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VGleaks: Orbis Unveiled! [Updated]

If it's dedicated there would be no performance hit so no need to disable it.

Even without the performance hit, I wouldn't want something constantly recording what I'm doing. It just isn't something that I would ever use. I can see where people would like it, but that's just not for me.


The hardware seems absolutely awful. Not even a dedicated GPU. AMD will have to make the APU 30 times more powerful just to match my gaming PC.


Could be wrong but no. They have mostly software which enables use of gpu instead of cpu to encode/decode video.

Also this sharing thing makes me think what Sony is trying to do. Obvious logic point at youtube sharing, screenshots etc. But this could also mean that Sony will try to do something with it and introduce some app/virtal space something like HOME or HOME as native app. Maybe integrated with OS (as people wanted that years ago)

There are both dedicated hardware and CUDA/OpenCL options. Sony is likely going with dedicated hardware, since AMD recently cooked up their own "VCE" implementation and it's a feature of the 7970M.
Could be wrong but no. They have mostly software which enables use of gpu instead of cpu to encode/decode video.

Also this sharing thing makes me think what Sony is trying to do. Obvious logic point at youtube sharing, screenshots etc. But this could also mean that Sony will try to do something with it and introduce some app/virtal space something like HOME or HOME as native app. Maybe integrated with OS (as people wanted that years ago)

Sony recently trademarked something called Bigfest which people are suggesting could be a next generation Home. It would make sense that Sony would not be using a 3rd party like Youtube to handle these video clips, because they would want to have full control for moderation and presentation.


The hardware seems absolutely awful. Not even a dedicated GPU. AMD will have to make the APU 30 times more powerful just to match my gaming PC.

Consoles will be more than fine, expecially PS4. One APU with 8 core CPU and almost 2TF GPU [current single chip PC GPU's are 3.5] in single efficient package, no software overheads, custom blocks to take off things from CPU/APU, dedicated GPGPU block that no PC has, unified memory architecture with very fast bandwidth.

You cannot correctly compare any current PC with that, because PC has zero access to such kind of architecture, low overheads and new processing blocks.

We will know more in 19 days.


If rumors are true then we have:

Display ScanOut Engine (DCE) - offloading image analys from CPU for use with improved PSEYE aka use of PSEYE without any real performance hit.

Just going by the name, this is just a scaler on the video output. "Scanout" is the process of outputting the front buffer to the video output.
But will the new PSEYE record in HD? Because it sucks to see the game in HD and then the video in lo-res.

Give us at least a 720p video quality.


The hardware seems absolutely awful. Not even a dedicated GPU. AMD will have to make the APU 30 times more powerful just to match my gaming PC.
Joke post? As a long-time PC gamer (5.25 represent) - you cannot directly compare console/PC architecture. I'd give you reasons but they've been repeated dozens of times in this thread and, apparently, do not penetrate ignorance.


I have a feeling they'll use some design cues from their Xperia department, meaning we'd get something fairly sleek and industrial looking. Guess we'll see.
Joke post? As a long-time PC gamer (5.25 represent) - you cannot directly compare console/PC architecture. I'd give you reasons but they've been repeated dozens of times in this thread and, apparently, do not penetrate ignorance.

But this time consoles will be using PC parts

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
With Coutinho joining, the LIVERPOOL SOC is bound to be a beast :/

Fuck you Moratti you fucking cheapskate


But this time consoles will be using PC parts

not really. a lot less so than say, the original xbox. nothing about the durango architecture (what we know of it) sounds like PCs other than maybe the CPU. The PS4 with its UMA and 14+4 setup doesn't sound very comparable either.


not really. a lot less so than say, the original xbox. nothing about the durango architecture (what we know of it) sounds like PCs other than maybe the CPU. The PS4 with its UMA and 14+4 setup doesn't sound very comparable either.

A lot less than Xbox but a lot more than PS360.


I like how everyone on GAF suddenly becomes an electrical engineer when it gets to system launch time.

What if you are actually an electrical engineer?

I am, but I am not very well versed in the details of the hardware being used. I rely on the great minds on GAF to break everything down. Everybody is skilled in different areas. If you don't really know you shouldn't be "playing" smart because most others can call your bluff.


What if you are actually an electrical engineer?

I am, but I am not very well versed in the details of the hardware being used. I rely on the great minds on GAF to break everything down. Everybody is skilled in different areas. If you don't really know you shouldn't be "playing" smart because most others can call your bluff.
How am I playing smart? I'm just reacting with amusement because the same thing happens with spec speculation.



But this time consoles will be using PC parts
"PC Parts"... ... oh dear.

Every piece of hardware and its function is relative no matter the device. What changes is architecture and utilization of the aforementioned hardware.

I honestly don't feel like repeating what has been repeated dozens upon dozens of times.

I'll just leave this: apples/oranges.


But this time consoles will be using PC parts

closed box, everything on die, custom design, different take on different bottlenecks.

As timothy (developer of FXAA) said PC can generate 10-100x more overhead than consoles. And consoles can directly use low api where PC just use high api.

If 680 would be in next generation cosoles i doubt any hardware in 3-5 years would match consoles because efficiency is just better on consoles.

PC main problem is that it just can't get to full power of hardware. Theoretical output can be the same but practical one is vastly different.


I'll just leave this: apples/oranges.



Junior Member
I am not sure why any competent poster even tries in this thread with technically inept crybabies. Nothing to get but anger at arguing.

