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Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Technical Test Impressions (XB1/PS4)


(Going to copy/paste what was intended as a PM reply. Sorry for wordiness.)

Worry that titans not having regen shields is lowering a skill ceiling or that titan combat has become "one-dimensional" is, I think, premature. But it'll be a good discussion to have, especially as everyone gets more hands-on time through the weekend.

While the buffer of constant regen shields in the previous game could be comforting (and you'll get that with a battery boost in this game), having them as a constant element also made combat a lot more squishy. Situational awareness wasn't nearly as important (could often just stomp around and ignore incidental damage or lone pilots), and in any major encounter there was a constant strong pull to disengage asap (to find cover and regen that protection). Under those shields was a health bar that would only ever get reduced; there was no path to restoring your titan to full (or > full) combat effectiveness. Those strategies now exist; both for lone-wolves and through teamwork.

The titan-v-titan combat itself, with the suite of titan abilities, is arguably deeper now than the last game. Choosing when & how to combo your powers (especially in concert with teammates), or how to nullify an opponent's moves, is more important and with a higher reward potential. Lopsided fights (2v1, 3v2, etc) were often just a basic numbers game of health attrition (ahem). Now a skilled or lucky player can come out of those on top, sometimes unscathed, because they've outsmarted/outmaneuvered their opponents. There were elements of all of that in the last game (and I think some here were worried that it'd been lost), but it's much more solid now & the state more readable.
So, is there any way to speed up how fast you zip around with the grappling hook? Because I launch it, connect, and it takes forever to get to where I am going. I assumed it would maybe be like Just Cause where you can latch on and then reel yourself in.

Also, holy shit the game plays way slower imho. TTK way too low, promoting CoD camper fuck style of play.

And I don't get how you kill pilots with the thermite Titan. I can peg one with a thermite shot, nothing. I can launch a gas can and ignite it right by them, nothing. Meanwhile the other Titan gun melts pilots.

Eager to experience more, kind of floored by how much I am not feeling this tight now though. Titanfall is by far my most played game this gen but this feels way different.


The map design is bad which is disappointing coming off Titanfall 1's excellent maps but I'm more worried they think these are the best maps as you usually pick your best to show off a beta to sell your game. I hope that's not the case because oops if not.
Yeah, Fracture and Angel City were the two Beta maps for TF1 and they ended up being two of my favorites in the final version, so... =/


Is it possible to grab batteries for friendly titans or just your own? For friendlies too would add a great teamwork dynamic. I like how you have to get out to retrieve them as well.


sooo about what time will this go up tomorrow morning on ps4??

sooo wait this isnt open beta?? i signed up when they announced it at e3????


It's near impossible to take out two or three Titans now compared to T1 where I could easily do it. The lack of shields and boosts limit you a lot.

Ohhhhhhh.... I used the skinny titan with the 3 boost... we don't get those speed boost anymore? Interesting. And no shields eh? Just straight up take a titan out? Wonder if that will make riding a titan and shooting it's "brains" out easier/faster.
Ohhhhhhh.... I used the skinny titan with the 3 boost... we don't get those speed boost anymore? Interesting. And no shields eh? Just straight up take a titan out? Wonder if that will make riding a titan and shooting it's "brains" out easier/faster.

You don't shoot the brains out anymore.

When you ride a titan, you remove it's core and are automatically kick off.

Then you have to get on it again and then you throw a grenade again into the hole where the core was.


Junior Member
Ohhhhhhh.... I used the skinny titan with the 3 boost... we don't get those speed boost anymore? Interesting. And no shields eh? Just straight up take a titan out? Wonder if that will make riding a titan and shooting it's "brains" out easier/faster.
You can only take a Titan's battery when you ride it in this game (you can also throw some sort of explosive in the Titan if the battery is gone though)
Edit: beaten hard >.>
Watching this stream, fuck it looks great. Why is everybody saying its super slow now?


I can't wait to try it tomorrow.

Freakin' Gamesager. One of my favorite memories of Titanfall one was when me and two buddies ran into him and a 4-man party of Twitch followers. One guy in our group, Chinese born, in his 40s, thick accent, saw Gamesager and got really really excited "it's Gamesager! he is big streamer! I watch him all the time! he is really good", just completely marking out over him. Me and my other buddy had no clue about the guy, but fair enough, we were on notice that we had a game coming.

