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Tonight, the Senate votes on four gun control bills [update: everything failed]

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i call for a colored people march in the suburbs on Washington DCwith AK47s, M16s, AR15s, you name it

shit will get passed..............if not,

i dont know what to say.
I love how 2nd amendment nuts hold up the Constitution as some immutable unchangeable bastion of perfect law, when it really, really isn't. The original version of it only let rich white men vote. The original version also thought slavery was A-ok. It also bans alcohol, and then later unbans it!

It's obscenely outdated. We're living in a very, very different time, and our (gun)culture is on some other shit.

Hari Seldon

So why didn't the Dems vote on the republican bill? Oh yeah because all of this is simply bullshit for political grandstanding.


I love how 2nd amendment nuts hold up the Constitution as some immutable unchangeable bastion of perfect law, when it really, really isn't. The original version of it only let rich white men vote. The original version also thought slavery was A-ok. It also bans alcohol, and then later unbans it!
One doesn't have to reject the constitution to pass most of these restrictions. The words "well-regulated" are in the text itself.

The actual wording of the second amendment requires a highly creative interpretation to support the current "all guns, all the time, for all people" attitude of the NRA.
the British are no longer going to invade you, the 2nd Amendment is outdated, scrap it

As a British citizen I can back this up. I've been on this planet for three and a half decades and nobody has ever brought up the possibility of popping over to the States for an invasion, so your amendment is redundant.


As a British citizen I can back this up. I've been on this planet for three and a half decades and nobody has ever brought up the possibility of popping over to the States for an invasion, so your amendment is redundant.

I dunno man I have been living in Birmingham for a year now and the idea of invading the US is the hot shit in here.
It's obscenely outdated. We're living in a very, very different time, and our (gun)culture is on some other shit.

Again, if the citizens wanted it changed, the mechanism is there to do so. But only half of us want it changed, and that just isn't enough to revoke one of the fundamental rights in our Constitution. Sorry you don't agree, but it's actually a GOOD thing that it's not easy, believe it or not. Plenty of other rights could be taken away in the same way, and I'm not okay with that. Regardless of its origins, the Constitution is a pretty damn good document.
Well, something has to be done. A lot of people are fed up with how they have to constantly look over their shoulders to see if some crazy people doesn't show up with a gun on them.

There have been too many tragedies involving guns in this country. It needs to end.
All of these proposals sounds reasonable and tame. I don't completely understand the US legislation process, but it would be nice if every vote came with a written statement of WHY.


i call for a colored people march in the suburbs on Washington DCwith AK47s, M16s, AR15s, you name it

shit will get passed..............if not,

i dont know what to say.

Actually, imagine if alot of minorities bought guns legally from gun shows, specially assault rifles, and wore them in their backs or something, without ammo, and marched in protest?

Police couldnt do shit, they would be well within their right to hold those guns. and they would be non threatning.

Of course this can never be, trigger happy police would start shooting and calling the national guard, but imagine that visual, turning this stupid law on its head.

nel e nel

I love how 2nd amendment nuts hold up the Constitution as some immutable unchangeable bastion of perfect law, when it really, really isn't. The original version of it only let rich white men vote. The original version also thought slavery was A-ok. It also bans alcohol, and then later unbans it!

It also calls for regular constitutional congresses in order to rewrite the document to reflect the changing times.


Was this a move to show that the Republicans are incapable of anything?

This would be item #256 that shows they are incapable, which we knew from the previous #255 circumstances involving the GOP. It's unfortunate that we have people in Congress unwilling to do their job, for the sake of meaningful progress regarding key social issues.

Hari Seldon

All of these proposals sounds reasonable and tame. I don't completely understand the US legislation process, but it would be nice if every vote came with a written statement of WHY.

The compromise was so obvious and benign that this seemed like it should be a no brainer. Democrats want to keep terrorists on the watch list from buying guns, republicans say fine but you got to go to a judge and show probable cause within 3 days. Seems perfectly reasonable? So why no vote? Because the Dems are better off with no compromise in the next elections. If they compromise the issue is over. Now they can kick and scream like children about how the big bad republicans want to give weapons to terrorists.
As a British citizen I can back this up. I've been on this planet for three and a half decades and nobody has ever brought up the possibility of popping over to the States for an invasion, so your amendment is redundant.

