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Updated Resident Evil Franchise sales (RE7 at 200K of 2M fisc year goal 3 months in)


RE7 didnt have a protagonist to market the game.

The direction of the overall game is fantastic but it needs to go 3rd person and have a marketable sexy protagonist.

I think a huge part of RE's appeal is the well designed characters.Tough to sell a faceless RE.


Gold Member
In what universe is 74% on Metacritic with 21 positive, 12 mixed, and one negative review "panned"? RE6 is a divisive game, certainly. And its 7th gen console versions were... not great. But "divisive" and "panned" are very different things.

It's not like the opinions of professional critics, nor Metacritic, have any bearing on a game's inherent quality, but I've never understood how people can actually believe RE6 was "panned" by critics. It's like believing that Donkey Kong 64 wasn't universally acclaimed.

MGSV is divisive, RE6 took a definitive hit in criticism
I wish they didn't market RE7 as a "VR game." I was kinda turned off by that idea since I don't want to have a heart attack, and I felt like playing without VR would be a lesser experience. However, now that I'm actually playing it, I find the game to be fantastic. It amazes me that the same people that put together RE4 5 an 6 had it in them to make a really incredible atmospheric game like this.
I hope they show something about the 2 DLCs during TGS,maybe take advantage of that and jump into the Halloween hype.

The delay has been so long, they definitely need to think about a good release strategy instead of dropping it randomly. That is, if they've actually gotten it ready.



WTF I remember Steam reviews were poor near launch. When did opinions on it change?

RE6 has potentially the best third-person shooting mechanics of its generation. The problem is that the tutorialization, encounter design, presentation and story are kind of garb.
The four campaigns drag on and really aren't fun until you know how to play at a high level, and at that point it's better just to play Mercenaries mode and get straight to the gameplay.

On-topic, Capcom are crazy for those sales expectations. RE7 was awesome, but you can't split a franchise's fanbase between action, horror and old-school and then expect them all to bite when you go back to your roots.
At this point the best plan would be to to lock down a subseries for each subgenre and split budget between them instead of betting the farm on big mainline entries.


RE7 didnt have a protagonist to market the game.

The direction of the overall game is fantastic but it needs to go 3rd person and have a marketable sexy protagonist.

I think a huge part of RE's appeal is the well designed characters.Tough to sell a faceless RE.

The whole "lets hide Ethan's face and make him the player" in a sense was definitely an issue. Since RE has always been about the main cast of characters. There's been numerous posts about how the Bakers are the true stars of the game. Which I think is right. But that still leaves your main cast of ethan and Mia in the shadows of no one cares by the majority, when you go that route. Ethan and Mia shoudlve been like Claire and Leon in RE2. New faces to the series people would look forward to seeing again. IMO they didn't succeed in that. Since I'd rather just see jack baker come back over all of them lol.


Good job Capcom for slowly decreasing the potential of their only worldwide hit franchise at the expense of pleasing critics and horror fans.

might be the worst first post I've seen on this forum. And that says a lot.

What were the comparative budgets for 6 and 7? Need to consider return on investment to say one was really a commercial failure relative to the other. Straight up sales volume isn't everything.

Worst case just release the next shitty bloated action shooter as a spinoff title.

Lack of extra modes and or multiplayer was a mistake for 7, though.

Ivan 3414

All I want is for Capcom to just copy and paste RE6 mechanics to Dead Rising so those "Look at that AWESOME zombie punch bro" guys can go elsewhere.

Considering the item management that people loved so much about the first Dead Rising, I'd argue that a survivor horror-spin on Dead Rising would be a better option. DR has already been trashed for becoming more action-orientated with each installment and that way all you whining fans classic RE can go elsewhere and let us have actual fun with action RE. =)
Its pacing, story and level design are also crap so there's that.

There's a reason why diehards love 4, like to love 5 and dislike 6.

6 is not more refined than 4, it's clunkier, it's dumber, it's not bigger but bloated, it's silly, like, too damn silly, and the level/scenario design is unadulterated crap to the point it goes to parody.

