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What Does Sony Have For The Holidays?

I think it might. Halo 5 will have to compete against Battlefront and Call of Duty this year. And after the multiplayer decline of Halo 4 and the MMC launch they have a uphill battle. It will still sell very well though.

It'd just be very strange for MS to give up co-marketing right now. The series isn't as big as it once was, but it's still the biggest yearly seller. This is also the year that a new Black Ops is going to release, and that's part of the franchise that even those that are usually critical of the series seem to like.


It'd just be very strange for MS to give up co-marketing right now. The series isn't as big as it once was, but it's still the biggest yearly seller. This is also the year that a new Black Ops is going to release, and that's part of the franchise that even those that are usually critical of the series seem to like.

MS doesnt have to be the one giving the marketing partnership up.

Edit: I also just remembered this being an exact same rumor this time last year when famousmortimer was still around.


I think it might. Halo 5 will have to compete against Battlefront and Call of Duty this year. And after the multiplayer decline of Halo 4 and the MMC launch they have a uphill battle. It will still sell very well though.

But isn't Call of Duty also in decline? I think COD Ghosts hurt the brand.
Weird though since Assassin's Creed was marketed with Sony for quite some time. I wonder why Ubisoft would switch to MS.

Microsoft's AC deal is worse than Sony's old one (no exclusive or even timed exclusive DLC, just co-marketing and bundles), so I wouldn't be surprised if Sony were the ones who made that call and Microsoft swooped in afterwards.

Hopefully CoD goes the same way. No timed exclusive DLC anymore, just co-marketing/bundle deals.
I hope they don't spend too much time on third-party games at E3.

The usual suspects are: Destiny expansion,Battlefront,Warner Bros games(Batman gameplay,Mad Max,maybe DLC for MKX) and of course Metal Gear Solid V gameplay(as if we have not seen enough already)
I hope they don't spend too much time on third-party games at E3.

The usual suspects are: Destiny expansion,Battlefront,Warner Bros games(Batman gameplay,Mad Max,maybe DLC for MKX) and of course Metal Gear Solid V gameplay(as if we have not seen enough already)

except mad max and mortal kombat, the rest is pretty much a given
a big gameplay show for destiny,battlefront and, if the rumor turns out to be true, cod, and some big ass trailer for the others
Sony were smart and also lucky with the co-marketing deals they set up. GTA V was a good move, an easy bet for sure but I don't think anyone could have imagined it would become this big. Just to think it did 30 million on last gen, then 10 million on current (it's still full price) and PC sales are also insane. The GTA V bundle saved Sonys bacon somewhat the past holiday.

Watch dogs and destiny turned out to be shit but they are new IP from publishers that will release big sequels, for Sony to have that association with those franchises is good for them. That's the two big IPs Sony bet on and they worked out perfectly, the franchises will be on the rise. Battlefront is also huge, the franchise has been dormant for so long they did well getting co-marketing.

But no doubt E3 will be a shit show for Sony as always, they really can't run a conference to save their lives. MS are so snappy at how they do it, hearing about all these Sony co-marketing deals has me worried that they will once again show probably one new game from their first party at best. It's getting silly now, either Yoshida is fuck awful at his job or Sony really are taking liberties here by now showing what their big frisk parties have to show. Surely, just surely at this point PD, Santa Monica (Barlog has been there for close to two years now), bend and MM are ready to show their games. :(

E3 does not matter much to Sony though, at least compared to the other two console manufacturers, Gamescom and PSX were big deals last year and think both are returning again.


What's so concerning? Why aren't we concerned about the competition having anything out for the first 10 months in the year.
Because that's also exaggeration.

MS didn't have any exclusives that I can recall for January & February but KI Season 2 has been ongoing, March had Screamride, Ori, and Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious and April has Conker's Big Reunion in Project Spark and State of Decay coming out soon. May, June and September are the dry months unless Forza 6 is out in Sept.

R&C isn't a remaster. It's a remake/re-imagining. That would be like calling REmake a remaster.

Why didn't they just re-release the PS3 Ratchet and Clank HD collection instead though? I suppose I understand the tie in with the movie but they released a LOT of R & C games already so this seems like overkill.
Because that's also exaggeration.

MS didn't have any exclusives that I can recall for January & February but KI Season 2 has been ongoing, March had Screamride, Ori, and Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious and April has Conker's Big Reunion in Project Spark and State of Decay coming out soon.

