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Who needs games: PlayStation 4's first year [EUROGAMER]

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Uh I can agree that the exclusives are very few and not so great, but come on, what has the XBone had this year that was really great in terms of exclusives? Halo remastered? Sunset Overdrive? Come on. I think the only really good exclusive it has had was FH2.

I know, the article is about the PS4. Let's see what comes for the XBone article :p
Silly thing is that what the article is saying is that none of the PS4 exclusives so far have been a 'killer app', not that there are literally no games.

And they are right. There hasn't been a killer app in terms of a single awesome game so far.

Nobody buys a system for one game , also the article is asking why have we bought these machines .
Sales show these so call games that people call killer app are all mutilplatform for the most part .


What exclusive game is really doing it for you on X1 BG?

Currently been playing Sunset Overdrive and the Forza games -- I'm a big racing game fan though. I know many people aren't these days (especially based on recent sales). Sunset Overdrive may end up being my GOTY to be honest. Love it so much. Beat the story and now I going through the side challenges.

Titanfall isn't a true exclusive but it was also a reason why I got the system over the PS4 (since it doesn't have it) and the recent updates for the game have been great.

If I had a PS4 and didn't have an Xbox One, I would be playing multiplats and Infamous right now (well, if I didn't beat Infamous already). I would be satisfied with that but I would be dissapointed that I would be missing out on Sunset Overdrive, the Forza games, Killer Instinct, etc. The XB1 simply has more games that I'm interested in even if the PS4 has more. A bit off topic but I could kind of relate to iOS vs. my 3DS when it comes to that. I do play iOS games and do feel that iOS has some good games. iOS absolutely crushes the 3DS when it comes to sheer number of games but I would side with the 3DS being a better handheld/mobile gaming system simply due to the solid games that it has that aren't on iOS.
Shadow of mordor can't be called a cross gen port because the nemesis system isn't in the last gen version. Its basically a different game.

And what other current gen only title was blizzard going to develop and release for ps4?

This article stinks.

I do agree that Microsoft has a much better exclusives lineup with sunset, forza horizon, master chief collection, d4, and killer instinct season 2. But this article makes some weird points. People are playing on ps4 because its the better experience for them and they want those third party titles over first party.
Uh I can agree that the exclusives are very few and not so great, but come on, what has the XBone had this year that was really great in terms of exclusives? Halo remastered? Sunset Overdrive? Come on. I think the only really good exclusive it has had was FH2.

I know, the article is about the PS4. Let's see what comes for the XBone article :p

Horizon 2 was on 360 as well

The only " AAA " exclusives through all of 2014 for the X1 have been Sunset Overdrive and MCC. And MCC is just a collection of the entire series, some games being a decade old or more. So REALLY, its just Sunset Overdrive. For an entire year. And somehow that did not sell very well ..........


Sweet, I guess I don't already have a backlog of games on my PS4.

What a dumb article. Trying to make it seem like the Xbox One makes the PS4 redundant.

Also by this logic, why would anyone ever have a gaming PC? Oh wait, you can still play many Xbox One "exclusives" on PC.

I hate this narrative controlling crap in media these days. It's fine if you want to be an opinion based site but it makes it hard for me to believe you are objective anywhere else.


What's the narrative here? That Sony has not opened up their empty wallet to buy off third party studio games like Titanfall and Sunset Overdrive? It's not like Microsoft game studios are flooding the market with exclusives. MS is buying them. It's great for the XBO owner, no doubt, but is that a reflection of poor management on Sony's part that their financial situation forces them to cultivate internal games?

Thats usually how it goes. They bought Titanfall exclusivity, they bought Plants vs Zombies GW and Peggle 2 timed exclusivity. They picked up Sunset Overdrive which was being shopped around.
The number of games Microsoft puts out from their own studios is rather small.


As someone who stopped buying games from last generation of consoles a couple of years ago, it's awesome getting better versions of those games on my PS4 and Xbone. I don't have to persuade myself about anything, those extra lines of resolution and frames are more than worth it and the reason I stopped buying those last gen games in the first place.

Who needs games? I need games, and the PS4 has had more than enough for a first year console. I could sit here and list the dozens of games worth playing on the system, both exclusive, indy, best version of multiplats, and remakes, but I won't. Anyone who has been paying attention since it's release knows the games are there. Hell, the highest rated game on the Xbone is a retread of games going back a decade and the only "killer app" on that system is Sunset Overdrive. As gaming sites go Eurogamer is usually one of the best, but the guy who wrote this article has his head clearly up his ass.


