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TitanFall Beta not open: Invite waves & codes required, staggered to avoid implosion


Well I've got my alarm set for 15 minutes prior. Guess I'll play some diablo 3 while I wait.

Goodluck on getting codes everyone.


Is there a 360 version beta as well?

If anyone has a spare PC version code I'm all in! I really want to play this game to see if it's worth upgrading my PC/buying a XB1 over.


Unconfirmed Member
i can't wait for this beta, gonna post videos on my channel and make the first ever gun sync from this beta :D hope i get a code :)


So anyone going to use multiple computers to try to get in? (Assuming the site crashes). Already have some people I know that are going to try at the same time.

Beta is serious business. lol


How does that help? Pick a time that fits more countries than just the USA. Don't apologies afterwards for something that should be common sense.

I can already see them giving away the Beta invites in a first-come-first-serve way. Good luck fellow non-Americans who are staying up.

US Company picks US time, who would have guessed?!

So anyone going to use multiple computers to try to get in? (Assuming the site crashes). Already have some people I know that are going to try at the same time.

Beta is serious business. lol

No wonder these sites crash, we have people doing this shit.


Is there a 360 version beta as well?

If anyone has a spare PC version code I'm all in! I really want to play this game to see if it's worth upgrading my PC/buying a XB1 over.

I think you would need to have a pretty old Graphics Card to need to upgrade just for Titanfall...


US Company picks US time, who would have guessed?!
For a company with a world wide market, and they know that, it's incredibly stupid. They could have easily picked an earlier time that accommodates both the US and the EU and even Australia.


Neo Member
and now I wait, staring at my clock



Is there a 360 version beta as well?

If anyone has a spare PC version code I'm all in! I really want to play this game to see if it's worth upgrading my PC/buying a XB1 over.

Beta is PC/XB1 only. Minimum video spec is 8800GT for TitanFall, so requirements aren't too high.


Respawn Entertainment
So many debbie downers in here! Don't worry EU, we need you guys in the beta just as much as the NA players. Our plan, surprisingly, isn't to screw half the gamer population. Crazy, I know!


Big "fuck you" to all EU customers, business as usual. Not staying up for the small change of getting in.

Good luck to those that will try to get it!

EDIT: Bad timing to my post. Still getting screwed by the time-zones.


For a company with a world wide market, and they know that, it's incredibly stupid. They could have easily picked an earlier time that accommodates both the US and the EU and even Australia.

True, but then if they go early, US would bitch about being at work, ETC. Someone is always going to get the shit end of the stick, and it's never going to be the US if it's a US company. You think a Euro company would lunch this at a time that's bad for euro, but great for the US, I don't.
If they were smart, they'd open the site before announcing it. That way, the site can actually be functional before being absolutely flooded with requests.


So many debbie downers in here! Don't worry EU, we need you guys in the beta just as much as the NA players. Our plan, surprisingly, isn't to screw half the gamer population. Crazy, I know!

So it won't matter if we don't sign up early , that's all the confirmation us EU guys need really.


Beta is PC/XB1 only. Minimum video spec is 8800GT for TitanFall, so requirements aren't too high.

To run it max what are they recommending?

I have a 5580 ATI Radeon I think. I should have about 8GB of ram. I forget my processor.

If I can run it and Dark Souls 2 max then I may just get PC version of both...and be one of the terrible controller auto aim assist nooblets online. :p


Anyone think they chose this time so most kids are in bed and people who actually really want to contribute get a good shot? Not just some random whiny kid that sees it on fb while hes in algebra class.


So many debbie downers in here! Don't worry EU, we need you guys in the beta just as much as the NA players. Our plan, surprisingly, isn't to screw half the gamer population. Crazy, I know!

So why didn't you choose a time where 99.9% of your EU customers would be awake?
So many debbie downers in here! Don't worry EU, we need you guys in the beta just as much as the NA players. Our plan, surprisingly, isn't to screw half the gamer population. Crazy, I know!


Looking forward to signing up around 9am UK time and making it into the beta.


Ok so the news is out now about the beta signup....

Now everybody.....SHHHHHHH

Let's keep it on the down-low.

This beta could very well kill all the post E3 hype for the game if it doesn't deliver.

People won't care if it's "only beta"; they will accept this as the near-final product and draw conclusions right away.
Good luck fellow gaffers!

On a sidenote: Is there a thread for friends list signups for the XB1? I never really gamed online on consoles and I'm looking to beef up the friends list.


This beta could very well kill all the post E3 hype for the game if it doesn't deliver.

People won't care if it's "only beta"; they will accept this as the near-final product and draw conclusions right away.

I'm going to guess it's near finally since it launches in a month.


semen stains the mountaintops
This beta could very well kill all the post E3 hype for the game if it doesn't deliver.

People won't care if it's "only beta"; they will accept this as the near-final product and draw conclusions right away.

Oh come on, the game comes out in about a month. This isn't really a beta.
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