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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT2| Wanted to find Ciri, but everything Gwent wrong

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OK so find better weapons, use Quen and Igni when dealing with groups, use bombs to soften up crowds, and dodge after landing a few hits. Will give this a try when I get home tonight. Thanks for the tips.

Edit: Actually I'm having trouble finding all the ingredients for the potions/bombs/alcohol I want to make. Is there an in-game glossary that tells me where I can find certain kinds of plants? I've been picking flowers like a madman but I still don't have all the ingredients that I need.

Don't forget your can use items to break them down into other materials. This is huge when trying to build new items. Then you won't spend money or time if you already have an item.


OK so find better weapons, use Quen and Igni when dealing with groups, use bombs to soften up crowds, and dodge after landing a few hits. Will give this a try when I get home tonight. Thanks for the tips.

Edit: Actually I'm having trouble finding all the ingredients for the potions/bombs/alcohol I want to make. Is there an in-game glossary that tells me where I can find certain kinds of plants? I've been picking flowers like a madman but I still don't have all the ingredients that I need.

There isn't, but if nothing else there's the herbalist lady that should sell most of the plants thay you would need


I just completed
turning Uma back into the elf at Kaer Morhen
How much more of the main quest do I have left? I am trying to be careful about progressing the story, as I am in no way ready for it to end.

I would say about 60%. Depending how far along you are with sidequests it could take you longer
considering you're calling in all the favors people owe you from them
. The last act of the game moves pretty quickly if you power through it.
Depends on what you need. Sell if you just want cash, dismantle if you need the materials. I try to keep a small stockpile of any materials I run across and sell anything else.

Dismantle is especially useful if you've put runestones in the item in question, since you get them back.


Another new player question: I'm still at the beginning part of the game, but on the last quest that I think takes me to the "real" game. Yesterday I cleared the quest board in one of the small towns, but nothing ever popped up as a new quest. I read the bounties in my inventory and nothing ever popped. Am I doing it wrong? :/


I would say about 60%. Depending how far along you are with sidequests it could take you longer
considering you're calling in all the favors people owe your from them
. The last act of the game moves pretty quickly if you power through it.

Thanks, I am just going to take my time. I am only level 21 and have a ton left to see and do.


Guys - I have some ideas for general UI improvement/control fixes that I'm hoping you can help me with. Here's my list, suggestions welcome! I will take these and create some mock-ups of what I mean later for a potential mod down the road.

UI Fixes

Crafting: If I don't have a material, but I have something that can be crafted/dismantled into that material, clicking on the item should take me to the relevant crafting page.

Item Sorting: If you won't let me sort by weight/number, then at least create a separate tab for all non-quest necessary books. They should NOT be clogging up my consumable page. I'm playing on hard, I have no natural regen, I need to use that tab a lot.

Menu Tabbing: Right trigger should not bring up a pointless stat list. It should be used to move between the left and right sides of the inventory/alchemy menus. There's a clear divide in the middle of the screen, I shouldn't have to thumb the stick over several times to scroll to the side that I want.

Bomb Equipping: Why do I only have two slots for potions/bombs? I should be able to have them all equipped at all times. All that needs to be done is add a up/down section to the LB item wheel for bombs. It wouldn't add clutter and would help a lot in keeping the pacing of fights up.

Potion Equipping: Holding up/down should activate the equipped potion while tapping it should just scroll through them. That way I don't have to pause the game and go into inventory management mode every fight when I run out of one/need a different buff.

General Fixes

Swimming: If I press ascend/descend, under no circumstances should Geralt ever, EVER do the exact opposite motion. It's happened way too often and is bizarre. If I press down, don't go up. Like, come on. Also, let me move the camera while surfacing. No reason to lock it upwards. That might get me killed if an enemy creeps up on me.

Fall Damage: Like, at least halve it. It's nuts. I've died falling off a one-story thatched roof when at full health because I accidentally hit jump when I wanted to roll.


Gold Member
God this game is a freaking achievement. Everything is just so great. My only complaint is that at level 9 I'm still wearing the starting armor because every other piece of armor so far is that fugly ass idiotic looking giant poofy pirate shirt. Just in different colors.

And the starting armor is absolutely sick. I'll go the distance with it if theyre going to test my loyalty to stylin.


I just completed
turning Uma back into the elf at Kaer Morhen
How much more of the main quest do I have left? I am trying to be careful about progressing the story, as I am in no way ready for it to end.

You still have quite a bit left to do. I'm not really sure percentage wise but I know that the story keeps building from there. I'd say you just finished Act II. It becomes pretty obvious later on when things will begin to wrap.