Currently been playing Sunset Overdrive and the Forza games -- I'm a big racing game fan though. I know many people aren't these days (especially based on recent sales). Sunset Overdrive may end up being my GOTY to be honest. Love it so much. Beat the story and now I going through the side challenges.

Titanfall isn't a true exclusive but it was also a reason why I got the system over the PS4 (since it doesn't have it) and the recent updates for the game have been great.

If I had a PS4 and didn't have an Xbox One, I would be playing multiplats and Infamous right now (well, if I didn't beat Infamous already). I would be satisfied with that but I would be dissapointed that I would be missing out on Sunset Overdrive, the Forza games, Killer Instinct, etc. The XB1 simply has more games that I'm interested in even if the PS4 has more. A bit off topic but I could kind of relate to iOS vs. my 3DS when it comes to that. I do play iOS games and do feel that iOS has some good games. iOS absolutely crushes the 3DS when it comes to sheer number of games but I would side with the 3DS being a better handheld/mobile gaming system simply due to the solid games that it has that aren't on iOS.
my feelings exactly. As an Xbox One owner, I envy only Infamous to the PS4 at the moment.
I know awesome things will come, as of right now: not so much.
Currently been playing Sunset Overdrive and the Forza games -- I'm a big racing game fan though. I know many people aren't these days (especially based on recent sales). Sunset Overdrive may end up being my GOTY to be honest. Love it so much. Beat the story and now I going through the side challenges.

Titanfall isn't a true exclusive but it was also a reason why I got the system over the PS4 (since it doesn't have it) and the recent updates for the game have been great.

If I had a PS4 and didn't have an Xbox One, I would be playing multiplats and Infamous right now (well, if I didn't beat Infamous already). I would be satisfied with that but I would be dissapointed that I would be missing out on Sunset Overdrive, the Forza games, Killer Instinct, etc. The XB1 simply has more games that I'm interested in even if the PS4 has more. A bit off topic but I could kind of relate to iOS vs. my 3DS when it comes to that. I do play iOS games and do feel that iOS has some good games. iOS absolutely crushes the 3DS when it comes to sheer number of games but I would side with the 3DS being a better handheld/mobile gaming system simply due to the solid games that it has that aren't on iOS.

If I was a big racing fan still I would definitely be on your side of the fence.


Currently been playing Sunset Overdrive and the Forza games -- I'm a big racing game fan though. I know many people aren't these days (especially based on recent sales). Sunset Overdrive may end up being my GOTY to be honest. Love it so much. Beat the story and now I going through the side challenges.

Titanfall isn't a true exclusive but it was also a reason why I got the system over the PS4 (since it doesn't have it) and the recent updates for the game have been great.

If I had a PS4 and didn't have an Xbox One, I would be playing multiplats and Infamous right now (well, if I didn't beat Infamous already). I would be satisfied with that but I would be dissapointed that I would be missing out on Sunset Overdrive, the Forza games, Killer Instinct, etc. The XB1 simply has more games that I'm interested in even if the PS4 has more. A bit off topic but I could kind of relate to iOS vs. my 3DS when it comes to that. I do play iOS games and do feel that iOS has some good games. iOS absolutely crushes the 3DS when it comes to sheer number of games but I would side with the 3DS being a better handheld/mobile gaming system simply due to the solid games that it has that aren't on iOS.

You'd skip Driveclub, eventhough you're a big racing game fan? I'm one as well, and it's one of the best racing games I've played in years, even without some of the online features.


Nothing you said here is close to being accurate.

The games I mentioned received average to poor reviews from outlets I actually read and respect, I personally did not enjoy them and I do not know how well they sold, but they were launch window titles during a barren first year so I don't think them doing well speaks to their quality. PS Now is not a desirable backwards compatibility solution and that's wht it hasn't been successful. PS Plus is required for online play. And I know of at least two indies that had exclusivity windows due to promotion by Sony, and I'd be very surprised if those just happened to be the only two.

So what have I said that you think is inaccurate?
What exclusive game is really doing it for you on X1 BG?
I admit that Sunset is fantastic but after beating it I haven't gone back. I think that is more of a testament to Destiny than anything else though. Every other game on my X1 though has been just a uneventful as their counterparts on X1.

