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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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"Trap" is used as offensive slang for transgender women under the assumption that they're going to "trick" men into doing something undesirable (i.e. sleeping with someone who used to be a man.) Definitely not something to ever say around these parts.

Was he perm'd?



There's more posts after that from several mods. So it's being said the rule has always been there as it insults all women on neogaf, just hasn't been punished. You have to wonder why even some mods has been using the word a lot (in the exact same context as the quoted user in that link) then... But oh well. But apparently it's better to just announce it in the middle of a sport thread and then ban people for saying stuff like "Spiderman is a C WORD".

Can only imagine a lot more users getting banned because they simply don't realize it's banned. Not exactly sure what the point of doing it like that is, consistent it certainly is not.
Wow, can't believe I missed this. I'm really surprised by it, but not against it at all.
Good deal.
Also, after reading through a bit of that thread, I'd argue that "bitch" is significantly more offensive than "cunt."

- Bitch is a word often used to discredit women/feminists, and is common
- C*** is not only not nearly as common but is also rarely used to "put women in their place"
- Bitch is used to (as you said yourself, Mumei) establish that someone is not acting in line with expected gender roles - a woman may be forceful and a man may be crying or whatever - "bitch" reinforces traditional gender roles via mockery and shaming

In personal experience, I've not seen c*** used to discredit a woman (and it's definitely not used as much as bitch is). And here on GAF, I haven't seen anyone use the word with damaging undertones.

Bitch is by and far more deleterious to women (and effeminate men) and means the same (damaging) thing across the major cultures represented on NeoGAF. C*** is hardly crude at all.

I understand that the rule is not up for debate, but you seem to have those two nouns flipped in terms of offensiveness.
or maybe we can try to talk to each other without swearing, period?

We could, but this isn't a puritanical board. The purpose is to keep from insults towards any particular group while keeping discussion free and relatively casual. There are great posters who swear quite a bit.

EDIT: I understand that it is not the rule that changed, but the interpretation of the rule.
You're actually not allowed to insult someone by calling them a bitch either.

I'm saying that, contrary to the statement in the other topic, "bitch" is more offensive than "cunt." And, in line with the notion that "cunt" cannot be used in any form without being offensive, "bitch" has no form I can think of that would not be offensive. Particularly because the common usage of the word is still used to discredit women - far more than "cunt" is.

EDIT: And it's negative usage is still universal among the countries GAF represents.


You're actually not allowed to insult someone by calling them a bitch either.

I came to post something similar to Joker, though with much different reasons. "Bitch" is far more offensive in my opinion than "cunt."

But your reply makes sense, and while I know this is going to make sensitive-GAF roll their eyes and dive for their keyboard, but I honestly don't know; what's the difference between "asshole," "dick," and "cunt"? I don't see how the last is a slur rather than slang, like the other two.

Or would you say people would be banned for calling someone an "asshole," too? Or that they should be, even though it's not as enforced? I'm sure I've seen plenty of politicians (among others) called lots of names on GAF...
I can't believe someone is defending the word 'C*nt' as not that bad of a word.

This is boggling my mind.

It's probably because I rarely ever hear it. And because the implied evil of the word makes it decidedly uncommon in the US, while more common words (like "bitch") are freely used to discredit women (across all the major countries GAF "represents") and so ironically ends up being the more damaging word.
I came to post something similar to Joker, though with much different reasons. "Bitch" is far more offensive in my opinion than "cunt."

But your reply makes sense, and while I know this is going to make sensitive-GAF roll their eyes and dive for their keyboard, but I honestly don't know; what's the difference between "asshole," "dick," and "cunt"? I don't see how the last is a slur rather than slang, like the other two.

Or would you say people would be banned for calling someone an "asshole," too? Or that they should be, even though it's not as enforced? I'm sure I've seen plenty of politicians (among others) called lots of names on GAF...

As men are technically "in power," dick insults virtually no one and cannot be used to discredit men. Asshole is gender-neutral.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
When you get banned, it shouldn't tell you.

It should just make all your posts invisible, so you keep posting and posting and posting but no one ever quotes you or says anything about what you post.

That's called hellbanning. Hellbanning is considered extremely poor form, even on the internet. It was in vogue a few years ago on Something Awful and a few other sites, but they stopped doing it because it's a good way to cause people to not bother to sign up.


