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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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This is tough in some ways. I got banned for a month for using a word once regarding PC gamers that I had seen for months and used it in a friendly way, figuring that... that's how they described themselves. little did I know about a week before I used this dreaded phrase, it had been banned... And so I got a 1 month ban. I was pissed about it to a degree, but didn't complain. I took my ban and accepted it and waited for it to end and then cautioned others to edit their posts when they mistakenly, even in a friendly way, used the dreaded phrase.

Also, generally, I think if you're more politically conservative or have religious beliefs, you should shelf your political ideology and religious identification here. I'm not religious and I'm politically moderate, but I think that mods seem quicker to ban/punish politically conservative people versus politically liberal, for stupid comments. IE, you can get a hundred trolling comments in a thread that seem to lean left, but when you get one or two trolling comments that lean right, those get stricter punishment -- I don't think it's because of political bias, but because those comments stand out.

So, my suggestion: just shelf your political identity and religious adhereance. Plus, it's a video game forum. If you have well developed & defined political and religious feelings, there are more intelligent places to discuss them.
From "Banned Sites, Inappropriate Posts and Memes":

All seems pretty logical to me. Be nice to other people. "tl;dr" is being rude to other people. *shrugs*

OK, come to think of it, I have seen tl;dr used as a sort of attack or insult, and it makes sense for that to be banworthy. But by and large, most of the times I see tl;dr on the internet it's just used as a quick summary of a long post or news story. It can actually be useful, especially considering the number of posts around here that make it all too obvious that the poster did not bother to read the OP/article being discussed. That was the tl;dr I was thinking of, can you still get banned for using it to sum up your OP or story in a non-offensive way?


there's ALWAYS ONE
OK, come to think of it, I have seen tl;dr used as a sort of attack or insult, and it makes sense for that to be banworthy. But by and large, most of the times I see tl;dr on the internet it's just used as a quick summary of a long post or news story. It can actually be useful, especially considering the number of posts around here that make it all too obvious that the poster did not bother to read the OP/article being discussed. That was the tl;dr I was thinking of, can you still get banned for using it to sum up your OP in a non-offensive way?
I've seen people do what you're describing and not get banned, because that's not offensive. Of course, if you're writing a large post and you feel like people won't read it and you need to add your own summary, you should probably edit it down, like a lot of news story threads do by bolding text. I believe Stump is referring more to when somebody writes a giant post and the next response is tl;dr, like what happened in one of Nirolak's recent threads.
OK, come to think of it, I have seen tl;dr used as a sort of attack or insult, and it makes sense for that to be banworthy. But by and large, most of the times I see tl;dr on the internet it's just used as a quick summary of a long post or news story. It can actually be useful, especially considering the number of posts around here that make it all too obvious that the poster did not bother to read the OP/article being discussed. That was the tl;dr I was thinking of, can you still get banned for using it to sum up your OP or story in a non-offensive way?

Yeah, I think you're misinterpreting the description. Simply providing a TL;DR summation at the bottom of your own post isn't offensive or bannable.

Typing TL;DR in reference to someone else's post is bannable because you're admitting you didn't read it, are implying the post/poster is unworthy, and are ruthlessly marginalising that person's effort for no other reason than to be a smartarse.
I will assume that at least a couple of mods are looking at this so I am going to ask here.

I'll give some context (and before I begin, I am NOT complaining, I want to learn only):

I got into some kind of argument with duckroll in a media create thread. It wasn't a friendly situation but it remained on topic for the most part. It was about whether MGS3 on 3DS would sell to the existing MGS fanbase or not, Duckroll said "no way" in a particular tone that I personally didn't like and I said he was being arrogant but it was rather civil up until that point, THEN...

people (random gaffers, not even MC regulars in the know or anything) started noticing there was an argument and I started to receive a couple of answers that added ABSOLUTELY nothing to the topic or to counterargument my view on the matter at hand. it was clear to me that they were posting just to side with duckroll, I guess because siding with a mod makes you look cool or whatever. Thing is I told one of them to "Fuck off",

I actually thought about the expression and said to me "Yeah, I've seen it many times in the OT forum, and that's what I want to say to that troll so I'll put it".. but Duckroll thought it crossed a line and gave me a temporary ban.

