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Uncharted Collection demo up in PS Store Worldwide


Sometimes I wonder if I played the same game as other people?

Bullet sponge enemies... what? Have I played Halo so long that I've become incapable of judging TTK or something?

Or does people's aim just suck?

It's a combination of bad aim and people not understanding the weapons don't do similar damage to enemies. Let me use Uncharted 1 as an example (as it's where it is most obvious).

In UC1, the pistol you get at the beginning of the game downs enemies in 4 to 5 shots (to my recollection, I could be off by one more bullet and the 92-FS kills in 4 shots instead) while the AK-47 takes more shots than that to down someone + the longer you hold down R1 the more erratic your aiming becomes which means you have to compensate that with the analogue stick by holding down to keep the reticle steady. If you burst shoot the AK-47 you'll be more likely to down enemies reasonably but if you hold R1 then it's harder to down an enemy reasonably, especially because in UC1 they do a dodge and aren't just standing there waiting to be shot.

Not only that, but people likely aren't going for headshots as if you would it only takes 1 headshot to kill any enemy in the game (except for those with helmets, you have to shoot twice: once to remove the helmet and another time to hit and kill them).

Bullet sponges don't exist in any of the games in their original PS3 incarnations if you know what you're doing. If it's taking you an entire clip to kill someone, you're bad at the game. Simple as that.
Yeah it is for all the downloads and all my friends have that too. I think the full game will arrive here before i can download the demo so i will just wait. :)

Have you tried rest mode? My downloads go quite fast (though no where near my max speeds) in rest mode.

Can usually get a couple of gigs done every 5ish minutes that way.

Edit: Glad someone cleared up the headshot scenario above. That's usually what I go for, head shots. Never understood the bullet sponge complaints for that reason.


Sony PLEAZZE, the US!

Is it out yet in the US or NA?


It's a combination of bad aim and people not understanding the weapons don't do similar damage to enemies.
Bullet sponges don't exist in any of the games in their original PS3 incarnations if you know what you're doing. If it's taking you an entire clip to kill someone, you're bad at the game. Simple as that.

I'd say it's bad aim, I got super turned off of the game, but it was one of the first games that was in third person with a focus on shooting that I tried to play. (I played gears of war after this I think? or I harshly compared it to gears. -- it's been a while. :) )

I am looking forward to playing all of them soon though. I haven't played them yet.


benevolent sexism
Despite my negative impressions of Naughty Dog's games I thought I'd try the demo again just to see. It's a strange thing that when so many people praise something it can make me wonder if my impressions were wrong. Maybe I was having a bad day when I played the games, maybe the settings were wrong etc etc. Anyway, I loaded up the demo, genuinely interested to see what it would be like. Got to the broken elevator and everything that I disliked about these games came flooding back. Tedious waves of bullet sponge whackamole enemies, awkward movement, the numbing boredom of climbing drainpipes. Ah well, maybe 4th time's a charm eh.
Tedious waves of enemies? I finished every "wave" in the demo in under 5 seconds. You seem to be another in the inexplicable horde of people who don't want shooting in a shooter and just want to auto platform your way through barely interactive scenery for some reason.

Venom Fox

I played for around 10 minutes last night and couldn't help being put off by how badly this game seems to have aged, it felt clunky (ish). I don't know if that's the right word but the movement system doesn't feel as smooth as I remember it being like. Shame as I was looking forward to playing the trilogy for the 4th time.


LOOOOOVE the Greek text. It's so rare unfortunately. Full Greek synchronization would've been amazing.

You can have a negative opinion as long as you explain why? Like if you have the game, or played the demo and have valid input not just drive by shit posting on how something looks from a youtube video.

Which you did in a previous thread on the same game, and you didn't elaborate, so people ignored your post.

dude said he played the demo and expressed his negative opinion and people still jumped on him.

I said uncharted 1 looked terrible because it looks really dated in comparison to Uncharted 2 and 3.

It's very short, I completed it in within 10-15 minutes max. I thought there was going to be a lot more, stuff they showed before, but it isn't in there.



