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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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What? Cunt has been said plenty of times. I know it's frowned upon as a the king of swear words by some. But it's just a swear word all the same. There is no racial or gender offense implicit within. Americans seem to give it some sort of huge significance that the rest of the world doesn't.

It's a term of endearment in Football-Gaf!


testicles on a cold fall morning
High quality lubricant.

i agree.

if you aren't liberal, try to keep your posting about politics to a very small minimum, preferably don't post in politics related discussions at all, and sure as hell don't go to poligaf

let's be serious. it's not about one's political ideology. it's whether the poster has the ability to argue cogently and not resort to repeated ad hominem attacks that counts. playing the victim card is so lazy.
I think there's a lot fewer bannings around here since Amir0x was demodded. On the gaming side, don't diss PC Gamers even if they're trolling in a console thread.
I only have two tips:
1) If you see that someone has been banned, and you don't see why... just don't. Backseat modding.

2) Check whether or not your views align with that of the mods. If they do, you are significantly more likely to get away with insults. This isn't particularly a fault of the mods, but general human nature. That is all.


Don't type what you're thinking. Don't.

If it happens to go against a mod's views, you're chopped liver.

I'm either the luckiest guy on earth or all of the mods are as bitter and cranky as me then.

teruterubozu said:
Never, ever post in Gaming.

Gaming is fine. Off topic and all of their controversial topics is the dangerous one.

Though lately gaming is getting its fill of rape culture and sexist and blah blah blah threads.


Make liberal use of your ignore list, so you don't feel obligated to always reply to certain people who are always wrong about everything.


Gold Member
I just read the whole thread. And I feel so much wiser for it.

I just leave when people start arguing. I've been called out in the past for not sticking around to defend my position, but this isn't a game of Risk.
Take a break now and then I suppose can help. People I think get a bit carried away.
Also don't take yourself or others too seriously, a lot of people seem to mistake an ongoing joke as factual information (e.g. jokes about N/S/MS often make fun of the image some people have of them, then others basically run it into the ground like aggressive lawyers - strange).

Had a thread locked over E3 about whether Sony/MS wanted new consoles, never understood why it was closed. The forums just about keeping the peace I suppose as best as possible.

Its a strange place Neogaf, some things are allowed and some aren't - but its one of the better forums I've been on and theres a good humour to it all.

Generally keep a light tone to your posts (except now and then) and be nice to others seems to work reasonably well.
Every now and again, this question gets asked, and I can only offer advice based on lessons learned:

-Don't de-rail threads
-Don't do what Mike Works does
-Don't fuck with sports-GAF


Avoid silly fat jokes (OT and Gaming) and port begging (Gaming)

Those got me banned, and I have learned.
so far
1) Don't demean or ridicule gay, lesbian, or transgendered people.
2) Don't admit to piracy or tell others they're pirates.
3) Don't say something that is sexist or racist.
4) Don't deny the Holocaust.
5) Don't say you want to have sex with your daughter.
6) Don't tell Evilore to eat a bag of shit.
7) Don't say every game on a particular platform is crap.
8) Don't spoil something that most people haven't seen.
9) Don't make a joke in a topic about someone who has just died, or in a topic about someone who has just had something really terrible happen to them.
10) Don't post gigantic pictures of pornography.
11) Don't hack the site or steal a moderator's account.
12) Don't tell a moderator to "fuck off" during a debate.
13) Don't tell people you object to anything on the basis of your religious views.
14) Don't steal from people in the buy/sell/trade thread.
15) Don't claim to have insider information when you are not actually an insider.
16) Don't threaten someone's life or say you wish a real person was dead, unless that person is a killer, murderous dictator, terrorist, or other vile person.
17) Don't post a topic specifically to make fun of another topic.
18) Don't post personal information about a forumer, especially if that forumer is part of the gaming industry.
19) Don't admit to enjoying any criminal activity that harms another person.
20) Don't post anything so vulgar that you'd be ashamed to read it to your best friend.

happened? or just a warning?
Don't make amazingly hilarious threads about an Avatar trailer if said trailer is a real-life trailer truck with the word 'Avatar' emblazoned along the side.
debates are fine as long as you back up your points, though i can't help but feel that some of the "landmine" topics people posting about in here are too heavily moderated. it's counterproductive to changing a posters opinion on the matter, i think. judging from the responses in this thread, if they're banned in a topic where they have less than civil opinions, they're apt to just keep that opinion and whine about how easy it is to get banned in the topics! it's insulating and reinforcing their opinions.


Don't be an idiot or attention whore.


With that avatar, this killed me!


listen to the mad man
Perm reasons by category, last 30 days...

Junior member banned for any reason: 22
Aggro / Jerk to others: 5
Console Warrior: 2
Long-term Gimmick: 2
Creepy: 2
By Request: 2
Dupe/Ban Evasion: 2* Both the same person
Commercial Spam: 1
Account Suicide: 1
Other: 1

This is pretty representative of overall ban statistics, maybe a little less console warrior stuff than normal because there were a lot of console warrior perms just before E3 that maybe made this a pretty light month for that stuff.

No follow-up questions or comments. Thanks.
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