I am not complaning about it now but I want to know what's the real deal with this particular situation. Duckroll said in the ban reason "you can't tell someone to fuck off because they don't agree with you"

yet in religious, politic and specially topics about sexual orientation "fuck off" seems to be thrown around casually, that's why I used the term in the first place.

so, is "fuck off" a bannable thing depending on the context or place?

See my rules. A mod's disagreement with your position is a huge aggravating factor. Even if you were called dumb or stupid by the gaggle of ditto heads, you got to tread lightly. That's why I say "get in, get out!" Others will say just remain calm and explain your position clearly, but those people likely haven't taken a strong contrary stance ever and seen the dogpile. Don't listen to those people.


Is the word bitch bannable?

You're actually not allowed to insult someone by calling them a bitch either.

There is some space for reclamatory uses of the word bitch (e.g., the phrase "head bitch" or referring to someone as 'that bitch'; Kyon does both at the end of this rather nutty post), but using it as an insult (e.g., X is a bitch / being a bitch / needs to stop being a bitch) is indeed verboten.

And before anyone starts: Also not a new rule.

OK, come to think of it, I have seen tl;dr used as a sort of attack or insult, and it makes sense for that to be banworthy. But by and large, most of the times I see tl;dr on the internet it's just used as a quick summary of a long post or news story. It can actually be useful, especially considering the number of posts around here that make it all too obvious that the poster did not bother to read the OP/article being discussed. That was the tl;dr I was thinking of, can you still get banned for using it to sum up your OP or story in a non-offensive way?

No, tl;dr is banned in the manner that stump quoted and described. Using tl;dr at the end of one's own post to provide a summary of what one wrote is perfectly acceptable. Using tl;dr as a response to someone else's post to dismiss it is not. This is why other related memes and image macros are not allowed, as explained in the FAQs.

See my rules. A mod's disagreement with your position is a huge aggravating factor. Even if you were called dumb or stupid by the gaggle of ditto heads, you got to tread lightly. That's why I say "get in, get out!" Others will say just remain calm and explain your position clearly, but those people likely haven't taken a strong contrary stance ever and seen the dogpile. Don't listen to those people.

I think it is possible to remain calm and explain your position clearly. I am not saying it is easy to deal with multiple people, but if you say your piece clearly, then allow time for other people to get their two cents in, and then reply to multiple posts in one post, and then repeat, it's easier. It also limits the feeling of being overwhelmed.

I can see how a moderator's disagreement with you can make it more difficult, though, as it can seem to legitimize a position and embolden people to speak up when they otherwise might not have and to be more aggressive than they might have been.


See my rules. A mod's disagreement with your position is a huge aggravating factor. Even if you were called dumb or stupid by the gaggle of ditto heads, you got to tread lightly. That's why I say "get in, get out!" Others will say just remain calm and explain your position clearly, but those people likely haven't taken a strong contrary stance ever and seen the dogpile. Don't listen to those people.

I think I can offer that advice from a position of experience. As long as the position isn't clearly indefensible or intentionally spiteful or hurtful a calm, patient response is possible. And will likely prevent you from having to take a GAF vacation!
There is some space for reclamatory uses of the word bitch (e.g., the phrase "head bitch" or referring to someone as 'that bitch'; Kyon does both at the end of this rather nutty post), but using it as an insult (e.g., X is a bitch / being a bitch / needs to stop being a bitch) is indeed verboten.

And before anyone starts: Also not a new rule.

I think what is frustrating about this 'not a new rule' thing is that alot of the rules that are now being enforced weren't being enforced before. Up until that Euro thread "cunt" was being thrown around like a vowel in many places and I know there was examples of mods either using it themselves or engaging in discussion while the word was being used, but not cracking down on it whatsoever.

