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What was your "wow" moment or what caught you by surprise from the PlayStation showcase?


First year of PS3 was really really rough. IDK what memoriea you have.

Resistance was nice. I dont remmber anything else.
Maybe for you, but not for me. Folklore, Genji, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Killzone 2 and Motorstorm amazed me (even after the cg fiasco from these two).

Anyway, after that first year every e3 was a blast.

And the ps4 continued that with amazing stuff. Since the ps5 announcement the only thing that got me hyped so far was a Remake and Returnal.

Well.. There's always next year.
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Project EVE

I really like the enemy design and the combat looked great as well; hefty as Devil May Cry 5. Very nice graphics although I could do with less (particle?) effects; very very busy.. But yeah I got somewhat a wow out of me

Gran Turismo 7's trailer was underwhelming sadly but still; can't wait!

I couldn't care less for all else shown.

KotOR remake could be nice tho
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Venom Snake



Wait, I thought this game was going to release this year along with horizon and GT7, weren't they????

Oh so now they are telling the truth? Lmao

But you know what, after seeing the trailer and realizing this game looks like an expansion of the 2018 game, it's really fucking surprising that they needed 4 years of development.
boom smile GIF


Kotor and Forspoken, PRoject EVE we're my favorites. GOW and Insomniac stuff was great also. Deathloop needs to vanish till it releases I'm sick of seeing it.
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David has his view on the event... And clarification.

Lacking "diversity"?

davidjaffe davidjaffe do you even know what diversity means?

And what's wrong to focus in 10 games or so? It's not about throwing the whole portfolio on the screen, it's about making a balanced an impactful show.

Ler's see diversity...

Star Wars Kotor announced - RPG
Project Eve - Action Slasher
Forspoken - Open world Action RPG
Tiny Tina's Wonderland - Fantasy shooter Adventure
Rainbow Six Siege Extraction - Tactical Multiplayer shooter
Deathloop - Online multiplayer shooter
Gran Turismo 7 - Racing Simulation
Wolverine - Action?
Spider-Man 2 Action sandbox
Alan Wake Remastered - Thriller Adventure
GTAV - Very old game, I won't count this.
Ghostwire Tokyo - 1st Person Action
Guardians of The Galaxy - Action-adv
Vampire Blood Hunt - F2P Battle Royale
Kid A Mnesia Exhibition - Interactive weird shit (?)
Tchia - Adventure family game
Uncharted 4/ULL - Action-adv shooter w/multiplayer
God of War Ragnarok - Action adv open world

There you have it. They showed 18 games ( Jaffe can't count ), of which I could say there'a a couple that are redundant as they are remasters of played to death games (GTAV, Uncharted, but they are major titles nonetheless). Alan Wake is even older but one, it's a first on PlayStation, and two, it's actually a new game for PlayStation even if old, and not like a lot of people played the original. There's another one I would leave out: Kid A mmsia, didn't show shit. C'mon...That's still 15 games in a wide variety of genres. So Jaffe, first of all go buy an abacus, and then after it helps you learn how to count, go buy a dictionary and look up "Diversity". It's not that hard to find it, start on the letter A and then pass through B, C to.D, and I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
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My alternative best moment of the show is when it ended and realized all these rumors/leaks of Resistance, Infamous, Twisted Metal, Sly Cooper or Socom stuff were fake. Nice to see they focus on GoW, Horizon, Spider-Man, GT, Uncharted and now Wolverine instead plus in nice 3d party exclusives like Forspoken, Ghostwire Tokyo, Deathloop and some sexy, exotic stuff like that Korean Bayonetta.


Lacking "diversity"?

davidjaffe davidjaffe do you even know what diversity means?

And what's wrong to focus in 10 games or so? It's not about throwing the whole portfolio on the screen, it's about making a balanced an impactful show.

Ler's see diversity...

Star Wars Kotor announced - RPG
Project Eve - Action Slasher
Forspoken - Open world Action RPG
Tiny Tina's Wonderland - Fantasy shooter Adventure
Rainbow Six Siege Extraction - Tactical Multiplayer shooter
Deathloop - Online multiplayer shooter
Gran Turismo 7 - Racing Simulation
Wolverine - Action?
Spider-Man 2 Action sandbox
Alan Wake Remastered - Thriller Adventure
GTAV - Very old game, I won't count this.
Ghostwire Tokyo - 1st Person Action
Guardians of The Galaxy - Action-adv
Vampire Blood Hunt - F2P Battle Royale
Kid A Mnesia Exhibition - Interactive weird shit (?)
Tchia - Adventure family game
Uncharted 4/ULL - Action-adv shooter w/multiplayer
God of War Ragnarok - Action adv open world