Junior Member
I played for around 10 minutes last night and couldn't help being put off by how badly this game seems to have aged, it felt clunky (ish). I don't know if that's the right word but the movement system doesn't feel as smooth as I remember it being like. Shame as I was looking forward to playing the trilogy for the 4th time.

Kinda feel the same also... I platinumed all Uncharted games and I hold the Uncharted serie one of my favorites of all times. But after playing alot of Gears of War recently, this felt really clunky and not as I have remembered =(
Man, they really fixed Chloe's face. There was always something off-putting about her eyes and eye brows but she looks totally natural now.

Venom Fox

Kinda feel the same also... I platinumed all Uncharted games and I hold the Uncharted serie one of my favorites of all times. But after playing alot of Gears of War recently, this felt really clunky and not as I have remembered =(
Yeah, I was mega disappointed with the movement last night, coming from MGSV and TLOU it just feels weird. I had the same problem with GTA:O after I completed MGSV, I kept on running into stuff because it felt clunky.

I hope I can get back into U:NDC when it releases though, I can't wait for how good the movement looks in UC4 as well.


Wow, 7.5 Gig for just that? There was enough there to entice me for the full game I guess. But having just completed TR2013 on PC just a month ago, I can't help feeling I might have already played Uncharted "remastered".
It's a combination of bad aim and people not understanding the weapons don't do similar damage to enemies. Let me use Uncharted 1 as an example (as it's where it is most obvious).

In UC1, the pistol you get at the beginning of the game downs enemies in 4 to 5 shots (to my recollection, I could be off by one more bullet and the 92-FS kills in 4 shots instead) while the AK-47 takes more shots than that to down someone + the longer you hold down R1 the more erratic your aiming becomes which means you have to compensate that with the analogue stick by holding down to keep the reticle steady. If you burst shoot the AK-47 you'll be more likely to down enemies reasonably but if you hold R1 then it's harder to down an enemy reasonably, especially because in UC1 they do a dodge and aren't just standing there waiting to be shot.

Not only that, but people likely aren't going for headshots as if you would it only takes 1 headshot to kill any enemy in the game (except for those with helmets, you have to shoot twice: once to remove the helmet and another time to hit and kill them).

Bullet sponges don't exist in any of the games in their original PS3 incarnations if you know what you're doing. If it's taking you an entire clip to kill someone, you're bad at the game. Simple as that.

It's so annoying to see those posts too. For several years I posted about what you just stated and it goes ignored.

Quoting so more people would notice.
It's so annoying to see those posts too. For several years I posted about what you just stated and it goes ignored.

Quoting so more people would notice.

It's a good post. And unfortunately it's something that happens on gaming sites all over including GAF. People mixing up game design and player skill to draw flawed conclusions. Well, maybe not as much for UC but I don't know since I wasn't around those threads but I've seen it for other titles numerous times.


You seem to be another in the inexplicable horde of people who don't want shooting in a shooter and just want to auto platform your way through barely interactive scenery for some reason.


Some people just expect Uncharted to be more of an action-adventure game with challenging climbing and platforming sections, puzzles and occasionally some shooting parts. People expect something like Indiana Jones or the classic Tomb Raider games and that's not so far-fetched considering the theme of the game.
But what you get is mostly a straight-up third-person shooter with auto-climbing stuff and I can't fault people for being disappointed with that.


Enjoyed the demo and the visuals look great. It is interesting just how much the series has been aped though, and it's like going back to Half Life 2 after every sci fi FPS that released since. I still think Uncharted maintains the best interactivity during its scripted sequences though. All the set pieces are built around the core mechanics of climbing, jumping, shooting and punching that it simply feels like you're playing the set piece as opposed to following invisible QTEs like many games feel. Here's hoping Naughty Dog can take it to the next level with 4 and further define third person adventure games, because it still feels like they're ahead of the curve in terms of game design (if not shooting mechanics, where The Last of Us was a huge improvement).