It's probably because I rarely ever hear it. And because the implied evil of the word makes it decidedly uncommon in the US, while more common words (like "bitch") are freely used to discredit women (across all the major countries GAF "represents") and so ironically ends up being the more damaging word.

heh, yeah I didn't honestly know it was a country thing. I don't speak for america but I'm pretty sick of hearing the word bitch. or even Bitching, even then I use whining or crying as a substitute.


Also, after reading through a bit of that thread, I'd argue that "bitch" is significantly more offensive than "cunt."
Where I come from, the C word never gets used. I've heard some people say that 'Bitch' is the worst thing you can call a woman, but back home the C word is worse.

I try not to ever use it. I made the mistake of using it a long time ago. In my dumb teenage "Fuck the world and everyone in it" days, I made the stupid mistake of using the word on paper to describe my mother. It was a paper where I was writing my thoughts at the time and meant for no one else to see. But due to me being dumb, I got in trouble at school for something. Completely unrelated but it caused a lot of problems for me when the administration. And one of the things they did for this unrelated matter was comb over every piece of paper in my backpack and read everything. They found the piece of paper of course.
When they showed it to my mother and she broke down in tears, I instantly knew I fucked up.
Even worse was when my grandmother found out. My grandmother, who had lived through some periods of awful treatment of women. My grandmother had also told me many stories of when she was a young woman working in a General Motors plant on the assembly line surrounded by men and the awful degrading things that she would hear directed at her by them. Seeing the look on her face after hearing about it was one of the worst feelings I have ever had and still pisses me off that I could say something like that about my mother over probably some trivial argument or something.

It doesn't take too much time on Google to see that the term can be incredibly disparaging towards women. It's your opinion that the word 'Bitch' is worse. There are a ton of people out there who would disagree.


Can we just outright ban namecalling? It's mean and childish and serves only to intimidate other posters. What argument is improved by namecalling? If your argument is sound, then let it stand for itself.

Slurs against someone's race or gender or sexual orientation are rightly banned, but what about slurs against someone's intelligence? "Idiot," "moron," "dolt," "mouthbreather" -- the list is endless.

It's not uncommon for someone to grow up with the idea that they're stupid. I'm sure there are some posters here who wish they were smarter. When you're trying to have a civil discussion, why do these posters have to be subjected to the kind of names they were called in childhood? You might think the word "idiot" is harmless, but I'm sure for many on this forum it opens an old wound, causes them to remember struggling to learn in school.

And people who are secure with their intelligence -- why should they have to be forced to question it because they hold an unpopular opinion? I'm really fed up with this, and I hope I'm not the only one.

1) I'm going to assume you're American.
2) Which word is predominantly used to shut up women today?
3) Which word is universally used as such an insult (GAF represents, etc.) against women?
4) Which word, because of common usage is more likely to fly past the radar?

Blech, what rubbish. Might as well say "cunt" is better because there are more women on the planet. No real reasoning.

I'll say!!!



1) Not in terms of majority, but in terms of men being the "standard" with women as "the other." Basically, patriarchy.
2) lol


That's called hellbanning. Hellbanning is considered extremely poor form, even on the internet. It was in vogue a few years ago on Something Awful and a few other sites, but they stopped doing it because it's a good way to cause people to not bother to sign up.

In vBulletin (the software this forum and SA, though heavily modified, use) terms, it's called Tacky Goes To Coventry.

I think it was used once here, but I could be wrong about that.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Also, after reading through a bit of that thread, I'd argue that "bitch" is significantly more offensive than "cunt."

- Bitch is a word often used to discredit women/feminists, and is common
- C*** is not only not nearly as common but is also rarely used to "put women in their place"
- Bitch is used to (as you said yourself, Mumei) establish that someone is not acting in line with expected gender roles - a woman may be forceful and a man may be crying or whatever - "bitch" reinforces traditional gender roles via mockery and shaming

In personal experience, I've not seen c*** used to discredit a woman (and it's definitely not used as much as bitch is). And here on GAF, I haven't seen anyone use the word with damaging undertones.

Bitch is by and far more deleterious to women (and effeminate men) and means the same (damaging) thing across the major cultures represented on NeoGAF. C*** is hardly crude at all.