There you have it. They showed 18 games ( Jaffe can't count ), of which I could say there'a a couple that are redundant as they are remasters of played to death games (GTAV, Uncharted, but they are major titles nonetheless). Alan Wake is even older but one, it's a first on PlayStation, and two, it's actually a new game for PlayStation even if old, and not like a lot of people played the original. There's another one I would leave out: Kid A mmsia, didn't show shit. C'mon...That's still 15 games in a wide variety of genres. So Jaffe, first of all go by an abacus, and then after it helps you learn how to count, go buy a dictionary and look up "Diversity". It's not that hard to find it, start on the letter A and then pass through B, C to.D, and I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

I wouldn't pay him no mind after he blew smoke up people's asses for the event. Now he turns around and criticizes it? He's fuckin bipolar lol


Opening the show with Kotor tease was pretty crazy, as was learning it was a timed exclusive. Wolverine was completely unexpected as I was expecting Spider-Man 2, and then when we got Spider-Man 2 as well in the same show I was surprised yet again.


I really liked Forspoken, I think its the first time I saw that game. GoW was incredible too but that was expected, Forspoken hit me out of nowhere

I like the concept but im not big on square games so I'll probably pass. Gameplay video looked significantly downgraded too in comparison with the reveal one.


Didn’t see it live, watched a few trailers on youtube.
Wolverine! I instantly suspected it from the very first screen, then yelled “Holy Shit!!!” when his claws popped out. My gf was all concerned “Whats wrong?” I told her that now I am going to get a PS5 and preorder the shit outta that game. Altho it being Marvel, I expect it will be PG13, but really hope I am wrong.
KOTOR looks very cool, never played the original. Hoping for slicing n dicing.
Nice ass on the Eve girl; unexpected in this woke age, but very welcome.


Gold Member
A Punisher game would be sick af too. Insomniac seems like the Marvel making machine after how great Spiderman turned out.

I hope they get the ip if it comes up before anyone else.
You need at least the gore\violence fidelity of tlou2 if not better for a good ass punisher game.

That's the gold standard now.


Wow moment was God of War.

Most surprising was Wolverine because that seems like a pretty big coup, and also cos I'm kind of baffled how Insomniac could possibly have another huge game in development. Are we to take it they now have 3 teams capable of developing AAA games at the same time?

If so, wow.


Killzone 2 came out 3 years after PS3 launched. Genji? I guess someone can like that game.
I am talking about the reveal. Do you think that Wolverine is being released this year?

Genji ended up being meh... But at the time I was hyped about it.

Anyways... This is just my opinion.


Nothing, that's why I thought it was underwhelming.
Kotor and Wolverine are cool but I simply no longer get hyped or excited by title reveals and CG trailer of games that might be 2+ years away.
GOW looked good but was really lacking that "wow" factor given how similar it all (visuals, gameplay, environments, story) looked to the first one


I can see some fans of other plastic boxes tearing their hair out in these posts. lolol

That showcase was mind-blowing levels for alot of people across the board.

The fact they showed KotoR, something fans has asked for over a decade, Wolverine, everyone's favorite marvel hero, AND we saw Spiderman/Venom along with GoW2 it was a Huge show.

The graphics in all the showings were very realistic and not 'faked' in any way shape or form. That one was refreshing. If every trailer was mind blowing graphics, wed have half the posts in here crying 'fake cgi trailer'

The cool thing is the ps5 versions of these games will likely and realistically be better than what we saw.

Alot of us were hoping for one or two of these things, but getting all that at once was incredible. EvE and Forspoken were also amazing to see.

The announcements and showings in this conference were hands down better and more hype than anything we saw at E3 or Gamescom. Sony played their hand right again.


Wolverine for sure. I'm curious to see the outcome, Wolverine simply has to be brutal, rated M, just like X-Men Origins or Prototype on PS3/X360, and IG's output throughout the years was mostly targeted towards wider, younger audience. Just borrow the tech from TLoU2 and it's gonna be fucking amazing.
I was hoping this would happen too until I learned that it’s most likely gonna be set in the same universe as Spider-Man, so I highly doubt it’s gonna be M rated, but you never know.
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Honestly never played kotor so don't get the hype and not a fan of remakes. But at least this is a much older game rather than a last gen remake.
I played it on the original Xbox and loved it. Great story, I’m just not sure if the gameplay would hold up today. But this full remake supposedly is revamping everything so we’ll see how this version will play.


Only really suprised by the lucasfilm logo wolverine and Korean butt brawler game. And obviously suprised by all the things the professional internet game guessers told me to expect:
Silent hill
Gta remakes.


I was surprised by Wolverine, but in a meh way because i'm sick of Marvel tie-ins. Wish Insomniac worked on a new IP.

Project Eve looks like a lot of fun even though the character looks a bit cringy. Nice to see a non-MMO korean game.
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Gotta Bayonetta vibe from that Eve game although I never played Bayonetta before. Not sure how accurate that is.

GoW is easily day one but diminishing returns really showed in the reveal.

The same artist who's art Blade and Soul was based on is working on Project Eve, I think he's even the game director or something.
So yeah it's going to be fairly Bayonetta-esque.
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