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Thurrott: MS to announce a new standard Xbox controller and maybe Xbox Elite at E3

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So still no noise about this? I am little worried now, they might not even announce a revision otherwise we would have at least heard SOMETHING.

Spencer got that shit locked down!

I'm keeping my expectations low for some kind of upgraded hardware announcement at E3 (although I do believe they're cooking up something for further down the road)


Spencer got that shit locked down!

I'm keeping my expectations low for some kind of upgraded hardware announcement at E3 (although I do believe they're cooking up something for further down the road)

eh developers would have to get hardware by now so an upgraded xbox is probably not at e3
Just expect nothing, except for just a slim Xbox probably. And then.... who knows, MS might pull a Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book in terms of a surprise announcement. But I think we can be pretty sure that MS is not just ignoring all this, sooner or later they have to have an answer to this.


Just expect nothing, except for just a slim Xbox probably. And then.... who knows, MS might pull a Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book in terms of a surprise announcement. But I think we can be pretty sure that MS is not just ignoring all this, sooner or later they have to have an answer to this.

Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book don't require giving developers documentation or devkits to get software. And presumably, developers are where most leaks occur (GDC, and now SDK documentation sent out with devkits in the case of PS4 Neo).


eh developers would have to get hardware by now so an upgraded xbox is probably not at e3

Would they? How far in advance does a developer get when new GPU's are announced/released?

By all indications these upgraded systems have better running CPU, GPU and Memory, if dev tools stay the same and it is just more power, it would not be something devs would need that far in advance. I am not a dev, so I don't know, but since these supposed upgraded consoles are not a whole new dev platform, not sure how much advance dev kits they would need if something is coming out in November. Introduce it in June, send dev kits out at end of June and release in November. gives devs 4 months to get use to using more power before games need to go into certification.


While watching that first Battlefield 1 trailer it got me thinking how it'll likely be 720p again on Xbox One. Maybe not even a locked 60fps either, because they are probably going all out with this one. PS4 probably 900p and Neo... we can only guess what that'll be.

And that's only going to be the beginning, I am sure many more games will follow. This is all speculation but not far fetched at all. God I hope MS will keep up. Because even if I get all the multiplats for Neo eventually, several of my friends won't go near PlayStation, so yeah... that would suck. Let's wait and see.

Yup that were my thoughts too.

Really dont wanna play that in 720p again...

Neo here i come.

I think that MS waiting until next E3 to announce the Xbox one successor for the 2017 holidays would be the best case scenario.

As waiting an extra tear would not really do them any extra harm right now. I'd rather they knock it out of the park with a decent leap in for the system as a whole. Neo may take another year to really start seeing games use it's extra performance when compared to the PS4. Do we even know if recently released games will be patched to use the extra power of the Neo as of yet? And how many games do people think will be targeted for Neo off the gate when it does release (or months after it's release).


I think that MS waiting until next E3 to announce the Xbox one successor for the 2017 holidays would be the best case scenario.

As waiting an extra tear would not really do them any extra harm right now. I'd rather they knock it out of the park with a decent leap in for the system as a whole. Neo make take another year to really start seeing games use it's extra performance when compared to the PS4. Do we even know if recently released games will be patched to use the extra power of the Neo as of yet? And how many games do people think will be targeted for Neo off the gate when it does release (or months after it's release).

According to the documents that some sites claim to have Sony is leaving it up to devs to patch in better performance for existing games. I would assume, Sony would want to have something that shows the extra power, so I am banking on them having a few older games or recently released games with a patch that takes advantage of it. I mean, they would have to have something to show consumers why they should choose the NEO over a regular PS4.

My Money is on Uncharted 4 getting patched with 60fps single player option. Perhaps a few other games as well.
Countless articles and rumours about both Sony and Nintendo's new boxes have appeared over the last 4-6 weeks and it's as quiet as a monks abbey during it's vow of silence month from Microsoft.

I really don't think iterative hardware is coming this year and we'll just get a slim.

