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Who needs games: PlayStation 4's first year [EUROGAMER]

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People have VERY short term memories here. Looks like it's me that is going to bring some knowledge here about PS3's first year exclusives.

PS3 First Year Exclusives (2007):

Enchanted Arms
Heavenly Sword
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
Uncharted 1: Drake's Fortune

These were the only first party (or first party games to actually put on paper) for PS3 in its first year. MotorStorm was basically the DriveClub of 2007, Enchanted Arms was a crap JRPG, Lair (do I really need to bring back the Lair jokes?), Heavenly Sword was a disappointingly bad rip-off of God of War, and Uncharted 1 was known as a mediocre Tomb Raider clone that didn't take off as its own until Uncharted 2 years later.

Enchanted Arms wasn't a PS3 exclusive. In fact, it was a timed 360 exclusive (it came out on PS3 about half a year later). And yes, it wasn't very good.


Did you not see some of the scathing articles about MS original xbox one plans? They got rightly crucified.

By gamers, yeah. But not in the mainstream gaming media, you know, the guys who have to work with these companies day in and day out.

They 'anti' guys were either not mainstream like angryjoe, or rebels like Jim Sterling. The rest played ball.

I honestly don't believe there is a bias. There is a far bigger bias on forums than in the gaming press.

Everyone has bias, from Nobel scientists to rabid evangelicals.
Not sure why this article is singling out the PS4. The same issues are present on the Xbox One as well, only Sunset Overdrive came out in October instead of March (in the case of InFamous). Both consoles have a racer and a remaster of a last-gen game.

I think the overall lineup is compelling, even if a lot of it is either cross-gen or a remaster. It just boils down to people giving up their old consoles and moving on to new gen to play their games.

Still waiting on a killer app built truly for next-gen, sure, but in the grand scheme of things this bulletpoint isn't really relevant when people prefer to play on PS4


Lol, are you serious right now? So now we change the argument from "no games" to "no good games" and than the final transformation of "no games I like."

No good games is the same as no games I like. There's no objective way of telling what game is good and what is bad. Metascore is not that.

This is also why these threads are always a mess. People come here with the incredible counter "oh yeah how it is possible that I have a backlog?". Well I think it's probably because yours' and author's opinions differ from each other.


Poor article, having a currently weak first party lineup doesn't mean that there are no games. There are many of them, including multiplatforms, remasters and indies.
Sony has pushed the PS3 strongly in 2013, in 2014 they had just a bunch of launch titles which didn't set the world on fire for their quality.
But we already know that in 2015 the tune will be completely different. How many titles are already announced? Bloodborne, The Order, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted 4, Persona 5, The Witness, Grim Fandango, No Man's Sky, Tomorrow Children with many more suprises to be announced starting with the Playstation Experience.


extra source of jiggaflops
Lol, are you serious right now? So now we change the argument from "no games" to "no good games" and than the final transformation of "no games I like."
It's not like there is any pretense for consistency here in the first place. The author (EIC for EG) argued that it's good games are getting delayed to 2015 because otherwise they might have to play more games like the "in shambles" AC:Unity that scored a 7/10 under his editorial control.

No good games is the same as no games I like. There's no objective way of telling what game is good and what is bad. Metascore is not that.

This is also why these threads are always a mess. People come here with the incredible counter "oh yeah how it is possible that I have a backlog?". Well I think it's probably because yours' and author's opinions differ from each other.
But the people that say "how is possible I have a backlog" speak about themselves, while the author of this article pretends to speak for PS4 owners.

Clearly you see the difference between hypothetical articles that said: "I had a teh suck year with teh PS4." and "PS4 owners had a bad year."


Not sure why this article is singling out the PS4. The same issues are present on the Xbox One as well, only Sunset Overdrive came out in October instead of March (in the case of InFamous). Both consoles have a racer and a remaster of a last-gen game.

I think the overall lineup is compelling, even if a lot of it is either cross-gen or a remaster. It just boils down to people giving up their old consoles and moving on to new gen to play their games.

Still waiting on a killer app built truly for next-gen, sure, but in the grand scheme of things this bulletpoint isn't really relevant when people prefer to play on PS4

lets wait and see what they say about Xbox one next week? Although editorially they probably won't want to retread the same ground, and the Xbox story of attempting to recover from a disasterous reveal might be more interesting for them to cover.
Up until now, this gen seems pretty disappointing (well at least from MS and Sony, Nintendo finally got the hang of HD). Dragon Age is the biggest thing I want out of the new consoles.
I read the whole article and I quite agree with where they say PS4 has been and is right now. However, they're falling into the typical hard core gamer mindset that the only things that matter are the big AAA exclusives. That's just not true any more. I adored my Xbox 360 from the day I got in 2007 to about 2010 because of the indie/arcade/digital content it offered that PS3 largely did not (until about 2009-10 when they started to have parity on this front).

