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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT2| Wanted to find Ciri, but everything Gwent wrong

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Chitown B

I feel like there should be a way to sneak or something. Seems like every time I get near a bandit camp all of them see me immediately and I'm already getting pelted with arrows.


Doing the main quest levels you up real fast compared to side quests. Main quest to talk to this person? +250xp. Navigate this cave, fight a boss, and investigate why this village has a fog problem? +50xp.

Witcher Contracts and some of the bigger sidequests give a lot of XP too.


Yes or No question for Novigrad spoilaz.

Is the Ball event a sort of point of no return? Because I have a quest loaded up for Triss and can't activate it without doing the Ball.


Finished the Return to Crockbag quest. (spoilers)
Knew that it was possibility but thought I was faring pretty well and will not get the baron suicide end game. Can't say I feel much for him though. Is it possible to save Anna ? Damn dark spirit of the forest. Thought he would be a bit more benign being. If the Crones weren't so hideous I would have killed you !

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!

Item Sorting: If you won't let me sort by weight/number, then at least create a separate tab for all non-quest necessary books. They should NOT be clogging up my consumable page. I'm playing on hard, I have no natural regen, I need to use that tab a lot.

Agreed here. I'd argue that books/notes should actually become part of a new codex tab when read for better reference. No real need to have them as inventory items at all outside of the quest-specific ones. A shame they clog up the consumable list.

Menu Tabbing: Right trigger should not bring up a pointless stat list. It should be used to move between the left and right sides of the inventory/alchemy menus. There's a clear divide in the middle of the screen, I shouldn't have to thumb the stick over several times to scroll to the side that I want.

Not sure if you knew, but Right stick will zoom you back and forth between the left and right side of inventory lists(such as switching quickly between your inventory and a vendors). Strangely this is not listed on the controls at the bottom of the screen which is why most miss it.

Bomb Equipping: Why do I only have two slots for potions/bombs? I should be able to have them all equipped at all times. All that needs to be done is add a up/down section to the LB item wheel for bombs. It wouldn't add clutter and would help a lot in keeping the pacing of fights up.

Kind of wish that you can freely customize the radial wheel slots at will. Highlight one of the six slots and open a menu with instant access to bombs/potions/items. Breaking it up into pairs and forcing you to comb through inventory to swap is totally unnecessary and inefficient. A weird oversight.

Potion Equipping: Holding up/down should activate the equipped potion while tapping it should just scroll through them. That way I don't have to pause the game and go into inventory management mode every fight when I run out of one/need a different buff.

Not a bad idea, but really just having them just make better use of the radial menu would be a nice fix for that stuff too.
Could someone photoshop out all the words etc.. and just leave in the cast of members? it would be great for wallpaper!




I love that I am sitting at around 50 hours in and still have all of these high level quests waiting for me. The pacing and sense of growth just keeps on giving.


Unlimited Capacity
Can't believe a huge open world game finally came out that I don't abuse fast travel in. I have used it maybe 10 times total.
I find the boat addition to be something neat, but I'm still unsure about its usefulness. I mean, besides reaching your destination a wee bit faster than if you swam there? I've found myself in need to reach some place in the middle of a body of water, and most of the times it's easier and faster to dive in and swim than to find some boat. If I use swift swim or whatever it's called (shift) no monster can catch up to me anyway.

Unless things change as you level up and move forward with the story and new areas and monsters show up.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I find the boat addition to be something neat, but I'm still unsure about its usefulness. I mean, besides reaching your destination a wee bit faster than if you swam there? I've found myself in need to reach some place in the middle of a body of water, and most of the times it's easier and faster to dive in and swim than to find some boat. If I use swift swim or whatever it's called (shift) no monster can catch up to me anyway.

Unless things change as you level up and move forward with the story and new areas and monsters show up.

Saw a loading screen say that you can use Fast Travel whenever you're in a boat, rather than riding to a crossroad point.