So yes, I do believe you need to clarify this in a manner in which the entire forum is aware. Sure, technically we were never meant to say it, but it was until recently overlooked and unenforced by everyone. You've recently cracked down on it and will be enforcing the rule with no exception. Understandable, but definitely worthy of clarification.

Before, people would have seen the word being used and noticed it was being unenforced, thus inadvertently legitimising the use of the word. Now, if they happen to miss these threads, they could be banned for something that was previously unenforced. That's unfair.


I mean, i'm coming up on 8 years now and my secret is to barely post. I've only had one 3 week ban for using a derogatory term towards people with food allergies even though i was joking. A majority of my posts come in the past 4 years too considering i barely spent any time on gaf while in college. I think I was a lurker for year before getting approved in 04 as well. I mean, i've definitely gotten in arguments with other users but if I ever get to a point where it just seems like i'm arguing with one person i'd rather just stop because it's not worth anything to argue with someone you've never met, or if i really felt that strongly i'd use the PM system more.


the piano man
I think what is frustrating about this 'not a new rule' thing is that alot of the rules that are now being enforced weren't being enforced before. Up until that Euro thread "cunt" was being thrown around like a vowel in many places and I know there was examples of mods either using it themselves or engaging in discussion while the word was being used, but not cracking down on it whatsoever.

So yes, I do believe you need to clarify this in a manner in which the entire forum is aware. Sure, technically we were never meant to say it, but it was until recently overlooked and unenforced by everyone. You've recently cracked down on it and will be enforcing the rule with no exception. Understandable, but definitely worthy of clarification.

Before, people would have seen the word being used and noticed it was being unenforced, thus inadvertently legitimising the use of the word. Now, if they happen to miss these threads, they could be banned for something that was previously unenforced. That's unfair.

but you have to consider that moderators everywhere do their job on a case by case basis, always. (as it should be)

You can ask any moderator here "would you ban this or that"? and the answer will be "without context I can't answer". The first thing a mod should do is assess a situation and then decide the course of action and even then, in some cases it's a matter or personal judgement, and that's why those who are chosen to be mods have to be very level-headed and have a lot of common sense.

what I mean, there's no need to give anyone a heads-up beyond what's already in the TOS because moderation is done in real time, each case being unique. I once owned a forum and I know about this, it's not easy at all.


I think what is frustrating about this 'not a new rule' thing is that alot of the rules that are now being enforced weren't being enforced before. Up until that Euro thread "cunt" was being thrown around like a vowel in many places and I know there was examples of mods either using it themselves or engaging in discussion while the word was being used, but not cracking down on it whatsoever.

I understand how you might think that having a forum wide announcement would have been preferable, but in practice what we did do seems to be working. This is thanks in part to the fact that this news has been widely disseminated in multiple threads (e.g., UK/ROI, Football, Funny pics, UMvC3, this thread, and many one-off threads). And because of that, the usage has dropped precipitously.

So as a possible criticism of "You should have done this," then fair enough. But I don't see the necessity to do it as this juncture.

I don't know what PopGAF is on, but I really wish they'd share.

Only Kyon is on that stuff. And if you asked, he would begin raving about being under the LIGHT of the HOLY SPEARIT or somesuch nonsense. Trust me, it's better just to smile and back away slowly.


Would be cool if there was a quick sticky that outlines the smaller updates. I've seen people mention the c-word banning but don't see it anywhere. Also the dailymail banning, etc.
I dunno, I can't count the amount of times I've been outright insulted, called an idiot, stupid, etc. and not had the person banned.

Then you randomly might find yourself banned for not breaking a single rule.

So, follow the rules.. and partly luck.

One piece of advice?

If the neogaf "horde" is kind of against you on any topic that is remotely controversial? Back the hell away from the conversation.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I dunno, sometimes the neogaf horde becomes laughable on other forums when it becomes transparent. It's why you'd see stuff like "GAF is a Sony fanboy haven" or "GAF sees itself as an elite forum but sometimes goes below GameFAQs level".


