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Thurrott: MS to announce a new standard Xbox controller and maybe Xbox Elite at E3

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im pretty sure shinobi meant "i do believe theres a powerful console coming" and not "theres a powerful console coming"

thats no confirmation at all
Think of it from outside the box, would Phil make any comments about him wanting to see mid-generational upgrades this year (early this year) if something wasn't coming this year?
Why couldn't he wait until holiday times or early next year to state those things if the next Xbox was coming out next year?

Yep I definitely agree with you on that man. It would make plenty of sense to announce a new one after all that, but I don't know man. I have a feeling it's not going to happen. Even if MS managed to do a much better job this time with not having any leaks.... Wouldn't there still be something? Some rumours from some anonymous source?

Rather not get my hopes up. But if not this year, it definitely has to be next year otherwise that would suck bigtime. Once I get that Neo, it probably won't take long until that becomes my main and I have the X1 for exclusives. But I wouldn't like that outcome personally. MS not keeping up with Sony, a much much bigger gap..... I just find that odd.

im pretty sure shinobi meant "i do believe theres a powerful console coming" and not "theres a powerful console coming"

thats no confirmation at all

It seems he thinks there will be one, that's what it looks like to me. But we don't know if he actually knows something.


my hard graphic balls
Yep I definitely agree with you on that man. It would make plenty of sense to announce a new one after all that, but I don't know man. I have a feeling it's not going to happen. Even if MS managed to do a much better job this time with not having any leaks.... Wouldn't there still be something? Some rumours from some anonymous source?

Rather not get my hopes up. But if not this year, it definitely has to be next year otherwise that would suck bigtime. Once I get that Neo, it probably won't take long until that becomes my main and I have the X1 for exclusives. But I wouldn't like that outcome personally. MS not keeping up with Sony, a much much bigger gap..... I just find that odd.

It seems he thinks there will be one, that's what it looks like to me. But we don't know if he actually knows something.
I mean they still have time, but yea it's cutting it real close. Developers need probably at least 4-6 months with the new devkits, so if it launches in November then devkits should be ready around May.
The last we know is not entirely concrete, but that "XboxEvents" website redirecting to a different IP, suggesting an event may be imminent. A dedicated hardware event in mid-late May, maybe then they send out devkits, maybe send some engineers to assist (if they do indeed think they are short on time).
But yea, time is running out, we should have leaks this month for sure if something is happening.


I mean they still have time, but yea it's cutting it real close. Developers need probably at least 4-6 months with the new devkits, so if it launches in November then devkits should be ready around May.
The last we know is not entirely concrete, but that "XboxEvents" website redirecting to a different IP, suggesting an event may be imminent. A dedicated hardware event in mid-late May, maybe then they send out devkits, maybe send some engineers to assist (if they do indeed think they are short on time).
But yea, time is running out, we should have leaks this month for sure if something is happening.
This wouldn't be a new platform though, so I don't think developers would need new kits as early. Chances are it would use the same same development tools with some added options, and one of the goals of UWP seems to be making cross device development easier. If MS wants to regain some mindshare then I personally believe they need to get out ahead of the Neo. Being the only new console this holiday would be a pretty big deal. I think the biggest factor is what the specs are, and if production will be able to deliver those specs this Fall or next Spring.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the redirected xbox event website. That is interesting and could line up with rumors about a separate event. However invites should be going out soon for this. I mean if this is going to be before E3 they should send them soon for the press.


my hard graphic balls
This wouldn't be a new platform though, so I don't think developers would need new kits as early. Chances are it would use the same same development tools with some added options, and one of the goals of UWP seems to be making cross device development easier. If MS wants to regain some mindshare then I personally believe they need to get out ahead of the Neo. Being the only new console this holiday would be a pretty big deal. I think the biggest factor is what the specs are, and if production will be able to deliver those specs this Fall or next Spring.
Yea I was thinking the same. For developers these new consoles (PS/Xbox) would be no different except for the fact that they just have more resources available to them. But if they know how to develop for XBO then by default they know how to develop for Xbox 1.5, so they wouldn't need a long period of time to learn it.
More so they just might want to take the easy way out for this holday's titles and just increase resolution/fps on the new boxes, without adding anything more asset-wise. Sure it will still take time to optimize just for res/fps, but less so than would be needed to have newer assets as well.