Why didn't they just re-release the PS3 Ratchet and Clank HD collection instead though? I suppose I understand the tie in with the movie but they released a LOT of R & C games already so this seems like overkill.

That really is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Ill give you Ori,Screamride and State of Decay(which is more like a remaster) but that is where it ends.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Because that's also exaggeration.

MS didn't have any exclusives that I can recall for January & February but KI Season 2 has been ongoing, March had Screamride, Ori, and Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious and April has Conker's Big Reunion in Project Spark and State of Decay coming out soon. May, June and September are the dry months

Not very impressive, looks like filler or just small stuff( free movie tie in dlc). Ori is supposed to be good I guess.
I do not think SCE will have a major AAA first party exclusive for the Holidays. I can see a more niche first/second party game releasing around then eg Persona 5 but there will be nothing at the Uncharted/God Of War/Grand Turismo level. I think they've rightly decided to leave the holidays to the third parties and release their first party games in Q1 and Q2 where they won't be competing for attention and sales dollars with the big hitters.

Holidays 2015 for Sony will be all about their 3rd party push including everything Star Wars, Bethesda and if the rumors are true COD and Assassins Creed as well. They'll likely have a price drop and some good deals on SKUs as well as some interesting but niche indie and smaller first party games. PSX also happens right in the middle of the holidays and I'd expect Sony to save some really big announcements for then to keep people thinking about their first party. This will be more than enough for them to outsell the Xbox One globally even with Halo 5.


That really is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Ill give you Ori,Screamride and State of Decay(which is more like a remaster) but that is where it ends.

Now we're using DLC to pad out the list?

Not very impressive, looks like filler or just small stuff( free movie tie in dlc). Ori is supposed to be good I guess.

It's still new stuff to play for XBO owners.

The Horizon 2 DLC can be downloaded as a stand alone game so it's not all that different from Infamous First Light in that sense.


Anyone else not realize just how much Sony has to announce? these are the studios that we still don't know about yet that could show up

What we know

Naughty Dog - UC4
Sony San Diego - MLB, Killstrain, Drawn to Death
Evolution Studios - Still working on Driveclub
Insomniac - R&C Reboot

What we don't know

Team Japan - very large, multiple games developed simultaneously
--Team Gravity - 3 years since last game
--Team Ico - last game (lol)
Polyphony Digital - 2 years since last game
Sony Bend - 3 years since last game
Santa Monica - 2 years since last game
Sucker Punch - 1.5 years since last game
Guerrilla Games - 2 years since last game
--Guerilla Cambridge - 2 years since last game
Media Molecule - multiteam, 4 years since last game, Tearaway developed alongside new IP
Quantic Dream - 2 years since last game

Oh wow, didn't realize Media Molecule had multiple teams like that. I wonder if we are ever gonna get a Tearaway 2 if Unfolded does well, the original game is truly deserving of good sales so it's gonna be interesting to see how it does on PS4
Anyone else not realize just how much Sony has to announce? these are the studios that we still don't know about yet that could show up

What we know

Naughty Dog - UC4
Sony San Diego - MLB, Killstrain, Drawn to Death
Evolution Studios - Still working on Driveclub
Insomniac - R&C Reboot

What we don't know

Team Japan - very large, multiple games developed simultaneously
--Team Gravity - 3 years since last game
--Team Ico - last game (lol)
Polyphony Digital - 2 years since last game
Sony Bend - 3 years since last game
Santa Monica - 2 years since last game
Sucker Punch - 1.5 years since last game
Guerrilla Games - 2 years since last game
--Guerilla Cambridge - 2 years since last game
Media Molecule - multiteam, 4 years since last game, Tearaway developed alongside new IP
Quantic Dream - 2 years since last game

Isn't the London studio working on a PS4 game too?


thanks for the laugh
depressing to see people get hot under the collar over which platform owner publishers have signed a marketing deal with. it's like the console cold war.


Sony were smart and also lucky with the co-marketing deals they set up. GTA V was a good move, an easy bet for sure but I don't think anyone could have imagined it would become this big. Just to think it did 30 million on last gen, then 10 million on current (it's still full price) and PC sales are also insane. The GTA V bundle saved Sonys bacon somewhat the past holiday.

Watch dogs and destiny turned out to be shit but they are new IP from publishers that will release big sequels, for Sony to have that association with those franchises is good for them. That's the two big IPs Sony bet on and they worked out perfectly, the franchises will be on the rise. Battlefront is also huge, the franchise has been dormant for so long they did well getting co-marketing.

