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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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Survive the airing of grievances. Defeat EviLore during the Feats of Strength.(pin him 3 times, after each transformation) Make it to the flag without touching any lava.


Don't use the word 'See You Next Tuesday'. Know a few people who got banned for using this.

I also got banned for 2 weeks, and to this day I have no idea why. Bumping an old thread apparently, but which one I have not a clue.

Basically, to get perma-banned you must do something really stupid. Or quote a banned meme/quote/image source/web site, which is pretty simple to do.
What? Cunt has been said plenty of times. I know it's frowned upon as a the king of swear words by some. But it's just a swear word all the same. There is no racial or gender offense implicit within. Americans seem to give it some sort of huge significance that the rest of the world doesn't.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Well its all about the game (of context). If you call another user it you'll surely be banned. But if you're say discussing the use of the word like you are now I'm sure its fine. Same thing with uh the n word, there was a whole thread discussing the use of that word.

Boy, I would hate to be Beef right about now.

You..yyh. qhwu..dhud...... Lies are part of your game, no one believe him!


İ have been banned twice, one over politics even as a liberal which i understand and other over religion that I still don't understand why as no post of mine was deleted there. So now I just avoid posting on such threads. I actually think posting on gaming is a lot safer than posting on ot threads, so that would be my advice to you. Stick to posting on gaming about games and systems and why do you like or dislike particular games or systems and you should be fine.


1. Don't use the C word
2. Don't get into heated and controversial discussions
3. Don't do back seat modding unless it's a clear joke
4. Don't commit suicide account with pictures of naked people

I always say "cunt". It's a great word!


Make sure to never post anything that might slightly offend someone else. Everyone should be treated 100% equal and nobody should ever be discriminated against.

Well ... Unless of course you're making fun of religion or republicans, hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Neo Member
Love everybody on here. GAF is filled with amazing and loving people. Consider it an honor and a privilege to be among this loving community of wonderful people. Why would the mods ban you when they know that you love them so much? Cherish your GAF life with all of your heart. My feelings are overflowing with love and emotions for all of you blessed loving people. I love you all.


1. Don't insinuate the females are poor drivers.
2. Don't make fun of transgendered people or gender identity.
3. Don't use adblock.

Pretty sure I covered everything.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Love everybody on here. GAF is filled with amazing and loving people. Consider it an honor and a privilege to be among this loving community of wonderful people. Why would the mods ban you when they know that you love them so much? Cherish your GAF life with all of your heart. My feelings are overflowing with love and emotions for all of you blessed loving people. I love you all.

When I got my first and only ban, 1 week, it was the worst week of my life :(

...I'm no good with adversities.


Love everybody on here. GAF is filled with amazing and loving people. Consider it an honor and a privilege to be among this loving community of wonderful people. Why would the mods ban you when they know that you love them so much? Cherish your GAF life with all of your heart. My feelings are overflowing with love and emotions for all of you blessed loving people. I love you all.

So, cherish your fake-life on fake-place for fear of fake-death because semi-love in fake-place is as great as real love in real place?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Avoid posting at Gaming. Somehow I've seen violations there that got passed one way or another. The only places I post there don't involve fanboyism.
Don't say that fucking an ugly gold digger is pathetic.

Of course, there's nothing pathetic about fucking an ugly gold digger. If one has the money and don't care about looks, I say go for it. So sorry, whoever I offended.


sparkle this bitch
Avoid posting at Gaming. Somehow I've seen violations there that got passed one way or another. The only places I post there don't involve fanboyism.

I see this mentioned a lot, but I'll say the reverse. Off Topic is by far more moderated than Gaming, with a large variety of bans.


how are you, B!TCH? How is your day going, B!ITCH?
Generally speaking, staying in line with the status quo is the best way not to get banned on here. If you agree with the prevailing opinions in a given thread and your post reflects as much, no one will attack you because your opinion won't stand out from the rest. Having been on GAF for a while, I would say that this forum (as well as any other community, I guess) has a surprisingly insular "monoculture" that dictates the de facto rules of the forum. The fact that "everything has a defense force" and "first post nails it/should've been the first post" are memes on this forum should be evidence enough that there is a prevailing status quo on this forum and those opinions that go against this status quo are generally frowned upon.
Stay away from threads about discrimination, politics or religion. If you ever find yourself in a discussion, make you sure you're not insulting anyone.

Or just stay away from any serious and or controversial topic like I do.


Don't press the Post Reply button unless you can offer any of the following three:
- a positive valuable contribution
- a genuinely funny response
- a perspective that hasn't already been brought up in the thread
Always hedge your earnest opinion with some weaselly non-committal language or similar loophole. Generally speaking GAF mods are fairly judicious and tolerant towards different opinions, but you never know when the odd one out with an axe to grind will take something hitherto TOS safe and magically create a new standard by which to ban you because your views don't jibe with their own.

And don't viral advertise.


- Stay out of gaming side; it's known to make you spend more time raging about games than actually playing them anyway.

- Don't be under smarmy in the dictionary or ruin afternoons, I'm not sure how they get away with it but you probably won't.

- With the mods, leave your trolling at the door. They won't take that shit.

- Community threads are relatively safe zones, get stuff out of your system over there. Of course, within reason.


Don't pirate games, and then post about it.


3month ban because i admitted to downloading the leaked ac revelations torrent before my copy had arrived

also dont get drunk and try to post anything coherent or meaningful - got banned for calling the enemies in FPS games "pop up faggots"


if you aren't liberal, try to keep your posting about politics to a very small minimum, preferably don't post in politics related discussions at all, and sure as hell don't go to poligaf


if you aren't liberal, try to keep your posting about politics to a very small minimum, preferably don't post in politics related discussions at all, and sure as hell don't go to poligaf
The way this actually works is that you should not constantly derail threads. You can express your opinion without trolling others. You can debate without changing the topic of a thread for pages on end. You can post without repercussion so long as you can do so respectfully.

If you are unable to do the above then, yeah, probably better for you to avoid the threads.
This is some good GAF psychology lessons here. There are indeed a few members who love to bait people and watch them get banned, I am not gonna name them, but some were mentioned already, and to the good observer, a "bait" quote reply should be obvious, they slowly reel you in adding soft jabs at your comments , be careful new GAFers.
This would be my suggestion as well.

If a certain poster gets you riled up most of the time when you read their posts, put them on ignore. Problem solved.
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