Persecution Complex
What are the chances of a small overclock on the Slim?

I love my Xbox One but damn is it one big, ugly console. Certainly compared to the pleasing aesthetic of the PlayStation 4. Love the fact that the Xbox One is practically silent when it's running though.

I'd take any 2 TB Xbox One Slim at this point but I think we'll be getting a pretty significant upgrade whether through resolution or elsewhere compared to the same 1 TB/500 GB model we've had since 2013.

We'll be hitting 3 years since the XBO/PS4 launch in NA.


I agree with the points that have been made. I could see a more powerful Xbox launching alongside exclusive Xbox games (Forza, Gears) that show off the system's power. Then 2017 would be when third party companies start making games look better on the newer model.
I mean they still have time, but yea it's cutting it real close. Developers need probably at least 4-6 months with the new devkits, so if it launches in November then devkits should be ready around May.
The last we know is not entirely concrete, but that "XboxEvents" website redirecting to a different IP, suggesting an event may be imminent. A dedicated hardware event in mid-late May, maybe then they send out devkits, maybe send some engineers to assist (if they do indeed think they are short on time).
But yea, time is running out, we should have leaks this month for sure if something is happening.

It's definitely still possible. Unless they actually plan to reveal it during E3, but I doubt that even more. Personally, when Phil Spencer said those things earlier this year, it seemed to me like he was talking about the future, that he definitely can see that happening for Xbox. Nobody really expected any of that Neo news though, maybe including MS and that would mean Sony has taken them by surprise. But an event announce can still happen, but I would have expected them to do that before announcing their E3 plans though.

We're just going to have to wait and see. It is in a way quite exciting but I honestly wish we knew more, I really want Xbox to keep up.
Because you can bet your ass that Rockstar and many other devs are going to take nice advantage of improved hardware.
Higher than you think. Finfet allows for much higher clocks.

I except the CPU to get a boost at least to address some of the sluggishness in the OS.
I figure a 10-15% bump in the CPU/GPU would smooth out the bigger frame rate dips in a bunch of games. And it wouldn't screw over people who are sticking with the Fat Bone in the short term, because MS could probably still use it as the base development spec until they run those models out.
Do we really think that developers would make all new assets for a PS4/XB neo version?
If the gpu power is only double (of ps4) and no change to the cpu, then that would make little sense in my opinion.

With the 360-ps4 we saw like a ~750% power increase in raw gpu power. If the rumors are to be believed, the ps4k would only be around 100% increase in raw gpu power.

That will likely only be enough to run games at a higher resolution, frame rate, or maybe improve something like draw distance and AA.

It is just my view, but I don't think 100% increase is enough increase to justify two unique sets of assets for a base version and neo version. Maybe some better effects or foliage density, but honestly I just think this whole thing is way over hyped on the expectations side.

But I could be wrong! Let's wait and see.


Do we really think that developers would make all new assets for a PS4/XB neo version?
If the gpu power is only double (of ps4) and no change to the cpu, then that would make little sense in my opinion.

With the 360-ps4 we saw like a ~750% power increase in raw gpu power. If the rumors are to be believed, the ps4k would only be around 100% increase in raw gpu power.

That will likely only be enough to run games at a higher resolution, frame rate, or maybe improve something like draw distance and AA.

It is just my view, but I don't think 100% increase is enough increase to justify two unique sets of assets for a base version and neo version. Maybe some better effects or foliage density, but honestly I just think this whole thing is way over hyped on the expectations side.

But I could be wrong! Let's wait and see.

I could potentially see hi-res texture packs being released for games to take advantage of more powerful hardware. I think what ultimately we will see is solid 1080p/30fps/60fps games depending on type of game with extremely good image quality. I can see more games with global illumination at 1080p/30fps with good IQ as well. It depends really how powerful these new machines will actually be.

I definitely welcome newer hardware. I understand the arguments against it, but for me, I welcome it and think it would be a positive thing as long as the hardware manufactures present and execute it.
I could potentially see hi-res texture packs being released for games to take advantage of more powerful hardware. I think what ultimately we will see is solid 1080p/30fps/60fps games depending on type of game with extremely good image quality. I can see more games with global illumination at 1080p/30fps with good IQ as well. It depends really how powerful these new machines will actually be.

