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Thurrott: MS to announce a new standard Xbox controller and maybe Xbox Elite at E3

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Steam on Xbox? That doesn't even make sense at all.

I dunno, depends on where Microsoft's priorities are. If they care about getting Windows 10 into as many homes as possible, I could see them turning on Steam for Xbox. If they care more about driving people to the Windows 10 Store, then no, may not make as much sense.

My bet is we see Steam enabled on whatever the next iteration of Xbox is.


Whatever is going at Microsoft they've really managed to keep this under wraps. It's amazing nothing has been leaked, same can almost be said for Nintendo. We really dont know anything for either of these systems. The idea of a new Xbox has got me really interested though.

I would be amazed if they have nothing in the pipe.

Neo releases with the boast "4 x more powerful than the xbox one" and with full backwards forwards compatibility, the point of the incremental is to keep the same customers between gens... If people started moving over or future customers going neo instead of Xbone then... well...



That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Awwwwwww

Whatever is going at Microsoft they've really managed to keep this under wraps. It's amazing nothing has been leaked, same can almost be said for Nintendo. We really dont know anything for either of these systems. The idea of a new Xbox has got me really interested though.

It's definitely intriguing given the new leadership and how well they have bounced back from that launch. This new console will define what they have planned for the future of Xbox.

I think it's more plausible PS4k will hit around 3-4TF and Xbox Next going around 6-7TF, while being spaced about 6 months apart. But my question is.. what will that do to development, wouldn't that fragment everything a lot?


I dunno, depends on where Microsoft's priorities are. If they care about getting Windows 10 into as many homes as possible, I could see them turning on Steam for Xbox. If they care more about driving people to the Windows 10 Store, then no, may not make as much sense.

My bet is we see Steam enabled on whatever the next iteration of Xbox is.
Enabling steam on a console is the best way to never get more money from the people that bought that console. Getting as many people to use Windows 10 with out using the windows store would be idiotic.


Enabling steam on a console is the best way to never get more money from the people that bought that console. Getting as many people to use Windows 10 with out using the windows store would be idiotic.

Thant's why I think that it will be difficult to see the Oculus Rift coming to Xbox One. But I really hope I'm wrong.


That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Awwwwwww

It's definitely intriguing given the new leadership and how well they have bounced back from that launch. This new console will define what they have planned for the future of Xbox.

I think it's more plausible PS4k will hit around 3-4TF and Xbox Next going around 6-7TF, while being spaced about 6 months apart. But my question is.. what will that do to development, wouldn't that fragment everything a lot?

I guess that's why there pushing for uwp, to stay away from fragmenting everything. Maybe someone with more technical knowledge can explain it, my background is in economics not tech.


Thant's why I think that it will be difficult to see the Oculus Rift coming to Xbox One. But I really hope I'm wrong.

Do you see microsoft creating their own vr headset? Forza and a Halo multplayer game would lend well to the vr space.
While watching that first Battlefield 1 trailer it got me thinking how it'll likely be 720p again on Xbox One. Maybe not even a locked 60fps either, because they are probably going all out with this one. PS4 probably 900p and Neo... we can only guess what that'll be.

And that's only going to be the beginning, I am sure many more games will follow. This is all speculation but not far fetched at all. God I hope MS will keep up. Because even if I get all the multiplats for Neo eventually, several of my friends won't go near PlayStation, so yeah... that would suck. Let's wait and see.


Enabling steam on a console is the best way to never get more money from the people that bought that console. Getting as many people to use Windows 10 with out using the windows store would be idiotic.

Yeah. Thats the last thing they'd do. Hell I think the only reason we're seeing more xbox games on pc is because of the windows store that gets them similar revenue to a xbox sale.

I kind of expect ms to go more down the road of trying to get the equivalent of steamboxes happening using win10 and the windows store. And the epackaging for the windows store tech they showed at build would help on the software side.
While watching that first Battlefield 1 trailer it got me thinking how it'll likely be 720p again on Xbox One. Maybe not even a locked 60fps either, because they are probably going all out with this one. PS4 probably 900p and Neo... we can only guess what that'll be.

