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Until Dawn - Review Thread

[Call-Me-G];176376876 said:
Pretty good reviews, I'm really surprised and impressed. But for me, Slashers are really bad movies... This game is not for me.

It's more than a slasher. Can't say more, because spoilers. :)


So how much name-calling has Polygon got so far just because they didn't like the game a bit? Some of you guys need to grow up, I've seen them called dumb, not doing their job, etc. So the hell what if they liked the game a bit less than you (which I'm assuming you haven't even played it yet?). If you need to feel good, go look at any of the other reviews, not every reviewer needs to satisfy your needs and they aren't dumb just because of it.

Ahahaha I don't like Polygon either but the hate in this thread is insane. He was lukewarm on it, people just need to get over that. I didn't give Polygon a click, but it seems like the reviewer at least didn't make any stupid points or something.


Interesting article, I wonder if The Order affected Sony's marketing of this game.


I disagree with that premise. Sony included Until Dawn inserts in the cases of both The Order and Bloodborne, and have released a shit ton of trailers for this game. That live-action "Road Not Taken" trailer is better than some games get alone.

I think its more than the writer of the article just wasn't paying attention to this game, not that Sony was sending it out to die.
I had a feeling it would do better than The Order: 1886. Won't lie that I had my doubts however. I shall definitely pick it up at a discount as it seems like a fun party game.

Best wishes.


Ahahaha I don't like Polygon either but the hate in this thread is insane. He was lukewarm on it, people just need to get over that. I didn't give Polygon a click, but it seems like the reviewer at least didn't make any stupid points or something.

It's more of a running joke. At least for me.


I disagree with that premise. Sony included Until Dawn inserts in the cases of both The Order and Bloodborne, and have released a shit ton of trailers for this game.

I think its more than the writer of the article just wasn't paying attention to this game, not that Sony was sending it out to die.


Console Market Analyst
Wow. Congrats to Supermassive. I expected more polarization, to be honest. But these are just positive across the board (minus the usual suspects).
I'm not sure of what to think of it.

On one hand, it's really cool and gets you into the game. It makes good sense, too.

Then, on the other, I had issues with it when I was laying on my bed while gaming, and had to repeat one section multiple times. I also got caught twice because of it, but those seemed intentional.

Thankfully zero characters died because of it.

The first time I played I lost one character and I pretty much felt I deserved it. I made a choice and immediately thought... "yeah, that wasn't the right choice."
I disagree with that premise. Sony included Until Dawn inserts in the cases of both The Order and Bloodborne, and have released a shit ton of trailers for this game. That live-action "Road Not Taken" trailer is better than some games get alone.

I think its more than the writer of the article just wasn't paying attention to this game, not that Sony was sending it out to die.

Pretty much every commercial i see on Twitch right now is about Until Dawn, and i have seen several TV commercials as well. If this is Sony sending it out to die then they send Sly 4 and Starhawk straight to hell.


A 40 review has been added to MC, probably why it lowered...


My review of Until Dawn is up-and-running at USgamer. I enjoyed it as a horror buff.

If you have any questions that aren't about spoilers, feel free to ask.

While checking a few things for the game I ran into something that spoiled info about the killer as well as some other end game stuff.

As someone who was looking forward to this ever since the reveal, is it still worth a play or did the posts I stumbled upon just ruin the experience for me?


Yeah the "don't move the controller" parts are very tricky. You don't really have time to prepare yourself so if you're holding the controller sideways or something when it kicks in it's very hard to successfully get past these parts.

But that's not necessarily a bad thing. It can be fun too. At some point you can start anticipating when you have to be still so you can concentrate in advance on keeping the controller unmoved (for example when you have to choose between Run and Hide, you can expect you have to do this "minigame" if you choose Hide). Sometimes it's kinda random and that can get a character in trouble, or killed. In my playthrough I lost my favorite character because of such a moment, but it's nothing to be frustrated about.