I definitely welcome newer hardware. I understand the arguments against it, but for me, I welcome it and think it would be a positive thing as long as the hardware manufactures present and execute it.

From a consumer standpoint it is a really nice model to use. (Like a simpler form of the PC model that gives the consumer real choice and flexibility)

I think that my only real problem with it is if it would hurt developers as I tend to be developer first in my thinking. (even though I am not a developer, I am in school for animation and understand just how much work this stuff is)

If they (Sony or Microsoft or Nintendo) can find a developer friendly way to make a model of annual or bi-annual hardware upgrades work then I would be all for it.


I figure a 10-15% bump in the CPU/GPU would smooth out the bigger frame rate dips in a bunch of games. And it wouldn't screw over people who are sticking with the Fat Bone in the short term, because MS could probably still use it as the base development spec until they run those models out.

Jaguar can be clocked to 2.2 ghz. That's 26%.
GPU can prolly max out at 1.2 ghz. That's 42%.

Theoretical max so I think any overclock would be half way.


Why wouldn't MS release a XBOX Elite, a windows 10 PC with XBOX dashboard. You can play WIndows 10 games, xbox games, and load steam and play steam games too.
Why wouldn't MS release a XBOX Elite, a windows 10 PC with XBOX dashboard. You can play WIndows 10 games, xbox games, and load steam and play steam games too.

A Steam App on a Windows 10 Xbox is what I've been wanting for a while.

I'd still buy "Xbox" (Windows store games), as well - but having Steam on there, also, would be gigantic. Just make it a PC in my living room, please <- and yes, I'm aware that's possibly now - but I'd like to see the console world benefits merge with the PC world benefits...best of both worlds.


A Steam App on a Windows 10 Xbox is what I've been wanting for a while.

I'd still buy "Xbox" (Windows store games), as well - but having Steam on there, also, would be gigantic. Just make it a PC in my living room, please <- and yes, I'm aware that's possibly now - but I'd like to see the console world benefits merge with the PC world benefits...best of both worlds.

Maybe this is their trump card, which Sony would not have an easy answer to. It depends on how many want to pay a higher price. With the 150 dollar elite controller sales, maybe it told them it would work.


A Steam App on a Windows 10 Xbox is what I've been wanting for a while.

I'd still buy "Xbox" (Windows store games), as well - but having Steam on there, also, would be gigantic. Just make it a PC in my living room, please <- and yes, I'm aware that's possibly now - but I'd like to see the console world benefits merge with the PC world benefits...best of both worlds.

If MS wants to sell hardware, then it makes sense to put Steam on them.
If MS wants to increase Win10 app store userbase, then they definitely don't want steam.


Maybe this is their trump card, which Sony would not have an easy answer to. It depends on how many want to pay a higher price. With the 150 dollar elite controller sales, maybe it told them it would work.

MS said they have two big technological announcements this year on the scale of the 360 emulator, forgot who specifically said it



New Xbox will be '5 times more powerful' than PS4 Neo, rocks 10 TFLOPs

An unverified source told Italian games insider x-ray that Microsoft isn't going to counter Sony's PlayStation Neo with an Xbox One upgrade, but instead make the jump to the next generation. The insider claims the new Xbox NeXt will be extremely powerful and eclipse Sony's 4K-upscaled PS4 Neo, with performance up to 5-6 times that of the Neo with an insane 10 TFLOPs compute performance. Keep in mind the following quotes are translated, so there may be some margin of error.

"I got to to read some slides from Microsoft and AMD about the new Xbox, it is in effect a new model, not a re-visitation of one. They should announce this year at a separate event at E3 2016, but still a few days before fair. the announcement will be made this year but the release of the Xbox next is expected no earlier than next spring, to read the roadmap. It will be open to change hardware, I did not understand if via upgrade or if talking about modifications which may operate on-the-fly, before the release, it will be already extremely powerful starting, I think 5-6 times PS4 Neo, we are something in the order of over 10 TFLOPS, or so. "