They went up on us 3-0 in CTF on Relic in probably under 60 seconds, running a god damn relay race with bunny hops. He had trained his followers pretty well, we were a bit shellshocked. And we really hadn't learned the bunnyhop game, or realized just how powerful it was.

We hunkered down, tried to play strong defense, and coordinated flag pulls as best we could. It was the sweatiest half of CTF we ever played. We got it to a 4-3 lead, every flag was hotly contested the full route. So many close calls on both side, pretty much all of our flag caps were photo finishes along with getting killed. Chinese guy in his 40s, who wasn't exactly Diamond V (granted this was before rank chips) pretty much played the game of his life against his stream hero. Even our randoms who we weren't communicating with got it together and played hard defense.

Then right at the end, they pull the flag, wipe 5 of us, and our one remaining guy makes an epic play to take their flag, run out the back side of their base past their spawn, and run out the last few seconds to hold onto the win.

When we went back to check the stream archive, unfortunately a lot of it was muted because of background music. But some highlights were how at halftime Gamesager talked about how bad we were, how we should just quit, and couldn't figure out why we were still in the lobby. Then the second half was just a whole bunch of him whining "oh a chaingun, you're so good kid". That transition from where he's pubstomping, to losing the lead, to getting on full tilt, and finally rage-quitting to play COD Ghosts.

A few months back I saw Gamesager raiding with a random Destiny streamer that I had thrown on. I had a laugh in the chat (not on Gamesager's) about how sore of a loser he is. And within a couple of seconds (I guess he monitors everyone's streams for the slightest mention of himself?) and he was in full denial. He declared that he had "only ever lost 3 matches of Titanfall" and that "not one of them" was to us. Which frankly makes the whole thing even more funny and satisfying.

So congrats Gamesager you insulted and lost a fanboy, who is also probably the nicest guy I've ever played with online (I, admittedly on the other hand, am kind of a dick). GG, no re (by your own choice).


And I don't get how you kill pilots with the thermite Titan. I can peg one with a thermite shot, nothing. I can launch a gas can and ignite it right by them, nothing. Meanwhile the other Titan gun melts pilots.

I "main" Scorch. I probably get most of my Pilot kills with the Thermite cannon, either direct hits or deflecting into tight areas, but the gas can is great for rooftops.

You can also use his heat shield to fry Pilots when they close in for a rodeo.


You don't shoot the brains out anymore.

When you ride a titan, you remove it's core and are automatically kick off.

Then you have to get on it again and then you throw a grenade again into the hole where the core was.

You can only take a Titan's battery when you ride it in this game (you can also throw some sort of explosive in the Titan if the battery is gone though)
Edit: beaten hard >.>

Wow! This gonna be interesting!
Wait so is it true Attrition has no AI on the battlefield?

Because that is devastating if accurate. Blowing through AI helped the game feel fast and crazy


I only played for 20-30 minutes so far but I really like what I've seen. The movement and aiming just feel fucking great IMO - one of the best controlling FPSs I've ever played on a console.

Heck even the original was - I got it for Xbox One on the cheap after playing the PC version for 20-30 hours, and I loved the console version more than on PC simply because of how well it all felt and controlled.

All of that still seems there with Titanfall 2. I was just overwhelmed because there are so many more guns, abilities, and other stuff to learn about, and there's little opportunity to do so when not getting shot.

Completely understandable for a technical alpha, so here's hoping the UI and other training elements are improved in the final.

One thing I haven't read about and am curious about - is the burn card system still going to be in? Or is it overhauled or removed completely? I really liked that system in the first game.


I get what you're saying, but you're providing no proof that mobility won't be useful for good players. It was useful and quick in 1, why wouldn't it be useful in 2? Just because it's slightly slower or there aren't quite as many walls to run on?
I never once said that. I said it's just going to be less movement because it's not promoting movement with longer health regen, and slower stim replenishment. When both sides are decent you won't be able to move as much because you'll get picked off instantly. Understand? You won't be able to play as aggressive.


I love how fast things load. I know it's because it is still using an older engine but clicking join then loading a match seems so instant.

The UI for me seems very cluttered for some reason and the movement speed is slower that t1.
The final game really needs to make sure players understand how the battery system works. Too often I'm empty on shields and a teammate carrying a battery is running in front of me, completely ignoring the situation.
(Going to copy/paste what was intended as a PM reply. Sorry for wordiness.)