I understand that the rule is not up for debate, but you seem to have those two nouns flipped in terms of offensiveness.

Ironically I was banned for using this word two weeks ago and as a not native speaker I didn't get the reason at first because we use "bitch" as just as a cussword not related to gender. It's like "an asshole" but not gender-related. IRL I call men bitches far more ofthen than women.

I had always thought that cunt is much more offensive.
...Don't be an idiot? Seriously I've only gotten ban from this site twice. And both times was when I knew I was playing with fire by blatent trolling. As long as you don't insult people, say offensive things, don't get heated by divided opinions on feminism or politics, or just be a dumbass ("Hey guys I think the amount of deaths at the Holocaust is a vast exaggeration. I'm not saying the Jews are in conspiracy to use that to create Israel, but they did it to create Israel."
You can't tell me you haven't seen that multiple times from a user with "banned" as a tag.
) you won't get banned.

Just relax, know that you are on the internet, know that the person who is giving you a hard time is probably similar to the 300lbs WoW player from that South Park episodie, and you'll be fine.
Ironically I was banned for using this word two weeks ago and as a not native speaker I didn't get the reason at first because we use "bitch" as just as a cussword not related to gender. It's like "an asshole" but not gender-related. IRL I call men bitches far more ofthen than women.

I had always thought that cunt is much more offensive.

When you call men bitches, you reinforce gender stereotypes. It doesn't make it better.
A lot of people think it is the worst or most offensive word in the English language.

This blew my mind when I read this in the football topic some time ago. I literally had no idea. As a finnish guy who has been taught british english in primary/secondary school, cunt seemed to be just a swearword among swearwords, nothing special at all.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Also I noticed, fandom and hatedom attacks.

See: that Twilight news. Someone got banned, somehow forgetting that it is a tragic news.
or maybe we can try to talk to each other without swearing, period?

Oh g-fexy, you so crazy.

Also, after reading through a bit of that thread, I'd argue that "bitch" is significantly more offensive than "cunt."

- Bitch is a word often used to discredit women/feminists, and is common
- C*** is not only not nearly as common but is also rarely used to "put women in their place"
- Bitch is used to (as you said yourself, Mumei) establish that someone is not acting in line with expected gender roles - a woman may be forceful and a man may be crying or whatever - "bitch" reinforces traditional gender roles via mockery and shaming

In personal experience, I've not seen c*** used to discredit a woman (and it's definitely not used as much as bitch is). And here on GAF, I haven't seen anyone use the word with damaging undertones.

Bitch is by and far more deleterious to women (and effeminate men) and means the same (damaging) thing across the major cultures represented on NeoGAF. C*** is hardly crude at all.

I understand that the rule is not up for debate, but you seem to have those two nouns flipped in terms of offensiveness.

Well someone did get banned for saying Olivia Wilde was a bitch yesterday (only a week though).


And as charlequin said, it wasn't a change of policy. It was admittedly a policy that wasn't being particularly well-enforced in that particular topic before, and perhaps the optics of my becoming a new moderator, and my being the one to go into that topic and make that post gave the impression that it was a new policy that was being instituted by me, but it did not actually represent a change in policy. My post was simply meant to be a reminder about existing policy, the reason why that policy exists, and a notice that while we weren't going to do anything about the posts that had been breaking the rule, in the future it would be enforced.

When it isn't being enforced and some of the people who are supposed to be enforcing it use it themselves (in the exact same context as for example the football threads), then it at least seems like something that the rest of the community should have a fair warning about. It has obviously been accepted for a long time before this.



I attempted to explain this once upon a time in another topic. It can be a bit counterintuitive, but this is what JokerOfSpades was talking about when he said parenthetically "as you said yourself, Mumei" in his initial post arguing that "bitch" was worse than "cunt".

I'm starting to wonder whether people thought my post was a joke...

Not going to say what I think of it as a policy, but as an ideal for how you should interact with people, I think it's a good standard to aspire to.

And one that I fail to live up to.


the piano man
I will assume that at least a couple of mods are looking at this so I am going to ask here.

