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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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I gave advice on a surefire way to not get banned. That doesn't make any statement about whether or not someone can post in gaming without getting banned.
Sure enough. I understand you. But I don't think the gaming side is some sort of minefield that it's portrayed to be from primarily OT posters.


testicles on a cold fall morning
my thoughts: trolling seems to be more accepted more in the community threads, but only if you're a known member of that group. poligaf may be an exception to this, but only because the regulars there aim for a slightly higher level of discourse and loathe hit-and-run posters.

i rarely venture into the gaming section, but that does seem to be where most of the mass account suicides happen. something about the gamer demographic, subject matter, anonymity and god knows what else leads to some odd online behavior and modes of 'debate'. i am somewhat proud that the community-at-large didn't turn puerile and devolve down the evolutionary ladder in response to the Kickstarter on sexist videogame tropes.


my thoughts: trolling seems to be more accepted more in the community threads, but only if you're a known member of that group. poligaf may be an exception to this, but only because the regulars there aim for a slightly higher level of discourse and loathe hit-and-run posters.

i rarely venture into the gaming section, but that does seem to be where most of the mass account suicides happen. something about the gamer demographic, subject matter, anonymity and god knows what else leads to some odd online behavior and modes of 'debate'. i am somewhat proud that the community-at-large didn't turn puerile and devolve down the evolutionary ladder in response to the Kickstarter on sexist videogame tropes.

That's a great point. It's one of the reasons why new people are sometimes threatened by community threads, where the ribbing is mostly in good fun and the moderation understands that.

Gaming is full of random posters, so you definitely need to censor yourself more. Moreover, Internet gaming communities can get very trolly, so it makes sense the level moderation is strict.


Follow these two simple rules and you are guaranteed to not only never be permanently banned, you won't be banned EVER.

1. Don't post in gaming. Period. Just don't do it.

2. If you post an unpopular view, never respond to any more than TWO responses to it. Get in, get out. You get dragged into an argument with 15 posters all trying to take their shots, you will get banned. It's just how it is.

I completely disagree with #1. Gaming is more than fine, you can say anything sucks as long as you show your work so to speak. The key is doing it in the right thread, like I don't go into a Halo 4 preview thread just to talk about how much I hate the franchise. Topic is everything. Off topic with all of its controversial threads are the dangerous ones to avoid.

#2 I agree with a lot. Too many times I see people dig themselves deeper by responding to everyone jumping down their backs. Count your losses, learn to not do it again and move on.


May contain jokes =>
dont say the c word

Was there some sort of announcement saying this word was banned? If so I totally missed it. I don't really think it's fair that changes like that are made without informing anybody. Somebody just ends up getting banned and people just end up speculating about why. Some more communication about policy changes would be nice I think.
Was there some sort of announcement saying this word was banned? If so I totally missed it. I don't really think it's fair that changes like that are made without informing anybody. Somebody just ends up getting banned and people just end up speculating about why. Some more communication about policy changes would be nice I think.


There's more posts after that from several mods. So it's being said the rule has always been there as it insults all women on neogaf, just hasn't been punished. You have to wonder why even some mods has been using the word a lot (in the exact same context as the quoted user in that link) then... But oh well. But apparently it's better to just announce it in the middle of a sport thread and then ban people for saying stuff like "Spiderman is a C WORD".

Can only imagine a lot more users getting banned because they simply don't realize it's banned. Not exactly sure what the point of doing it like that is, consistent it certainly is not.


I've only ever got banned once by Dragona. It was to do with women drivers.

I don't remember anything I said being harsh but she went apeshit in that thread.

As for permaban.... You have to be a real cock to earn that. :D


When you get banned, it shouldn't tell you.

It should just make all your posts invisible, so you keep posting and posting and posting but no one ever quotes you or says anything about what you post.
I feel that Aristotle's appeals provide much insight into the endgame of NeoGAF.com. Ethos and pathos are generally linked to most bans. i.e. Your posting history can either give you leeway or damn you in any given instance, and becoming too emotionally invested in a topic will probably result in a temporary "cool down" ban.

Logos.. logos are what really fucks you. Logos run this place. When logos meet ethos, you're on a fast-track to permanent banishment. Ironically, appealing to logos and pathos is viewed as more legitimate and rarely results in a ban so long as the post is perceived as more genuine than an appeal to logos and ethos. That emotion is seemingly regarded as a more desirable trait than character is perhaps a byproduct of the foundation of this forum: discussion has no place in a logical debate intended to persuade (about video games).