Punching boulders was ridiculous enough and then we got to punching zombies.

RE6 can GTFO.

Silly? RE4 had you saving the president's daughter from a world-domination plot. And while punching a boulder was a dumb QTE, the melee system in RE6 is a good gameplay mechanic.

I don't see any pacing issues in 6 unless you try to tackle more than one campaign at a time or two or more campaigns back-to-back. Within each campaign, the pacing is very well crafted.

Don't see how the level design is "crap" as each scenario felt designed to showcase the gameplay while presenting different and interesting challenges. Heck, even bosses were made all the more fun by allowing you to find two more players online who happened to be about to face the same boss.


I will say that if anything. These sales in my eyes show that capcom really needs to go to that 3 pillar structure and not just rely on one style going forward.

Do stuff like REmake
Do stuff like RE4
Do some other stuff as well

Even if other fans have to wait. Try and make your divided fanbase happy. Even if it's not with every game you put out.

But yeah, as a fan of both action and classic RE I agree.
Pretty sad. RE7 is a truly great game.

I do think RE needs another big budget action game though. Not a low to mid budget Revelations title.


The whole "lets hide Ethan's face and make him the player" in a sense was definitely an issue. Since RE has always been about the main cast of characters. There's been numerous posts about how the Bakers are the true stars of the game. Which I think is right. But that still leaves your main cast of ethan and Mia in the shadows of no one cares by the majority, when you go that route. Ethan and Mia shoudlve been like Claire and Leon in RE2. New faces to the series people would look forward to seeing again. IMO they didn't succeed in that. Since I'd rather just see jack baker come back over all of them lol.

I agree totally.

Mia was well animated and had cool moments but her design had little to no flair.She was kind of..Generic.Ethan was nonexistent.

First person alienated a lot of people too.

I really did love the bakers and the mansion area,however.It was really fantastic.


Silly? RE4 had you saving the president's daughter from a world-domination plot.

It also had an atmosphere that was believable as a horror game, whereas RE6 was a Michael Bay flick.

I don't see any pacing issues in 6 unless you try to tackle more than one campaign at a time or two or more campaigns back-to-back. Within each campaign, the pacing is very well crafted.

Playing them sequentially is how you finish the game though. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not in the habit of dropping a new game until I'm done with it.

Don't see how the level design is "crap" as each scenario felt designed to showcase the gameplay while presenting different and interesting challenges.

You're not wrong about the level design serving the gameplay, but I think the point is more that gameplay-wise 6 shed the last vestiges of 4/5's horror elements by going full TPS instead of limiting the player with tank controls.
That feeds into the level design, and so you get the linear corridors of 4/5 minus the atmosphere, minus the claustrophobic gameplay, and the end result is lacking. The key and object puzzles in Leon's campaign ended up feeling laughably out-of-place.


might be the worst first post I've seen on this forum. And that says a lot.

What were the comparative budgets for 6 and 7? Need to consider return on investment to say one was really a commercial failure relative to the other. Straight up sales volume isn't everything.

Worst case just release the next shitty bloated action shooter as a spinoff title.

Lack of extra modes and or multiplayer was a mistake for 7, though.

The marketing costs for both were basically the same going by the interview


That's only one piece of the picture. But I don't recall anything that ever put RE6 as a failure or a game that didn't make money in terms of its sales. It failed to reach expectations but so did RE7. The only difference is they went out of their way to say "it's profitable".
In the case of RE6 I don't think the lack of that 100% means it didn't either.


Even though RE7 didn't reach the goal sales, it still managed to pay for development on day one. It was also pretty much universally praised, so you can bet that this type of gameplay will continue in a bigger budget sequel.

Renna Hazel

I wonder if the demo turned people off. I absolutely loved RE4 and 5 so I had to at least give it a shot. The demo where absolutely nothing happens was a big turn off to me.


I wonder if the demo turned people off. I absolutely loved RE4 and 5 so I had to at least give it a shot. The demo where absolutely nothing happens was a big turn off to me.
This might be true. The demo is not representative of the final product, at all.

