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The Witness price revealed ($39.99 / €36.99)

Yeah, this is true.

To me, a big-budget (relatively for the genre) puzzle game is such an anomaly on the gaming landscape that it's worth full price. So 40 bucks is more than fair.
I wonder what people are expecting the price of Obduction will be. That's the new Cyan Worlds game in development

That's true but those are usually also more "complex" sorts of games like indie RPGs and strategy games. I think a big part of the "shock" here is that this was viewed by many as just another puzzle game. Certain genres seem to have a stigma that they "shouldn't" cost that much because of the perceived lack of value. Shmup, puzzle, even adventure games (thanks Telltale!) are some of those genres.
But there was no uproar like this when Talos Principle was released at $40

Why is the reaction to The Witness different?


I wonder what people are expecting the price of Obduction will be. That's the new Cyan Worlds game in development

But there was no uproar like this when Talos Principle was released at $40

Why is the reaction to The Witness different?

Obduction is another game that I will pay full price for.

The reaction to The Witness is different because it's on console as well as PC, while Talos was PC-only at launch.


That seems reasonable.

I won't pre-order, but will be picking this game up after reading impressions over at RPS if they enjoy the game.

But there was no uproar like this when Talos Principle was released at $40

Why is the reaction to The Witness different?
Yeah. Talos was similarly priced and that game, IMO, was underpriced and not the other way around.

This game may or may not be able to match the amazing tone and pacing of Talos but looks to have more puzzles available. Can't wait.
But there was no uproar like this when Talos Principle was released at $40

Why is the reaction to The Witness different?
Game with much less public attention
PC only at launch

But even then the reaction was similar IIRC. You can probably find lots of negative reactions in the Steam thread of the month it laumched

I also remember the same reactions when Shadow Warrior launched at $30, I think
Seems reasonable to me. What is it, like 20-25 hours of gameplay? It's not like two sessions and your finished.

what if your play sessions are 12 - 14 hours long. huh!? what then???

seriously though, if it's a good game then I have no problem with the price. Braid was an awesome game but i don't think it would have been worthy of a $40 price tag so this better be pretty damn good.

Also, PC complainers, cmon... like you aren't just going to wait for a steam sale or humble bundle to get this.


Talos Principle. Frogwares games like Sherlock Holmes. Scope is important to take into account. Exploring 3D spaces demands more development resources.

But there was no uproar like this when Talos Principle was released at $40

Why is the reaction to The Witness different?

Those games don't have that much awareness, so people generally don't talk about them. When people do though, I've seen the same complaints that they look a bit overpriced. It doesn't matter what the resources are, perceptions are based on what people expect as they compare with what they're aware of. Marketing is all about managing expectations and controlling perceptions, because in the end it might not matter how good your product is, if you can't convince people that it's worth it.
And wouldn't The Witness be considered bigger than Talos Principle? This honestly feeding into the outdated arguments back when indie games were only recognised on Xbox 360 with universal $15 price tags.

Lorne Lanning was right.
Marketing is all about managing expectations and controlling perceptions, because in the end it might not matter how good your product is, if you can't convince people that it's worth it.

This. And marketing isn't just doing ads and sending out emails. Naming your game is marketing. Deciding what kind of game to make in the first place is marketing. And yes, pricing your game is marketing.
Heh i can only imagine

I think those folks who think Gaf will melt down when NMS is announced as a fully priced game are barking up the wrong tree.

The notion of NMS being anything less than $60 has long past. That game will be $60 and that is OK, the hype, the expectations have indicated as such.


Holy shit with this thread hitting 22+ pages in one day. Will be really interesting to see how this performs at the $40 price point. Clearly people are watching The Witness from both sides of the aisle and that this game has some built-in anticipation.

I'm really excited to play this. Hoping for some of that special magic I experienced with Fez/Braid/Limbo.
Certain genres seem to have a stigma that they "shouldn't" cost that much because of the perceived lack of value. Shmup, puzzle, even adventure games (thanks Telltale!) are some of those genres.

Ah, the Dariusburst Chronicles Saviours ($60 PS4, $50 Steam) debacle. I don't think a single argument in this thread was not had then.

This is entirely anecdotal, but my experience with that game was that the price complaints faded away and we were left with a fairly enthusiastic community and a game that continues to get active support past release.


It's possible, but you're basing that on absolutely nothing.

