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Until Dawn - Review Thread


King of Gaslighting
Really dude?

Yes. Really. Or were you able to play TLOU:R on another system that I was unaware of.

That Polygon review tho. I know we shouldn't get too much upset about it but the small part in the OP is so typical Polylol nonsense

"It's not a good game but l want to play more of it"

"I don't like it that much and find this and this dumb but all my friends need to play this"

You might want to review this post, other posts like it and adjust accordingly.


UK TV spot

I am pretty happy now. This is exactly what I wanted to see.

Now all I need is a Tearaway TV spot, and I will rest happy for 2015 :')

Great ad! The game should probably do great sales wise. The marketing is very strong and Twitch/PewDiePie will be huge for it!

I am with you too in regards to Tearaway Unfolded! Please Sony, you have a amazing IP in your hands! Dont let it die AGAIN! Market the hell out of it!
I'm still mad about Starhawk. Sony's incompetence caused that game to flop hard then Sony ended their contract. The studio shut down shortly after.

I think Until Dawn will do well despite Sony's suckiness because of Twitch.

I would not blame Starhawk bombing solely on Sony. The game just wasn't nearly as good as Warhawk.


Apparently mocking Polygon is now a bannable offense.

The mods around here have been warning about it for awhile, you had one the other day saying they are just completely tired of having to babysit people who can't accept that other people can have different opinions. If it makes these review threads more readable and having actual discussion more than "lol polygon is dumb" "polygon doesn't know how to do their jobs" then I'd think that would be a good thing.

Plus the game is getting great reviews from alot of places, it's so silly to get bothered over a single review. It's good to take in multiple reviews and viewpoints, as it allow us to figure out whether those positives and negatives are things we would like or not like from the game. Reviews are a great buyers guide for myself and I like having a ton of opinions and looks at a game as it gives me more insight into whether I would like it or not.


I'm happy to leave remasters out for discussion purposes, but the fact is I bought a PS4 last summer largely because of TLOUR since I smartly skipped the PS3 version. So they do count in the marketplace.

Fair enough for your case, but we should prob leave remasters and crossgens titles out of it.


I'm still mad about Starhawk. Sony's incompetence caused that game to flop hard then Sony ended their contract. The studio shut down shortly after.

I think Until Dawn will do well despite Sony's suckiness because of Twitch.
Starhawk flopped because it sucked.
And LightBox did not shut down. They are still running today.



This game is running on the engine they used in Shadowfall?

From Sterling's review:

"With strong performances from the cast and some terrific visuals, Until Dawn is easily among the best technical productions the PS4 has to offer. The lighting effects are fantastic – crucial for a game in which light sources are an important part of exploration – though the facial motion capture is overzealous at best. There’s the uncanny valley, and there’s terrifying facial ticks and spasms. A little too much “over animation” went on with these poor characters."
From Sterling's review:

"With strong performances from the cast and some terrific visuals, Until Dawn is easily among the best technical productions the PS4 has to offer. The lighting effects are fantastic – crucial for a game in which light sources are an important part of exploration – though the facial motion capture is overzealous at best. There’s the uncanny valley, and there’s terrifying facial ticks and spasms. A little too much “over animation” went on with these poor characters."

I knew they'd criticize the faces, but it seems good for the most part.

Heavy Rain had some pretty great facial animations, right?


You want a shot at the champ? [NG gif winner July 23]
This game looks fun, perfect for weekend get together party game.


Pretty good reviews. The game definitely looks like what Quatic Dream games should be.

Still, there are too many other games coming for me to buy this one now. I'll get it after a price drop or sale
Reviewing better then I thought it would. I'll definitely have to pick this up later down the line. Simply coming out too close to MGSV for me to put down the money or time for it.


I love that it's using Guerilla's engine. It seems like that engine is quite versatile, and Sony is getting smart with that studio. I'm all for them using tricks like this to spend less money on tech and more money on making great games.


I could only choose 1 between Madden and this game and I chose Madden but I definitely will be buying it as soon as that first discount hits. I figured reviews would be all over the place.
Didn't Sly 4 do quite well, though?

I wonder why Sony didn't order more Sly games from Sanzaru.

It actually sold quite well, particularly for game with VERY little marketing. I believe some insider said a new Sly game is coming out with the movie, but that was last year ago.


wow 79 metacritics ? I'm surprise, amazingly surprise, I wasn't planning to get it now but I can't deny the hype, especially when i was expecting low scores, day one.


I totally missed this thread D: also, holy batman graveyard lol

Anyway, much better than what i was expecting, i'm totally in now

...on Halloween tho, i got too much stuff to play now and i will enjoy the game much more when friends come over (with booze on the side)

Any hints on the lenght btw? (can't open many links as i'm on mobile atm)


Survivor horror games tend have polarized reviews, Alien Isolation and Dying Light both had a few outlying low scores. I applaud game devs for taking chances and making non-traditional type games. Just seems like some reviewers like to stick with basic formulaic games/gameplay.


Very nice! Been watching this game since it was first unveiled so I'm glad it's reviewing relatively well. Def gonna check it out around Halloween!
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