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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


I'm talking about just damage by himself, no assists, but I assume you're taking that into account as well. I don't consider 600K+ that meh, it's deff good damage. Also, do you like or hate the fact that Vergil is considered the best?
Yes I was in fact talking about no assist damage. 600K is mediocre damage. 700K is decent damage. 800K is good damage. 900K is great damage. 1 million plus is broke damage.

Magneto can break 800k easily, Doom can break 900K. IF breaks 900K (but uses up 2 meter). Wolverine does 700K with baby's first combo. Wesker can do 700K plus with glasses off easy mode combo. Iron Man does 750K, same as Cap. Viper breaks 900K. Hulk, Spencer, Zero, Vergil are in the broke category for damage. The characters who have their BnBs do less than 700K are for sure labelled as low damage characters. Can't think of many characters aside from the usual like Firebrand, Arthur, Strider who have trouble breaking 700k.

Fucking Dante can do 900k burning 2 meters.

Azure J

I'm reading the last page... God damn, stop embarrassing me Dante players. It really really really just sounds like an old joke I made being the truth about a large majority of people playing this game. Because they can't LMHS something into death at any point in time, the character "is ass". Meanwhile, no one's exploring tools, optimizing combos, or talking about him as he is instead of wishing for the "good old days" of vanilla.
Lol holy shit I thought I muted it. I can never really tell when it's muted when I play marvel. Good shit man, you really kicked my ass

Most of those games could of went either way. Even though I'm very familiar with Nova, I'm still super pringles to him. You scooped me a grip.

Not sure what it is about this game and salt. It's the only gave EVER where I actually get somewhat mad if I lose. Why is it when I win though I don't feel any gratitude?


Now I'm curious, what nerf to Dante did you have in mind?
Removing being able to block during the first four frames of Bold Move, which just makes Dante pretty much unpunishable with most supers.

Although I'd only accept the nerf if the other top tiers got their nerfs, too. ;P

Kurayami Kensei

Neo Member
Hi guys. I'm looking for some new people to play some matches with and get some practice in. I consider myself slightly above average and have pretty good knowledge of the game but my execution isn't the best. I'm on xbox and my tag is Kurayami Kensei. Send me a message if you'd like to play sometime.


Removing being able to block during the first four frames of Bold Move, which just makes Dante pretty much unpunishable with most supers.

Although I'd only accept the nerf if the other top tiers got their nerfs, too. ;P
That's completely fair. Hell, I'd agree with that nerf.

I'm having fun with dante right now, even though I'm complete ass with him. (I don't have the execution for it)
Hi guys. I'm looking for some new people to play some matches with and get some practice in. I consider myself slightly above average and have pretty good knowledge of the game but my execution isn't the best. I'm on xbox and my tag is Kurayami Kensei. Send me a message if you'd like to play sometime.
Welcome to the forums. I'm on PSN, so we'll never play, but I'm sure you'll find some great people to play here. There is a spreadsheet in the first page of this topic that lists all umvc3 players on GAF, feel free to add yourself to it. If you don't mind my asking, what are your team(s)?

Kurayami Kensei

Neo Member
Right now i mostly use X-23/Captain America/Taskmaster. I mostly play mid tier characters. Some of the other characters I like to use are Ryu, Nova, Frank West, and Dorm.
Most of those games could of went either way. Even though I'm very familiar with Nova, I'm still super pringles to him. You scooped me a grip.

Not sure what it is about this game and salt. It's the only gave EVER where I actually get somewhat mad if I lose. Why is it when I win though I don't feel any gratitude?

Hahah dude, I feel you. I sort of closed the gap, but then you went on a couple of long streaks and hit me with like a million gravity squeezes and I got so damn salty. You're right, winning doesn't really do anything for me, but if I lose once I'm gonna punch right through my monitor.

I need to learn a new bnb for taskmaster. I feel like I dropped a ton of opportunities with him.
That's completely fair. Hell, I'd agree with that nerf.

I'm having fun with dante right now, even though I'm complete ass with him. (I don't have the execution for it)

Welcome to the forums. I'm on PSN, so we'll never play, but I'm sure you'll find some great people to play here. There is a spreadsheet in the first page of this topic that lists all umvc3 players on GAF, feel free to add yourself to it. If you don't mind my asking, what are your team(s)?

There is a spreadsheet??? How did I not see this


Why not state your team? There's a decent chance somebody on GAF will play some of them and could tell you reasonable bnbs to get going with.

Well the Team I really enjoy playing
Superskrull, Sent, Ryu
Superskrull, Felicia, Ryu

Also playing around with Firebrand


Bee is the only Frank West player worth looking at. Ignore all others.

Apologyman = fraud?

Well the Team I really enjoy playing
Superskrull, Sent, Ryu
Superskrull, Felicia, Ryu

Also playing around with Firebrand

Ryu and Sent- watch Rayray footage. Superskrull- Apologyman or DJ Huoshen. Felicia- DJ Huoshen. For combos, slogging through the SRK character forums and digging around is probably your best bet.

Of those teams, I like the first one you listed the best- though I would change the order and play Superskrull/Ryu/Sent. Drones make random meteor smash attempts safe, and Rayray has shown that drones really help Ryu offense with fuzzy guard set-ups and such.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Apology man relies on his team to get Frank West to level 5. Outside of level 4/5 his Frank is bad. With Bee you get the full Frank West spectrum.
Morrigan combos:

Well we covered Mr. West so how bout that Dorm....
FChamp, of course. Check my Dormammu thread on SRK. I have a lot of gameplay videos, including some Dormammu/Frank ones.

