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Vince Zampella: Titanfall beta was full res textures

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If that is the case, is CBOAT useful to us anymore?

He's the hero GAF deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll ban him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight.

Textures looked like ass in the PC beta.

And it ran incredibly horribly on the extreme texture setting if you didn't have enough VRAM. It's astonishing how their textures are apparently so large but also still look really shitty compared to a lot of games.


Titanfall looks decent, I just think they've reached the limits to what Source can do (despite the modifications made) I hope Source 2 includes a major overhaul in lighting/shading. Physically plausible shaders will help create a cohesive realistic world.
I think the other thread said it will have 15 maps? Not 100% sure though.

That's all very well... but have we seen all 15 maps? How many game types are there available per map? Have their been any official videos explaining all of this stuff?

I wasn't in the Beta. Therefore I know next to nothing about this game.


GAF's best insider gets the boot, today is a sad day. Wonder what happened to him, his track record was flawless.

Guess we will have to do it with those vague Sony insiders..

Anyway, the game looked fine on my PC, but I'm probably getting the XB1 version too, so I'm happy with this news (it would be ridiculous if it ended up looking worse)


Strictly speaking, he hasn't been proven wrong yet. What if the game really does launch at 720p with reduced textures in order to hit the currently-unattainable 60fps? I find it interesting that GAF is suddenly taking a developer at their word, something that we simply do not do in this place. Previously, we've always taken a "we'll see when it's released" approach (games have beta'd with higher quality assets than the final release, many, many times), and this time we're not. Personally, I believe nothing that a developer says until I can see the product for myself.

That said, it could just be that CBOAT's time is over, and it's time for someone else to step up. Maybe it'll be the same person with a new face, maybe it'll be someone different.

In the end, the truth will out.


Is there really any appreciable difference between 792p and 720p? Wouldn't 720p but with less screen tearing been better?

Apologies if I am being ignorant.


I don't know what people were expecting. The beta on PC looked like all of the E3 reviews to me. I'm more concerned about how fun the game is.

Kydd BlaZe

Game ran like a dream for me on PC, on a GTX 780 and 144hz monitor. Played with Vsync turned off. Insane textures looked awesome IMO.

No complaints over here.

The Xbox One version was a bit rough, though. The screen tearing and murky visuals were distracting at times, but I still had a blast with it.


Formerly Gizmowned
So we can rule out better textures or 1080p. If the game does get patched from 792p to 900p wont that improve the clearness of textures?

Slightly disappointing but I'll still get the game to play with friends.
Lots of new members baying for blood. Nearly all juniors. Almost in unison. Hmm.

Anyways, this getting derailed. Back on topic, please.

I hope E3 isn't like this with regulars reacting one way and outsiders with fresh junior accounts trying to shape the forums reaction. I think new account making should be shut off temporarily before big events.


Have we seen alpha and beta comparisons yet?

Specifically, something that isn't the article from dualshockers, which includes heterogeneous source comparisons and keeps saying things like, "which shows the discrepancy in texture quality quite effectively..." while I'm staring at the pics side by side on a professional-grade monitor from 6 inches away and can't clearly see any differences.

I suppose it's all sort of academic, though, as even on Insane on PC, the texturing is rather rough. It kind of reminds me of RAGE in terms of the shocking disparity between certain in--game assets.
I don't get how Cboat was completely off. Them adding a couple more numbers doesn't change the fact that he was almost right. How is 792 better than 720p exactly? Do you really notice that 72 point difference? I don't think so. I don't think he has to die for this but it should just go down as he was just wrong.

Edit: either way. The game is fine. I don't think a game like this really need graphical innovation as much as It needs a stable framerate. It's a competitive shooter that demands 60 fps. I think that's what really matters.


This game... technically... I don't know how I can feel about it. I find COD: Ghost on ps4 more impressive at this point, if 60 fps means this.


I think they just came in at the end to help finish it. I don't expect their game to be anything like MW3.
Nah, their third-person CoD game was cancelled in early 2010 so they could make MW3 for late 2011. I don't think you're giving Sledgehammer enough credit for their role in MW3.