I played maybe 5 hours of FH2 and that did nothing for me.
Titanfall on PC which I spent about a week on.
Then umm Dead Rising 3 was okay and Ryse sucked.

Oh and MCC is the biggest shite show of a launch outside of Driveclub.

You need D4 in your life, Bruce.

I somewhat on Horizon 2. It's a damn good game, but man is it boring after a while. Doesn't have the same pacing or engagement that Horizon 1 had. Really weird.

Playground are crazy talented though, I'd love to see what they could do with a track racer...


Customers bought the PS4 to play games. It doesn't matter if those games are 1st party, 3rd party, indie, physical disc, downloadable, exclusive, non-exclusive, AAA, non-AAA, etc.

Customers are voting with their wallets that the PS4 is the best console for playing games. Some folks may think differently, but that is a minority viewpoint.

You are missing the point I was making in that post (could have been my fault though); You brought up the PS4's variety in games when sales show that people are mostly buying multiplats that are avaialble on the XB1. Price and good PR as well as the PS4 being part of the more popular console brand has had far more to do with the PS4's current success in worldwide sales than it having a good gaming variety thanks to indie games.


I'll be honest, I've bought the majority of my games on PS4. My X1 was collecting dust. But after Sunset Overdrive, I've found myself wanting to only play my X1. Because after Sunset, I started to play Horizon 2. And then I made a bunch of friends on X1 from GAF. And so after that I started wanting to just play third party games like Morodor on it (even though I knew it was technically worse on the X1). I just also love the X1 controller.

So it's been kind of a domino effect for me. I'm considering going back to PS4 for GTA V/ Far Cry 4. Depending on how they compare to X1. But I'm super tempted to just keep staying on X1. I ended up getting a refund for MCC (going to buy it again a couple months later when things are more smooth), and I put my refund towards Dragon Age Inquisition Limited on my X1 (and again, I know PS4 will technically be better). I was originally going to get that for PS4. So X1 now has my most anticipated game this year on it and I'll be spending a lot of time with that.

That's how things have been going for me. Basically, X1 grabbed me back in with Sunset and Horizon 2. And now I'm just finding myself in general wanting to just stick with it (X1 has a very strong community on here too).


Maybe not a great 2014 but I'm looking at the lineup in 2015 and it's blowing me away.

Bloodborne (GOTG)
The Order 1886
Uncharted 4
Ratchet and Clank Redux
MLB 15
The Witness
No Man's Sky
The Tomorrow Children
Persona 5


What a load of crap. I've had a great gaming year myself.


Hey what website is that? Wouldn't mind being able to track my trophies in an easy to use setting like that, seems pretty awesome.

And in ways I both agree and disagree with the article. I felt that for this first year, first party has been quite weak, but it's still the first year of the system, and almost all hardware has been like this during it's first year, so I don't really mind it as much as I knew what I was getting into when I bought my console at launch. First party wise I really only enjoyed Knack, Last of Us Remastered, Resogun, Driveclub. 3rd party games have been pretty awesome and have got me playing my PS4 all the time though with the awesomeness that is Diablo 3 UEE (can't... stop.... playing....)

I will say that I'm not a fan at all of their controllers though and the customer service to fix it, mostly because I've been having so many issues with this it's gotten ridiculous. I sent my black launch DS4 in to get fixed over a month ago now, and last week I finally decided to give them a call to see what had happened because I was scared that my controller got lost and somehow they didn't recieve it. Well it turns out they received it and they told me that they were holding onto it and didn't fix it because I didn't give them a proof of purchase. It tripped me out as nowhere did it ever state that I needed to give them a proof of purchase to replace a controller that came with my launch system. I don't have the recipet anymore and sent them a Best Buy Rewards Zone pic showing that I had bought the system on my rewards account, but it's been over a week now again and I still haven't heard anything back from them. Did anyone else have such a hard time with the service orders for their controllers? Did they ask you for a proof of purchase also? I honestly don't know what else I'm supposed to do, and it wasn't really my fault the controller got the way it did, and now there seems to be nothing I can really do about it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
As someone who stopped buying games from last generation of consoles a couple of years ago, it's awesome getting better versions of those games on my PS4 and Xbone. I don't have to persuade myself about anything, those extra lines of resolution and frames are more than worth it and the reason I stopped buying those last gen games in the first place.