Can't believe a huge open world game finally came out that I don't abuse fast travel in. I have used it maybe 10 times total.

It captures the feeling of traveling across the wild countryside better than anything I have ever played. It also captures that 'old world' feeling better as well, despite being fantasy.


I'd be in the dick
I love that I am sitting at around 50 hours in and still have all of these high level quests waiting for me. The pacing and sens of growth just keeps on giving.

I realized how big this was last night when I realized I've spent more time in it than most entire open world games and I haven't even set foot in Skellige yet and that the Wild Hunt, who the game is named after, has only made a couple brief appearances.


Skellige is totally the best area in the game but sort of a shame it has the shortest "main" quest to it. Though it has some extra side stuff.
This is good news, my eyes are shit.

My eyes aren't shit, but this game does a good job at making me feel like they are. Especially when I read that there are people with no problems with the font size...

Love Kiera's story line... finishing it up now.

Is there a swordsmith anywhere in Velen? I'm not finding one.

They are scattered in the various villages. I usually just head to one of the cities for crafting though.
it's not your eyes most likely if you're playing on say a 50" screen at 8-10 feet back (normal for most games) it's just too damn small to read.
Im like 5 feet from a 50. It is indeed too small but my eyes are shit. My one eye anyway. I can read it if I close my right eye. I need glasses.

Not Spaceghost

Skellige is totally the best area in the game but sort of a shame it has the shortest "main" quest to it. Though it has some extra side stuff.

I've had the quest to find a boat to skellige for ages now but I can't bring myself to go until I finish up everything in novigrad.


I realized how big this was last night when I realized I've spent more time in it than most entire open world games and I haven't even set foot in Skellige yet and that the Wild Hunt, who the game is named after, has only made a couple brief appearances.

I know what you mean, man. Prepare for your jaw to drop even more whenever you decide to make the trip Skellige. The game just keeps growing and stunning me with it's beauty and sense of exploration. God, I have a ton to get back to just in Skellige alone.


OK so find better weapons, use Quen and Igni when dealing with groups, use bombs to soften up crowds, and dodge after landing a few hits. Will give this a try when I get home tonight. Thanks for the tips.

You shouldn't just rely on Quen and Ingni as generic CC. Some creatures are weaker versus other signs such as Axii and Quen and Ingni are largely ineffective.

Wraiths, for instance, use Axii to incapacitate one while you deal with the others.

The rest is golden.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I feel what could be game's greatest accomplishment and what really defines its identity is its classic novella approach approach to many side quests, narrative driven within the scope of a freely playable open world ARPG. Quests almost if not always discard traditional video game structuring and instead adopt the idea of short story literature, where our story begins with an unfortunate predicament or even the protagonist doing something routine, which then leads to a story often different from how it began. The latter path is especially wonderful in the context of a video game where game systems and objectives are typically predictable, the best examples here being when you embark on (either willingly or accidentally) a monster contract, because that's what Witchers do, and that develops in unexpected ways or leads into a new quest arc that has nothing to do with the original contract.

As a fantasy ARPG the success of this presentation and quest structuring goes a long way to making the journey memorable, as it prevents you from picking up quests just because you want to rise through the ranks of some guild, acquire some item, grind XP, or work towards some unlock or bonus. Playing Wild Hunt is like having a tomb of short stories you're accidentally stumbling upon.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Love Kiera's story line... finishing it up now.

Is there a swordsmith anywhere in Velen? I'm not finding one.

Yea, her arc was great.

Swordsmith is in the Baron's fort. Human woman standing right next to the dwarf armorsmith. I missed her myself the first time I visited.