In another scene I failed the minigame too but because of an earlier decision to move an object I was able to get a second chance and escape from the killer. Had I left that object untouched, that character may have potentially died there. Another example of how good the butterfly system works :)
The first time I played I lost one character and I pretty much felt I deserved it. I made a choice and immediately thought... "yeah, that wasn't the right choice."

I lost my favourite character by making a stupid choice. I was kicking myself.

Poor Ashley shouldn't have gone to help her friend who was banging at the trap door.

I'm on play through two, and have lost one by taking my time to help them, due to looking for collectibles. I'm mad at myself for that, too, lol.


Man now I really want this game. But I'm not even close to having finished Arkham Knight, and MGS V is right around the corner.

Need. Abililty. To stop time.
Just curious what makes this a rental for so many as opposed to a purchase?

Lengthwise it's similar to a lot of full priced retail games and seems to have significant replay value.


Just curious what makes this a rental for so many as opposed to a purchase?

Lengthwise it's similar to a lot of full priced retail games and seems to have significant replay value.

Last-gen games, sure, but this is the open-world generation where every game now takes 50 hours to beat.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
I don't have any problem with the Polygon review. I even think that the score (mostly)reflects the text.

I just don't think that i would personally give 6.5 to a game that i mostly enjoy, want to play many more times and will recommend to friends.

And their scoring system is ridiculous. People deciding on the score of a game when they didn't played it is dumb as fuck.


Man now I really want this game. But I'm not even close to having finished Arkham Knight, and MGS V is right around the corner.

Need. Abililty. To stop time.
I have so many backlog too lol but I'm going to buy it for some quick runs and for when friends/family are over >:)


Neo Member
60 FPS does happen, it does happen very rarely though. Framerate-drops are a serious issue, imho. Sometimes it's dropping way below 30.


It would be interesting to see who people would want to keep alive and which ones they don't mind dying.

Then again, I feel like between most people they would keep the same characters alive. I think Heavy Rain's Madison was like that for most.
Just curious what makes this a rental for so many as opposed to a purchase?

Lengthwise it's similar to a lot of full priced retail games and seems to have significant replay value.

Despite the replay value, personally I couldn't sit through effectively the same story just to see how the ending changes.

Unless your deeply invested in the characters, I can't see many people playing through over and over again.
Whoa Polygon hate, who would have thought it happens on this thread?

Seems it has good score and I like the fact they are trying something bit different. That's always a plus in my book.
Last-gen games, sure, but this is the open-world generation where every game now takes 50 hours to beat.

Well if 50 hours is the bar I guess I understand why that's the sentiment.

I'm still happy with shelling out $80 for a solid 8-10 hour campaign. I don't typically replay games so Uncharted, Wolfenstein, etc are one and done for me, as long as the ride is a good one I'm satisfied . To each their own


It would be interesting to see who people would want to keep alive and which ones they don't mind dying.

Then again, I feel like between most people they would keep the same characters alive. I think Heavy Rain's Madison was like that for most.

I'm pretty excited in that besides like an initial E3 trailer, I went straight blackout on this game even when I wasn't sure if I wanted it or not. I usually like horror stuff but I like to keep all the characters and story beats a surprise for me. After reading up a few more reviews I think I might be picking this up this weekend, seems like a fun game too to invite some friends over for late night scary craziness.


Lol, it wasn't that bad :)

I rented this game from Gamefly and I'm very excited to try it out. If it's really good, i'll hit the "Keep" feature and buy it :)
It doesn't even have an ending. If I'm going to watch something on YouTube just for the story, it better be a good story.
It would be interesting to see who people would want to keep alive and which ones they don't mind dying.

Then again, I feel like between most people they would keep the same characters alive. I think Heavy Rain's Madison was like that for most.


I tried so hard to kill her.
Pretty much every commercial i see on Twitch right now is about Until Dawn, and i have seen several TV commercials as well. If this is Sony sending it out to die then they send Sly 4 and Starhawk straight to hell.

Oh? What's the TV spot? I'd be happy to know that there is one.
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