But no doubt E3 will be a shit show for Sony as always, they really can't run a conference to save their lives. MS are so snappy at how they do it, hearing about all these Sony co-marketing deals has me worried that they will once again show probably one new game from their first party at best. It's getting silly now, either Yoshida is fuck awful at his job or Sony really are taking liberties here by now showing what their big frisk parties have to show. Surely, just surely at this point PD, Santa Monica (Barlog has been there for close to two years now), bend and MM are ready to show their games. :(

E3 does not matter much to Sony though, at least compared to the other two console manufacturers, Gamescom and PSX were big deals last year and think both are returning again.

Don't know if serious.
Sony were smart and also lucky with the co-marketing deals they set up. GTA V was a good move, an easy bet for sure but I don't think anyone could have imagined it would become this big. Just to think it did 30 million on last gen, then 10 million on current (it's still full price) and PC sales are also insane. The GTA V bundle saved Sonys bacon somewhat the past holiday.

Watch dogs and destiny turned out to be shit but they are new IP from publishers that will release big sequels, for Sony to have that association with those franchises is good for them. That's the two big IPs Sony bet on and they worked out perfectly, the franchises will be on the rise. Battlefront is also huge, the franchise has been dormant for so long they did well getting co-marketing.

But no doubt E3 will be a shit show for Sony as always, they really can't run a conference to save their lives. MS are so snappy at how they do it, hearing about all these Sony co-marketing deals has me worried that they will once again show probably one new game from their first party at best. It's getting silly now, either Yoshida is fuck awful at his job or Sony really are taking liberties here by now showing what their big frisk parties have to show. Surely, just surely at this point PD, Santa Monica (Barlog has been there for close to two years now), bend and MM are ready to show their games. :(

E3 does not matter much to Sony though, at least compared to the other two console manufacturers, Gamescom and PSX were big deals last year and think both are returning again.

I somehow share the sentiment but, in their defense, Sony do spread their announcements between E3, Gamescom and TGS; the second event, especially, has dramatically increased in importance for them.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Anyone else not realize just how much Sony has to announce? these are the studios that we still don't know about yet that could show up

What we know

Naughty Dog - UC4
Sony San Diego - MLB, Killstrain, Drawn to Death
Evolution Studios - Still working on Driveclub
Insomniac - R&C Reboot

What we don't know

Team Japan - very large, multiple games developed simultaneously
--Team Gravity - 3 years since last game
--Team Ico - last game (lol)

Polyphony Digital - 2 years since last game
Sony Bend - 3 years since last game
Santa Monica - 2 years since last game
Sucker Punch - 1.5 years since last game
Guerrilla Games - 2 years since last game
--Guerilla Cambridge - 2 years since last game
Media Molecule - multiteam, 4 years since last game, Tearaway developed alongside new IP
Quantic Dream - 2 years since last game

"Team ICO" and "Team Gravity" aren't real concrete teams, just project monikers used by the head production. SCE Japan Studio uses a lot of contract staff on their games (Tokyo is full of temp agencies and small sub-studios).

But SCE has a great network of first-party games that come from external studios. Some that are familiar, and some that aren't. Insomniac Ready at Dawn and Quantic Dreams are the big names, but maybe Sanzaru, High Impact, Idol Minds, and others have something for the SCE label.

Also he forgot Sony XDEV which helps out with games like Shadow of the Beast and Alienation.

XDex is basically just SCEE production, that's like saying SCEA P&D is a developer.


Because that's also exaggeration.

MS didn't have any exclusives that I can recall for January & February but KI Season 2 has been ongoing, March had Screamride, Ori, and Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious and April has Conker's Big Reunion in Project Spark and State of Decay coming out soon. May, June and September are the dry months unless Forza 6 is out in Sept.

Why didn't they just re-release the PS3 Ratchet and Clank HD collection instead though? I suppose I understand the tie in with the movie but they released a LOT of R & C games already so this seems like overkill.

and I'll give you that. I'm glad you include download and indie titles. Most people don't look at those though when they are asking what Sony has. Sony actually has quite a bit when it comes to the big picture. First party, Indie and deals with publishers for exclusive games: FFX/X-2 HD, USF4, GOW3 remastered, Tearaway unfolded, Until Dawn, Dragon Quest Heroes, Persona 5. Not the mention already released games. The Order, Bloodborne, MLB
Why didn't they just re-release the PS3 Ratchet and Clank HD collection instead though? I suppose I understand the tie in with the movie but they released a LOT of R & C games already so this seems like overkill.