PS4, with all the indies and PS+ is great for me as a non PC gamer. The exclusives have been pretty good but not stellar. Additionally, the competition is fairly week from the X1 with the glaring exception IMO of Sunset Overdrive (god I want to play that game so badly). So there's always a give and take. But over the last year, the core audience (which buys hardware in the first year) has responded to three things: price, power and promise (Bloodborne, U4, No Man's Sky, The Order, The Witness and several more indies...). I think PS4 is going to have a great 2015 (and the X1 and Wii U for that matter).


they are not considering quantity here...

So how we measure total quality for the platform?

If we take green rated metacritic games for example, ps4 has 87 games above 75 while xb1 has 50 above 75.

If we look at the highest rated game, it's on ps4 too.

How are you measuring the quality of the whole catalogue?


Not sure why this article is singling out the PS4. The same issues are present on the Xbox One as well, only Sunset Overdrive came out in October instead of March (in the case of InFamous). Both consoles have a racer and a remaster of a last-gen game.

I think the overall lineup is compelling, even if a lot of it is either cross-gen or a remaster. It just boils down to people giving up their old consoles and moving on to new gen to play their games.

Still waiting on a killer app built truly for next-gen, sure, but in the grand scheme of things this bulletpoint isn't really relevant when people prefer to play on PS4

I don't think there can be a killer app on consoles, not today. Console game development follows the old fashioned 10-20 hour game available at retail with easily sell-able visuals. Further, the gameplay has to be attractive to reviewers (20-40 y.o. mostly white middleclass males who play 20+ games per year for money). Those types of games are disposable, and the companies like it that way. They want hyped-up people to buy a new game every few months.

A killer app today would have to offer so much more than that, as in Minecraft, LoL, Dota2, WoW, even Candy Crush or Puzzles and Dragons. Games with nearly infinite re-play-ability, and divorced almost entirely from retail. EA/Acti/Take2/Gamestop/etc wouldn't be too happy about that.


These "no games" narratives are really "no games I like" narratives. If you look at the list of games (AAA, sports, independents) etc, the PS4 has more games than the Xbox one. Though at the end of the day if you are a huge fan of Forza chances are you will buy the Xbox one, if you want the best possible of multiplatform games on console you will buy a PS4.

Though if you really break it down the only true next-gen exclusive AAA games in 2014 on either console are Infamous:SS, Sunset Overdrive and DriveClub - the rest are either remasters or cross-gen games.
pretty accurate for me. my next ps4 purchase wont be til uncharted 4 and persona 5. if the latter gets ported to pc, ill buy it there and my ps4 will be relegated to 1st party exclusives like my wii u.
Like I said though, the PS3 has either shit framerate or shit graphics or both on those crossgen games the article mentions. So while technically, yes, you can also play Far Cry 4 on PS3, would you want to of the framerates are constantly sub-30?

Well, I also play on PC but if I didn't I definitely would've picked one up by now, shitty frame-rates and resolutions are the reason I built the PC in the first place. PS4 is definitely delivering the goods in that regard.

Another year where they demolished the competition by essentially doing the bare minimum it seems according to people in this thread? That sounds good for Sony.

Good for them. I'm talking about providing their users with experiences they can't get anywhere else. The fact that they're demolishing the competition does little to brighten up my day, unlike for certain people. Or are you seriously denying that 2 years in a row with barely any first party games worth mentioning and disasters like Driveclub would be bad?

People are all worked up about this article and screaming "bias" but I doubt next week's X1 article will be more positive.
By gamers, yeah. But not in the mainstream gaming media, you know, the guys who have to work with these companies day in and day out.

They 'anti' guys were either not mainstream like angryjoe, or rebels like Jim Sterling. The rest played ball.

Everyone has bias, from Nobel scientists to rabid evangelicals.

That's not true. EG wrote an article about MS wanting to kill game ownership and 'expecting you to smile'. It was about as critical as it gets.

They were strongly against the original vision. To say otherwise is not correct.
After reading through damn near all these thread pages I'm failing to see where Microsoft is mentioned in the Eurogamer article and why people here are bringing Microsoft up in a obvious Sony article. To be fair though both consoles line ups have been pretty weak,but Microsoft has the edge this year in games well received so far.


But the people that say "how is possible I have a backlog" speak about themselves, while the author of this article pretends to speak for PS4 owners.

Clearly you see the difference between hypothetical articles that said: "I had a teh suck year with teh PS4." and "PS4 owners had a bad year."

It doesn't matter how he puts it. Should be obvious that the author doesn't have the position to speak on behalf of all PS4 owners making it an opinion piece. It's like with reviews. You don't see author emphasizing that they are only writing down their own opinion because it should be obvious even if it is shown again and again it is not.
By gamers, yeah. But not in the mainstream gaming media, you know, the guys who have to work with these companies day in and day out.