Nah, their third-person CoD game was cancelled in early 2010 so they could make MW3 for late 2011. I don't think you're giving Sledgehammer enough credit for their role in MW3.
Was upset to see that happen I was pretty interested in what they were you to pull off


Specifically, something that isn't the article from dualshockers, which includes heterogeneous source comparisons and keeps saying things like, "which shows the discrepancy in texture quality quite effectively..." while I'm staring at the pics side by side on a professional-grade monitor from 6 inches away and can't clearly see any differences.

I suppose it's all sort of academic, though, as even on Insane on PC, the texturing is rather rough. It kind of reminds me of RAGE in terms of the shocking disparity between certain in--game assets.

The DS link makes it clear there was an upgrade. Cboat in tatters.


From what I can see, Cboats claim was made Before the beta started, not after as some have said.

The post is here. Did the beta not start two weeks later?

Edit, sorry for OT, don't hate me, I thought it was relevant.


We're about a week from launch.

Any official word whatsoever on:

-number of maps (even approximate)
-campaign multiplayer
-additional game modes
-true native resolution



Leaked weeks ago by Razor.

Official word.

I'm wondering why they refuse to give information on what's actually in the game other than two maps and three modes -- a lot of people have been speculating that it would be part of a marketing blitz close to launch.

I guess there's one week left?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Yeah...no. This game will be all the rage until the next game in the series drops.

Highly doubtful. The hype will drop substantially before the year is over. Who knows about next year. March, April, and May will be where the vast majority sales have positioned themselves. If the game is truly great then a sizable populace will be playing for the 2 years it takes to pump out a new one, and the hype will come back for Titanfall 2 possibly even bigger than before. MW2 and Black Ops were hyped way more than CoD4 and World at War. Look at Metal Gear Solid 2. Halo 2. Uncharted 2. This is a blockbuster industry, and ever since Terminator 2: Judgement Day released in the early 90s people realized that sequels are the biggest kind of blockbuster you can make because some of the hype has already been made for you.

Who gives a shit about Sledgehammer CoD? I hated Modern Warfare 3.

Ha, I liked it, especially the Survival mode, but I totally understand why some people hated it. Certainly liked MW and MW2 way more. But the reality is that even if Ghosts turned a lot of people away, there's is still a chunk of people who play and love CoD. This chunk doesn't do much on it's own but combined with the rest it will take away a little from TF's population. I would expect the 360 and PC communities to stick around longer than Xbone which will be getting more stuff down the pipeline this year (no Destiny on PC, and CoD isn't that big on the PC scene, or at least Ghosts wasn't and Blops 2 suffered quite a rapid slippery drop).

Trying to follow the example laid out previously by Imperfected...

Sub_Level, your opinion is absolutely insane and completely out of touch with reality. Your personal feelings (whatever they may be) appear to be clouding your analysis. What are you basing your opinion on? And where does Halo even come into play this year? An anniversary edition for a 10-year-old game won't take away any attention from the hot new shooter IP.

I'm sure that you are quite the nice guy and no ill will is directed to you as a fellow human being.

My personal feelings are that I've been hyping up Titanfall since last Summer and am very much looking forward to playing. I'm based my opinion on the idea that $60 priced new IPs can only make so much of an impact in today's videogame market, the idea that shooters and games in general these days are not made with super longevity in mind and sales are front-loaded, and the idea that by the time Titanfall has made it's mark, that six months from now people will be talking far more about the new round of shiny shooters coming out.
The Beta textures don't really look like they have a 75% higher resolution than the Alpha textures. So probably somewhere down the line the information was correct and they managed to improve them a bit for beta/launch. Oh well.


True but that wouldn't account for offline gamers who would be even more likely to play the single player campaign.

I've checked it before -- there is no appreciable difference in trophy rarity for finishing the game on CoD (it's at about 35%, if I remember correctly) and other games I checked.

I looked at abou a dozen single player games to compare. Most sit between 30 and 40% for completing the basic main campaign mode.


I hope he's more sure about this than he was about the game's exclusivity status
You know that exclusive status changed much later after CBOAT announced it, right? It was back door dealings between EA and MS that even Zampella was surprised by the exclusivity news.


Official word.

I'm wondering why they refuse to give information on what's actually in the game other than two maps and three modes -- a lot of people have been speculating that it would be part of a marketing blitz close to launch.

I guess there's one week left?

Confused about this myself.
Really surprised they haven't said much at all.
If we didn't have Razor leaking everything, we would literally know next to nothing about the full title.
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