The way the market is headed that's risky business from MS. Going to be a really interesting E3 this year to see who blinks first.
I am really not enthused about making the choice between friends and a massive power gap on Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2. Make a new box Microsoft, and make it quick.


Junior Member
Countless articles and rumours about both Sony and Nintendo's new boxes have appeared over the last 4-6 weeks and it's as quiet as a monks abbey during it's vow of silence month from Microsoft.

I really don't think iterative hardware is coming this year and we'll just get a slim.

The way the market is headed that's risky business from MS. Going to be a really interesting E3 this year to see who blinks first.

Well, no one saw X360 BC coming last year so anything is possible.


So still no noise about this? I am little worried now, they might not even announce a revision otherwise we would have at least heard SOMETHING.

There hasn't been leaks from Microsoft as a whole for a while now. Without cboat and ntkrnl, Microsoft's releases would have gone relatively unspoiled in the past - so it's not surprising that we're not hearing anything without those types of ridiculously inside sources.

For example, they ran a tight ship with the Surface Book reveal.


I'm hoping for a smaller Xbox One. If they can get the hardware a bit smaller and the price down to $199 I'd probably nab one for shits and/or giggles.
Well, no one saw X360 BC coming last year so anything is possible.

True but that would have been an internal initiative, with new hardware they would have to let their industry partners know what's going on and we've heard absolutely nothing, at all. There would at least be murmurings' if something was happening and due to be released in the next 6 months, right?


MS are making changes this year. If they were waiting for E3 next year, they probably could take more time on those changes. what would the rush be?
True but that would have been an internal initiative, with new hardware they would have to let their industry partners know what's going on and we've heard absolutely nothing, at all. There would at least be murmurings' if something was happening and due to be released in the next 6 months, right?

While it might not be much, we have most definitely seen what could potentially be interpreted as hints of an upgraded console.




Surface Pro 4 and Surface Book don't require giving developers documentation or devkits to get software. And presumably, developers are where most leaks occur (GDC, and now SDK documentation sent out with devkits in the case of PS4 Neo).

Exactly. You'd think there would have been at least one anonymous developer leaking information. These really seem to be the signs that it's not happening.

Hope you're wrong because Microsoft will seem pretty damn dead in the water otherwise.

That remains to be seen. MS could be announcing a nice list of interesting new exclusives for this and next year to keep people coming back to Xbox One. It sure won't be for the multiplats though.

I am really not enthused about making the choice between friends and a massive power gap on Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2. Make a new box Microsoft, and make it quick.

I am in the exact same boat as you. I don't have a PS4 yet and it's undoubtedly going to be the new one for me anyway, but when I do get one there will be no good reason to get a much inferior version of a multiplatform game. Except for the shitty thing that I won't be playing with a few of my friends who will stick with Xbox One no matter what.

You'd think MS has taken these things into account, because for sure gamers are going to leave their system to play it on the superior one, for sure.
MS isn't letting anything get leaked lately. We really don't know what's going on with their upgraded system. Perhaps only few and I mean very few people know about it outside MS. They haven't said no new hardware at E3.

Do developers need new dev kits to make their games run on an upgraded system? Shouldn't all ps4 games work on neo without an update?
Just seen a not so subtle tweet from Tom Warren saying

Would be nice if the updated Xbox One was a lot smaller than the current model :)

On my phone so can't link to it but I would hazard a guess this just means a slim version? No new incremental hardware from MS at this E3?


MS has been super quiet I'm beginning to think they have either a very mediocre E3 or something insane.

If Panos' team are indeed developing the new box it explains the radio silence.


As far as I know any Xb1 revision would still have 16 DDR3 chips, unless they released a x32 bit bus or greater variant since 2013 with double or more density that i haven't heard of.

Surface Pro 3 has 8GB of DDR3 so smaller size is definitely possible.


MS has been super quiet I'm beginning to think they have either a very mediocre E3 or something insane.

If Panos' team are indeed developing the new box it explains the radio silence.

It's not an if, Panos' team is in charge of all things related to MS hardware nowadays. They got ish on lockdown. E3 is going to be fun to watch. If they release a slim with the same power, I'll probably not buy it this year. If they announce a more powerful one, then maybe.
MS has been super quiet I'm beginning to think they have either a very mediocre E3 or something insane.