And that's only going to be the beginning, I am sure many more games will follow. This is all speculation but not far fetched at all. God I hope MS will keep up. Because even if I get all the multiplats for Neo eventually, several of my friends won't go near PlayStation, so yeah... that would suck. Let's wait and see.

Yup that were my thoughts too.

Really dont wanna play that in 720p again...

Neo here i come.
I'm guessing MS have something planned. But only people internally know. Hence why no leaks.

They will announce it at E3 with a spring release.


Do you see microsoft creating their own vr headset? Forza and a Halo multplayer game would lend well to the vr space.

Forza, yes definitely. Halo, not so much. Traditional first person shooters like that tend tend to be pretty bad in VR in regards to simulator sickness. Halo would be the worst because it's all about strafing side to side while lining up shots. And trying to change the mechanics to fit VR like using motion controls or something would absolutely gut the Halo gameplay IMO.

I'm a massive Halo fan, it's probably my favorite game franchise, but to me it's also a perfect example of why VR will never be able to replace traditional 2D gaming. They offer very different experiences, there's no point trying to push things into VR that don't belong there even though I understand the urge: Halo VR does sound awesome at first until you try to think about how that would actually work in VR...


Forza, yes definitely. Halo, not so much. Traditional first person shooters like that tend tend to be pretty bad in VR in regards to simulator sickness. Halo would be the worst because it's all about strafing side to side while lining up shots. And trying to change the mechanics to fit VR like using motion controls or something would absolutely gut the Halo gameplay IMO.

I'm a massive Halo fan, it's probably my favorite game franchise, but to me it's also a perfect example of why VR will never be able to replace traditional 2D gaming. They offer very different experiences, there's no point trying to push things into VR that don't belong there even though I understand the urge: Halo VR does sound awesome at first until you try to think about how that would actually work in VR...

Sorry I should have been clear I didn't mean a traditional Halo game. Either an rts or a multiplayer only with your helmet acting as a cockpit view. Probably with slower movement.
I heard fps don't do well in vr.


I forgot I asked earlier, if their internal teams are already making game uwp, do they even have to tell anyone about a new xbox? If games would work regardless then why mention the system if they are trying to stay quiet about it. This is of course assuming what others said earlier that it could be backwards compatible with xbox one.


I agree with much of what you've got here. Regarding the bolded, I think it's crucial for MS to wait for 10nm in creating the SOC in the next Xbox, even if that means having Xbox One competing against PS4 Neo for a year or more.

With PC graphics accelerating away from consoles at a faster rate with yesterday's official reveal of GTX 1080, which will only continue in H1 2017 with the large die GPUs and HBM2, I am personally looking forward to much shorter cycles on the console side of things. I'd be fine with PS4 Neo in Q4 2016 or Q1 2017, 'Xbox Vega' in 2018 and 'PS Zen' in 2020. (just using AMD names for the heck of it, for fun).
Yup that were my thoughts too.

Really dont wanna play that in 720p again...

Neo here i come.

Yeah but I hope that won't be necessary and I hope MS sees it that way too. Unless there's going to be cross play for this game, that way I can still match up with my friends who would play it on Xbox One, but I doubt it will work like that.

As someone here said before, why would Phil Spencer out of thr blue mention those possible plans for Xbox One if it wasn't going to be for either this year or next year. Why even mention that at all? But then there's his second quote that makes it all doubtful a little, unless he's planning on really introducing a generational leap Xbox One. I guess it all depends a lot on the president of MS as well, does he see any potential in introducing a new Xbox already, if their current one really isn't doing terrible?same goes for Sony though, their console is doing great, still they come with a big upgrade. I definitely think it could work for MS, at first only the hardcore gamers will buy the new one so they can play the latest games as best as possible and maybe later more people will follow or will actually just buy or stick with Xbox One.

Of course I cant speak for others whom right now have Xbox One as their main console, but for the first time ever I will be having a different console as main, while that always has been Xbox ever since the first one. That can't possibly be MS' intention, by driving their customers to the competition. Again I can only speak for myself but I can definitely see many more people choosing Neo over it.


