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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT2| Wanted to find Ciri, but everything Gwent wrong

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The potion system in this is such bullshit. Instead of lasting several minutes, like all the other games, let's limit the player to only 3 potions and only have them last 20 seconds. You know how you're gonna be riding across the country side, fighting shit all the time? Better hope you pick the right three 20-second intervals to heal!

Or you could eat food, which heals health marginally and doesn't stack, so you have to eat one piece at a time.

Ugh, who thought this would be a good change? There's no preparing for combat anymore. It's just so much more action gamey.

Meditate to regain health and potions. You just need alcohol like alcohest etc.
So how long is just the main story quests? Im playing on "just the story mode" and I just finished the
Bloody Baron

Just wondering how long the main quest takes so I can trade it in for ESO by June 9th.

thanks guys!

:( Why would you want to trade this in for ESO? If you miss out on a bunch of content you can finish in 50 hours.

I'm playing on PC and have had zero problems. *shrug*

I've had the game crash once in a pub where all video cut out and i had to had restart my PC.


Neo Member
Still thinking my biggest complaint so far about the game is the damage calculation for fall damage is seriously nuts. Be running along a path, fall down a small hill and suddenly 25-40% of your health is gone.

Agreed, glad that is worst thing to say about the game.
Man, this post makes me so sad.I sadly get some random frezzes sometimes. Keeps my quicksaving finger quick tho.

I had a few freezes the first day, but rolling back drivers and turning fps to unlimited seemingly fixed it. Also turned off shadowplay. One of those things fixed it, haha. Been pristine ever since. *knock wood*


Got a good laugh out of me. Geralt, Witcher of legends, breaking his legs while racing a kid.Au contraire. Story is your main boost for exp. Sidemissions give generally relatively little exp, except for contracts.

Thanks. I've been avoiding the main story as the side missions and gwent are more fun than most games...but yeah, I've been CREEPING along EXP-wise.


Yep. I played the game for 10 hours, and instantly bought the Expansion Pass giving exactly 0 fucks.

CDPR has earned my trust

I'm tight on money this month, fixed income and whatnot, not to mention Student loans. So I'll be waiting until June 3rd and then I'll nab the expansion pass.


Is Skellige just the one area? Seems kind of small...


Looks like another Velen (without Novigrad) to me.
Thanks. I've been avoiding the main story as the side missions and gwent are more fun than most games...but yeah, I've been CREEPING along EXP-wise.
I think it's intended, so that you can lots of side stuff without getting overlevelt too much and at the same time you can just follow the mainplot and always be on the right or at least an ok level.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Whew, finally found enough red mutagens to make a greater one & slap it on 3 combat skills for a 40% attack power bonus. I guess I understand why they're so rare


Chitown B

I don't know happen to you guys. I don't have to repair that often. In fact, I go more often to a smith to sell stuff I looted from humans than to repair.
But I also honestly have no idea how the degration actually works. I don't block, just dodge around all day.

if you swing and they block at all, it takes a hit to your weapon, and vice versa. If you're not getting a flesh hit every time it's going to knock your weapon apart after probably 10 fights, enough to turn it red.
I finished the game in about 48 hours give or take.

Thank you!

Man, this post makes me so sad.

Eh, don't feel bad for me. I am enjoying my time with the game but have had a hell of time with technical problems. loading screens that freeze, not being able to use weapons.. and the frame rate is really poor.

just my opinion of course. I really am enjoying my time but not enough to keep it around after finishing the main story.


100% guesswork of the ending based on previous statements made by the devs:
I thought this was the third and final
CD Projekt RED game with Geralt as a main character, not the Witcher series as a whole

Amazing OP, btw.. and I love the title.

Just adjusted the intro text for clarity. Final in the Geralt trilogy but not franchise.

Also turns out Abload.de doesn't support uploads of PNG-8, so my optimization of the header by more than 50% filesize goes back to being large again when hosted. Decided to leave it as PNG-24 for the time being.