Sure.... That's what you want them to think.

im on to you
Again, if the citizens wanted it changed, the mechanism is there to do so. But only half of us want it changed, and that just isn't enough to revoke one of the fundamental rights in our Constitution. Sorry you don't agree, but it's actually a GOOD thing that it's not easy, believe it or not. Plenty of other rights could be taken away in the same way, and I'm not okay with that. Regardless of its origins, the Constitution is a pretty damn good document.

The majority of American's do want stricter gun control at the very least,, but when you're politicians are bought and paid for, nothing gets done, and that's at the "lower" levels, forget about a constitutional amendment. This shit is rigged. (and you say revoke, as if I'm asking for a ban on all guns, but these "fundamental rights" are fucking out of control and that's a damn fact)
This would be item #256 that shows they are incapable, which we knew from the previous #255 circumstances involving the GOP. It's unfortunate that we have people in Congress unwilling to do their job, for the sake of meaningful progress regarding key social issues.

Yeah, the list is fucking long but I think this was a move to show that Republicans won't even act for something that even many Republicans are for. Turning the rhetoric of fear against them. Proving that Republicans are all talk when it comes to getting tough on terrorism or whatever.

Of the bills I say I agree with Cornyn's and Murphy's but not Feinstein's. I don't think the expanding the power of these terror lists are in our best interests but Cornyn's allows for court review and probable cause and Grassley's amendment makes sense. It seems to get some transparency for the process. Granted I don't have all the details, just what I read in the OP.


What's it going to take to get Republicans to give a shit?

Elementary School Massacre? NOPE
Night Club Massacre? NOPE
Church Massacre? NOPE

We're literally running out of places for gun massacres to happen and still call it a first for depravity...

The GoP convention itself could have a shooting spree and they still probably wouldn't give a shit.

That's how insane these people are. Completely enslaved by the NRA.

At this point, it'd probably take the violence to happen in Congress while they are in session.
I dunno man I have been living in Birmingham for a year now and the idea of invading the US is the hot shit in here.

Seconded. I'm from Edinburgh and all you hear these days is people clamouring to invade the US and take back our territory. Can't walk round a street corner without somebody talking about how much of a pussy Obama is and that we'll just swagger in there with a haggis supper in one hand and a half empty glass bottle of Irn Bru in the other.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Didn't see Elizabeth Warren(/Chris Murphy)'s tweet in here yet so I figured I'd include it:


Crazy thing is the rhetoric on her official account is usually at least somewhat restrained, even when talking about like the Kochs for example. The reality of these votes was just too stark not to comment on I guess.

The bill regarding the terrorist watch list would've struck me as the kind of thing the GOP would vote for out of political expediency, even if the gun show loophole and mental illness clarification were unrealistic. But I suppose the NRA still commands a lot more influence right now than I want to believe.
It's not like they have a means of shaking up the status quo when every voter's choice is between...


... short of a violent uprising of some kind. And who the hell wants to chance that when every civilian is packing heat.
This joke is so fucking misleading and I hate seeing it used every time US politics is discussed.

The Democrats might not go as far as they need to in some instances (they are a big tent party and reaching consensus can be difficult), but they are a million times better than the Republicans.

Especially if we're talking about gun control there's a pretty sharp divide, even though actual Republican voters support expanding background checks by a large margin.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I acknowledge it as the law. That doesn't actually mean anything beyond that very limited comment. I don't really need to consider it a valid "right" or accept it as something worth preserving any more than other archaic concepts. It is a stupid law.

so you dont think anyone should be able to own a gun of any type, is that your position?

Russ T

This joke is so fucking misleading and I hate seeing it used every time US politics is discussed.

The Democrats might not go as far as they need to in some instances (they are a big tent party and reaching consensus can be difficult), but they are a million times better than the Republicans.

Especially if we're talking about gun control there's a pretty sharp divide, even though actual Republican voters support expanding background checks by a large margin.

Is there anyone who wouldn't argue that a giant douche is a million times better than a shit sandwich?


All of these proposals sounds reasonable and tame. I don't completely understand the US legislation process, but it would be nice if every vote came with a written statement of WHY.

Most of them don't even read the bills they vote on. At best they rely on aides providing them summaries. At worst they rely on network news or the party leadership.
As a British citizen I can back this up. I've been on this planet for three and a half decades and nobody has ever brought up the possibility of popping over to the States for an invasion, so your amendment is redundant.

We're just waiting for them to shoot each other and we'll just move in.


"Everything Failed" Yup. Seems about par for the course for gun control debate. Everyone will give their thoughts and prayers and condolences for people who are killed but actually do something about it? Hahaha! Nope!