Do you see microsoft creating their own vr headset? Forza and a Halo multplayer game would lend well to the vr space.

If Microsoft go the VR route, I think they will make the Xbox Next Oculus Ready, or work with Oculus to do a Xbox VR Headset (like what Oculus did with the Samsung Gear VR).


MS said they have two big technological announcements this year on the scale of the 360 emulator, forgot who specifically said it

I believe he said they are "working on two big things" but in a sense as the BC, where they don´t even know if it can work some day.


I'm guessing MS have something planned. But only people internally know. Hence why no leaks.

They will announce it at E3 with a spring release.

I'm still holding out hope it'll launch when Gears 4 does and that'll be the showcase game....not very realistic though I know.

Eh they'll still get my $$ with a new Slim version or a Gears special edition console lol....
I think it's more plausible PS4k will hit around 3-4TF and Xbox Next going around 6-7TF, while being spaced about 6 months apart. But my question is.. what will that do to development, wouldn't that fragment everything a lot?

First off - HAH! You legit think the iterated Xbox would be that much more powerful? For starters, one of the first considerations would be price for the market, not power. Power won't do anything; we have generations upon generations that show us that hardware power does not matter when it comes to deciding the market leader in the console space. It's not why the PS4 is dominating, despite what many would have you believe.

A jump that high in power would be largely irrelevant. The GCD would be the 60 million PS4/X1 users, and that userbase will continue to steadily grow since the PS4K & New X1 will drive the price down of their base line models. All games in development will target the GCD userbase, first & foremost. The point of these iterative machines is that its the same game you purchase, not different skus.
I believe he said they are "working on two big things" but in a sense as the BC, where they don´t even know if it can work some day.
I have two guesses:

- Bringing xbone games to the windows store and the super xbone by porting the game OS Vm to PC (and enabling it to run in higher res and framerate without requiring an game update)

- Making a sort of a wrapper so devs can easily add controller support to Pc games brought to the store/xbone via Project Centennial.
maybe theres nothing to leak ? idk man i wanna believe but times running out unless they actually reveal something at e3 as opposed to a dedicated event

I believe it's harder to leak on Ms side because of two things:

When dealing with hardware only they showed they can manage to keep a leak free development, both the Surface and the Surface book never leaked (and that same team is in charge of this new hardware, so they could be just as tightly being developed without anyone).

Unlike Sony, and thanks to uwp Ms doesn't need to give super xbone devkits so devs can work on super xbone games. It's been pointed out in this forum that Ms is making everyone switch to UWP when developing for xbone, if Ms actually delivers on their promise they would only need to provide low level apis for the new console at the very last minute so devs could optimize for it. And no devkits makes it harder for devs to leak. We pretty much only knew about PS4k when developers were being briefed to the new console and they when they got the devkits.


Gold Member
Unlike Sony, and thanks to uwp Ms doesn't need to give super xbone devkits so devs can work on super xbone games. It's been pointed out in this forum that Ms is making everyone switch to UWP when developing for xbone, if Ms actually delivers on their promise they would only need to provide low level apis for the new console at the very last minute so devs could optimize for it. And no devkits makes it harder for devs to leak. We pretty much only knew about PS4k when developers were being briefed to the new console and they when they got the devkits.

So you are suggesting the reason for no leaks is due to moving to an open box as per Phils original comments of a self upgradable unit?
I really don't see that event before E3 happening anymore. Personally I believe they would have announced that before even announcing their E3 plans. It wouldn't surprise me if they show a lot of previously announced games and also plenty of new games and hope they can sit it out for a little longer. Has any company ever announced a brand new and much improved console at their E3 show before? Of course there's a first time for everything.


Forza, yes definitely. Halo, not so much. Traditional first person shooters like that tend tend to be pretty bad in VR in regards to simulator sickness. Halo would be the worst because it's all about strafing side to side while lining up shots. And trying to change the mechanics to fit VR like using motion controls or something would absolutely gut the Halo gameplay IMO.

I'm a massive Halo fan, it's probably my favorite game franchise, but to me it's also a perfect example of why VR will never be able to replace traditional 2D gaming. They offer very different experiences, there's no point trying to push things into VR that don't belong there even though I understand the urge: Halo VR does sound awesome at first until you try to think about how that would actually work in VR...



