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Until Dawn - Review Thread

Pretty much every commercial i see on Twitch right now is about Until Dawn, and i have seen several TV commercials as well. If this is Sony sending it out to die then they send Sly 4 and Starhawk straight to hell.

That's surprisingly true, particularly with Sly 4. Also, great analogy, lol:)


Polygon being like "ooh a ps exclusive !"



I feel like the marketing for this game was perfect. They showed you what the game was about, how it played, and didn't hide or sugar coat anything.


Well if 50 hours is the bar I guess I understand why that's the sentiment.

I'm still happy with shelling out $80 for a solid 8-10 hour campaign. I don't typically replay games so Uncharted, Wolfenstein, etc are one and done for me, as long as the ride is a good one I'm satisfied . To each their own

same for me. I don't understand why everyone wants every game to be open world. It's overwhelming and I never really complete it.. (for me), hence, why I like games like Uncharted more than some of these open world games.
While checking a few things for the game I ran into something that spoiled info about the killer as well as some other end game stuff.

As someone who was looking forward to this ever since the reveal, is it still worth a play or did the posts I stumbled upon just ruin the experience for me?

Yeah, at least to experience it. The game kind of balloons outward at a certain point. I mean, most of what's coming is pretty telegraphed if you watch horror movies anyways. Just enjoy it.

I lost my favourite character by making a stupid choice. I was kicking myself.

Poor Ashley shouldn't have gone to help her friend who was banging at the trap door.

I'm on play through two, and have lost one by taking my time to help them, due to looking for collectibles. I'm mad at myself for that, too, lol.

I got to that section and figured it was a trap.

What the hell, are there no minorities in this game?

How am I supposed to play my minorities-only playthrough now?

Matt is black, Emily is Asian.


It would be interesting to see who people would want to keep alive and which ones they don't mind dying.

Then again, I feel like between most people they would keep the same characters alive. I think Heavy Rain's Madison was like that for most.

I wish David Cage would make a HR sequel that's all Madison. Her sections were the most hilarious because you could always choose to make her do the most idiotic bullshit. (accept the cartoonishly evil doctor's drink, repeatedly open windows in the flaming apartment, strip for the rapey club owner, sleep with the sad sack suspect for no reason, etc.)


Better than expected. After The Order reviews debacle I was expecting this game to get maligned by reviewers.


Im liking these really split reviews Sony has been putting out with Everybodys Gone to the Rapture, now this. Nice seeing big budgets going to more experimental stuff.


Sony nailed the advertising for this one I think, at least in the UK.

I know about 3 people who are getting this just because of the adverts they saw on TV.
All these positive reviews means this is going to turn into Sony's biggest exclusive franchise.

I can see it now, the headlines: "Until Dawn 3 sells 5 million copies in 24 hours".


King of Gaslighting
Apparently mocking Polygon is now a bannable offense.

Good. It was getting silly, especially when it was clear people hadn't actually read the review and were just drive-by Polygon shitting.

This is the strangest collection of reviews ive seen this gen

Does it really? It seems pretty standard. A fair amount of praise, mostly "Good job SMG" and a few outliers.

It doesnt. The remaster is awesome and TLoU is one of the best games ever, but is not PS4 exclusive.

Pretty sure TLOU:R is exclusive to the PS4.


Pretty much every commercial i see on Twitch right now is about Until Dawn, and i have seen several TV commercials as well. If this is Sony sending it out to die then they send Sly 4 and Starhawk straight to hell.
I'm still mad about Starhawk. Sony's incompetence caused that game to flop hard then Sony ended their contract. The studio shut down shortly after.

I think Until Dawn will do well despite Sony's suckiness because of Twitch.
Yeah, at least to experience it. The game kind of balloons outward at a certain point. I mean, most of what's coming is pretty telegraphed if you watch horror movies anyways. Just enjoy it.
I am a GIGANTIC horror movie buff.

I was just so ready to drop the $60 tomorrow because I wanted to experience it in the worst way. I am worried that by now knowing about
Josh and the Wendigos
will cause me to play while knowing exactly what is going to happen.

I am in such a miserable mood right now. This was actually my most anticipated title of 2015, along with Bloodborne and The Order. :(


That Polygon review tho. I know we shouldn't get too much upset about it but the small part in the OP is so typical Polylol nonsense

"It's not a good game but l want to play more of it"

"I don't like it that much and find this and this dumb but all my friends need to play this"


I'm still mad about Starhawk. Sony's incompetence caused that game to flop hard then Sony ended their contract. The studio shut down shortly after.

I think Until Dawn will do well despite Sony's suckiness because of Twitch.

Starhawk had a great concept but the community just wasn't there. Lets say Sony put their full marketing behind it and it still flopped?

Until Dawn could have the opposite effect. It has been advertised they have shown the game and reviews are doing it some justice. If anything. Word of mouth will help this game. I'll get this game but not on day one. Just have too many other things to play.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The scores actually seem to be doing a disservice to the general positivity of the review texts, it sounds much better than expected, even if that "better" doesn't correlate with high numbers.

Definitely on my radar now. Which is kind of a bummer given September has a giant MGSV shaped blip on it!
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