"Well, [Xbox] One was a definite step forward as chipset, still has not been exploited even at 80%, there is still room for improvement to see the maximum from 'existing console, but talking with developers the Xbox team has noticed that you have focused too much on innovation and less on brute force, then I can tell you even now that will be a cross between one and a stark PC if we want to count the numbers. I mean that everything will be balanced as the current One, but each element will be equipped with large RAW Force starting from the system to the integrated HBM DDR4 memory in GPU. There will be discharge chips, but for lazy devs you can also bet on the computational power without incurring large compromises, the opposite situation to that of One. Panos Panay is overseeing the project and aesthetics of the console, I think it will be staggering. "

"The chip is based on the family Arctic Island of AMD 14-nanometer FinFET or Polaris-11 Vega, GCN 4.0 in production for this summer, will be custom-class, x86-x64 and always backward compatible with either 360 with One, in fact, the SO will always be virtualized, Win10 Redstone 2 the core of the operating system of choice. it will be sold at a loss; these two years are working, almost immediately after the arrival of One ".

"I can guarantee that the new Xbox One is in pre-production, AMD has signed three new agreements for this year and one last year. What the past year concerned the tax for the Slim model of One SoC, what this year is the three big industry, including Microsoft for the new console. There are four agreements, three only for this 2016 ".

This hardware seems to match up with recent claims that the Xbox One successor has been in pre-production since February 2016, and further matches up with reports that Microsoft is experimenting with Xbox consoles with higher-end PC-grade hardware.

FCC filings pretty much confirm that Microsoft is working on a new Xbox One, and AMD recently hinted at the same. Thurrot.com Brad Sams has brazenly declared a new Xbox console will be unveiled at E3 2016, along with a new standardized controller.

10 TFLOPs of performance is more than the 8.6 TFLOPs an AMD Radeon R9 Fury X can belt out, so we could see full native 4K gaming on the new Xbox NeXt. Phil Spencer has hinted that hardware upgrades, component swapping, and even possible external GPUs could come to next-gen Xbox consoles, so we could see that with the Xbox NeXt.

Even still, take these reports with a huge salt shaker full of sodium chloride. These specs are pretty insane in console standards, and represent a huge leap from what we current have on the market.



This was already called to be bullshit.

Yea, though I was surprised tweaktown put that right out there.

Edit: IGN had a much more reasonable article, without any crazy specs, just opinion.


Share. Microsoft's response to the rumored PlayStation 4 Neo can't afford to be a half measure.

We all saw what happened when the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 launched mere days apart. Everyone was glued to direct head-to-head comparisons to see which console would perform best, and almost across the board the PlayStation 4 won that fight &#8211; and at a lower cost to boot (due to the disastrous mandatory Kinect). Where the Xbox runs many games at 900p, the PS4 runs at 1080p. That difference might be all but imperceptible to people sitting across the room on a couch, especially when not viewing the two versions side by side, but the PS4&#8217;s performance was measurably and indisputably better. Microsoft had no counter-argument for that. It's worth noting that the Xbox One is not a failure by the sales standards of recent console generations, but the market has expanded and the Xbox isn't leading it anymore.

Microsoft&#8217;s Xbox group seems to acknowledge this. Xbox head Phil Spencer commented that he wasn&#8217;t &#8220;wild about the idea of an Xbox One And A Half&#8221; and that he&#8217;d want any future Xbox to be &#8220;a substantial change.&#8221; It&#8217;s a declaration that Microsoft intends to go big - no half measures. He wants a whole new Xbox generation.

What does that mean, as compared to what Sony appears to be doing with the PS4 Neo? Since any new Microsoft console would run the same operating system as the Xbox One and be fully backward compatible with its game library in the same way we expect the PS4 Neo to be, the difference would likely be largely a new marketing push that abandons the wounded Xbox One brand. Instead, Microsoft could launch a new Xbox name that doesn&#8217;t have the stink of the Kinect&#8217;s failure and inferior hardware specs following it around. The Xbox One would become the Windows ME or Windows Vista of the Microsoft console family history: a misstep that&#8217;s cut short and quickly swept under the rug and replaced.

Of course, what the hypothetical new Xbox is called doesn&#8217;t matter as much as what it can do, and in order to leapfrog Sony, Microsoft needs to put a clearly more powerful system into all our hands for an equal or lesser cost. Barring a miracle of engineering (which seems unlikely given the rumor that AMD will supply the processors for both new consoles) the only way to do that is to return to the days of subsidized consoles and sell the new Xbox at a loss.