God this game is a freaking achievement. Everything is just so great. My only complaint is that at level 9 I'm still wearing the starting armor because every other piece of armor so far is that fugly ass idiotic looking giant poofy pirate shirt. Just in different colors.

And the starting armor is absolutely sick. I'll go the distance with it if theyre going to test my loyalty to stylin.

Don't worry, you will start to come across some super nice gear.


I don't get why Silver swords can't be used on humans. It's still a blade that would cut you.

The in universe explanation is that silver is a softer metal than steel and wouldn't hold up clashing against other swords, shields, and armor.

Silver is expensive to obtain and the game mechanics show it by not giving you that many silver swords.


I have gotten the Xbox game saving bug twice in the space of 24 hours! Both times I have lost progress, I'm scared to even play it from now on until there is a fix...

Edit: Changing my xbox to power saving mode has fixed the problem, I still need to catch up to where I was. I would recommend anyone playing on xbox either switch to power saving mode or don't leave the game running while set to instant-on.


You still have quite a bit left to do. I'm not really sure percentage wise but I know that the story keeps building from there. I'd say you just finished Act II. It becomes pretty obvious later on when things will begin to wrap.

That is what I like to hear. Thank you.
I actually love the new potion system. Having to craft the potion only once and then only worrying about having enough alcohest to refill is great. Beats prancing around in the forests looking for weeds and flowers to resupply, risking being dry-humped by horny bears.


saved Dandelion and it seems like it's time to head to Skellige
, I'm about 38 hours in. How far am I?

Probably less than half. You're not out of the first act yet, but acts 2 and 3 are nowhere near as long as 1.

The one thing I'll say is that the way the story ramps up is super satisfying and it does not die out like a lot of longer RPGs or open world games. Act 2 has a big turning point followed by a quick cooldown in 3 and ramp-up again for the finish. I never felt bored or tired with the main quest. Compare that to something like Skyrim or DAI where I gave up on the main story about halfway through.


I don't get why Silver swords can't be used on humans. It's still a blade that would cut you.

It's expensive to coat a blade in silver, and the silver plating would break on heavy armor. So, steel for humans, silver for beasts. It's just more efficient.

Better? No. The game has been balanced this way. They don't want you to use too much of the same potion in one battle.

You could never use too much of one potion in a battle. Toxicity has always been a factor. Changing potion timers and the speed at which they heal you (slowing it a bit) wouldn't break the game.

I'm hoping a mod comes out to fix the potion timers.
Probably less than half. You're not out of the first act yet, but acts 2 and 3 are nowhere near as long as 1.

Music to my ears. :)

I really enjoyed the first two Witcher games but I haven't loved a game like this in years. Red Dead Redemption was probably the last one. This is possibly a top 5 personal favorite for me.


No bald cap? Lies!
So I'm level 17. Done everything in Velen up to level 20, even a few things that were a good deal above my level. Have about ~6 contracts ranging from lvl 23-28 and one treasure hunt for level 24. I'm wrapping up the last two main quest lines in Novi now and haven't set foot on Skellige.

I feel like I'm 3/4 the way through because I've explored all of Velen save for like 6-8 spots that are well above my level. Yet I have tons of equipment schematics that are well into the 20s and even a couple that require like lvl 34. So I know I'm far far from being done with the game or story.

Character building is really weird. I've like almost 30 points in now, 5/5 Fast Attack, 4/5 Fast Attack 2, 3/3 Defense 1, some 8 or so points in Igni, Quen and Axii and then 4 points in Brewing and picked up the Sun and Stars skill. But with all that I've only scratched the first row of the character screen, save for the 2nd level Fast Attack.

Playing on Hard as well, but the challenge is really uneven at times. I'll fight some people at level 12 and they'll barely put a scratch in me, then some dude at level 9 will hit me once and take off half my health.

Menu system is abysmal. It's bad enough I have a thousand different equipment designs and alchemy recopies but my actual inventory is also full of shit and I feel like most potions and concoctions are just not worth it at all, bombs as well, and don't show any noticeable benefit when used, especially concoctions which use up all your toxicity. Oils though are good. Most food is rubbish and uneven as well. A cooked chicken leg is all but useless for health regen but then some random berry is actually quite good.

Weapons runes are also weird since I turnover weapons constantly. There's always a better weapon to be had so putting runes on them feel wasteful, but I have a ton of them, just not many duplicates of the really useful ones.