They 'anti' guys were either not mainstream like angryjoe, or rebels like Jim Sterling. The rest played ball.

Everyone has bias, from Nobel scientists to rabid evangelicals.

Everyone has bias yes
It's how people go about it that causes problems


Well if you like racers Drive club is excellent imo. Besides the issues with mp, the core game is great

I love racing games so I would definitely like the offline gameplay. Forza Horizon 2 though just seems to be a much better overall package and I would be a bit bummed out as a racing game fan if I didn't have the system to play it (the current gen version).


After reading through damn near all these thread pages I'm failing to see where Microsoft is mentioned in the Eurogamer article and why people here are bringing Microsoft up in a obvious Sony article.

They didn't bring up Microsoft at all, alot of posters just don't read beyond the topic title.

Also I asked earlier but it was in a bigger post, but did anyone have to send proof of purhcase just to get their DS4 fixed for the thumbstick problem? Wonder what's going on, month without my controller sucks...

Damn this thread. Sony Defensive Force.

Ollisright methinks. Sony's first party (except for the remaster) has been disappointing and the big third party games were also pretty lacklustre. Of course same goes for Xbone, even though that has a bit better exclusives and a bit worse multiplats.

Most first years of consoles are like this, those that are super disappointed must not have bought early into other consoles in other gens or something. It's always been like this.

Edit: Huh his post disappeared?


extra source of jiggaflops
It doesn't matter how he puts it. Should be obvious that the author doesn't have the position to speak on behalf of all PS4 owners making it an opinion piece. It's like with reviews. You don't see author emphasizing that they are only writing down their own opinion because it should be obvious even if it is shown again and again it is not.
It matters to me how you put things. I must have higher standards for professional writers.

To make it clear: Of course I know that no person can speak for millions, but I also live in a world where there are individuals that claim to speak for millions.

With the previous relevance to this industry that the games press had, I can imagine that the author is under the delusion that he actually believes that he speaks for others.

Something which I don't feel when I read other writers.


I sold my PS4. Maybe I'll pick one up again after Bloodborne.

I don't understand why people buy and sell consoles in the first year. The games that you can expect to come out in the next 12 months are almost always known at the time of purchase. I hope you got all of your money back.

Did people do this with the Wii U?


Most first years of consoles are like this, those that are super disappointed must not have bought early into other consoles in other gens or something. It's always been like this.

Edit: Huh his post disappeared?

Guess they didn't like my irony.

In any case, I think expectations were a bit higher because Sony first party was on top of their ballgame at the end of the last gen, and Driveclub, Infamous et al. (and the Order was initially this year), looked very good on paper.
It matters to me how you put things. I must have higher standards for professional writers.

To make it clear: Of course I know that no person can speak for millions, but I also live in a world where there are individuals that claim to speak for millions.

With the previous relevance to this industry that the games press had, I can imagine that the author is under the illusion that he actually believes that he speaks for others.

Something which I don't feel when I read other writers.

You are being far too sensitive. If he'd written an article praising PS4 to the high heavens would you have still complained?



Wow press is still fucking that "no games" chicken? Christ, I expect better from Eurogamer, especially when DF has consistently noted that PS4 versions perform superiorly. A single passing mention of multiplats being better, one paragraph barely regarding Indie games as a thing that exist, what listwarz trash.


extra source of jiggaflops
You are being far too sensitive. If he'd written an article praising PS4 to the high heavens would you have still complained?

Depends what he would have argued and whether or not I would have read it.

I usually look at the articles and then determine afterwards what I think of them so I can't answer that question accurately.


These "no games" narratives are really "no games I like" narratives. If you look at the list of games (AAA, sports, independents) etc, the PS4 has more games than the Xbox one. Though at the end of the day if you are a huge fan of Forza chances are you will buy the Xbox one, if you want the best possible of multiplatform games on console you will buy a PS4.

Though if you really break it down the only true next-gen exclusive AAA games in 2014 on either console are Infamous:SS, Sunset Overdrive and DriveClub - the rest are either remasters or cross-gen games.

So, typical first cross-gen year for consoles.

I love the hand ringing of the now mindset going on lately. As someone whos been through past console launches / launch years, this one has been pretty damn good quality control wise. They might not be killer apps, but save a few high profile bombs they've been interesting, pushing a modest leap in visuals (as far as launch goes), and are good tide me overs until the generations really opens up.

This is nothing new. If anything, both consoles have had a better launch period than times past. And the vast majority of the hardcore early adopters (buying within the first year) seem to agree by the only metric that counts: software and hardware sales.