Ethan being a piece of cardboard didn't help either. Devs should really stop with those faceless protagonists.


Even though RE7 didn't reach the goal sales, it still managed to pay for development on day one. It was also pretty much universally praised, so you can bet that this type of gameplay will continue in a bigger budget sequel.

If they could translate all that was great about 7 to a 3rd person view, without resorting to waves of enemies and wrestling combos then I might get my perfect game


Even though RE7 didn't reach the goal sales, it still managed to pay for development on day one. It was also pretty much universally praised, so you can bet that this type of gameplay will continue in a bigger budget sequel.

IMO I think capcom is still undecided on what they'll do next. In the RE7 dev diary the closing comments are "RE8 might be different from RE7, but it will retain the spirit of survival horror" or something like that.

I wouldn't be surprised to see RE8 go back to third Person and try this style of gameplay. However I doubt we'll see them go RE8 full on action just like RE6.

If anything I stand by the gameplay style will be retained. With the first person view being the first thing on the chopping block unless they figure out a way to bridge both into one game.



RE7 is inferior to both the classic and action formulas.

People can spin things any way they want but having your biggest selling series sell way less than previous installments is a big fail.
74%? lol, I think you mean 67%. The 360 version received over twice as many reviews as the PS3, so that's the score we refer to. Same reason why we almost always refer to PS4 version scores this gen.
In which case, RE6 360 got 31 positive, 33 mixed, and 7 negative. Which is otherwise known as "divisive".

And sorry but that score is fucking horrible for a major franchise like RE. It was panned.
Franchise, schmanchise. That doesn't fit the definition of "panned" no matter how much detractors want to believe it. And like I said, the point is kinda moot anyway. It's not like Metacritic determines a game's quality.
It also had an atmosphere that was believable as a horror game, whereas RE6 was a Michael Bay flick.

I think any pretense of atmosphere the series had ended with RE4. If anything, RE4 made the series become a parody of horror tropes mixed with non-stop action (exactly like RE5 and RE6). I mean, how can you be scared of anything in RE4 when close to every enemy in that game is suscetible to a roundhouse kick? Sure, RE6 has bigger action, but let's not pretend RE4 was anything other than an action game.


If they could translate all that was great about 7 to a 3rd person view, without resorting to waves of enemies and wrestling combos then I might get my perfect game

3rd person would have gone a long way and not just because i hate the viewpoint. The combat and especially the boss design werent really properly constructed for first person.


The marketing costs for both were basically the same going by the interview


That's only one piece of the picture. But I don't recall anything that ever put RE6 as a failure or a game that didn't make money in terms of its sales. It failed to reach expectations but so did RE7. The only difference is they went out of their way to say "it's profitable".
In the case of RE6 I don't think the lack of that 100% means it didn't either.

Sorry I meant 7 as the "commercial failure" in this case (though the better game critically), considering it has sold much less than 6 so far. I have to imagine the actual development budget was significantly less than 6. And may be I'm wrong but I'd guess the development time and logistics (6 had like 3 or 4 teams working on it iirc) given the smaller scale was more manageable.

Shame we don't have actual budget numbers to compare, but I think we're more likely to see a re8 closer to 7 than 6 - thankfully - all things considered.


Sorry I meant 7 as the "commercial failure" in this case (though the better game critically), considering it has sold much less than 6 so far. I have to imagine the actual development budget was significantly less than 6. And may be I'm wrong but I'd guess the development time and logistics (6 had like 3 or 4 teams working on it iirc) given the smaller scale was more manageable.

Shame we don't have actual budget numbers to compare, but I think we're more likely to see a re8 closer to 7 than 6 - thankfully - all things considered.

I do agree that It's highly unlikely we see a RE title the size of RE6 ever again.


RE8 needs a legit protagonist and some equivalent to Mercenaries mode for longevity.

I honestly expect it to be pretty similar to 7 but with a bit more *polished* action.
Let's hope the not a hero dlc will boost R7 sales past the 4mill mark. After all, People keep saying not seeing familiar faces affected sales. This one is all about Chris Redfield.