A sort of "board hell" where users are allowed to log in and make posts, only to have those posts unreadable by the rest of the board, is an interesting idea. It would probably send certain posters into a depressive spiral until they pass the point of no return: making offensive posts for the sole purpose of trying to elicit a response, like some kind of self-validation. Driven to madness. It does, however, undermine the supposed foundations that NeoGAF.com and its users hold dear: all of our posts and opinions are very important and no fun shall be had at the expense of persuasive debate (about video games).
I feel that Aristotle's appeals provide much insight into the endgame of NeoGAF.com. Ethos and pathos are generally linked to most bans. i.e. Your posting history can either give you leeway or damn you in any given instance, and becoming too emotionally invested in a topic will probably result in a temporary "cool down" ban.

Logos.. logos are what really fucks you. Logos run this place. When logos meet ethos, you're on a fast-track to permanent banishment. Ironically, appealing to logos and pathos is viewed as more legitimate and rarely results in a ban so long as the post is perceived as more genuine than an appeal to logos and ethos. That emotion is seemingly regarded as a more desirable trait than character is perhaps a byproduct of the foundation of this forum: discussion has no place in a logical debate intended to persuade (about video games).

maybe the most intriguing post i've seen from you blame space
When you get banned, it shouldn't tell you.

It should just make all your posts invisible, so you keep posting and posting and posting but no one ever quotes you or says anything about what you post.



When you get banned, it shouldn't tell you.

It should just make all your posts invisible, so you keep posting and posting and posting but no one ever quotes you or says anything about what you post.

I saw another forum do that once, the admin was a rather sadistic asshole.

It didn't work. The banned posters eventually wised up and started posting "Can anyone see this?" at which point they would necro-bump troll (since no one can see them) and they just got permabanned in the end anyways.


As a junior :

"Is it OK if I'm posting this ? If not, just tell me and I'll edit, I'm still not familiar with the etiquette here"

As a member :

"Fuck you guys, here's my porn folder"


When you get banned, it shouldn't tell you.

It should just make all your posts invisible, so you keep posting and posting and posting but no one ever quotes you or says anything about what you post.

Oh dear. I can just imagine the drama that would cause.


my thoughts: trolling seems to be more accepted more in the community threads, but only if you're a known member of that group. poligaf may be an exception to this, but only because the regulars there aim for a slightly higher level of discourse and loathe hit-and-run posters.

i rarely venture into the gaming section, but that does seem to be where most of the mass account suicides happen. something about the gamer demographic, subject matter, anonymity and god knows what else leads to some odd online behavior and modes of 'debate'. i am somewhat proud that the community-at-large didn't turn puerile and devolve down the evolutionary ladder in response to the Kickstarter on sexist videogame tropes.
I think i have seen way more people get banned in OT than in gaming
it's perfectly fine in gaming to have a "unpopular opinion", there isn't nearly the same amount of hate directed your way if you for example say that you enjoyed Dragon Age 2 as there is in OT if you post a unpopular opinion

if anything in my view gaming is the more mature, reasonable and non biased of the 2 subforums

There's more posts after that from several mods. So it's being said the rule has always been there as it insults all women on neogaf, just hasn't been punished. You have to wonder why even some mods has been using the word a lot (in the exact same context as the quoted user in that link) then... But oh well. But apparently it's better to just announce it in the middle of a sport thread and then ban people for saying stuff like "Spiderman is a C WORD".

Can only imagine a lot more users getting banned because they simply don't realize it's banned. Not exactly sure what the point of doing it like that is, consistent it certainly is not.

I never used the C word, I never understood how it was sexist. It's the same as the D word for men. I just never liked the word, it sounds silly and I used the D word more.


May contain jokes =>

There's more posts after that from several mods. So it's being said the rule has always been there as it insults all women on neogaf, just hasn't been punished. You have to wonder why even some mods has been using the word a lot (in the exact same context as the quoted user in that link) then... But oh well. But apparently it's better to just announce it in the middle of a sport thread and then ban people for saying stuff like "Spiderman is a C WORD".

Can only imagine a lot more users getting banned because they simply don't realize it's banned. Not exactly sure what the point of doing it like that is, consistent it certainly is not.