Worry that titans not having regen shields is lowering a skill ceiling or that titan combat has become "one-dimensional" is, I think, premature. But it'll be a good discussion to have, especially as everyone gets more hands-on time through the weekend.

While the buffer of constant regen shields in the previous game could be comforting (and you'll get that with a battery boost in this game), having them as a constant element also made combat a lot more squishy. Situational awareness wasn't nearly as important (could often just stomp around and ignore incidental damage or lone pilots), and in any major encounter there was a constant strong pull to disengage asap (to find cover and regen that protection). Under those shields was a health bar that would only ever get reduced; there was no path to restoring your titan to full (or > full) combat effectiveness. Those strategies now exist; both for lone-wolves and through teamwork.

The titan-v-titan combat itself, with the suite of titan abilities, is arguably deeper now than the last game. Choosing when & how to combo your powers (especially in concert with teammates), or how to nullify an opponent's moves, is more important and with a higher reward potential. Lopsided fights (2v1, 3v2, etc) were often just a basic numbers game of health attrition (ahem). Now a skilled or lucky player can come out of those on top, sometimes unscathed, because they've outsmarted/outmaneuvered their opponents. There were elements of all of that in the last game (and I think some here were worried that it'd been lost), but it's much more solid now & the state more readable.

I'm actually quite happy with Titan combat in this one. Also I really like Scorch. It's super fun in multi-titan battles to use your zoning potential and set up combos. I need to figure out anti-pilot measures though. I thought I could gas them but it didn't work :(
Wait so is it true Attrition has no AI on the battlefield?

Because that is devastating if accurate. Blowing through AI helped the game feel fast and crazy

I don't even think Attrition is a confirmed game mode at this time. Could be wrong but I've not seen anything about it.
I only played for 20-30 minutes so far but I really like what I've seen. The movement and aiming just feel fucking great IMO - one of the best controlling FPSs I've ever played on a console.

Heck even the original was - I got it for Xbox One on the cheap after playing the PC version for 20-30 hours, and I loved the console version more than on PC simply because of how well it all felt and controlled.

All of that still seems there with Titanfall 2. I was just overwhelmed because there are so many more guns, abilities, and other stuff to learn about, and there's little opportunity to do so when not getting shot.

Completely understandable for a technical alpha, so here's hoping the UI and other training elements are improved in the final.

One thing I haven't read about and am curious about - is the burn card system still going to be in? Or is it overhauled or removed completely? I really liked that system in the first game.

Overhauled, it is now called "boosts" which is applied outside of the game and offer you bonuses throughout an entire match.
One quality of life improvement that took me a while to notice but I absolutely love is that you can edit your loadouts during the round. Whoever put that in, give them a raise.

Can't seen to get the fucking hang of it. Either I'm too low, hit an obstruction, or when I am for rooftops I hit just below.
The one realization I had with the grappling hook that really helped me was that a lot of the time I need to save a jump or two so I can clear whatever I'm grappling. I started off the game by doing double-jump into grapple, but that seems to be about the least effective way to use it.
The one realization I had with the grappling hook that really helped me was that a lot of the time I need to save a jump or two so I can clear whatever I'm grappling. I started off the game by doing double-jump into grapple, but that seems to be about the least effective way to use it.

"Jump -> grapple -> double jump to influence direction" seems to work pretty well.


Is there electric smoke to unlock for the Titan's in the beta? I'm getting annoyed by people jumping on the back multiple times and not being able to do much about it.


Really don't like the change of getting in titan animations from 1st person in 1 to 3rd person in 2. Having those be in 1st person was always very cool, they never really lost their wonder to me even when playing years after launch
Really don't like the change of getting in titan animations from 1st person in 1 to 3rd person in 2. Having those be in 1st person was always very cool, they never really lost their wonder to me even when playing years after launch

Yeah I'm really hoping the final game has an option to stay 100% in first-person.
Really don't like the change of getting in titan animations from 1st person in 1 to 3rd person in 2. Having those be in 1st person was always very cool, they never really lost their wonder to me even when playing years after launch
Yeah, I don't like this change. Admittedly the Ion execution animation looks pretty badass in 3rd person, but in general I think 1st person was more intense.
Got a code for "being helpful." I told the Mountain Dew twitch chat to stop saying their region for Xbox. lol

Hit me up Xbox people.

I heard that I'm the guy getting married they mentioned on stream . Mountain Dew guys are the best.