I'll give some context (and before I begin, I am NOT complaining, I want to learn only):

I got into some kind of argument with duckroll in a media create thread. It wasn't a friendly situation but it remained on topic for the most part. It was about whether MGS3 on 3DS would sell to the existing MGS fanbase or not, Duckroll said "no way" in a particular tone that I personally didn't like and I said he was being arrogant but it was rather civil up until that point, THEN...

people (random gaffers, not even MC regulars in the know or anything) started noticing there was an argument and I started to receive a couple of answers that added ABSOLUTELY nothing to the topic or to counterargument my view on the matter at hand. it was clear to me that they were posting just to side with duckroll, I guess because siding with a mod makes you look cool or whatever. Thing is I told one of them to "Fuck off",

I actually thought about the expression and said to me "Yeah, I've seen it many times in the OT forum, and that's what I want to say to that troll so I'll put it".. but Duckroll thought it crossed a line and gave me a temporary ban.

I am not complaning about it now but I want to know what's the real deal with this particular situation. Duckroll said in the ban reason "you can't tell someone to fuck off because they don't agree with you"

yet in religious, politic and specially topics about sexual orientation "fuck off" seems to be thrown around casually, that's why I used the term in the first place.

so, is "fuck off" a bannable thing depending on the context or place?
More on topic:

Just be respectful. And read the rules. The rest is common sense.

EDIT: To the above - you generally can't do those things, but they can slip past the radar. Also, perhaps you assumed they were just trying to side with duckroll.

And unless they were saying something totally unwarranted (a poster said that gays should have their own schools, for example) and bigoted, you usually can't use those expressions. Context, mate.


there's ALWAYS ONE
or maybe we can try to talk to each other without swearing, period?
I like this idea. I'd like to think that by not swearing, I'm saving it all up so when I finally do so it'll be some of the most hateful, vitriolic stuff I've ever said. In general though, I try to keep how I type the same as how I speak. I don't swear and I (usually) don't devolve into name-calling when somebody disagrees with me, so I don't do those things on GAF either.

so, is "fuck off" a bannable thing depending on the context or place?
Not something I'd ever post, but I'd like to know this too.
I will assume that at least a couple of mods are looking at this so I am going to ask here.

I'll give some context (and before I begin, I am NOT complaining, I want to learn only):

I got into some kind of argument with duckroll in a media create thread. It wasn't a friendly situation but it remained on topic for the most part. It was about whether MGS3 on 3DS would sell to the existing MGS fanbase or not, Duckroll said "no way" in a particular tone that I personally didn't like and I said he was being arrogant but it was rather civil up until that point, THEN...

people (random gaffers, not even MC regulars in the know or anything) started noticing there was an argument and I started to receive a couple of answers that added ABSOLUTELY nothing to the topic or to counterargument my view on the matter at hand. it was clear to me that they were posting just to side with duckroll, I guess because siding with a mod makes you look cool or whatever. Thing is I told one of them to "Fuck off",

I actually thought about the expression and said to me "Yeah, I've seen it many times in the OT forum, and that's what I want to say to that troll so I'll put it".. but Duckroll thought it crossed a line and gave me a temporary ban.

I am not complaning about it now but I want to know what's the real deal with this particular situation. Duckroll said in the ban reason "you can't tell someone to fuck off because they don't agree with you"

yet in religious, politic and specially topics about sexual orientation "fuck off" seems to be thrown around casually, that's why I used the term in the first place.

so, is "fuck off" a bannable thing depending on the context or place?

Personally, I don't think I've ever seen "fuck off" used and not result in a ban, or at least multiple posters quoting it going "oh snap!"

Seems like a bad choice of words to direct at any Gaffer, imo.


the piano man
pretty hilarious couple of sentences

why? what's hilarious there?

Personally, I don't think I've ever seen "fuck off" used and not result in a ban, or at least multiple posters quoting it going "oh snap!"

Seems like a bad choice of words to direct at any Gaffer, imo.

it is a bad choice of words and it was the first and last time I'll use it but I am quite sure it has appeared many times in heated arguments in the OT.


there's ALWAYS ONE
it is a bad choice of words and it was the first and last time I'll use it but I am quite sure it has appeared many times in heated arguments in the OT.
Yeah. I'm not going to start naming people, but somebody used the phrase a few days ago and wasn't banned.
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