At the same time here's hoping the amount of on disc content there was in RE7 also doesn't become the series standard moving forward. There really isn't much there.

They definitely need to keep with the Campaign and one bonus mode. Like every other RE title has. The fact that one of the modes was held off to be made DLC is bullshit.

RE8 needs a legit protagonist and some equivalent to Mercenaries mode for longevity.

I still say a new character could work. Though maybe perhaps from the get go have the new character have some sort of tie to a classic character. Whether it be familial or a mentor like role.

Hell you can even ditch that if you at least make the character themselves interesting. The whole faceless thing just isn't a good idea for a series that is really big on its characters now.

Hell Rev 2 showed new characters work when done well. Moira is a fan favorite now.


I'm fine with RE7 selling less and less, terrible way to go with the franchise after the previous ones made so much money; should've left it with a subtitle as a spinoff or something...
And of course it was impossible to express this like an adult, you just HAD to make that bitter, whiny first post, right?
What was wrong in the first post? Can you explain it as an adult instead of trying to label everyone in this thread as 'obnoxious RE6 fans' and dismiss their opinion.

Capcom made a terrible decision when they decided to 1. bet on VR 2. make a drastic change to their biggest worldwide franchise 3. decided to pursue the look of indie horror games.

I don't really need to show and prove anything for it since the sales number are right in the OP and even Nirolak, who is pretty open minded when it comes to general sales talk, states that RE6 did well for Capcom, how is that hard to understand? Meanwhile Nirolak has also mentioned that while RE 7 shipped 3.5 million during its first 3 months, it has only managed to ship 200k after that, which is a horrible figure no matter how you spin it.

Meanwhile Capcom started to re-release their ports for the action-based Resident Evil games which have proven to be a surprise success with Resident Evil 6 port even shipping 1.1 million copies. What does this tell you here?

Lastly the myth that RE7 was cheaper to develop should be debunked. The actual game might be cheaper but they also created a whole engine for it along with the focus on VR that will have likely contributed to the budget. It won't be as expensive as RE6, which was HUGE, but it is not going to be cheap either. Either way, Capcom has already squandered the potential of this franchise and this could have all been avoided with one simple move. Label the game as a spin-off instead of calling it Resident Evil VII and trying to spin it as a reboot to the franchise, because it obviously didn't work as well.

Let's hope the not a hero dlc will boost R7 sales past the 4mill mark. After all, People keep saying not seeing familiar faces affected sales. This one is all about Chris Redfield.
Chris who? Have you finished the game? In their desire to pursue a more realistic visual style, they also completely messed up the classic character design. The guy might as well be a fake Chris at this point.


Pretty sad. RE7 is a truly great game.

Nothing to be sad about it imo,3.7M in a little over 6 months is not bad and broke even like 2 weeks after release.
I think is pretty good for a SP only game with a reasonable budget,little marketing and no online maintenance.
Edit: Also,Sony's paycheck for the limited PSVR exclusivity surely helped a little.


I'm fine with RE7 selling less and less, terrible way to go with the franchise after the previous ones made so much money; should've left it with a subtitle as a spinoff or something...

If 6 had made "so much money" we wouldn't have got 7 as it was, Capcom didn't do that just for shits


If 6 had made "so much money" we wouldn't have got 7 as it was, Capcom didn't do that just for shits

There was a lot of factors in the change for 7.

Going by interviews, in Japan 7 is a big deal for a series and they said for such an event they wanted to revisit the roots. That could just be Talk but I think there's some truth there.

Aside from that I'd argue making a game like RE7 is an easier endeavor than making something like RE6. Especially when it comes to a new engine.

Regardless we'll see how things play out. If we never see another third person action game in like the next 10 years then yeah. Capcom was fed up and just done with that style. If we do, capcom just wanted to change thins up and finally give something back to older fans who had nothing but action for like 10 years.


Lastly the myth that RE7 was cheaper to develop should be debunked. The actual game might be cheaper but they also created a whole engine for it along with the focus on VR that will have likely contributed to the budget. It won't be as expensive as RE6, which was HUGE, but it is not going to be cheap either.

