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Trump risks major diplomatic dispute with China after speaking with Taiwan's prez

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There is no nation known as Taiwan. The government of Taipei insists that there is only one China, and that the mainland government is not legitimate. The mainland government says the same thing about the ROC government. Even if they are de facto separate countries, this is the current state of affairs.

A few decades ago, maybe. It hasn't been our official stance for a long time.


The US has a very unique relationship with Taiwan. Although we don't officially recognize them, we still trade with them as if they were an independent nation (many American businesses are present in Taiwan and vice versa), sell them weapons, and have a defense treaty. The US has an embassy in Taiwan that serves every function of an embassy but is NOT called as such.

Given this information, you may think a phone call between the two nations isn't a big deal. It shouldn't be, but it is. The US president has not had any formal meeting with the Taiwanese president since 1979. I'm no expert of international arms deals, but I'm sure the US and Taiwanese government had a conversation between the two in order to make it happen. Just not so public. So nearly forty years of US foreign policy was just haphazardly thrown out the window with zero lead up at all. That's uh, not good. Fairly indicative of future foreign policy faux paus under the Trump administration. Diplomacy is a very complex art that is filled with imbalances and nonsense, but you need to know how to handle it effectively to keep people safe.

And my lord, why has no one STILL taken away Trump's twitter account? What purpose it is serving to his cabinet?

He hasn't been sworn in yet.

But once he does, he gets a SHINY NEW TWITTER ACCOUNT!
The US has a very unique relationship with Taiwan. Although we don't officially recognize them, we still trade with them as if they were an independent nation (many American businesses are present in Taiwan and vice versa), sell them weapons, and have a defense treaty. The US has an embassy in Taiwan that serves every function of an embassy but is NOT called as such.

Given this information, you may think a phone call between the two nations isn't a big deal. It shouldn't be, but it is. The US president has not had any formal meeting with the Taiwanese president since 1979. I'm no expert of international arms deals, but I'm sure the US and Taiwanese government had a conversation between the two in order to make it happen. Just not so public. So nearly forty years of US foreign policy was just haphazardly thrown out the window with zero lead up at all. That's uh, not good. Fairly indicative of future foreign policy faux paus under the Trump administration. Diplomacy is a very complex art that is filled with imbalances and nonsense, but you need to know how to handle it effectively to keep people safe.

And my lord, why has no one STILL taken away Trump's twitter account? What purpose it is serving to his cabinet?



A Good Citizen
the fact that this is playing so well even outside of trump's base is actually concerning

people are okay with throwing out decades of carefully weaved diplomacy for some meaningless emotional vindication against china... why. china is awful but this is the definition of "not worth it"


I don't think some people here grasp how serious of an issue this really is, especially if it points towards a shift in the incoming administration's treatment of Taiwan. The number one priority of the Chinese military is containing and eliminating the Taiwanese government in case of an official declaration of independence. This isn't a joke, the Chinese are ready and willing to fight and die for what they see as part of their country! I honestly think Trump's administration is going to have to back pedal hard on this! I can't say for certain, but everything points to it being an issue the Chinese don't take lightly.

It's not like countries have begun wars over the recognition of sovereign territory in the past.

Oh wait.
It's a phone call. Taiwan is a nation. China needs to get over it.

That's the thing. Taiwan's not a nation.

It's not recognized by most countries because the Republic of China has a competing (and clearly wrong) claim to the whole of China, and the People's Republic of China has a competing (and arguably wrong) claim to the island/province if Taiwan.

Taiwanese sovereignty is it's own completely fraught matter. It's very likely China wouldn't allow it to happen -- they've threatened military action against RoC if it ever does, and many people in Taiwan don't even want it to happen.

Taiwanese re-integration with China is also extremely unlikely because most people in Taiwan don't want that either. Also the Hong Kong / Macao thing didn't go so well.

So the uncomfortable status quo has held for a long time.

The Taiwan situation has been especially messy because Chinese leaders don't want to lose face, but everyone benefits from trade with both RoC and PRoC. There are even deep economic and trade ties between RoC and PRoC despite the standoff.

The US solution decades ago was to cut off all official diplomatic relations, but to leave a backdoor to relations. This has worked and been a stable solution until the RoC and PRoC can decide on the fate of their political status and the whole "one China" thing that is the official stance of both the PRoC and RoC.

Like this is very serious because it's one of the most likely hotspots for a war in east asia that nobody wants.


There is no nation known as Taiwan. The government of Taipei insists that there is only one China, and that the mainland government is not legitimate. The mainland government says the same thing about the ROC government. Even if they are de facto separate countries, this is the current state of affairs.



Officially, the United States has ships protecting China from... China.



I disagree with Trump on a bunch of shit, but not this. Seriously this is a good thing, China needs to know we support Taiwan and Tibet, and the US hasn't shown that.

I have no way of confirming this, but I have a sneaking suspicion if Obama did this, there'd be a much different reaction.

That said, Trump's economic policy with regards to China is a disaster. That's what I'm scared about, not China throwing a hissy fit overy something stupid.