I feel like no matter the level gap, drowners will always wreck my shit. Went back to an old area to finish off some POIs and ran across some drowners. I didn't die but I got surrounded at one point and they basically bounced me back and forth like a volleyball. I hate those enemies so much.


I had a few freezes the first day, but rolling back drivers and turning fps to unlimited seemingly fixed it. Also turned off shadowplay. One of those things fixed it, haha. Been pristine ever since. *knock wood*
It defnitly got better after the patch. The inventory freezes really freaked me out. Hated to go in the inventory. Btu at least that seems good now.

Someone played too much Witcher 2.
Hups :x
Names are not my strong suit.

if you swing and they block at all, it takes a hit to your weapon, and vice versa. If you're not getting a flesh hit every time it's going to knock your weapon apart after probably 10 fights, enough to turn it red.
I see. Yeah, I dodge and roll a lot and like to burn my enemies whenever I can. Mostly because I am bad at blocking at the right time.

Eh, don't feel bad for me. I am enjoying my time with the game but have had a hell of time with technical problems. loading screens that freeze, not being able to use weapons.. and the frame rate is really poor.

just my opinion of course. I really am enjoying my time but not enough to keep it around after finishing the main story.
OH, but NOW I am feeling sad for you. Unfortuante that you have to live with all these problems when the game offers so much of worth. Hope CDPR is quick with further fixes.
Reposting from previous page:

What is the usefulness of the silver sword against creature enemies? Is damage output similar to damage output against monsters?

What is the ETA of patch 1.03 for PS4? Rolling on 1.01 still.


Yep. I played the game for 10 hours, and instantly bought the Expansion Pass giving exactly 0 fucks.

CDPR has earned my trust

I bought the game for $40 and bought the season pass right after finishing. Honestly there's no guarantee it will be great, but I love the main game so much that it felt right to pay it forward.


Just adjusted the intro text for clarity. Final in the Geralt trilogy but not franchise.

Also turns out Abload.de doesn't support uploads of PNG-8, so my optimization of the header by more than 50% filesize goes back to being large again when hosted. Decided to leave it as PNG-24 for the time being.

Whoa, didn't expect to see any change and especially not so soon.

Good on ya, Coreda!
Whew, finally found enough red mutagens to make a greater one & slap it on 3 combat skills for a 40% attack power bonus. I guess I understand why they're so rare


I still haven't seen a single red mutagen in what I would guess (since my PS4 thinks I've been playing 5 days) is 30 hours. Plenty of green and blue mutagens, no red.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
When fighting humans. Side step or block to parry. If its a lot of them dodge roll out of hte way. You can use the force push to knock people and crowd control, same as igni. I tend to hack away at enemies evenly instead of focusing on one. If i focus on one chances are i will get hacked by multiple enemies at once. So just keep on hte look out.

With monsters side step and roll.

The thing that works the most is the protective shield, and if you upgrade it it pushes enemies away and sometimes knocks them off. You can also use the mind control, upgraded it slows enemies and stuns them in place.

Also, learn to use your fast slash and heavy slash. Sometimes you want to go into a heavy slash from a fast slash and always end in a side step or a roll if you are around enemies.

I tend to not lock on enemies, and it doesn't let me engage the closest. Only with big enemies that are solo i lock to keep them always on screen.

Hmm... i think thats it. Use your bow to bring things down, or take away health from enemies as they are moving.

Hope that helps.

1. I'd say use your spells. yrden is good to slow swarms, and ghosts, quen is good if you like to go in, just fight til it's popped, then back out and put it on again, fire is good against drowners.
2. Dodge is good, but working the side-step in works well to. you see a drowner charging, he's gonna luge, side-step, slash him, and dodge out.
3. You sound like you want to just keep hitting people until they die, and you simply can't do that. If you keep hitting, they'll dodge, others will jump you, or they'll parry, stick and move, stick and move!