I&#8217;m not suggesting that Microsoft repeat Sony&#8217;s PlayStation 3 mistake of losing an estimated $306 per console sold in the early days of manufacturing, but a more modest subsidy would still let Microsoft offer demonstrably superior hardware.

Additionally, with its recent push toward developing PC versions of its first-party games, Microsoft&#8217;s game library is better positioned to take advantage of new hardware than Sony&#8217;s. A game like Quantum Break, Gears of War 4, or Halo Wars 2 will likely include high-resolution textures and other graphics options meant for PCs that can run on maximum settings, but some of them could be switched on when used with a higher-end console.

Another reason for Microsoft to be aggressive in its next console is to gain the upper hand in the coming VR-enabled console war. Microsoft has no hardware of its own on this front, but it has already entered into some sort of partnership with Oculus. So far that&#8217;s only manifested in the included Xbox One controller and wireless dongle sold with every Oculus Rift headset, and the fairly useless ability to stream games from your Xbox One into a virtual theater seen within your PC-connected Rift.

It&#8217;s hard to believe the two companies bothered with a partnership that ends there, but if it does, Microsoft should expand upon it.


Gold Member
I could potentially see hi-res texture packs being released for games to take advantage of more powerful hardware.
Games made under UWP would already have these hi res texture options in the PC version. Could be as simple as automatically enabling these when the game is played on the new xbox hardware.
Higher than you think. Finfet allows for much higher clocks.

I except the CPU to get a boost at least to address some of the sluggishness in the OS.
FinFET is to address the issue that as you reduce the node/transistor junction size you get more static (off) leakage. There are two generations of 14nm FinFET with only the second able to support faster clocked CPUs and GPUs. That second generation is why ZEN had to wait till this year (2016). APUs using 14nm FinFET and HBM start in 2017 and will be expensive compared to NEO.

I've said this before; because Sony moved the ARM IP out of the APU they could use GDDR5 and if needed GDDR5X. They could move to a new node without using HBM while Microsoft has to use HBM. With HBM and their virtual OS, Microsoft can jump to more than NEO performance limited by cost (die size & HBM & Interposer) and TDP. If NEO is using 14 nm FinFET and is limited by TDP then Microsoft will be limited to the same plus any efficiencies available in the 25X more efficient by 2020 roadmap. A wild guess would be if Neo is at 4 TF then Microsoft in 2017 could manage 6 TF.

A very well done Youtube pointed out AMD designs lend themselves to two or more smaller GPUs on an interposer with KGD (Known Good Die) allowing for higher yields. Charlie at Semi-accurate in 2013 was mentioning this as well as PS4 with a two chip design and XB1 one chip with Sony planning faster iterations. He was getting this from, we thought at the time, AMD "moles".

I have to laugh as 5/2015 a job posting for a game developer working on game to develop and test a new Sony console prompted speculation it was a PS5 and modbot thought it was nothing new and locked the thread. It was Likely the PS4.5. PS5 is likely in the 2020's when there is significant GPU design change to support 4K games more efficiently and backward compatibility would need emulation. Sony still has GDDR5X at twice the bandwidth of GDDR5 and they can have a PS4.75 if needed because a PS5 is delayed.


Regardless, a 10+ TFLOP console is something you'd expect for Q4 2018, or even 2019 depending on exactly how powerful.

But here's the thing, if I were Microsoft, I would wait and see how PS4K / Neo does during 2017. If Sony falters with PS4K, lets say to some extent, if developers and then consumers are really upset (even if PS4K is not a disaster) it leaves Microsoft a major opening for 2018. They launch the new Xbox with a solid 8-10 Zen CPU, a GPU based on AMD's highly scaleable Navi (2018) w/ its Nextgen memory (whatever that is) on 10nm . 180w TDP / $399 price. It happens to exceed the recommended specs for Rift CV2 and also works with any Rift model released before CV2. And native 4K games would be fine on such a machine. Pretty damn powerful in 2018 for $400, more so than Xbox One in 2013, although not as much of a loss leader as Xbox 360 in 2005 or PS3 in 2006. Microsoft could easily have the most powerful console on the market for 2 solid years/24 months, because Sony wouldn't launch another console after PS4K (meaning PS5) until 2020.

