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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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Just don't get into arguments that aren't worth it. I have yet to be banned. In addition to following the common rules of course.


We're all going to get banned someday.

Oh man this is freaking me out! I just realized that I could get perma-banned at any time and any moment! What happens after you get perma-banned? What about the friends you've left behind? You just lurk around, being able to read other peoples posts but not being able to interact with them! Or you're just gone, and never come back! This knowledge is heavy man, time to forget about it by getting blisteringly drunk and sleeping with as many people as possible. Maybe get into a few fights.


Just don't get into arguments that aren't worth it. I have yet to be banned. In addition to following the common rules of course.

Yeah it's really not that hard.

Oh and if you need to be banned to avoid gaf's distraction. Don't ban bait like it did... You can just pm a mod and request it.
You have to piece together why people were banned yourself; it's like touching blood stains in Demon's/Dark Souls. You see only a specter of someone who perished before you and must figure out from that what to do next.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I want to know what permanently made me a Junior.

Not because I want to make threads, just because I'm curious.


-Never name call or lose control of yourself
This is the only tip worth quoting. I've done a lot of things mentioned not to do, but it's every time I step over a line due to some sort of rage of frustration that got me banned for a week or gets me a warning. That's a valuable tip for regular posters.

I can't speak for trolls though. People who make a gazillion threads, people who post once and never read a thread again, etc. I bet they have even more 'danger zones' with such irregular posting habits.


If the neogaf "horde" is kind of against you on any topic that is remotely controversial? Back the hell away from the conversation.

For all the talk of how going against the hive-mind can get you banned, all I have to do is looking at my own case to figure that isn't true. Went against them more than once in various FF/KH/SE threads, and rather firmly at that: yet to be banned to this day. I did feel myself on the verge of banning tho, but that would have been because I had lurked GAFfers' conversations on Twitter and called them out on taking cheap shots at people who posted into said threads directly on GAF. All I had to do to veil my endeavor was not to name any of those, albeit it's clear the mood of the thread remained pretty nasty afterwards.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
For all the talk of how going against the hive-mind can get you banned, all I have to do is looking at my own case to figure that isn't true. Went against them more than once in various FF/KH/SE threads, and rather firmly at that: yet to be banned to this day. I did feel myself on the verge of banning tho, but that would have been because I lurked GAFfers' conversations on Twitter and called them out on taking cheap shots at people who posted into said threads directly on GAF. All I have to do to veil my endeavor was not to name any of them, albeit it's clear the mood of the thread remained pretty nasty afterwards.

If you post something with firm reasons why you don't like it and don't respond to attacks with LOL it sucks, or Strawman, ect... you are generally going to be OK. This is more a rule for those that can't support their arguments with solid opinions and instead are just trolling the 'horde'.


Professional Schmuck
1. Don't troll, regardless of who else is doing it. Some of them have a license to do so, some of them know how to do it appropriately, and some of them know how to make it funny. You don't have the clearance, you don't know how to do it appropriately, and you're not funny. Don't try it.

2. Gaming side is a minefield but can be fun if you know what you're doing. It's probably best for you to stick to topics that you're familiar with, games you intend on playing, or systems/games you already own. If you enter a topic outside of your familiarity, refer back to #1.

3. Memes are best avoided. Enjoy them while they last and laugh all you want, but they're all eventually banned.

4. Off-Topic is a more relaxed atmosphere but can be dangerous if you suck at posting. In a weird paradox, OT has fewer stupid posters which makes it easier for mods to patrol the area. A good rule of thumb is to post to threads you like. Basically, don't troll and don't go into topics you're not interested in.

5. Challenge Mods at your own risk. Some of them are fantastic at the back-and-forth debate while others leave zero room for discussion. The best strategy is to be respectful of all of them at all times, regardless of their current behavior. Everything they post is an opinion but should be treated like a fact that only the boldest and most confident posters with evidence should challenge. In any situation where their behavior is being questioned, they are correct and the topic should be avoided.

6. No matter the topic, if you make a blanket statement--especially criticism--back it up with evidence. You won't always get banned for not doing so, but it's always a good practice and will go a long way towards building your recognition and respect.

7. If you want a tag, join and become a regular contributor to one of the -ages. It can take a long time and usually requires some memorable contribution. Remember though, there's a hairline difference between a tag and a permaban, so be careful. Best bets for tags are Sales-Age, PC-Age, AV-Age, SportsGAF, PoliGAF. Most of the time they're given for being stupid, so it's not some mark of glory but usually a mark of shame. Some can be a source of pride, though.

8. Don't be dumb when starting a new thread. Search before you post! If it's news and happened more than 30 minutes ago, it's probably old. If it's sales-age, you or the source are probably misinterpreting the evidence. If it's girl-age, you're probably going to be embarrassed. If it's PoliGAF, you're probably going to show how little you know. If it's about your culture, religion, country, language, philosophy, or any preference, be prepared to defend your beliefs. If it's about sports, there's four sticky threads at the top of the OT that probably covers it. And whatever you do, don't start a thread with a link with a comment that says, "discuss." If you have nothing to say about the topic, don't post it.