After reading the first two pages of this thread I read more online and was kind of shocked to see they were all party line votes (which should have been totally obvious in hindsight). I just assumed the Republicans voted no against all of them.
I'm not an American, thus I find it bizarre that an archaic portion of the constitution, has been maintained to this day well outside of any original intent. I don't particularly care about "rights" that ultimately serve no purpose in modern civilized society.

It's neither here nor there since it's not going to change.

This, for me, is what's at stake (though Republicans surely didn't vote the bills down for these reasons).

This is the reason why bills like these fail in the senate.

This thinking is 100% of the reason why the pro gun side has adopted the no compromise ever mindset.

It's the reason why even when polls show that even NRA members support x type of gun control, they still call up their representatives by the tens of thousands and tell them to vote against it.

If you want gun control to work, you have to give the pro gun side something they value more than what you are asking them to give up, or you are going to have to wait until public opinion has a drastic shift which is not all that likely given how polarized politics are in this country right now.

I've suggested before that putting handguns and semi-auto rifles on the NFA registry in exchange for nationwide CCW reciprocity and a repeal of the 1986 hughes amendment could make a significant difference in gun crime in this country while actually increasing the freedom of gun owners, and just might have a chance of making it into law. The problem is the gun control side is just as unwilling to compromise as the NRA.

This is the exact reason these laws don't get passed.

Most NRA members and gun advocates don't care about the gun show loophole closing or terrorists not being able to buy guns - the polls show as such. Just as you don't really care about those regulations either; you actually just want guns banned. They sure as hell know if they allow one regulation to be added, you will be back for another in no time, and they will be in a weaker position for having let the first one pass.



The first GOP proposal sounds somewhat decent, fucking democrats just stop

Yeah it's extremely disgusting that the Democrats would use a national tragedy to pretend like they wanted a positive change.

They don't want gun control either apparently.

Better keep voting for them!


What a shame. Many of these were very reasonable, and should have been implemented. I knew it would not go through though. If 20 elementary children being brutally murdered didn't inspire legislative changes then the Orlando shooting wouldn't either. With the GOP tea party-backed congress it's not going to happen. Very saddening.

Please participate in your elections, vote for Hillary and all down ticket races to try to change congress so we can actually get some of this stuff through.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Again, if the citizens wanted it changed, the mechanism is there to do so. But only half of us want it changed, and that just isn't enough to revoke one of the fundamental rights in our Constitution. Sorry you don't agree, but it's actually a GOOD thing that it's not easy, believe it or not. Plenty of other rights could be taken away in the same way, and I'm not okay with that. Regardless of its origins, the Constitution is a pretty damn good document.
By most polls well over half of us want change in this matter, so it's hardly just a matter of lacking public will. There's a matter of low public awareness given the fact that the last time we did anything like this was almost a century ago combined with the fact that since then our Congress has become a dramatically less effective body at fulfilling its responsibilities, in no small part because the modern Republican party spends more time obfuscating their jobs and creating obstacles to any meaningful reform.
The majority of American's do want stricter gun control at the very least,, but when you're politicians are bought and paid for, nothing gets done, and that's at the "lower" levels, forget about a constitutional amendment. This shit is rigged. (and you say revoke, as if I'm asking for a ban on all guns, but these "fundamental rights" are fucking out of control and that's a damn fact)

By most polls well over half of us want change in this matter, so it's hardly just a matter of lacking public will. There's a matter of low public awareness given the fact that the last time we did anything like this was almost a century ago combined with the fact that since then our Congress has become a dramatically less effective body at fulfilling its responsibilities, in no small part because the modern Republican party spends more time obfuscating their jobs and creating obstacles to any meaningful reform.

Well over half of the country wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment? Or wants stricter gun control? I feel like we're debating two different things.

I think it takes 2/3 of the country to amend the Constitution anyway. I doubt the numbers are there for that one.


The 2nd amendment is the only important one for the GOP, and they only care about the first when they actively insult someone or do something incredibly stupid.

All the while, the 4th amendment is getting chipped away bit by bit.

There's no money to be had is the other amendments, apparently. And the other amendments don't have super scummy and rich organizations behind it.


While gun control utterly fails in the Senate, in the House, GOP lawmakers are likely going to attempt to make D.C. open carry, and get rid of the city's gun-free zones around schools, government buildings, pools, and universities.


I truly don't understand the Republican mind.

Okay I normally scoff and shrug my shoulders at the crazy shit the GOP does because I'm from CT and I live in Texas. None of this stuff really surprises me anymore. That said, this is mind blowing.
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