I really don't see that event before E3 happening anymore. Personally I believe they would have announced that before even announcing their E3 plans. It wouldn't surprise me if they show a lot of previously announced games and also plenty of new games and hope they can sit it out for a little longer. Has any company ever announced a brand new and much improved console at their E3 show before? Of course there's a first time for everything.

The event site changes are still weird to me but I guess they could've also done a private event for devs and pubs. I'm unsure whether we will see the new xbox this E3 or just the slim. But the former is definitely coming (next year)
The event site changes are still weird to me but I guess they could've also done a private event for devs and pubs. I'm unsure whether we will see the new xbox this E3 or just the slim. But the former is definitely coming (next year)

Yeah I think MS can manage a few more months, especially if they have interesting games. Your guess would be announcement at E3 next year and release at holiday or even earlier?


I dunno, depends on where Microsoft's priorities are. If they care about getting Windows 10 into as many homes as possible, I could see them turning on Steam for Xbox. If they care more about driving people to the Windows 10 Store, then no, may not make as much sense.

My bet is we see Steam enabled on whatever the next iteration of Xbox is.

Why does this keep coming up? It'll never happen.
So you are suggesting the reason for no leaks is due to moving to an open box as per Phils original comments of a self upgradable unit?
He hasn't said anythingabout an upgradeable unit as far as I know. It was some article or gaf thread with a wonky headline. Happy to be proven wrong if you can find quotes.


He hasn't said anythingabout an upgradeable unit as far as I know. It was some article or gaf thread with a wonky headline. Happy to be proven wrong if you can find quotes.

Yeah, in fact I believe he has said that a unit isn't going to be upgradable. If by upgradable you mean upgrade it yourself.
So you are suggesting the reason for no leaks is due to moving to an open box as per Phils original comments of a self upgradable unit?
No, not a self upgradeable console, but development decoupled from the hardware. They can develop xbone super games without developing specially for it.

Until of course they announce it and started giving devkits and add the low level apis into the sdk so devs can make the final tune in performance.


First off - HAH! You legit think the iterated Xbox would be that much more powerful? For starters, one of the first considerations would be price for the market, not power. Power won't do anything; we have generations upon generations that show us that hardware power does not matter when it comes to deciding the market leader in the console space. It's not why the PS4 is dominating, despite what many would have you believe.

A jump that high in power would be largely irrelevant. The GCD would be the 60 million PS4/X1 users, and that userbase will continue to steadily grow since the PS4K & New X1 will drive the price down of their base line models. All games in development will target the GCD userbase, first & foremost. The point of these iterative machines is that its the same game you purchase, not different skus.
There is nothing legit about my statement, hence my question on fragmentation of development. At this point everything is speculation.


Gold Member
He hasn't said anythingabout an upgradeable unit as far as I know. It was some article or gaf thread with a wonky headline. Happy to be proven wrong if you can find quotes.

It might all come down to interpretation as Polygon states -

He argued that consoles could and should be upgradeable, like PCs

Spencer said that Xbox One owners could be offered optional hardware upgrades in the future, that allows the console to keep up with emerging and competing technologies.

The closest to it from Phil without having to read between the lines was this-

If you look at PC specifically and see the evolution that happens there, there's no reason why console can't ride that same curve.



It might all come down to interpretation as Polygon states -

The closest to it from Phil without having to read between the lines was this-


He backtracked a little on that statement a few days later. He was said he wouldn't want a user upgradable console but rather the ability to release new, more powerful hardware as it makes sense rather than riding out a "generation" with the same hardware just because it is what has always been done. I fully expect a new Xbox by no later than next year that is a significant step up from the Xbox One while maintaining forwards and backwards compatibility between the systems systems for at least 2 more years. When the successor to that new Xbox comes out, support for the Xbox One will probably be dropped as that will have put it at around 6-7 years of support which is a really solid amount if time for a console to be on the market.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
So still no noise about this? I am little worried now, they might not even announce a revision otherwise we would have at least heard SOMETHING.
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