Yes we know the game will be long based off the Dev's comments. But what does that mean? If the puzzles and game play get old and repetitive after 3-5 hours it really wouldn't matter that there are hundreds of puzzles and tens of hours of game play. Saying a game is x hours long doesn't immediately justify a price point.

Saying that based on trailers and press. After 30 years it's easy to tell what games will be good and what games won't. Obviously I could be completely wrong.


Oh of course it will feel artificial. It's a demo. I think it's in their best interests to have an interactive thing that actually shows off what the game has to offer though, especially since this is something that people have difficulty really "getting" until they experience it.

Steam gives 2 hour trials for every game.


And this is why it is getting the reaction that Talos Principle didn't, lol. There is just so much more attention on this game due to the developer and the long development cycle.

Some really hate Blow. Did he piss a console faction off or something?


I'm not paying that much for a digital game. If the game is good and interests me ill buy it physically if an option exists. Length of the game has nothing to do with it.


Don't get defensive. Just easy to spot the difference in indie game price expectations between those who mainly game on consoles versus those who primarily game on PC.

You shouldn't really generalize like that. I'm mainly a console gamer (even if I have a capable pc too) and I know I'm not the only one getting this day one or asking for the 'indie' stigma to disappear.

I'm sure you don't agree with those that say pc gamers are easy to spot because they're allways waiting for a -75% sale or a bundle.


Neo Member
Man, how spoiled are gamers complaining about this price? $40 for at least 70 hours of content is a BARGAIN by any measure. Sure, Blow can sound like a real dick sometimes but he's put 6 years into the game and has clearly made an effort to make something unique (and obviously beautiful and packed with content). Sign me up.

Need I remind y'all that The Order 1886 was $60 at retail?

I use the movie formula: It costs me $15 minimum to go see a 2-hour movie (not even counting snacks and drinks). $7.50/hour isn't a great deal but that's pretty much the max I'm going to happily pay. I'd say The Witness has that beat by a little bit.
Some really hate Blow. Did he piss a console faction off or something?
He's opinionated as a games developer. He was the subject of a movie. He doesn't always look the most happy. He's challenging things in the industry rather than accepting. That's all that is needed. Game devs are seen as a quiet bunch just toiling away at their wares.


Divinity: Original Sin is $40, digital only, and according to SteamSpy has sold nearly a million copies on Steam. Talos Principle is $40, digital only, and is at nearly half a million copies.

The funny thing is that none of these games (Divinity, Talos, or The Witness) are digital-only on PS4. At least, a physical release for The Witness has not been ruled out.
He's opinionated as a games developer. He was the subject of a movie. He doesn't always look the most happy. He's challenging things in the industry rather than accepting. That's all that is needed.Game devs are seen as a quiet bunch just toiling away at their wares.

Jonathan Blow I command you to

I feel like people who won't buy this game at $40 wouldn't have bought it at $20 either. It's a type of game that either speaks to you or it doesn't, and I would say that those it does speak to are generally those who are more inclined to buy a game regardless of price

This is a good point. This games demand could be very inelastic to prices.

Personally, I only have moderate interest in the game and will hold out for $10 Steam sale.
Talos Principle is 39.99? If that's the case, why is there still even a conversation going on?

Because for some reason "indie" means less than 30 dollars. Why? Dunno. Apparently the lack of a big name publisher means much less work, time and money must have gone into the production of the game, therefore Jonathon Blow is a scam artist.

Why? Again, dunno. Ask the people with the arms in their air.
I wonder how the number of puzzles are counted. Does the two intro puzzles (straight and angled line) from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SWBC8-68qo count as separate puzzles? What about the boat in one of the trailers where you use a puzzle square to select a destination?

Presumably everything you solve counts as a puzzle. There are many types of puzzles we've seen and every type is going to start off with a tutorial of some kind.

And I would guess the boat controls are hiding some kind of puzzle too.


Talos Principle is 39.99? If that's the case, why is there still even a conversation going on?

I bought Talos Prinicple for that price and I'm still holding off on The Witness until I can hear more impressions/see more of the late game. A large number of puzzles means nothing to me if they're not good puzzles. I could get a book of hundreds of Sudoku puzzles for a few dollars but I don't like Sudoku so that would be a waste of a few dollars.

I think people have every right to be skeptical, when Blow has a few great games under his belt they will be a lot more willing to pay full price for his games.
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