A Good Citizen
I disagree with Trump on a bunch of shit, but not this. Seriously this is a good thing, China needs to know we support Taiwan and Tibet, and the US hasn't shown that.

I have no way of confirming this, but I have a sneaking suspicion if Obama did this, there'd be a much different reaction.

That said, Trump's economic policy with regards to China is a disaster. That's what I'm scared about, not China throwing a hissy fit overy something stupid.
Obama wouldn't do something like this. It is completely meaningless to contemplate what the reaction would be because it isn't something that would actually happen.

This is probably more serious than any bluster about economics. Recognition of territory and empty trade threats are two different things entirely.


I disagree with Trump on a bunch of shit, but not this. Seriously this is a good thing, China needs to know we support Taiwan and Tibet, and the US hasn't shown that.

I have no way of confirming this, but I have a sneaking suspicion if Obama did this, there'd be a much different reaction.

That said, Trump's economic policy with regards to China is a disaster. That's what I'm scared about, not China throwing a hissy fit overy something stupid.
What does "show support" even mean and even do in this case? It's a gesture that shows the man is a dangerous idiot and you can bet China is salivating on how to manipulate him.

If Obama had done something like this, it'd be done after a lot of talks, research, and deals because the man isn't an idiot and doesn't have investment in Taiwan real estate.
That's what I'm scared about, not China throwing a hissy fit overy something stupid.

That you think this action is "stupid" scares the shit out of people who've spent the better part of their careers understanding and building the delicate balance that allows ROC and PRoC to exist without military warfare.

This shit's going to get people killed and waste a lot of resources so some anonymous dunderheads can feel better about themselves.


Obama is not stupid enough to do something like this.

Obama wouldn't do something like this. It is completely meaningless to contemplate what the reaction would be because it isn't something that would actually happen.

This is probably more serious than any bluster about economics. Recognition of territory and trade threats are two different things entirely.

Dude, he invited the Dali Lama to the white house. You don't think China got pissed at that too?

China ain't gonna do shit. Foreign policy with "allies" like China is a dick waving contest anyhow. They won't be happy, but they're not gonna mess with their #1 trading partner.

That you think this action is "stupid" scares the shit out of people who've spent the better part of their careers understanding and building the delicate balance that allows ROC and PRoC to exist without military warfare.

This shit's going to get people killed and waste a lot of resources so some anonymous dunderheads can feel better about themselves.
No one is going to die over a phone call. China will be mad, talk some shit, then let it go.
I have no way of confirming this, but I have a sneaking suspicion if Obama did this, there'd be a much different reaction.

That's because we trust Obama to make rational decisions. Not so much the case here. Anything can happen and we don't know Trump's motives.


Yeah, so most people don't give a fuck about these kinds of diplomatic niceties, but just you wait when Trump declares Jerusalem the capitol of israel, because he will.
It's not like countries have begun wars over the recognition of sovereign territory in the past.

Oh wait.

I'm trying to find an analogy that suits this situation and I can't. The best thing I can think of is the Japanese bombing Pear Harbour in an attempt to destroy the Pacific Fleet while at the same time believing the US would back down or give up. Most people look at that line of thought today and see it as completely out of touch.

Maybe someone else can think of something more accurate.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Why would someone who flakes on his intelligence briefings know anything about how international relations will affect other countries.
He probably doesn't know any better

Romney please


That's because we trust Obama to make rational decisions. Not so much the case here. Anything can happen and we don't know Trump's motives.
True, I have a sneaking suspicion it's about his buisness, and that's very wrong if true. Still, speaking to Taiwan in and of itself is fine. People are freaking out about that, and it's really not that big a deal.


It's not hypocritical. The logic is that the US agreed to the 'One China' policy and believes there's not going to be an invasion (because how could China invade itself), hence it sells 'defensive' arms to Taiwan.

Well that just an absurd level of convoluted logic that is incomprehensible.


Taiwan is the seat of the opposing government of China in a civil war that has possibly not officially ended. Not sure you want to out yourself as being on the same level on Trump in terms of foreign policy

I'm well aware of what they both are and how they feel about eachother. What I'm asking is why"officially" communicating with a government is bad when we've been unofficially communicating with then for years. It's not like they don't exist because we are pretending they don't.


People aren't freaking out over a fucking phone call. It's about Trumps history thus far. He tends to double down when he's being attacked and he's not campaigning anymore he's about to become the leader of the free world. What does doubling down look like in that context? We. Don't. Know. And it scares us.


A Good Citizen
People aren't freaking out over a fucking phone call. It's about Trumps history thus far. He tends to double down when he's being attacked and he's not campaigning anymore he's about to become the leader of the free world. What does doubling down look like in that context? We. Don't. Know. And it scares us.
yeah p much

Nobody's going to war over a phone call but it's a concerning (to put it lightly) pattern of behavior.
Not a mistake. He knew what he was doing. And knew the exact message he wanted to send China in doing so.

Not a fan of China throwing a fit over Taiwan so good for Taiwan to speak to him. Other than that I'm 'meh' on Trump.


I disagree with Trump on a bunch of shit, but not this. Seriously this is a good thing, China needs to know we support Taiwan and Tibet, and the US hasn't shown that.