Sounds like you need to find some better weapons pronto. There are diagrams for the Viper weapons somewhere in the starting area that are fantastic early game. Also, for big groups of enemies like wolves and whatnot you probably want to use bombs to soften them up. Yrden is really only useful against wraiths and spectres, sometimes against big bosses as well. Quen and Igni are the spells you want early on for managing big crowds and not getting stunlocked to hell. Don't ignore alchemy either, it really comes in handy in specific scenarios.

I'm playing on the hardest difficulty and while the game has its bullshit moments (I'm looking at you OP Wraiths) It's not too difficult to abuse certain mechanics.

OK so find better weapons, use Quen and Igni when dealing with groups, use bombs to soften up crowds, and dodge after landing a few hits. Will give this a try when I get home tonight. Thanks for the tips.

Edit: Actually I'm having trouble finding all the ingredients for the potions/bombs/alcohol I want to make. Is there an in-game glossary that tells me where I can find certain kinds of plants? I've been picking flowers like a madman but I still don't have all the ingredients that I need.


I'd be in the dick
Reposting from previous page:

What is the usefulness of the silver sword against creature enemies? Is damage output similar to damage output against monsters?

What is the ETA of patch 1.03 for PS4? Rolling on 1.01 still.
Regular animals are steel enemies

Patch should be out today or tomorrow. Said 5-7 days last Wednesday.
Reposting from previous page:

What is the usefulness of the silver sword against creature enemies? Is damage output similar to damage output against monsters?

What is the ETA of patch 1.03 for PS4? Rolling on 1.01 still.

silver is for monsters and steel for humans/beasts, so silver is more effective against monsters.
so im still rocking this level 1 "warriors leather jacket" witcher chest peice at level 15...... cat gear js far away.... what the hell witcher gear can i get at this level?

also again, does anyone know if messing around in these brothels will mess up your relationship status with Yen or Triss or both?
I asked this in the last thread but it was moving way too fast and no one responded:

Can I remove this tattoo from the previous game anywhere? It's starting to get on my nerves.


I just completed
turning Uma back into the elf at Kaer Morhen
How much more of the main quest do I have left? I am trying to be careful about progressing the story, as I am in no way ready for it to end.


Just by searching around you should come across them; otherwise break down some other weapons to get the right materials.

Buy it from blacksmiths and armorers or have them dismantle equipment into iron ingots. Silver is a bit trickier since you need to buy silver then craft it into silver ingots. Check the dismantle tab at a blacksmith and you probably have something that can be broke into it.

Thanks for the tips! I'm loving the game so far! It's difficult to grasp the depth of everything so far with only being able to play in 30 minute chunks here and there. I haven't dismantled the first thing yet, but I have been selling everything as I find better gear. Is it better to dismantle or sell?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Reposting from previous page:

What is the usefulness of the silver sword against creature enemies? Is damage output similar to damage output against monsters?

What is the ETA of patch 1.03 for PS4? Rolling on 1.01 still.

Don't bother trying to use swords on the wrong enemy type. Steel = Humans/Non-humans/Beasts (natural creatures), Silver = Monsters (unnatural creatures). Geralt will automatically pull the right sword when fighting.
yeah ... no.
In content, maybe. Not in polish.

What would you say is lacking in polish?

Also, is there a plan for patch updates (PS4 mainly) that are expected? If I can wait the game off a week or two for more patches, I'll gladly wait.

Are they done optimizing the game in terms of framerate issues?


Thanks for the tips! I'm loving the game so far! It's difficult to grasp the depth of everything so far with only being able to play in 30 minute chunks here and there. I haven't dismantled the first thing yet, but I have been selling everything as I find better gear. Is it better to dismantle or sell?

Depends on what you need. Sell if you just want cash, dismantle if you need the materials. I try to keep a small stockpile of any materials I run across and sell anything else.
Of course. That's a handy feature. You know what would be better? Being able to make 20 swallow potions at once and have them actually last as long as they always have.

Better? No. The game has been balanced this way. They don't want you to use too much of the same potion in one battle.
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