If Panos' team are indeed developing the new box it explains the radio silence.

Panos' team is developing the next Xbox. Not some incremental mid-gen refresh. That's the reason why there has been no Dev-noise about an Xbox 1.5. It's not happening, and it won't be announced at E3 or at all, for that matter.

You'll get a slim console and games announcements, etc.

Next Year, you'll hear rumbling of the next big thing for Xbox.



Panos' team is developing the next Xbox. Not some incremental mid-gen refresh. That's the reason why there has been no Dev-noise about an Xbox 1.5. It's not happening, and it won't be announced at E3 or at all, for that matter.

You'll get a slim console and games announcements, etc.

Next Year, you'll hear rumbling of the next big thing for Xbox.

I agree with this assessment. I think there's a chance that the slim revision might have some new feature or something (microphone? 4K video playback?), but it will play games the same as the original hardware.
Boo to the slim. Boo. Already have an XBOX and not buying another one to gain 2 inches of cabinet space. This HK-47 needs power. POWAH! I will get a Neo and all my multiplats will go there until there is a new console. Give me legacy XBOX power. Not peripheral bullcrap like Kinect. Put all the peripheral money into the silicon please.
Goddamn it, if you're coming with a new Xbox One, go the extra mile and upgrade it while your at it. Would they actually only announce a smaller Xbox One and next year introduce a brand new one?


Goddamn it, if you're coming with a new Xbox One, go the extra mile and upgrade it while your at it. Would they actually only announce a smaller Xbox One and next year introduce a brand new one?
I agree, I'm in for an real upgrade.

Announcing a slim model with a true upgrade within a few months seems wasteful and feels like it would deliberately kill sales of the weaker model.


Would love to see an upgraded (spec wise) xbox one. All they have to do is give it the ability to play regular xbox one games and the pc version of games purchased from the Windows store. Its still gives MS their 30% by locking it to the Windows store so it makes financial since. Yet doesn't split the xbox one community by having two console versions. Perfect stop gap solution for their steambox "like" unit.
I had a 360 controller die on me recently. The left stick became loose in its socket.

Hopefully the new controller improves analog durability.
While it might not be much, we have most definitely seen what could potentially be interpreted as hints of an upgraded console.





Hmmm interesting. I don't think I had read that about EA before.

Even though there are no leaks about upgraded specs, it may be intentional. Maybe MS had these devs give their word about not leaking anything, while Sony wss clearly really ok with having all the info out there.

Anything can happen at this point I guess.


Gold Member
I had a 360 controller die on me recently. The left stick became loose in its socket.

Hopefully the new controller improves analog durability.

Uh... You realize the XB1 has been out almost 3 years, right?

This thread is not about the 360. But great post!

I'm really hoping for a slim. I love revised consoles.
According to the documents that some sites claim to have Sony is leaving it up to devs to patch in better performance for existing games. I would assume, Sony would want to have something that shows the extra power, so I am banking on them having a few older games or recently released games with a patch that takes advantage of it. I mean, they would have to have something to show consumers why they should choose the NEO over a regular PS4.

My Money is on Uncharted 4 getting patched with 60fps single player option. Perhaps a few other games as well.

Those same documents said all PS4 games released after October had to have a Neo Mode. So there should be quite a few games out with the Neo upgrades if the same documents you are referencing are true.


Would probably get the slim. Moving/traveling with the XBO is a pain in the ass.

Wouldn't surprise me if we got a Slim this year, and then a heavily upgraded console launching holiday 2017. That gets MS into the game of more iterative consoles while still being able to sell the ".0" upgrade that Phil was talking about. (as in, he doesn't like "half steps" apparently)

Who really knows at this point, though! Only 4 weeks away, I'm excited.


Hopefully they make the PSU internal and universal voltage. Ridiculous for a console this size.

Ew at internal PSU. I like my Xbox One quiet. That's like the same shit with people wanting an internal battery for the controller. Like hell the fuck no.
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