All that aside I love this game so much. The world is brilliant and vibrant, writing is spot on. It's just damn fun to play. I've really gotten into the combat and being patient. I love the Witcher contracts and hunting down monsters. I just want to go home and play more. I've even gotten a bit better a Gwent.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
from White Orchid to Velen difference in map size is too big :)

Traveling and exploring Velen has been the most pleasant and rewarding experience in gaming I can remember in recent times. I got so caught up in it last night I didn't realize I had 6 skill points collecting dust. It's like RDR meets Lord of The Rings, it's just a fantastic experience.


I have gotten the Xbox game saving bug twice in the space of 24 hours! Both times I have lost progress, I'm scared to even play it from now on until there is a fix...

Edit: Changing my xbox to power saving mode has fixed the problem, I still need to catch up to where I was. I would recommend anyone playing on xbox either switch to power saving mode or don't leave the game running while set to instant-on.

I just explicitly quit the game if I am not playing I don't let it go into suspend mode, Ever since I have done that, it has behaved for me.

Chitown B

how are you guys leveling so high so fast? I'm still level 6 and I feel like I've done a lot. Seems like kills don't level you so you just have to keep doing main quest stuff?
I actually love the new potion system. Having to craft the potion only once and then only worrying about having enough alcohest to refill is great. Beats prancing around in the forests looking for weeds and flowers to resupply, risking being dry-humped by horny bears.

yeah, this is the best potions/usable items system since i have any memory. it is just perfect, just the right amount, good for hoarders like myself
Am I alone here...? (my friend agrees). Ciri's run animation just seems to dang dainty, especially for a Witcher. Yes, I get it.. she's a girl..... but still....


Am I alone here...? (my friend agrees). Ciri's run animation just seems to dang dainty, especially for a Witcher. Yes, I get it.. she's a girl..... but still....

She feels very lightweight. No real sense of being grounded with her animations.


how are you guys leveling so high so fast? I'm still level 6 and I feel like I've done a lot. Seems like kills don't level you so you just have to keep doing main quest stuff?

Doing the main quest levels you up real fast compared to side quests. Main quest to talk to this person? +250xp. Navigate this cave, fight a boss, and investigate why this village has a fog problem? +50xp.


Am I alone here...? (my friend agrees). Ciri's run animation just seems to dang dainty, especially for a Witcher. Yes, I get it.. she's a girl..... but still....

Yeah I noticed it as well lol. I was like girl...I don't run like this...no one I know runs like this. It's very floaty/like she's prancing about. I found it funny, must be the heeled boots.


please get the fuck off my boat you winged strumpets



hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
It's funny how I was struggling to make 100 gold early in the game and now I'm rocking 8,000 crowns at level 14. The merchants early on really rip you off on resale.

OK so find better weapons, use Quen and Igni when dealing with groups, use bombs to soften up crowds, and dodge after landing a few hits. Will give this a try when I get home tonight. Thanks for the tips.

Edit: Actually I'm having trouble finding all the ingredients for the potions/bombs/alcohol I want to make. Is there an in-game glossary that tells me where I can find certain kinds of plants? I've been picking flowers like a madman but I still don't have all the ingredients that I need.

No, there isn't sadly. Best bet is to keep picking herbs here and there and go to herbalists/alchemists for the missing ingredients.


Knowing that this game is at home is making the return to work after a 3 day weekend that much harder. There are adventures to be had dammit. :'(
how are you guys leveling so high so fast? I'm still level 6 and I feel like I've done a lot. Seems like kills don't level you so you just have to keep doing main quest stuff?

i think XP earned from the most to the least goes like this

Main > Witcher Contracts > Side quest > rest

also i think it depends in what level you are playing? Death March is a pain in the ass even for a grinder like me, no matter how many i kill, doing one quest gives me more xp than erasing all the nekkers from an ecosystem (even with xp boosters)
I've been playing on PS4 since Wednesday and would love to know how much time I've sunk into this so far. Is there a way to track play time on the PS4? I believe on both Steam and Xbox One this is done at the system level (WiiU does this too), but the PS4 doesn't have this feature.

I know if you go to the character stat screen and hit R2 there will be a counter that tells you, but it doesn't seem accurate. I checked it last night and told me that I had been playing for 3 days (73 hours total), which doesn't seem possible. Is this tracking in-game time or something?
I have gotten the Xbox game saving bug twice in the space of 24 hours! Both times I have lost progress, I'm scared to even play it from now on until there is a fix...

Edit: Changing my xbox to power saving mode has fixed the problem, I still need to catch up to where I was. I would recommend anyone playing on xbox either switch to power saving mode or don't leave the game running while set to instant-on.

From what I have experienced, using suspend/resume is the killer and starts the bug. You can leave your console on Instant-On, just save the game and then kill it from the home screen. Sucks that you actually have to load, but that seems to be the issue.
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