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VGleaks: Orbis Unveiled! [Updated]

"Every Durango comes with a miniature Wesley Crusher who uses his Trans-Warp powers to speed the flow between memory pools. He calls this the "Data Move Engine" in honor of an android friend from his childhood."
please explain what you do know and how SRAM affects memory bandwidth. And please explain how DRAM is accessed because I would love to know how your little mind comprehends this stuff.

And where did you get the numbers for your SRAM price and GDDR5? SRAM is much more expensive than using GDDR5. You not only need a large die, you need components to control 2 pool of memory and additional buses. But please do tell how you got that idea.

And please do give you analysis on texture bandwidth and how that is used. And how your opinion matters.

I would love, love to laugh at what you try and write.



To those of you still worried about raw TFLOP numbers. This is what is being done on 7 year old hardware. Why are you still skeptical of what can be accomplished with hardware that's roughly 6-8x more powerful? ...and that's just on paper, we're not even talking about architectural advancements, better tools etc., we're just multiplying arbitrary numbers. Imagine what ND, GG, SMS and PD would accomplish with a closed box that's not only 8x more powerful(8 PS3s duct taped together? lol), but also tailored towards their needs.
To those of you still worried about raw TFLOP numbers. This is what is being done on 7 year old hardware. Why are you still skeptical of what can be accomplished with hardware that's roughly 6-8x more powerful? ...and that's just on paper, we're not even talking about architectural advancements, better tools etc., we're just multiplying arbitrary numbers. Imagine what ND, GG, SMS and PD would accomplish with a closed box that's not only 8x more powerful(8 PS3s duct taped together? lol), but also tailored towards their needs.

Totally agree with this, Its amazing what Sony is doing with a 7 year old Console. Look at games like 'The last of Us', 'Uncharted 3' and 'Killzone 3'.



The crazies have really crawled out of the wood work, especially over the past few months / weeks.

Shit is only going to get worse,I was lurking GAF around the time of the last console release wars and it was crazy and casualties were heavy.

Also was there a new batch of juniors? ....... seems to be more of them around at the moment.

Tough time to be forum staff these next couple of years.

Also, GDDR5 is obviously better, especially compared to a large pool of slow running ram ...... even the tiny pool of fast ram can not makeup the difference.


The crazies have really crawled out of the wood work, especially over the past few months / weeks.

Shit is only going to get worse,I was lurking GAF around the time of the last console release wars and it was crazy and casualties were heavy.

Also was there a new batch of juniors? ....... seems to be more of them around at the moment.

Tough time to be forum staff these next couple of years.

Also, GDDR5 is obviously better, especially compared to a large pool of slow running ram ...... even the tiny pool of fast ram can not makeup the difference.

And it is amazing how some people simply "Add" the two pool's bandwidth together as if that is how it actually occurs.

I expect a plethora of perm and temporary bans by the time E3 rolls aorund.
I know from current leaks, the Sony console seems to have a significant edge but I really hope it's nothing extreme. I have no allegiance to either manufacturer but I really don't want any of the platforms to be an anchor on multiplatform development. The vast majority of the games released over the generation are going to be developed with the lowest common denominator in mind to some extent so I don't get excited when I consider the idea that one is significantly lower power than the other.


Junior Member
Well this gen is probably worst ever in my gaming life. No real winning, low-rate, too long years and way fewer games. I do think too much multi-platform cause this problem.

Hopefully next-gen will be change this time, I think I do need all 3 systems to be completely different each other because PS2's and SNES's generation is best thing in my life.



I see you are pretending to matter.

please explain what you do know and how SRAM affects memory bandwidth. And please explain how DRAM is accessed because I would love to know how your little mind comprehends this stuff.

And where did you get the numbers for your SRAM price and GDDR5? SRAM is much more expensive than using GDDR5. You not only need a large die, you need components to control 2 pool of memory and additional buses. But please do tell how you got that idea.

And please do give you analysis on texture bandwidth and how that is used. And how your opinion matters.

I would love, love to laugh at what you try and write.

Thanks for forcing me to figure out how to add someone to my ignore list.

This seems to follow along the same design.


Thanks to Edge we now have a bunch of people thinking there will be 8gb of GDDR5 in the PS4 -.- Who's going to sit them down?