There is a spreadsheet??? How did I not see this
*shakes head*

Removing being able to block during the first four frames of Bold Move, which just makes Dante pretty much unpunishable with most supers.

Although I'd only accept the nerf if the other top tiers got their nerfs, too. ;P


Apologyman = fraud?

Ryu and Sent- watch Rayray footage. Superskrull- Apologyman or DJ Huoshen. Felicia- DJ Huoshen. For combos, slogging through the SRK character forums and digging around is probably your best bet.

Of those teams, I like the first one you listed the best- though I would change the order and play Superskrull/Ryu/Sent. Drones make random meteor smash attempts safe, and Rayray has shown that drones really help Ryu offense with fuzzy guard set-ups and such.

Was watching a few combos, I really want to stick with this PSvita version. I have Xbox joy Arcade stick and would love a better set up. The PSvita controlls took some time getting use to. Felicia is hard using those little buttons <( -.-)> *sighs*

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
It's not easy to find that spreadsheet. It's in the middle of a big paragraph. If it was a hideous url in the middle of the OP it'd be easier to find.


tagged by Blackace
I just signed up for UFGT9's UMvC3 tournament on May 24. If anyone else is from Chicago and wants to meet me, that will be your opportunity. It'll be my first time going to a big tournament, so I wouldn't mind finding some people to play a ton of casuals with to warm up and get used to playing offline for my second time (lol).
Make sure your handle is GAF|Karsticles.
Why not?

Unless GAF really is the source of all the stream monster haters you have :lol
Dunno. I'm weird about associations. It took me like a year to even join a guild in WoW because it makes me uncomfortable to be associated with a particular group.

Sounds awesome! Good luck and sport the point Phoenix team you keep talking about and be the next Deathwish. :D
LOL naw. I'll use Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix. I went 11-17 against a solid Wolverine/Sentinel with that team. Really, if it weren't for mother fucking TACs, that number would be a lot better, too. I like my team as it is.

You should play the point Phoenix team, though. It's really good. I've gotten quite a few perfects on folks here. I just can't learn Sentinel and Arthur to a competitive level in 2 months. There's too much there. I'd rather stick with improving my Morrigan since my Dormammu and Phoenix are close to solid.

Oh man I am totally turning the chat on if you get on stream at UFGT
That's my worst fear. Getting blown up on stream at my first real tournament.
That's my worst fear. Getting blown up on stream at my first real tournament.
It's no big deal. My first time on stream was at EVO a few years ago for HD Remix. I remember hearing Keits talk about my match, too.

"Oh, he's using T.Hawk. Let's see if he knows any cool stuff with him."
*after my loss* "Well, I guess not."

Hilarious stuff in hindsight! You'll do fine, I'm sure.


It's no big deal. My first time on stream was at EVO a few years ago for HD Remix. I remember hearing Keits talk about my match, too.

"Oh, he's using T.Hawk. Let's see if he knows any cool stuff with him."
*after my loss* "Well, I guess not."

Hilarious stuff in hindsight! You'll do fine, I'm sure.

Thawk is fucking garbage in HD Remix. :(

And Karst do it, I'd do it just for the hell of it.
I just signed up for UFGT9's UMvC3 tournament on May 24. If anyone else is from Chicago and wants to meet me, that will be your opportunity. It'll be my first time going to a big tournament, so I wouldn't mind finding some people to play a ton of casuals with to warm up and get used to playing offline for my second time (lol).

That's really cool man. I think Marvel is a incredibly fun game in groups. Even for fellow Theory Fighters. Best of luck. Although it is very disheartening to hear you have only played offline once before. It may sound silly but I would definitely practice your B&B's in a offline setting even if only against the CPU. Your characters combo's are pretty sensetive, it could throw you off.

...Holy shit, I didn't even realize the implications.

Huh? What implications?

That's my worst fear. Getting blown up on stream at my first real tournament.

I wouldn't worry about it. It's not like your the type of person to get upset over a loss. Be serious but have fun with it. Don't think like "oh man if I only did this, or if I didn't get hit by that." Playing in a group and on the spot is very different than online. Just don't let your nerves get to you, cause if your not used to it, it will.
It happened to me and I'm still alive to live the tale so don't worry about it !
Haha. I tend to choke hard under pressure. -_-

That's really cool man. I think Marvel is a incredibly fun game in groups. Even for fellow Theory Fighters. Best of luck. Although it is very disheartening to hear you have only played offline once before. It may sound silly but I would definitely practice your B&B's in a offline setting even if only against the CPU. Your characters combo's are pretty sensetive, it could throw you off.
I got invited to a weekly session that's a bit of a drive. I might go there a few times to practice up. I do all of my combos regularly offline, so no worries on that end. I always have to readjust to use them online.

I wouldn't worry about it. It's not like your the type of person to get upset over a loss. Be serious but have fun with it. Don't think like "oh man if I only did this, or if I didn't get hit by that." Playing in a group and on the spot is very different than online. Just don't let your nerves get to you, cause if your not used to it, it will.
Hahah, oh man you have no idea. I tear myself up over mistakes and losses. I swear constantly and will yell at the TV. Though I tend not to do that in person - the impersonal setting of online play seems to effect me differently. I'm expecting to do poorly. :p
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