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US PSN Black Friday Sale + 10% off PSN Code


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Ended up getting

Batman Arkham Knight
Street Fighter V
Guilty Gear Revelator
Rainbow Six Siege Gold Edition
Titanfall 2

Looking forward to playing them all!
And bought.

Batman: Arkham Knight
Tales from the Borderlands
Game of Thrones
Darksiders II
Mad Max
Street Fighter V
Hitman: Complete Season
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Bought Rainbow Six: Siege earlier in the week, should've waited for that... Ugh!

I also had room for Terraria but damn cart only allows 10. So cheesed since it would've made it exactly even with the discount!

Great sale for me!


For those with leftover money in their wallet: next month we're probably going to get Best of PSEx/VGA sale and End of Year/Christmas flash sale - so I'd advise you to wait.

I have $20 left or so, so I'm keeping it until then.


Got Telltale's Batman with the code. Really happy about getting it now for over 10 dollars less. Saving the rest of my money

For those with leftover money in their wallet: next month we're probably going to get Best of PSEx/VGA sale and End of Year/Christmas flash sale - so I'd advise you to wait.

for this.


Hyper Light Drifter and The Witness not on sale. Sad. I will get DSIII eventually, not this year, maybe next black Friday to be honest.
As someone who has never played a Witcher game before, which version should I get? The Complete Edition?

Are Tales of Zestiria and/or Sword Art Online: Lost Song worth getting? I've never played either of those series, but those prices look pretty good.


I see no one ever bothers mentioning Borderlands: THC, is it that bad or not worth for SP..if it's any good I'll grab it.

it's amazing if you like borderlands. especially if you haven't played 2. you get the pre-sequel, which is pretty good. but borderlands 2 is a masterpiece. i have probably put over 100 hours into borderlands 2 on the 360, then i picked up the handsome collection a while back to play the pre-sequel and 2 again. both are fine solo, that is how i played them.


if i don't mind some frame rate drops and a touch of jankiness, is Just Cause 3 worth it? I hear people say it's got issues, but are they like game breaking terrible issues, or just general performance issues that some think are nothing big and others think are a slidehow?

What is this flash sale people are talking about? Another sale? Shouldn't it start by now?

it's been there all day.
it's amazing if you like borderlands. especially if you haven't played 2. you get the pre-sequel, which is pretty good. but borderlands 2 is a masterpiece. i have probably put over 100 hours into borderlands 2 on the 360, then i picked up the handsome collection a while back to play the pre-sequel and 2 again. both are fine solo, that is how i played them.

Thanks for that, have not spend too much time on either of the series so this purchase makes perfect sense.

Btw: which EP I should start journey first? Thx!

I didn't get you, but you can use it with the current sales.

I think you mean the 10%, not sure about that.

Yeah no prob, what I meant was %20 off cannot be applied on pre-orders it takes you to a separate confirmation page.
Unfortunately didn't get watch dogs 2 because I hated the little I played of part 1 but ended up getting mad max and skyrim which should keep me busy til a proper sale on watch dogs 2 which I'm still looking forward to playing.


How possible is that uncharted 4 will be $
30 on awards sale? I'm considering purchasing it on EU store but I would like to not to create another account.


if i don't mind some frame rate drops and a touch of jankiness, is Just Cause 3 worth it? I hear people say it's got issues, but are they like game breaking terrible issues, or just general performance issues that some think are nothing big and others think are a slidehow?

People aren't exaggerating with how bad the performance is.

Had Darksiders, Far Cry Primal and Rocksmith in my cart.

In the end bought Rocksmith. Not really much that interests me between these two sales, at least not at prices that tempted me.


I didn't get much. Most games I either already owned or had no interest in. Regretting having bought Tomb Raider last month for the Spend $100 Get $15 deal. Should have gone with a Last Guardian preorder instead and bought Tomb Raider now. I didn't even start it yet. Oh well...

With the 10% discount, I got:

- Overwatch: $31.31
- Red Dead Revolver: $8.09
- Drive Club (Full Game Unlock): $6.74


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Hope you realize that the Battlefront Deluxe is not the season pass.
Cannot emphasize this enough. I got Deluxe thinking it was the Season Pass, and then felt like I had the incomplete game so ended up spending another $30 on the season pass.

It's a good game, but still. Deluxe won't net you the whole thing.


I jumped on Doom, hope it's good. Probably should have watched gameplay and such but it was cheap at least.

Might still pick up Shadows of Mordor GoTY but still thinking about that.


I see no one ever bothers mentioning Borderlands: THC, is it that bad or not worth for SP..if it's any good I'll grab it.

ive played BL2 on the X360 for many hours (about 100 at minimum) and after seeing that this game is 60fps on ps4 i finally bought it.

Its still an awesome game, playing it nonstop since yesterday. all DLCs are included.Now im playing with the DLC chars i didnt play back then. one of the best COOP games ever.

it even supports 4 player local splitscreen coop!


Doom for $19.99. Fuuuuuuuu
Why did I use my code and purchase AC Syndicate yesterday?

Still not sure the game is worth it. I hate short games and not crazy about MP.
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