To those of you still worried about raw TFLOP numbers. This is what is being done on 7 year old hardware. Why are you still skeptical of what can be accomplished with hardware that's roughly 6-8x more powerful? ...and that's just on paper, we're not even talking about architectural advancements, better tools etc., we're just multiplying arbitrary numbers. Imagine what ND, GG, SMS and PD would accomplish with a closed box that's not only 8x more powerful(8 PS3s duct taped together? lol), but also tailored towards their needs.

Have you ever been in a Digital Foundry face off thread? Shit gets real over a 2fps drop at frame 4683 on console x which doesn't happen on console y.


The crazies have really crawled out of the wood work, especially over the past few months / weeks.

Shit is only going to get worse,I was lurking GAF around the time of the last console release wars and it was crazy and casualties were heavy.

Also was there a new batch of juniors? ....... seems to be more of them around at the moment.

Tough time to be forum staff these next couple of years.

What the hell are you implying here, exactly?
Also, how does one rid himself of the "junior" moniker?


Have you ever been in a Digital Foundry face off thread? Shit gets real over a 2fps drop at frame 4683 on console x which doesn't happen on console y.

I rather enjoy these reports as it tells dual-console owners, which is the best version to purchase. I don't suppose this will change anytime soon either.


Banstick Emeritus
please explain what you do know and how SRAM affects memory bandwidth. And please explain how DRAM is accessed because I would love to know how your little mind comprehends this stuff.

And where did you get the numbers for your SRAM price and GDDR5? SRAM is much more expensive than using GDDR5. You not only need a large die, you need components to control 2 pool of memory and additional buses. But please do tell how you got that idea.

And please do give you analysis on texture bandwidth and how that is used. And how your opinion matters.

I would love, love to laugh at what you try and write.

usually I just ask people to stop being dicks, but you're a junior so


Wait what ? source ?

There's a new story in Edge. People are mainly discussing new controller, but best bits are on 2nd page, about developers claiming it's more powerful than Xbox, very easy to develop for and that ...wait for it... Sony's pushing to increase the RAM in final version to 8Gb.

Now my question is, with 2.5D stactking is it possible to use DDR3 and still maintain the 176Gb/s bandwidth? If so, I think this would be the only reasonable way to double the RAM, without impacting the price? Or is stacking so expensive to cancel out the benefits of using DDR3 instead of GDDR5?
There's a new story in Edge. People are mainly discussing new controller, but best bits are on 2nd page, about developers claiming it's more powerful than Xbox, very easy to develop for and that ...wait for it... Sony's pushing to increase the RAM in final version to 8Gb.

Now my question is, with 2.5D stactking is it possible to use DDR3 and still maintain the 176Gb/s bandwidth? If so, I think this would be the only reasonable way to double the RAM, without impacting the price?

They're not pushing the RAM to 8GB. Sony wants to match the power of Xboxs 8GB. Which most here have said they have done by having 4GB of GDDR5 RAM in the PS4.


They're not pushing the RAM to 8GB. Sony wants to match the power of Xboxs 8GB. Which most here have said they have done by having 4GB of GDDR5 RAM in the PS4.

Well, I guess 4Gb GDDR5 has been known for quite some time so I doubt they meant that. Also, the quote is quite clear - they acknowledge better bandwidth and in next step want to match the quantity:

We have confirmed with sources that recently leaked tech specs are accurate. Though Durango devkits offer 8GB of DDR3 RAM, compared to Orbis’s 4GB, Sony’s GDDR5 solution is capable of moving data at 176 gigabytes per second, which should eliminate the sort of bottlenecks that hampered PS3 game performance. Importantly, we’ve learned that Sony has told developers that it is pushing for the final PS4 RAM to match up to Microsoft’s 8GB.

Sure, they're not saying it will be GDDR5, so it's possible they want to use DDR3 stacked, or maybe even have two pools of different RAM types combined (if it makes sense; I have no clue).


There's a new story in Edge. People are mainly discussing new controller, but best bits are on 2nd page, about developers claiming it's more powerful than Xbox, very easy to develop for and that ...wait for it... Sony's pushing to increase the RAM in final version to 8Gb.

Now my question is, with 2.5D stactking is it possible to use DDR3 and still maintain the 176Gb/s bandwidth? If so, I think this would be the only reasonable way to double the RAM, without impacting the price? Or is stacking so expensive to cancel out the benefits of using DDR3 instead of GDDR5?

