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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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Upon further thought, there is a non-offensive way to use "bitch," as in "what's up bitches" in a parody of tv shows and the like. Of course, I can see EuroGAF using "cunt" in the same way, but... I'll drop it now. Not my board.

Not like I even use the fucking word. NMP.


Question to any mod kind enough to reply. Is making puns or jokes about someone's death completely discouraged now or is the context relevant? Like, if a death was accidental, malicious, or tragic in some manner it is not acceptable, but if someone dies by partaking in dangerous activities (extreme sports, Russian roulette etc), in the process of committing a crime or inflicting harm on others...that's ok? For instance, if someone dies by going on some ill-advised misadventure and someone were to make a Darwin Award joke, would that be frowned upon?


the piano man
Like imagine I died hot air ballooning in a craft which looked like a huge breast and I fell out of the basket naked. That would be hilarious.

so you mean like when someone opens a thread with a death scene that somehow looked funny and people answer with "lol" ??

I think I've seen the situation but most people understand it's morally wrong and post things like " GAF, I am sorry but I am laughing and I know I shouldn't.. but I am bursting in laughter lol"..

still..... laughing about people dying, regardless of how funny it may seem.. I don't know


Like imagine I died hot air ballooning in a craft which looked like a huge breast and I fell out of the basket naked. That would be hilarious.
Maybe that's funny on TV, but when real people are involved, I don't think it's ever funny.

Above: Sure. Go ahead. Post examples of real people losing their lives that are gutbustingly funny.
I was reading in another thread that "tl;dr" is considered a banworthy meme apparently, and yet I seem to remember a fucking Dolan thread of all things floating around OT for a few days not too long ago. Did that get locked/banned? Or is the tl;dr thing not true? Because tl;dr being banworthy while Dolan being considered threadworthy just seems entirely too silly.


I was reading in another thread that "tl;dr" is considered a banworthy meme apparently, and yet I seem to remember a fucking Dolan thread of all things floating around OT for a few days not too long ago. Did that get locked/banned? Or is the tl;dr thing not true? Because tl;dr being banworthy while Dolan being considered threadworthy just seems entirely too silly.

Its still around as far as I can see...why would it be locked? That shit is stupid funny.

Juicy Bob

Its still around as far as I can see...why would it be locked? That shit is stupid funny.
Yeah, Dolan was funny until Reddit got a hold of it. In fact, you can say that about a lot of memes.

I've been here a few years and have never been banned, thankfully. I think the key is to stay out of Gaming, unless absolutely necessary. Even then, exercise extreme caution.
For the record I don't think Dolan should not be allowed, but if they are banning people for using tl;dr yet allowing a dedicated Dolan thread, that seems a bit hypocritical.

Juicy Bob

For the record I don't think Dolan should not be allowed, but if they are banning people for using tl;dr yet allowing a dedicated Dolan thread, that seems a bit hypocritical.
Why? Posting 'tl;dr' as a response is banned because it's rude, dismissive and adds nothing at all to a discussion. Dolan is a meme that, like plenty of memes before it, suddenly rises to popularity and so gets an entire light-hearted topic for itself. That's a good thing if you don't like Dolan, because at least it gives that sort of material an 'official' place to be shared and decreases the liklihood of the meme shitting up every other thread instead. It's a perfectly legitimate reason for a thread, just like we had a 'Kayne interrupts meme' thread before that, for example.

Dolan and 'tl;dr' are two completely different things.
The world is a diverse place. Hope this helps. :)

It can be a diverse place when it comes to taste. If you like strawberries more than raspberries, fine, no hard feelings. But a common insult like bitch that's heard almost everywhere being harsher than the less common cunt? Women refer to themselves as a bitch sometimes when their attitude is questioned. What's more likely to happen in real life:

Paul: Miranda, quit scratching my car!
Miranda: I'm a bitch, so what?


Paul: Miranda, quit scratching my car!
Miranda: I'm a cunt, so what?

Also, what's the less offensive word around children? Has to be bitch, because it's applied to a lot of things. If cunt is truly less offensive, should the entire media just switch that word with bitch?

I'm still baffled, I'm having a hard time coming up with words here. Shit.


the piano man
this made me remember that scene in X-Men 3: Last Stand where Juggernaut tells Kitty Pride (sweet, small and cute Ellen Page, nontheless) " I am the Juggernaut, Bitch"

what if JN had said "cunt" instead of Bitch? I do think it would have been waaay more out of place.


English isn't my first language but I've always perceived 'cunt' as a quite offensive word, much more offensive than 'bitch'.
This was from last page, but some people seriously think that bitch is a more offensive word than cunt? Now I've seen it all, seriously.
I actually agree with that. "Bitch" seems like a much more sexist term, generally speaking. It's predicated on the notion that weakness/cowardliness/whining/etc are female traits.