9. Correct people's grammar/spelling at your own risk. Not only did you probably make a similar typo on the exact same page, but we have many foreign and non-native English speakers here on GAF, so you're probably just making an ass out of yourself.

10. Last piece of advice: Treat people like they're in the same room with you. If you wouldn't say it to somebody's face, it's a 50/50 chance that you're saying something offensive and bannable. Other than that, it's just a good policy for approaching internet discussion and culture.

Other things to remember:
Read the FAQs; don't ask for tags; make sure your avatar is the right size and completely work safe; never post NSFW stuff; never talk about, ask about, or refer to piracy; no console-wars bullshit; don't be a bigot (racist, sexist, classist, et al); rants are fun but dangerous and often embarassing; be nice and don't be stupid.

Note from the author:
It's taken some years and several bans to learn all of these unwritten rules, and there's probably some that still need to be added. It's possible that one could follow this and still be banned, but this should be a handy guide that will assist you in your junior journey.


originally posted in Ban-Age: Unwritten rules of NeoGAF:


Forever Platinum
Don't engage in and political or philosophical debate, don't post in any thread involving racism or religion for any reason, don't insult or call out people under any circumstance (this one can be a little flexible given evidence/justification), and last and most importantly don't ever quote Devolution or respond to her posts in any way.

Also, use what at least appears to be proper grammar and capitalization.


Don't engage in and political or philosophical debate, don't post in any thread involving racism or religion for any reason, don't insult or call out people under any circumstance (this one can be a little flexible), and last and most importantly don't ever quote Devolution or respond to her posts in any way.

Also, use what at least appears to be proper grammar and capitalization.
yeah sure lol


i've been here a while. #freespeech

  • don't be an asshole
  • stay out of heated political debates. they get too convoluted anyway.
  • don't directly address blackace if he (for whatever reason) thinks you're "trolling"

what are some other tips for staying able and active here on NeoGAF.com? i read a lot of old wikipedia entries earlier that claimed having certain opinions about homosexuals or right wing politics would get you banned, but that's bullshit; it falls under the asshole clause.
I just knew blame would mention something abiut blackace lol.


Thorough guide, PantherLotus.

5. Challenge Mods at your own risk. Some of them are fantastic at the back-and-forth debate while others leave zero room for discussion. The best strategy is to be respectful of all of them at all times, regardless of their current behavior. Everything they post is an opinion but should be treated like a fact that only the boldest and most confident posters with evidence should challenge. In any situation where their behavior is being questioned, they are correct and the topic should be avoided.

As a matter of fact, one of the GAFfers I've mentioned in my previous post was a mod. Challenged him/her (lol) more than once in the past. So far so good.


not tag worthy
I am a Perma Junior, hope I never do anything to warrant a banning. :/

wait that sounds odd, like suddenly i lose all control and start spouting off crap.

I mean err just I wont be a rude idiot to people. that's what I mean :)

ok the not rude part i wont, but I am an idiot :p
Don't be afraid to challenge mods, just remember to be civil and not turn into a raging strawmen as mods don't tolerate that kind of shit. Treating mods as different then users is a quick way to get banned or on their watch list. Mods are users too, so why treat them differently just because they are in charge of keeping the forum clean?

Tag fishing will get you at the least juniored like me or banned. Repeat attempts also come with the added shame of everyone knowing what you did and never letting you live it down.
Is it possible to appeal for an unban for someone who's been perm banned for a while?

Stump mentioned a while back in another MetaGAF thread (or possibly another mod; it's been a while since I've read those threads so they're all blurring together) that perm'd members sometimes come back under alt accounts months or even years after getting banned, but haven't had the hammer brought down on them because they've simply become a better poster than what they used to be. I'm not a mod so I obviously can't tell you what their policies are, but it certainly seems possible for perm'd members to be given another chance.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Don't engage in and political or philosophical debate, don't post in any thread involving racism or religion for any reason, don't insult or call out people under any circumstance (this one can be a little flexible given evidence/justification), and last and most importantly don't ever quote Devolution or respond to her posts in any way.

Also, use what at least appears to be proper grammar and capitalization.
If you only read one post in this thread, this is the one to read.
If you're getting dog piled, edit with a "." and bail out. You will be banned with a 80% likelihood. If someone tells you otherwise, call them a name or put them on ignore; you should not trust their lies.
NeoGAF. A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. EDIT: should have known better than to assume this joke hadn't already been made. fiddlesticks

In all seriousness, just don't be an idiot. Post (semi)intelligent responses, don't be ignorant, and don't ad hominem.

Plenty of leeway to allow political/philosophical/religious/any kind of debate, just don't be a dick about it and don't always expect anyone to sympathize or agree with you. And listen. You don't always have to agree, but if you've got the privilege to state your views and be understood then you give others the same courtesy.

Lastly, if you DO fuck up, acknowledge it, and don't hide behind edits or further hole-digging. Not only will people have slightly more respect for you than otherwise, but you'll be more likely not to make the same mistake.

originally posted in Ban-Age: Unwritten rules of NeoGAF:

Also this stuff on a more practical note


i dont know if there's a secret - but this has worked for me - i think being nice to others helps and dont do to others that which you wouldnt want done to yourself^_^
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