There's little sense for Microsoft launching a new more powerful machine at this stage, with PS4 still selling like hotcakes. Phil Spencer is pretty smart and I like see a well planned strategy by him that could put Xbox back on top before the end of the decade.

10 TFLOPs of performance is more than the 8.6 TFLOPs an AMD Radeon R9 Fury X can belt out, so we could see full native 4K gaming on the new Xbox NeXt. Phil Spencer has hinted that hardware upgrades, component swapping, and even possible external GPUs could come to next-gen Xbox consoles, so we could see that with the Xbox NeXt.
In Letters by the EU related to voluntary energy efficiency, 2017 is mentioned as:
1) When Third Tier energy Efficiency starts
2) Easier repair with replaceable components.

I don't remember which paper has this but the Link to the site that mentioned the PS4 and XB1 as UHD Capable is here and in that paper it links to other letters.

http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/03/amd-wants-to-standardise-the-external-gpu/ with AMD XConnect This could be the answer for Microsoft if they are supporting this. 4-6TF as the base XB1.5 and externally upgradeable to 14 TF or so if the serious gamer doesn't mind a little fan noise in the living room.
I see a PS3 Slim-like tide shifting with this updated Xbox One.

Once the hardware is there you won't be able to make the excuse that games run better on PS4 (which is currently negligible at best). Like, that narrative we created online is a big part of why people don't value Xbox as much right now even though it's lineup is arguably superior. I hope MS pulls it off.
By the way, that report about three SOCs from AMD. What exactly was said there? Did it specifically say it was meant for console hardware usage? One of those three is likely Xbox related and it's the only sign of something really. Or do I have this wrong?


Chances of a new Xbox being Oculus compatible if/when it's released?

Chances, yes. But no rumors of that for now ... The only thing that leads people to believe that is the Microsoft / Oculus partnership they have (every Oculus ships with a Xbox One controller).

The fact is I don't know how they would handle it to be a win-win for both parts. I see the huge benefits for Xbox, but for Oculus ? I mean, a huge part of their business model is their own store, doesn't it ? So if Oculus can run on the "Xbox One +" how can they have their cut on VR games sold on Xbox One ?
Regardless, a 10+ TFLOP console is something you'd expect for Q4 2018, or even 2019 depending on exactly how powerful.

But here's the thing, if I were Microsoft, I would wait and see how PS4K / Neo does during 2017. If Sony falters with PS4K, lets say to some extent, if developers and then consumers are really upset (even if PS4K is not a disaster) it leaves Microsoft a major opening for 2018. They launch the new Xbox with a solid 8-10 Zen CPU, a GPU based on AMD's highly scaleable Navi (2018) w/ its Nextgen memory (whatever that is) on 10nm . 180w TDP / $399 price. It happens to exceed the recommended specs for Rift CV2 and also works with any Rift model released before CV2. And native 4K games would be fine on such a machine. Pretty damn powerful in 2018 for $400, more so than Xbox One in 2013, although not as much of a loss leader as Xbox 360 in 2005 or PS3 in 2006. Microsoft could easily have the most powerful console on the market for 2 solid years/24 months, because Sony wouldn't launch another console after PS4K (meaning PS5) until 2020.

There's little sense for Microsoft launching a new more powerful machine at this stage, with PS4 still selling like hotcakes. Phil Spencer is pretty smart and I like see a well planned strategy by him that could put Xbox back on top before the end of the decade.

I agree with much of what you've got here. Regarding the bolded, I think it's crucial for MS to wait for 10nm in creating the SOC in the next Xbox, even if that means having Xbox One competing against PS4 Neo for a year or more.


Whatever is going at Microsoft they've really managed to keep this under wraps. It's amazing nothing has been leaked, same can almost be said for Nintendo. We really dont know anything for either of these systems. The idea of a new Xbox has got me really interested though.


Whatever is going at Microsoft they've really managed to keep this under wraps. It's amazing nothing has been leaked, same can almost be said for Nintendo. We really dont know anything for either of these systems. The idea of a new Xbox has got me really interested though.

as soon as they involve devs and pubs stuff will leak.


as soon as they involve devs and pubs stuff will leak.

It's what I actually wonder though if games are made uwp, do they really need to say anything to anyone? Assuming they can convince devs to do so. Wouldn't the games just work? That's what I was understanding from all this, I might be wrong though.
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