I dunno, sometimes the neogaf horde becomes laughable on other forums when it becomes transparent. It's why you'd see stuff like "GAF is a Sony fanboy haven" or "GAF sees itself as an elite forum but sometimes goes below GameFAQs level".

Sure it does muscle boy

It's not bad advice on most forums.

Mods like to be popular.. if they regularly ban people that the horde is hating on, their popularity increases.

That can be despite no rules being broken, no warnings being given, etc.

In the end.. all sites have owners.. they can do what they want.. the bigger the site the more likely there will be for "power abuse".. but it's all just the internet, and if someone wants to stop me from typing text into textboxes that store data in their MySQL server, that's up to them.


It's not bad advice on most forums.

Mods like to be popular.. if they regularly ban people that the horde is hating on, their popularity increases.

That can be despite no rules being broken, no warnings being given, etc.

In the end.. all sites have owners.. they can do what they want.. the bigger the site the more likely there will be for "power abuse".. but it's all just the internet, and if someone wants to stop me from typing text into textboxes that store data in their MySQL server, that's up to them.

I really disagree with that. In every instance I can remember of someone being banned that happened to take the unpopular position it was because of the way they were handling it. The fact they took the unpopular position was not the reason. Of course this only applies to controversial/ambiguous topics and not one guy arguing it's ok to kill gay people or something else along those lines.
I really disagree with that. In every instance I can remember of someone being banned that happened to take the unpopular position it was because of the way they were handling it. The fact they took the unpopular position was not the reason. Of course this only applies to controversial/ambiguous topics and not one guy arguing it's ok to kill gay people or something else along those lines.

It certainly doesn't happen every time.. it's just a dangerous game to play.

And I've definitely seen it happen, and IMO, have had it happen to me, here and elsewhere.

It's just the nature of humanity really.. the same is true of any system of rules.. the more popularity you have, the easier it is for you to get away with rule breaking.. and the "less popular" and more important, those with some sort of negative "popularity" might be punished w/o any clear rule breaking occurring at all.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Is anyone here a bootlicker, brownnoser, bitch of neogaf.com?


I'm surprised Kyon hasn't been banned yet.

He has been, once. It was earlier this year.

He was crushed, but the LIGHT of th - Oh, I can't keep this up.

Would be cool if there was a quick sticky that outlines the smaller updates. I've seen people mention the c-word banning but don't see it anywhere. Also the dailymail banning, etc.

You can tell when a site is banned because the link is replaced with asterisks.

For instance:


To be honest, I have never seen an announcement thread in all the time I have been on GAF about a site being banned; I've always discovered it when I saw the asterisks.
From "Banned Sites, Inappropriate Posts and Memes":

All seems pretty logical to me. Be nice to other people. "tl;dr" is being rude to other people. *shrugs*

That rule seems kind of subjective and/or poorly enforced. I see many posters making flippant or dismissive "lol" or "you're an idiot" replies and it seems to be accepted.


I dunno, sometimes the neogaf horde becomes laughable on other forums when it becomes transparent. It's why you'd see stuff like "GAF is a Sony fanboy haven" or "GAF sees itself as an elite forum but sometimes goes below GameFAQs level".

I've always wondered about that, as GAF seems pretty equal regarding platforms when compared to some other forums I've visited in the past.


Might be true in the US. Definitely not a world wide rule, especially not in the UK.

It was a very convincing post. I understand better now.

my nipples are also hard
True, the us is a little more stuck up when it comes to language and sex. Violence on the other hand, we are just fine with that..

BHZ Mayor

Only Kyon is on that stuff. And if you asked, he would begin raving about being under the LIGHT of the HOLY SPEARIT or somesuch nonsense. Trust me, it's better just to smile and back away slowly.

The fact that "the holy SPEARit" is a thing amuses me greatly.


sparkle this bitch
That rule seems kind of subjective and/or poorly enforced. I see many posters making flippant or dismissive "lol" or "you're an idiot" replies and it seems to be accepted.

Depending on the post, but some times there just isn't another response. Like how Hilter didn't hate Jews. Thread would have been a graveyard if that was enforced.
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