Holy shit I haven't seen it yet. That part is amazing for us (as Neogaf users)

A new Share button on the controller will, when pressed, launch a new feature that will allow screenshots and video to be distributed online. The PS4 hardware will continually record the most recent 15 minutes of onscreen action (with no processing penalty, claims our source), which users will then be able to edit and broadcast via the Internet.

This means finally no problem with getting direct feed screenshots, movies and what is most important megaton of gifs.

As for no processing penalty they will probably use Video encode and decode (VCE/UVD) units since it is hardware and it is mentioned in leak. It would be like hooking up your ps3 to pvr and redirecting it to tv. PVR can record gameplay without any cpu or gpu hit. But i am not perfectly sure about how it will work on HDD. Constant writing will make things load/write slower unless they will use Zlib Decompression Hardware for boosting reading process. I am speculating so it may be completely wrong.

we’ve learned that Sony has told developers that it is pushing for the final PS4 RAM to match up to Microsoft’s 8GB.

Not an even 0.000001% chance for retail 8GB GDDR5. 8GB for devkit should be doable.

I wonder what special sauce we will get. Perhaps some great audio DSP?

It is confirmed in VG leak : Audio Processor (ACP) knowing Sony they won't put some shit. PS3 had ton of audio support like 8.1 pcm etc. That DSP should also offload CPU.


Holy shit I haven't seen it yet. That part is amazing for us (as Neogaf users)

As for no processing penalty they will probably use Video encode and decode (VCE/UVD) units since it is hardware and it is mentioned in leak. It would be like hooking up your ps3 to pvr and redirecting it to tv. PVR can record gameplay without any cpu or gpu hit. But i am not perfectly sure about how it will work on HDD. Constant writing will make things load/write slower unless they will use Zlib Decompression Hardware for boosting reading process. I am speculating so it may be completely wrong.

Holy shit you've just solved those mystery extra cpu's.


Holy shit you've just solved those mystery extra cpu's.

Don't take my word as fact. Until 20 of February we can only speculate.

If rumors are true then we have:

Audio Processor (ACP) - DSP hardware to offload CPU with audio work
Video encode and decode (VCE/UVD) units - for video encoding/decoding on fly and screen capture as mentioned in EDGE
Display ScanOut Engine (DCE) - offloading image analys from CPU for use with improved PSEYE aka use of PSEYE without any real performance hit
Zlib Decompression Hardware - helps reading from HDD probably being more efficient than fastest HDD (but still slower than SSD)

I really love design choice which Sony made if rumors are true. Thought i will change HDD to SSD

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Reminds me of the PS2 slim in that picture. I approve.
Yeah, presuming that in the very first shot of that teaser we see what the hardware is like, before it disassembles into XO[]/\, it looks nice and blocky and PS2/oldscholl amp-like, just as I'd love it to be.
There's a new story in Edge. People are mainly discussing new controller, but best bits are on 2nd page, about developers claiming it's more powerful than Xbox, very easy to develop for and that ...wait for it... Sony's pushing to increase the RAM in final version to 8Gb.

Honestly not a big fan of the share thing and it recording stuff mentioned. Seems like power that could go to better use elsewhere, and would be disappointing if that is all the mystery cores are going to do.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Honestly not a big fan of the share thing and it recording stuff mentioned. Seems like power that could go to better use elsewhere, and would be disappointing if that is all the mystery cores are going to do.
If itsdedicated video encoder chip than that power couldn't go anywhere else. If it's not, then yes it's bad that they're wasting power on this.


Don't most modern GPUs have some silicon dedicated to video encoding/decoding? This could simply be a case of taking advantage of what's already there, I wouldn't be surprised if MS does something similar.


Don't most modern GPUs have some silicon dedicated to video encoding/decoding? This could simply be a case of taking advantage of what's already there, I wouldn't be surprised if MS does something similar.

Could be wrong but no. They have mostly software which enables use of gpu instead of cpu to encode/decode video.

Also this sharing thing makes me think what Sony is trying to do. Obvious logic point at youtube sharing, screenshots etc. But this could also mean that Sony will try to do something with it and introduce some app/virtal space something like HOME or HOME as native app. Maybe integrated with OS (as people wanted that years ago)
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