Hell, the highest rated game on the Xbone is a retread of games going back a decade and the only "killer app" on that system is Sunset Overdrive.

You enjoy getting better versions of games, but then you insult the XB1 for their best rated game being a retread.

I'm pretty sure PS4's highest rated game...is a retread.

Make up your mind here.
Hmmm.... Then... Are they saying what I was playing wasn't games? Idk, I think I'm pretty happy with my console. How can they make such a sweeping generalization on what people are playing.

I'm having equal fun with my Xbox but I'm not flourishing in games with it like I am the PS4. Outside MCC, and Sunset, and Titanfall... There really isn't anything else for me as of right now... Especially if I choose to play Multi-plats on my PS4 so.... I think this article is a little unfair and shortsighted
Hey what website is that? Wouldn't mind being able to track my trophies in an easy to use setting like that, seems pretty awesome.

And in ways I both agree and disagree with the article. I felt that for this first year, first party has been quite weak, but it's still the first year of the system, and almost all hardware has been like this during it's first year, so I don't really mind it as much as I knew what I was getting into when I bought my console at launch. First party wise I really only enjoyed Knack, Last of Us Remastered, Resogun, Driveclub. 3rd party games have been pretty awesome and have got me playing my PS4 all the time though with the awesomeness that is Diablo 3 UEE (can't... stop.... playing....)

I will say that I'm not a fan at all of their controllers though and the customer service to fix it, mostly because I've been having so many issues with this it's gotten ridiculous. I sent my black launch DS4 in to get fixed over a month ago now, and last week I finally decided to give them a call to see what had happened because I was scared that my controller got lost and somehow they didn't recieve it. Well it turns out they received it and they told me that they were holding onto it and didn't fix it because I didn't give them a proof of purchase. It tripped me out as nowhere did it ever state that I needed to give them a proof of purchase to replace a controller that came with my launch system. I don't have the recipet anymore and sent them a Best Buy Rewards Zone pic showing that I had bought the system on my rewards account, but it's been over a week now again and I still haven't heard anything back from them. Did anyone else have such a hard time with the service orders for their controllers? Did they ask you for a proof of purchase also? I honestly don't know what else I'm supposed to do, and it wasn't really my fault the controller got the way it did, and now there seems to be nothing I can really do about it.

psn profiles , cracking site
The problem with buying exclusives is that it usually only happens at the beginning of a gen as platform holders try to gain the popularity that will make their platform self-sufficient. We saw this with the 360 in a very clear way with stuff like Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and Tales of Vesperia. After the MS exclusivity money dried up, those companies quickly abandoned ship for the PS3 & Wii.

If you want quality exclusives in the long-run, you either need to make them yourselves or have a big userbase of potential customers on your platform.
Currently been playing Sunset Overdrive and the Forza games -- I'm a big racing game fan though. I know many people aren't these days (especially based on recent sales). Sunset Overdrive may end up being my GOTY to be honest. Love it so much. Beat the story and now I going through the side challenges.

Titanfall isn't a true exclusive but it was also a reason why I got the system over the PS4 (since it doesn't have it) and the recent updates for the game have been great.

If I had a PS4 and didn't have an Xbox One, I would be playing multiplats and Infamous right now (well, if I didn't beat Infamous already). I would be satisfied with that but I would be dissapointed that I would be missing out on Sunset Overdrive, the Forza games, Killer Instinct, etc. The XB1 simply has more games that I'm interested in even if the PS4 has more. A bit off topic but I could kind of relate to iOS vs. my 3DS when it comes to that. I do play iOS games and do feel that iOS has some good games. iOS absolutely crushes the 3DS when it comes to sheer number of games but I would side with the 3DS being a better handheld/mobile gaming system simply due to the solid games that it has that aren't on iOS.

Agreed. I own both, but I would of hated to miss out Ryse and Dead Rising 3 at launch, Titanfall, Killer Instinct, and even the Halo: MCC (even though it pisses me off to no end). Still have to pick up Sunset Overdrive, though.


The animosity towards Sony from the anglo-saxon press has been tremendous ever since the PS2 dominated the market. Is it a case of cheering for the home player? Seriously, every issue that plagued MS was -and is, in some cases- obfuscated, while ever misstep of Sony lends itself to a formidable scrutiny.