You will not teach those people anything about custom built APUs, low-level interfaces, overhead or the likes. Let them cry and save your breath, I got angry enough from just reading the past two pages.


Fafracer forever
Argyle said:
Just going by the name, this is just a scaler on the video output. "Scanout" is the process of outputting the front buffer to the video output.
Well scanout can do other processing than scaling (on PS2 it added support for two "display-planes" akin to fairy-dust talked about for Durango), but I'm with you that I don't see how video/frame-analysis would fit into any of it.


EDIT: Mind you the Durango still has that 32mb of ram, but it still has a lower bandwidth than that GDDR5. Sure the latency (time to be accessed) is lower, but for GPU processes, that's irrelevant.

I know what you mean on latency and GPU processes. For instance low latency isn't of much use for texture reads ect, however its not correct to say its irrelevant to graphics processes. I admit to thinking it odd that they've used eSRAM when I first heard it, why not just use eDRAM which is already quite low latency and is much smaller/cheaper than eSRAM. But its lower latency will certainly be of use in a lot of ways even for graphics rendering tasks, the only question is if its worth the extra cost and die size over eDRAM.

BTW, does anyone know if there's been any info on how many CPU cores Orbis will have for games. Its been claimed a few times that Durango will have 6 cores for games, but I haven't heard anything similar on Orbis.
I don't know fuck all about technical specs, but I would pay $599 for apploranges

What if you are actually an electrical engineer?

I am, but I am not very well versed in the details of the hardware being used. I rely on the great minds on GAF to break everything down. Everybody is skilled in different areas. If you don't really know you shouldn't be "playing" smart because most others can call your bluff.

Maybe he meant to say electronics. I've been doing commercial electrical engineering for 13 years and I couldn't find my way out of a calculator
They made an article based on a forum post? Lol.

Exactly. They're taking shit that people might have made up and making them into news stories.

Well, I got one for them. I know exactly what's going to happen on Feb 20. Sony is going all streaming. Everything is gonna be based on Gaikai tech.
I'm looking forward to having my name posted on IGN. LOL!


Exactly. They're taking shit that people might have made up and making them into news stories.

Well, I got one for them. I know exactly what's going to happen on Feb 20. Sony is going all streaming. Everything is gonna be based on Gaikai tech.
I'm looking forward to having my name posted on IGN. LOL!

Lol, livestream of the conference brought to you by Gaikai tech.
It's a new IP for definite. I don't want to say more than that because we're only a few months away and it'll be much more impressive to have a full reveal. It'd be unfair to GG, and this is going to be a really huge event for them. Plus I know very little, and it's no point putting it out there. It' be more detrimental than anything else. I can tell you it's not like Killzone.

I can spill the following comfortably though since I think this developer is a bit of a joke, and I think people are beginning to suspect this anyway. Versus XIII will have another unveiling later this year regarding development for the next generation. It won't have the "Versus XIII" part in the title. It will definitely release in 2014. You can have my account deleted if this information turns out to be inaccurate. News is fresh on this and I'm really confident about it. FF15 and FF16 are underway, both next generation projects. There's a chance FF15, in particular, may be an exclusive release. Kind of. And with that, I'm off to sleep.

IGN making a FF versus XIII news article based on the quoted post.

lol games journalism. So lazy and careless.

Unconfirmed and random forum posts shouldn't ever be the basis for a news article even if it is mentioned as a rumor.

We could make up shit all day long and IGN could make news out of it.
closed box, everything on die, custom design, different take on different bottlenecks.

As timothy (developer of FXAA) said PC can generate 10-100x more overhead than consoles. And consoles can directly use low api where PC just use high api.

If 680 would be in next generation cosoles i doubt any hardware in 3-5 years would match consoles because efficiency is just better on consoles.

PC main problem is that it just can't get to full power of hardware. Theoretical output can be the same but practical one is vastly different.

He is probably talking about the X64 architecture, know I don't really know anything about tech but it will be really interesting to see how console>PC ports play out next gen, specially if it's true that the Xbox will use a DDR3 memory.


He is probably talking about the X64 architecture, know I don't really know anything about tech but it will be really interesting to see how console>PC ports play out next gen, specially if it's true that the Xbox will use a DDR3 memory.

PC games will have better ports at some point after the first year. I'm guessing anywhere between the first and second year, probably with the release of a new high-end graphics card will ports receive the standard PC port upgrades like AA, AF, textures and resolution.


Don't take my word as fact. Until 20 of February we can only speculate.

If rumors are true then we have:

Audio Processor (ACP) - DSP hardware to offload CPU with audio work
Video encode and decode (VCE/UVD) units - for video encoding/decoding on fly and screen capture as mentioned in EDGE
Display ScanOut Engine (DCE) - offloading image analys from CPU for use with improved PSEYE aka use of PSEYE without any real performance hit
Zlib Decompression Hardware - helps reading from HDD probably being more efficient than fastest HDD (but still slower than SSD)

I really love design choice which Sony made if rumors are true. Thought i will change HDD to SSD

I wonder whether Zlib decompression hardware will be used in engine as well.
I am less interested in the tech of the consoles and more interested in the looks. Whenever consoles are revealed nowadays, I'm always more interested in the aesthetics of the consoles than the actual stuff inside of it.

But every gen I am always disappointed because it always turned out to be another box. I want some crazy ass shit design to go down up in here, yo.

My graphics obsessing days are well behind me to be sure.
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