Because R&C PS4 is going to be a new game. That's going to be more appealing to fans and new players than remasters.


and I'll give you that. I'm glad you include download and indie titles. Most people don't look at those though when they are asking what Sony has. Sony actually has quite a bit when it comes to the big picture. First party, Indie and deals with publishers for exclusive games: FFX/X-2 HD, USF4, GOW3 remastered, Tearaway unfolded, Until Dawn, Dragon Quest Heroes, Persona 5. Not the mention already released games. The Order, Bloodborne, MLB
Which is a solid list.

I already have FFX/X-2 HD + GoW3 on PS3 and USF4 on 360 so I won't be getting those whenever I get around to buying a PS4 but Tearaway Unfolded, Dragon Quest Heroes, Bloodborne, and Persona 5 are definitely the highlights there.
Sony were smart and also lucky with the co-marketing deals they set up. GTA V was a good move, an easy bet for sure but I don't think anyone could have imagined it would become this big. Just to think it did 30 million on last gen, then 10 million on current (it's still full price) and PC sales are also insane. The GTA V bundle saved Sonys bacon somewhat the past holiday.

Watch dogs and destiny turned out to be shit but they are new IP from publishers that will release big sequels, for Sony to have that association with those franchises is good for them. That's the two big IPs Sony bet on and they worked out perfectly, the franchises will be on the rise. Battlefront is also huge, the franchise has been dormant for so long they did well getting co-marketing.

But no doubt E3 will be a shit show for Sony as always, they really can't run a conference to save their lives. MS are so snappy at how they do it, hearing about all these Sony co-marketing deals has me worried that they will once again show probably one new game from their first party at best. It's getting silly now, either Yoshida is fuck awful at his job or Sony really are taking liberties here by now showing what their big frisk parties have to show. Surely, just surely at this point PD, Santa Monica (Barlog has been there for close to two years now), bend and MM are ready to show their games. :(

E3 does not matter much to Sony though, at least compared to the other two console manufacturers, Gamescom and PSX were big deals last year and think both are returning again.

Don't know if serious.

What did I say that was so outlandish?

I somehow share the sentiment but, in their defense, Sony do spread their announcements between E3, Gamescom and TGS; the second event, especially, has dramatically increased in importance for them.

That's true but they ain't rally done anything on the first party front for some time in terms of big AAA games. I think last year and the year before asking didn't announce a single AAA game at Gamescom, relegating it to just downloadable games. I recall Heavy Rain being announced there, a big game but since then it's just the show to show downloadable titles and announce price drops. Downloadable games are lovely and all that tosh but I got this consoles for the AAA games from SCE, at this point one would think all their first parties would have something to show. It's like MM, it's been 4 years since they released a console game and Tearaway was a small team, from the looks of it they are going to announce a game which will use PS Move, I don't even know if you can get those anymore! (I'm referring to the tree image which clearly has been done using MS move).

Edit - I apologise in advance for any autocorrecting done as I'm on the iPad which does not help :p


Because R&C PS4 is going to be a new game. That's going to be more appealing to fans and new players than remasters.

I'm assuming it's aimed more for the people who've never played a R & C than the ones who have but I'll be curious as to whether franchise fatigue will be a factor to it's sales. Into the Nexus wasn't that long ago.


He has a point though. Sony E3 conferences are so disarticulated and boring compared to Nintendo's and microsoft's.

God I would love if every E3 for all the big 3 was done in Treehouse Fashion after a regular 1 hour presentation. It was just really fun and engaging way to watch E3. Like it would be awesome to save their conference all for big news, and afterwards later on in the day get a long 30 minute gameplay goodness of Uncharted 4 or No Man's Sky
Has there been any news about which team at Insomniac are making the R&C game? That would make the difference of it being probably my most anticipated game of the year to completely ignoring it. If it's the a crack in time team then thank you very much Insomniac you are the best, All4One team and fuck off. Unfortunately I think the answer is clear.
He has a point though. Sony E3 conferences are so disarticulated and boring compared to Nintendo's and microsoft's.

Last time I checked Sony's E3 2014 was packed to the brim with games, I remember it starting off on fire, it was their pacing that was the problem. And that whole Powers thing

Also... was that the one they did in theaters?
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