Thanks for the link. I really don't like that but rules are rules. I will stand by saying that it's not really fair to change policy, or enforcement in this case, suddenly without making people aware of it. I like Mumei a lot but saying a post in one specific sports thread serves as a warning for GAF on policy is kind of ridiculous. The vast majority of users will never see those posts.
It's an offensive term to transsexuals (and indirectly, all females) as for the kappa, I never learned what that means in the FGC.

trap is offensive to females?

Please tell me how, I'm genuinely curious.

e: unless they're referring to a male who looks like a woman? Then I guess it makes sense.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
You seem to get the general idea. The idea of "trap" means a lure set for a specific purpose. So using it like that is basically saying that they're just there to serve you sexually, and thus if you tried to get with them and some things were different than you expected/your tastes, it was malicious intent/a bait-n-switch. So it's not only an immature reaction and ignoring the many different reasons why transsexuals are how they are and the non-sexual aspects of who they are, but also indirectly objectifying of those who apparently do fit your tastes. I would say it's also self-degrading (or to a person you're "warning") since you're painting yourself as a hopelessly lust-driven animal.

The Lamp

The secret to not getting banned is to generally act like I would hope one tries to act when they meet someone new in public for the first time. Be polite, be yourself, and try to see other people's perspectives.

And post lots of .gifs and don't forget a yearly meltdown at E3.
When you get banned, it shouldn't tell you.

It should just make all your posts invisible, so you keep posting and posting and posting but no one ever quotes you or says anything about what you post.

I remember reading that this happened to someone on NeoGAF. That user was troublesome, so an admin created a new usergroup just for him, where only he (and the mods) could see his posts and threads. Eventually, he caught on, and started making tons of anger-filled rage threads. The mods had enough and banned him.

However, banning him took him out of his special usergroup and into the "banned" usergroup, where everyone could see his posts. All of his hidden posts and threads suddenly became visible, creating hilarity (and work for the mods).

Fact or fiction? I don't know. It's a funny story, though.
it's not really fair to change policy

Not a change of policy, just an effort to better communicate (and enforce) an existing policy.

trap is offensive to females?

"Trap" is used as offensive slang for transgender women under the assumption that they're going to "trick" men into doing something undesirable (i.e. sleeping with someone who used to be a man.) Definitely not something to ever say around these parts.


Yup I got so fucking sick of seeing people talk about traps.

I'm so glad it's banned now. Respect to my friends on here.

There's more posts after that from several mods. So it's being said the rule has always been there as it insults all women on neogaf, just hasn't been punished. You have to wonder why even some mods has been using the word a lot (in the exact same context as the quoted user in that link) then... But oh well. But apparently it's better to just announce it in the middle of a sport thread and then ban people for saying stuff like "Spiderman is a C WORD".

Can only imagine a lot more users getting banned because they simply don't realize it's banned. Not exactly sure what the point of doing it like that is, consistent it certainly is not.

As an American who winces every time he reads or hears that word, that's some bullshit for Euro-gaf. Is spaz banned too since it's supposedly super offensive to Brits?
Not a change of policy, just an effort to better communicate (and enforce) an existing policy.
Hiding it in the middle of a sport thread and applying it to everyone is anything but better communication, though. The tragedy is that it would be very, very easy to have a sticky somewhere with rules updates, but no one has ever taken 30 seconds to make one. The only rules members know outside of the TOS are the ones they were lucky enough to read about in some random thread.


Thanks for the link. I really don't like that but rules are rules. I will stand by saying that it's not really fair to change policy, or enforcement in this case, suddenly without making people aware of it. I like Mumei a lot but saying a post in one specific sports thread serves as a warning for GAF on policy is kind of ridiculous. The vast majority of users will never see those posts.


And as charlequin said, it wasn't a change of policy. It was admittedly a policy that wasn't being particularly well-enforced in that particular topic before, and perhaps the optics of my becoming a new moderator, and my being the one to go into that topic and make that post gave the impression that it was a new policy that was being instituted by me, but it did not actually represent a change in policy. My post was simply meant to be a reminder about existing policy, the reason why that policy exists, and a notice that while we weren't going to do anything about the posts that had been breaking the rule, in the future it would be enforced.
Hiding it in the middle of a sport thread and applying it to everyone is anything but better communication, though.

It's not a policy change. We don't go broadcasting around "FYI, still can't call people sexual slurs" everywhere because it's right in the TOS, it's been true for years, and it's very unlikely to change.

We do try to explain as much of this stuff as we can in the threads in the FAQ forum, and we're always open to feedback as to how those posts can be improved, but people need to actually read them and that can prove challenging.
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