"Cunt" being more taboo doesn't make it more offensive, imo.


wow, I find the comments about the C-word interesting. In the UK its pretty much never used as an insult to women. Thinking about it, I don't think I've ever heard a woman called it - maybe because its one of the worst swear words but I've only heard it directed at men. If it has a different meaning and use in the US thats surprising.

Although I guess no more surprising than 'pissed off' and 'bastard' being happily used in mainstream US TV but they're proper swears in the UK.

I do find Mumei's comments a little forceful though. I always prefer context to be relevant where possible, but her comment is a blanket statement. Eg in the Euro 2012 thread I'd expect most posters to be European, the comment was aimed at a European, so is reading a US-centered view from it really fair?


English isn't my first language but I've always perceived 'cunt' as a quite offensive word, much more offensive than 'bitch'.
I agree. Using "cunt" is like dropping a verbal nuke on someone, no way your walking away from that without some damage.


Can you be kicked out of NeoGAF by not being active enough? (serious question)

No, this is not World of Warcraft. :)

Screw my guild for kicking me out, loosing all my rep and stuff.

I specificially told them that my gametime had ended and that I was taking a break, but nooooo, we will kick you instead.

Now im in a new guild.
With all due respect, the offense wrought by the use of "cunt" and "bitch" is laughable to me. In Australia we have a habit of turning around previously offensive words and turning them into affectionate slang. For instance, I think I call my mates "cunt" more than I can them "mate" these days: "You're a funny cunt", "fuck off cunt" (used in situations where someone's playfully making fun of you, so a substitute for 'shut up man haha') and "you lucky cunt" as a substitute for the US version of 'you lucky bastard'. There's plenty more examples of this.

In my eyes, the non US-gaffers are suffering in this situation simply because America have an inability to laugh at itself; a tendency for taking themselves far too seriously, and this quirky character trait has filtered down through many aspects of its culture. With this being a mainly US centric forum and the aforementioned cultural aversion to these particular curse words, I'm not surprised they're banned. It's still rather silly though.

The 'it's a sexual slur' argument is painfully tenuous and quite frankly, evidence of cultural immaturity.

And I hope people understand the only reason I repeatedly used the words throughout this post was for the storytelling necessity, and I did not intend to offend.


listen to the mad man
I was reading in another thread that "tl;dr" is considered a banworthy meme apparently, and yet I seem to remember a fucking Dolan thread of all things floating around OT for a few days not too long ago. Did that get locked/banned? Or is the tl;dr thing not true? Because tl;dr being banworthy while Dolan being considered threadworthy just seems entirely too silly.

From "Banned Sites, Inappropriate Posts and Memes":
- Thread Whining / Respect to Others. It's not that "Haters gonna hate" is a banned meme, it's that it's often used to be flippant and dismissive to other posters. If someone is trying to explain what they think about something, either treat them with respect or don't reply at all. So when you post "u mad", "deal with it", "haters gonna hate", "the GAF hivemind", "the usual suspects", "but GAF said x and now they're saying y!!!", "entitled whiners" or anything else that suggests that you don't care what other people think, you may be banned if it is taking away from discussion. This is getting to be a pretty big problem, and it's probably the single largest category of bans these days. If you don't want to discuss something, you don't need to post.

This also includes things like "weekend gaf", "sounds like a GameFAQs threads", "tl;dr", "cool story, bro", "Neat" and associated image macros, "who gives a shit", etc. This list is not exhaustive, and using variants of these statements such as "bold please" and "f*ck the haters" is not a good way to avoid getting banned, as the problem is the general message/intent of your post, not the specific words you are using. If you think a particular thread is lowering a quality of the forum, PM a moderator about it.

All seems pretty logical to me. Be nice to other people. "tl;dr" is being rude to other people. *shrugs*

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
On a related note, mods should be a lot more strict in regards to runaway / hit and run posts. They don't contribute anything at all to the topic.


From "Banned Sites, Inappropriate Posts and Memes":

All seems pretty logical to me. Be nice to other people. "tl;dr" is being rude to other people. *shrugs*

presumably if the OP is 'tl' it'd be reasonable to reply asking if the OP could summarise his points as its difficult to read in its current form. its the curt responses that don't add anything that frustrate.
this made me remember that scene in X-Men 3: Last Stand where Juggernaut tells Kitty Pride (sweet, small and cute Ellen Page, nontheless) " I am the Juggernaut, Bitch"

what if JN had said "cunt" instead of Bitch? I do think it would have been waaay more out of place.

But why?

The Juggernaut is a fucking asshole. He's not supposed to be a role model, he's supposed to be a violent, dumb psychopath.
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