Some people just expect Uncharted to be more of an action-adventure game with challenging climbing and platforming sections, puzzles and occasionally some shooting parts. People expect something like Indiana Jones or the classic Tomb Raider games and that's not so far-fetched considering the theme of the game.
But what you get is mostly a straight-up third-person shooter with auto-climbing stuff and I can't fault people for being disappointed with that.
What the game actually is is a narrative focused third person shooter with set pieces lifted straight out of action/adventure flicks like Indiana Jones. You play the part where the boulder rolls after Indy, or the bridge is collapsing and you try to run off it, or you're fist fighting baddies on top of a tank as it's about to roll off a cliff, or you jump out of a plane in an inflatable raft and land in a rushing river and navigate the rapids, or you're in a boat chase jumping from boat to boat, shooting guys, fist fighting as the boat you are on is getting progressively crushed by a giant propellor and you leap off to another boat just in the knick of time. Those are the kinds of things that are playable moments in the Uncharted games. That's where the Indiana Jones inspiration comes from. It is undeniably more like the experience of watching an Indiana Jones film than any other game before it.



Some people just expect Uncharted to be more of an action-adventure game with challenging climbing and platforming sections, puzzles and occasionally some shooting parts. People expect something like Indiana Jones or the classic Tomb Raider games and that's not so far-fetched considering the theme of the game.
But what you get is mostly a straight-up third-person shooter with auto-climbing stuff and I can't fault people for being disappointed with that.
Well remember Uncharted was Sony's answer to Gears so naturally it would have lots of shooting and enemies that could absorb a lot of damage. Of course it's silly when a half naked pirate takes a dozen bullets to kill but these are just video games after all.


Holy crap!!! How can I possibly be so bad at this game now? Really wasn't expecting that but I really was dying all over the place, mainly due to me killing myself by pressing the buttons from other games that I've been playing.

Probably going going to have to start learning all over again when the collection is released.


What the game actually is is a narrative focused third person shooter with set pieces lifted straight out of action/adventure flicks like Indiana Jones. You play the part where the boulder rolls after Indy, or the bridge is collapsing and you try to run off it, or you're fist fighting baddies on top of a tank as it's about to roll off a cliff, or you jump out of a plane in an inflatable raft and land in a rushing river and navigate the rapids, or you're in a boat chase jumping from boat to boat, shooting guys, fist fighting as the boat you are on is getting progressively crushed by a giant propellor and you leap off to another boat just in the knick of time. Those are the kinds of things that are playable moments in the Uncharted games. That's where the Indiana Jones inspiration comes from.

I've always felt that Uncharted had as much in common with Die Hard as Indiana Jones, outside of the Treasure Hunter theme. Those movies are full of one liners and have crazy set pieces where John McClane takes on terrorists as a one man army (it's okay when he does it, though, he's a cop not a mass murderer).


Well remember Uncharted was Sony's answer to Gears so naturally it would have lots of shooting and enemies that could absorb a lot of damage. Of course it's silly when a half naked pirate takes a dozen bullets to kill but these are just video games after all.

It came out just one year after Gears of War, and was announced at E3 2006 before Gears was even out.

Of course it wasn't their "answer to Gears".

And there are no non-armored enemies in the game that take a dozen bullets to kill, regardless of difficulty.


I've always felt that Uncharted had as much in common with Die Hard as Indiana Jones, outside of the Treasure Hunter theme. Those movies are full of one liners and have crazy set pieces where John McClane takes on terrorists as a one man army (it's okay when he does it, though, he's a cop not a mass murderer).

Yeah sure, that's not so crazy. John McClane and Indiana Jones are both every-man characters in situations over their heads, barely scraping by, just as Nathan Drake is.


Love that I can get it to download while in class and have it ready for when I get home. What a time to be alive!

Can't wait to play it


Haven't played Uncharted 2 in a couple of years but I really don't remember Normal being as hard as it is in the PS4 version :-D I've died a couple of times during my playthroughs
LOOOOOVE the Greek text. It's so rare unfortunately. Full Greek synchronization would've been amazing.

They even added a Turkish dub, even though the original PS3 game didn't have one... it's amazing that Sony has treated this collection with so much love.


Game looks great but not having an option to increase camera speed is a bummer, camera movement is so slow it is infuriating
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