The x1 launch really nailed this home.

Why is it this way? I really don't know. Maybe a good, close race produces more clicks? Maybe MS pr is better at making friends in the press? Maybe there are more former journos with lots of friends and contacts working for MS? Maybe MS hires more retired journos so there is more of an incentive to play ball if you want a pension?

Who knows.


Having had a PS4 since launch day I can say that I've enjoyed my time with it but have been looking enviously towards the Xbox One. If I had bought an Xbox One at launch instead I don't think I'd be looking enviously towards the PS4 right now.

I thought I preferred PS exclusives but in actual fact I think I just like Naughty Dog's stuff. The rest of Sony's line-up doesn't interest me as much as Microsoft's and I'm not convinced slight bump in resolution on the third party games are that big of a deal in the grand scheme.

Come extremely close to trading my PS4 for an Xbox One a couple times but that next-gen Nate face keeps preventing me from making the switch.

Purest 78

Currently been playing Sunset Overdrive and the Forza games -- I'm a big racing game fan though. I know many people aren't these days (especially based on recent sales). Sunset Overdrive may end up being my GOTY to be honest. Love it so much. Beat the story and now I going through the side challenges.

Titanfall isn't a true exclusive but it was also a reason why I got the system over the PS4 (since it doesn't have it) and the recent updates for the game have been great.

If I had a PS4 and didn't have an Xbox One, I would be playing multiplats and Infamous right now (well, if I didn't beat Infamous already). I would be satisfied with that but I would be dissapointed that I would be missing out on Sunset Overdrive, the Forza games, Killer Instinct, etc. The XB1 simply has more games that I'm interested in even if the PS4 has more. A bit off topic but I could kind of relate to iOS vs. my 3DS when it comes to that. I do play iOS games and do feel that iOS has some good games. iOS absolutely crushes the 3DS when it comes to sheer number of games but I would side with the 3DS being a better handheld/mobile gaming system simply due to the solid games that it has that aren't on iOS.

Well if you like racers Drive club is excellent imo. Besides the issues with mp, the core game is great


Maybe, but the market doesn't think like that. It's not, "Where can I buy the best exclusive games?" The biggest sellers are multiplat. It's no mystery why the PS4 is doing well. The mystery is why people struggle to reconcile that with what's in their brains.

It is why the market did not care that the 360 first party stable of games went mostly Kinect in the later years.


I have always (well, since 2007) been under the impression that most of the EG staff has a pro-Xbox/anti-PS bias. This editorial cements this notion for me.

To be honest, the vast majority of the western press has a pro xbox, anti-PS or ambivalent PS bias it seems to me.

I think its just how it is because the Xbox is the home grown machine, much like the western press for movies really only cares and roots for Hollywood movies.

On the other hand Famitsu should be pro-PS but I think they are just pro whoever pays them for 40s.


The Wii had the best first two years of that generation from a software stand point. At $250 it was the easy choice when you consider all these games were out before the end of 2008:

Wii Sports
Excite Truck
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Wii Play
Super Paper Mario
Mario Party 8
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree
Pokémon Battle Revolution
Mario Strikers Charged
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Donkey Kong Barrel Blast
Battalion Wars 2
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Super Mario Galaxy
Link's Crossbow Training
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
Endless Ocean
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mario Kart Wii
Wii Fit
Mario Super Sluggers
Wario Land: Shake It!
Wii Music
Animal Crossing: City Folk

The Wii had an outstanding first couple years of first party software which people tend to forget. Look at all those popular Nintendo IP. For all the shit talk about "it was Wii Sports and the controller", Nintendo was releasing popular IP at an insane rate which helped sustain the crazy sales. After 2008 we started seeing a big drop off in software, but the first two years Nintendo killed the competition at releasing games, and they don't get credit for it. That list doesn't even include third party games of which there were some decent ones to supplement the lineup.
To be honest, the vast majority of the western press has a pro xbox, anti-PS or ambivalent PS bias it seems to me.

I think its just how it is because the Xbox is the home grown machine, much like the western press for movies really only cares and roots for Hollywood movies.

On the other hand Famitsu should be pro-PS but I think they are just pro whoever pays them for 40s.

Anti PS bias ? The fuck am I reading
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