when it was released.

There's also the fact that AC is an annual series, they didn't want to mess with that even with Rogue coming out.

Don't want to derail the thread but even though TW3 was delayed twice both TW3 and WD experienced a similar delay.

WD should have released in November 2013 and released in May 2014
TW3 should have released in the end of 2014 and will released (as of now) in May 2015

And what shit state? The game was perfectly playable from start to finish without any bug at least for me.

On topic: I'm kind of bummed now, febuary was shaping up to be a great month with The Order, Bloodborne and The Witcher 3 but now both have been delayed. I would have prefered if The Order was delayed again instead of Bloodborne.


Its pretty clear that the consoles have had a bottleneck effect on the game but damn, this is brutal. Just be a good game please.


Better hope the release of FFVII on PS4 is early spring not late spring. Wouldn't want this game to be overshadowed


Are they totally missing the point?

Yes game has been delayed twice now as CDPR requires more dev time for the game in order to reach level of quality they are satisfied with.

Yes maybe issues are bigger than some minor bugs in the matrix, but delaying project in order to try and fix these issues [one could say.. polish it up?] should be good thing. Yes?

So how people are missing the point when they welcome delay in exchange for more polished and finished product?

I never said taking a delay in order to have a better product was a bad thing, in fact, I made sure no one got that idea in the second and third sentence of my post. Yes, I welcome the delay. Yes, I cancelled my pre order. And yes, now I'm worried about the final product.

Just to make it clear again, maybe the game needs more time than an extra 3, 6, or 12 months of development in order to reach the level of quality CDPR is really satisfied with. And that's an amount of time they don't have.


Thank the lord. Gives me time to get through some of my other games before this time sink drops. Not to mention bloodborne in march which will eat up who knows how many hours.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I just found out the news. I'm very disappointed, but mostly because it's my favorite series. I read the books, the comics. O well, I guess at least FEB will have some other great games. Still, I'm pretty dissappointed.


What the hell am I going to do with my SLI 970s now? Something much better will almost certainly be out by the time any games worth it even release now. :p

I'm only half-joking and I understand of course that CDPR could use more time for the game, but I'm so disappointed. Mid 2015 onward is going to be a very rough time in my life, I won't have time to enjoy the game now. I suppose I'll go sulk in the eternal pit of misery now. My PC is so ready, why isn't the game? :/


Last I heard they have dedicated teams for each platform so this should not be a problem, unless they agreed to some kind of parity clause with MS which I highly doubt. I have complete faith in them in this regard.

My guess is they bit off a bit too much than they can chew and just simply cannot manage it.

I don't think CD:pR is big enough for 3 teams on the Witcher 3 + Cyberpunk + the smaller products they've released.


Bummer, but gives a bit of room for the beginning of the year now. I can dedicate more time to Kirby, STEAM, and Bloodborne now.


Outside of my usual worrying about the health/reputation of a studio (whenever something like this happens) I'm perfectly okay with this news.

To be entirely honest, I wish more developers delayed their games to get that final round of polish/fixing/optimization in.


What the hell am I going to do with my SLI 970s now? Something much better will almost certainly be out by the time any games worth it even release now. :p

I'm only half-joking and I understand of course that CDPR could use more time for the game, but I'm so disappointed. Mid 2015 onward is going to be a very rough time in my life, I won't have time to enjoy the game now. I suppose I'll go sulk in the eternal pit of misery now. My PC is so ready, why isn't the game? :/

Well for starters you can send me one of your 970.


Good news for The Order / my wallet.

Sucks that it's delayed, but after what's happend with other games in the last few weeks I much prefer they take as long as they need to get the game right before release.


That's my birthday.

I'm happy to wait for a better, more polished, more complete product. Take all the time you need, Projekt Red.
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