I have no way of confirming this, but I have a sneaking suspicion if Obama did this, there'd be a much different reaction.

That said, Trump's economic policy with regards to China is a disaster. That's what I'm scared about, not China throwing a hissy fit overy something stupid.

If Trump had shocked us all with a reasoned, nuanced statement on what he did and the intended implications of it, this'd be a different thread.

Because if Obama had had the call, I'm betting the explanation would have been more than "we sell weapons why wouldn't I let them stroke my ego?"

It': not just that he had the call, but that every indicator he's giving is that he doesn't understand the implications of it any more than a random on the street would. Trump has no background, no experience, and if he is going to be an actual president he needs to give some impression he makes moves understanding the full weight of his position. A glib tweet is exactly what not to do, because it indicates he maybe didn't bother to think through what this would represent.
I'm well aware of what they both are and how they feel about eachother. What I'm asking is why"officially" communicating with a government is bad when we've been unofficially communicating with then for years. It's not like they don't exist because we are pretending they don't.

Because China doesn't want anyone to communicate at an official level with the "rebels." It's a major point of pride for their government, and crucial to having official relations with China.

Do American just not learn anything about history in school? Like, that whole thing that Nixon did opening relations with China? That major normalization of relations between two world powers?


We should not be curtailing who we speak to due to the whims of the Chinese government.
Seriously fuck the Chinese government. their propaganda arms are so the same level of North Korea directly threatening and alluding to military against those who enter the south china sea is just one example.


I'm well aware of what they both are and how they feel about eachother. What I'm asking is why"officially" communicating with a government is bad when we've been unofficially communicating with then for years. It's not like they don't exist because we are pretending they don't.

Because taiwan's already a powderkeg and China's leadership loves its nationalism. They're also a vital economic powerhouse with an authoritarian government that can move in ways against us we can't.


I'm well aware of what they both are and how they feel about eachother. What I'm asking is why"officially" communicating with a government is bad when we've been unofficially communicating with then for years. It's not like they don't exist because we are pretending they don't.
As long as a status quo is maintained as official policy, backchannels are available and flexible. This is what diplomacy is about, it doesn't matter what people think but instead of what their actions are signalling.

Rebel Leader

Because China doesn't want anyone to communicate at an official level with the "rebels." It's a major point of pride for their government, and crucial to having official relations with China.

Do American just not learn anything about history in school? Like, that whole thing that Nixon did opening relations with China? That major normalization of relations between two world powers?

No, the history books in my high school never even covered world war 1.


If America has gotten so weak that they need to kowtow to authoritarian one party dictatorships like China, then maybe they really do need someone to make them "great again".


Everyone needs to grow up, be adults, and admit that Taiwan really is its own country, especially the people living there afraid to do so because of the missiles being pointed at them. It has its own legal codes, its own tax system, its own military and China has none of these things in Taiwan. Independence has nothing to do with it because the Peoples Republic of China has never, in all of its history, ever controlled the island of Taiwan. I have zero respect for world organizations like the UN who refuse to provide representation and it's in our interests on so many levels to restore full diplomatic relations.

Taiwanese positions on interstrait relations are very diverse, not everyone there thinks they're really the legitimate government of China. Regardless of what anyone thinks, wants, or advocates, these are two separate autonomous de facto republics and should be treated as such.


I disagree with Trump on a bunch of shit, but not this. Seriously this is a good thing, China needs to know we support Taiwan and Tibet, and the US hasn't shown that.

I have no way of confirming this, but I have a sneaking suspicion if Obama did this, there'd be a much different reaction.

That said, Trump's economic policy with regards to China is a disaster. That's what I'm scared about, not China throwing a hissy fit overy something stupid.

Um, Taiwan and Tibet know we support them. Diplomacy is a chess game, not whoever can yell louder. Obama wouldn't do this shit because he isn't a fucking dumbass.


Reading some of these posts and the utter lack of eduction about how the world works contained within them is utterly, utterly terrifying.

This is not a joke and not a good thing.


Reading some of these posts and the utter lack of eduction about how the world works contained within them is utterly, utterly terrifying.

This is not a joke and not a good thing.

uhhh the world is really complicated stuff. It's hard to enough to follow whats happening locally, let along nationally and internationally.

Is it really that surprising that many americans don't know shit about taiwan?


Maybe China invades Taiwan now so it really becomes China

I'm sure that they would if the US hadn't armed them to the teeth, an issue that China should be far more angry about than the President Elect accepting a congratulatory telephone call.

The Lamp

Shared this with my friend who has a masters degree in international affairs and foreign policy from one of the best schools in the US...this news worried him, to say the least. This is not good and it's a significant deal.
He talked to the democratically elected representative of a nation of self-identifying Taiwanese people, that is being held economically and militarily hostage, on the phone. Hate Trump to death, but this should not be a big issue.


If America has gotten so weak that they need to kowtow to authoritarian one party dictatorships like China, then maybe they really do need someone to make them "great again".

Kowtowing, ah, is that what we have been doing all this time. Is that official policy, agreed upon by Reagan, was it? That B-grade celebrity never MAGA. Guess this one will.
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