Conjecture is not enough to label something a "myth" to be "debunked." Also you don't id that engine will be utilized for future games or licensed to third parties.

Unless we have actual figures you can't make these arguments concretely.


I think any pretense of atmosphere the series had ended with RE4. If anything, RE4 made the series become a parody of horror tropes mixed with non-stop action (exactly like RE5 and RE6).
I mean, how can you be scared of anything in RE4 when close to every enemy in that game is suscetible to a roundhouse kick?
Sure, RE6 has bigger action, but let's not pretend RE4 was anything other than an action game.

Because you have to stand perfectly still and carefully aim at the enemy's moving feet in order to roundhouse kick them. Contrast that to RE6 where you can strafe and retreat while firing, or action-dive backward and attack from ground level.
Tank controls make the gameplay that much more tense, and contribute to the atmosphere that I'm talking about.

On a second playthrough, sure, RE4 becomes non-stop action because you know what's coming and understand the mechanics. On a first one though? No way.


I'm fine with RE7 selling less and less, terrible way to go with the franchise after the previous ones made so much money; should've left it with a subtitle as a spinoff or something...

They probably realized they aren't very good at making action-RE games after 6 because of how awful it was.


I bet if RE2 remake is made like the REmake with better visuals it could sell very well.

Real Talk.
That game is gonna sell regardless of what style or perspective it is.
They could make it third Person and while a lot of people here would groan, I'd bet it'd sell more than RE7. The nostalgia angle it has is gonna draw a lot of people.
Real Talk.
That game is gonna sell regardless of what style or perspective it is.
They could make it third Person and while a lot of people here would groan, I'd bet it'd sell more than RE7. The nostalgia angle it has is gonna draw a lot of people.

No doubt it will sell. It says RE2 on the cover, it's gonna do well.
Ok, so I never saw this but reading it now, it sure makes a lot of sense.

RE6 was globetrotting adventure and it cost a shit ton. I can understand why Capcom decided to ditch this approach for the sequel because they obviously couldn't do another game in the same way.

Shame that they decided to go for a completely different approach here though. They could have kept third person and even decided to go for hybrid, while also retaining the multiplayer and it could have worked way better. I blame VR for it.

There are many indie games that can evoke the atmospheric horror feelings of Resident Evil 7 but nothing for the action Resident Evil games with their co-op and multiplayer.


Gold Member
i think theres a lot of things RE7 did right and a lot it did wrong. but also, a lot that was out it's hands that would have affected it negatively.

everyone wants to speculate, but tbh no one knows how a differently designed game from RE7 would have done following RE6. seems like a drop was imminent. factor that into Capcom as a company overall and their numbers/business has been in decline. I don't think RE7 numbers are a valid way to make much of a comparison. I do think they also overestimated the audience First Person perspective would bring in.

But, really you have to look at console numbers. in september of 2012 there were 70 million PS3 units sold. in Feb of 2013 there were 76 million xbox 360s sold. so 146m total. (excluding pc numbers)

as of jan 2017 there were 26m xbox sold. by june 2017 there were ~60m ps4s sold. totalling 86m units (excluding pc numbers)....

thats about a 42% difference in available units to sell software to. and teh 6 month total software difference is ~ 29% ...so looking at these numbers I'd say RE7 is doing pretty alright, if not better than re6 and theres no real valid argument of RE6 vs. RE7

RE7 is inferior to both the classic and action formulas.

People can spin things any way they want but having your biggest selling series sell way less than previous installments is a big fail.

Please staph..thank god its only you're opinion that matters absolutely zero.

Fact remains, RE is back to its original roots and it's staying..only one thing left to do is...Deal with it.


There are many indie games that can evoke the atmospheric horror feelings of Resident Evil 7 but nothing for the action Resident Evil games with their co-op and multiplayer.
How sad that RE is a horror franchise and not a buddy shooter.

And it's not just the new gameplay style. I also really dislike the more realistic visual design in RE7 (the stylized approach of previous RE games is way better IMO)
What? RE has always looked the most realistic it can look for its time.
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