I'd be in the dick
I feel what could be game's greatest accomplishment and what really defines its identity is its classic novella approach approach to many side quests, narrative driven within the scope of a freely playable open world ARPG. Quests almost if not always discard traditional video game structuring and instead adopt the idea of short story literature, where our story begins with an unfortunate predicament or even the protagonist doing something routine, which then leads to a story often different from how it began. The latter path is especially wonderful in the context of a video game where game systems and objectives are typically predictable, the best examples here being when you embark on (either willingly or accidentally) a monster contract, because that's what Witchers do, and that develops in unexpected ways or leads into a new quest arc that has nothing to do with the original contract.

As a fantasy ARPG the success of this presentation and quest structuring goes a long way to making the journey memorable, as it prevents you from picking up quests just because you want to rise through the ranks of some guild, acquire some item, grind XP, or work towards some unlock or bonus. Playing Wild Hunt is like having a tomb of short stories you're accidentally stumbling upon.

Expert wording of my favorite aspect of the game. Everything is it's own story and is contextualized in a way that makes sense for Geralt to take his time to do them.
Oh man, so after kicking it with Triss
in Novigrad Geralt professed his deepest feelings for her, and sent her off to the Witcher Keep. But... he already sent Keira there, and still has his thing for Yen too. Is this shaping up to be an anime harem comedy?
Looks like there's going to be some major awkwardness down the road a bit!


I realized how big this was last night when I realized I've spent more time in it than most entire open world games and I haven't even set foot in Skellige yet and that the Wild Hunt, who the game is named after, has only made a couple brief appearances.

Same here. I've put in close to 60 hours, which by that time I was wrapping up DA:I, yet in this game, I'm less than half way through with a ton of high level quests in my questlog.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I feel what could be game's greatest accomplishment and what really defines its identity is its classic novella approach approach to many side quests, narrative driven within the scope of a freely playable open world ARPG. Quests almost if not always discard traditional video game structuring and instead adopt the idea of short story literature, where our story begins with an unfortunate predicament or even the protagonist doing something routine, which then leads to a story often different from how it began. The latter path is especially wonderful in the context of a video game where game systems and objectives are typically predictable, the best examples here being when you embark on (either willingly or accidentally) a monster contract, because that's what Witchers do, and that develops in unexpected ways or leads into a new quest arc that has nothing to do with the original contract.

As a fantasy ARPG the success of this presentation and quest structuring goes a long way to making the journey memorable, as it prevents you from picking up quests just because you want to rise through the ranks of some guild, acquire some item, grind XP, or work towards some unlock or bonus. Playing Wild Hunt is like having a tomb of short stories you're accidentally stumbling upon.

Been thinking the same thoughts while playing.


I'd be in the dick
She opens up a "bubble", and anyone inside the bubble, she'll do a teleport sword slash, at multiple enemies" Think like Nightcrawler with a sword.

Goddammit I didn't realize there was anything new. Wish those sections were more than five minutes long. Too short and I love playing them.


Skellige is totally the best area in the game but sort of a shame it has the shortest "main" quest to it. Though it has some extra side stuff.

Yeah, I have a rather long list of quests in Skellige, plus more I have not found. Not to even mention all of the hidden treasures and such. Saying it is smaller kind of sells it short.
I feel what could be game's greatest accomplishment and what really defines its identity is its classic novella approach approach to many side quests, narrative driven within the scope of a freely playable open world ARPG. Quests almost if not always discard traditional video game structuring and instead adopt the idea of short story literature, where our story begins with an unfortunate predicament or even the protagonist doing something routine, which then leads to a story often different from how it began. The latter path is especially wonderful in the context of a video game where game systems and objectives are typically predictable, the best examples here being when you embark on (either willingly or accidentally) a monster contract, because that's what Witchers do, and that develops in unexpected ways or leads into a new quest arc that has nothing to do with the original contract.

As a fantasy ARPG the success of this presentation and quest structuring goes a long way to making the journey memorable, as it prevents you from picking up quests just because you want to rise through the ranks of some guild, acquire some item, grind XP, or work towards some unlock or bonus. Playing Wild Hunt is like having a tomb of short stories you're accidentally stumbling upon.
Completely, absolutely agreed.
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