All these changes have me worried Titanfall was perfect and my favorite shooter 10 mins till my download finishes. Do we have a neogaf network on psn?


One quality of life improvement that took me a while to notice but I absolutely love is that you can edit your loadouts during the round. Whoever put that in, give them a raise.

The one realization I had with the grappling hook that really helped me was that a lot of the time I need to save a jump or two so I can clear whatever I'm grappling. I started off the game by doing double-jump into grapple, but that seems to be about the least effective way to use it.

Cool! I'll try that. Thanks Pegs.

Got a code for "being helpful." I told the Mountain Dew twitch chat to stop saying their region for Xbox. lol

Hit me up Xbox people.

Join the Neogaf network if you haven't already, Vis. I'll be on tonight.
Played another round of Bounty and warmed to it a little more.

Ill have a blast of some games tonight and see how things go.

I really want to love it.
Boomtown is so much better than Homestead. Like, miles ahead. I just really hope they're holding back some Angel City-quality maps for the final game because so far neither of these are even close to being as good.


Played a few hours late last night and i'm just not feeling it like I thought I would. Going to keep playing and hope they add more modes in. Only about 200 people on PS4 last night and never got to try pilot mode yet.

HATE the battery system, what a horrible idea! It was so fun just riding a enemy Titan and unloading into it instead of taking it's battery. Also sadly this is pushing yet another shooter away from the casual fun pick up and play audience. Teams will completely decimate with the battery system in place. Yes teams should usually win versus randoms but I fear the battery system will completely lopside things.

Gun play and TTK feels good and customization looks pretty nice with lots of things to unlock. All the bouncy slider Spiderman CoD kids will eat this up but I think my taste in shooters has just changed. I'll end up with it but more likely a BF deal than a day one purchase.
The game is good. I played some matches and have enjoyed them.
Some observations:
The movement is very fast.
Titan gameplay is good, they are not overpowered.
It seems there are not overpowered abilities. However, maybe there are, but I haven't seen them yet because of the low levels of me and other players.
I like the hook. I use it almost exclusively on Titans, though.
No bugs or framerate drops.
The respawn time is great, I die and almost instantly I can come back on the field.
I like the maps.
You can play alone and be fine, there is no need for tactical gameplay at least in the mode I have played. However, you can co-operate with friends to take down Titans more easily I guess.
I am kind of hoping that these maps are more designed around their new mode and that there will be better, way more vertical, pilot friendly maps. I don't hate the maps but they feel so constraining as a pilot. No where to really let loose and tear across the map. It's really the only negative I have with the game so far.


Yeah, I don't like this change. Admittedly the Ion execution animation looks pretty badass in 3rd person, but in general I think 1st person was more intense.

I forgot titan executions went third person, too. I think those were alot better in 1st person, really should have kept this game 100% in 1st person like the first game.


The game is good. I played some matches and have enjoyed them.
Some observations:
The movement is very fast.
Titan gameplay is good, they are not overpowered.
It seems there are not overpowered abilities. However, maybe there are, but I haven't seen them yet because of the low levels of me and other players.
I like the hook. I use it almost exclusively on Titans, though.
No bugs or framerate drops.
The respawn time is great, I die and almost instantly I can come back on the field.
I like the maps.
You can play alone and be fine, there is no need for tactical gameplay at least in the mode I have played. However, you can co-operate with friends to take down Titans more easily I guess.

Are you comparing it to Titanfall 1? Because I thought they were well balanced between pilot and titan. There were good weapons pilots had that could straight up decimate a titan really quickly.


Do people here use auto sprint? Two of my friends refuse to use it, but I love it. What day you, gaf?
I liked Delay auto sprint in Titanfall 1, but having it on all the time sucks, at least with delayed you could slow down when going around corners or where people will be to ADS faster, and still had the benefits of automatic sprint. Hope they bring that back.

Boomtown is so much better than Homestead. Like, miles ahead. I just really hope they're holding back some Angel City-quality maps for the final game because so far neither of these are even close to being as good.

Even Boomtown isn't as good as any maps on first Titanfall IMO, let alone Angel City. Pretty much every map on Titanfall 1 was good, I can't think of any map I hated, some I didn't like as much? sure, but not hated. They were all very playable.

Even the DLC was really good, and actually has my favourite map of the whole game (War Games), so I had really high hopes for the maps for TF2 but so far they're disappointing
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