Hell, even that GAF punching bag KZSF is approaching 3 million sales, most the series has ever done for a single title. A very vocal minority of the hardcore here HATE that franchise and game. A much bigger % of hardcore adopters bought it and didn't run to GAF to praise it. Killer app? Hell no! But people still bought and enjoyed it for what it was.

Killer apps are just that, and they are unexpected and rare. You can only ask that the console developers provide a good platform and atmosphere to nurture more of them. Otherwise, we just wait.


I'm somewhat surprised this thread is this long and heated. I mean, we've had threads asking "so when does next gen start?" and moaning "cross-gen releases and/or remasters suck" pretty consistently throughout the entire year. This article doesn't say much that differs from what I thought of as common sentiment. Looks like my impression was incomplete.


Wow press is still fucking that "no games" chicken? Christ, I expect better from Eurogamer, especially when DF has consistently noted that PS4 versions perform superiorly. A single passing mention of multiplats being better, one paragraph barely regarding Indie games as a thing that exist, what listwarz trash.

There's no point in them listing indies when mobile and PC already dominate that space to such a degree it makes the system irrelevant in that space.


Eurogamer is shit

What an insightful post.

Depends what he would have argued and whether or not I would have read it.

I usually look at the articles and then determine afterwards what I think of them so I can't answer that question accurately.

Why do you care so much about what this article has to say? If you like your PS4, then you like it, why would what any publication has to say change that?
Depends what he would have argued and whether or not I would have read it.

I usually look at the articles and then determine afterwards what I think of them so I can't answer that question accurately.

You were saying that you thought the writer thought he was talking on behalf of all PS4 owners. I'm saying if the same writer had written a review of the PS4s first year in a completely positive way, would you still have complained that you felt he was talking on behalf of people he had no right to?
I love that the PS4 is selling well enough to frustrate people in the media like Welsh into writing rubbish articles like this. The fucking nerve of Eurogamer to call the remaster of TLoU "cheeky". Like they have no concept of the millions of people with PS4s who never owned the game on PS3, or, never owned a PS3.
I think fake trolling is bannable now.


What the shit is this. If you actually were an indy dev, you would not be calling indy games a filler, especially when plenty of them are higher quality than AAA games.

I think the problem is that alot of internet commentators and forum goers are drunk off their own importance in the wide scheme of things.

The majority of gamers do not buy games every week or even every month, they buy a select few titles every so often and call it a day.

We see it time and time again, especially at this time of year, that there are a subset of gamers who buy the latest CoD/Fifa?Ac and thats it for the year. Not everyone needs streams of titles and certainly they don't give a shit about which consoles have exclusives.

The PS4 has played on this a bit this year and Sony have been reserved with exclusive content, but has migitgated this with 3rd party and indie content far more than either of its rivals.

whether you like it or not, the PS4 still is after its first year the console that offers something for everyone. No it doesn't offer as much for the 18-35 western hardcore crowd as microsoft, nor does it offer as much for families and casuals as Nintendo. What it does do is give a wide range of software from a variety of different vendors that cant be easily had anywhere else, especially in the console space.

Basically this article is saying "Sony has not catered to my tastes enough" Not the PS4 has no games.

The irony being, that even next year when exclusive content does start trickling in faster, its still going to be far more diverse than its competitiors and people are still going to complain.

This is the main reason why Sony is the strongest gaming brand worldwide brand and pretty much has been since the playstations inception.

Its not about catering to the hardcore, or the causal, or even both. Its about including everyone. from the guy who buys every next gen release, to the guy who just plays the blockbusters every year, to the guy who is happy playing older games with a fresh coat of paint, to the guy who just plays cheap indie titles, to the girl who just wants to sing karoke before a night out, to the 8 year old who just likes to play minecraft after school.


extra source of jiggaflops
Why do you care so much about what this article has to say? If you like your PS4, then you like it, why would what any publication has to say change that?
It's a thread about this article in a discussion forum about video games. I participate in the threads that I find entertaining and this is one of them.

I think this article is bad so I think it's fun to talk about it in how many ways it is.

You were saying that you thought the writer thought he was talking on behalf of all PS4 owners. I'm saying if the same writer had written a review of the PS4s first year in a completely positive way, would you still have complained that you felt he was talking on behalf of people he had no right to?
Yes, because then he would directly talk on behalf of me and wouldn't have represented me accurately.


Well, I also play on PC but if I didn't I definitely would've picked one up by now, shitty frame-rates and resolutions are the reason I built the PC in the first place. PS4 is definitely delivering the goods in that regard.

Good for them. I'm talking about providing their users with experiences they can't get anywhere else. The fact that they're demolishing the competition does little to brighten up my day, unlike for certain people. Or are you seriously denying that 2 years in a row with barely any first party games worth mentioning and disasters like Driveclub would be bad?

People are all worked up about this article and screaming "bias" but I doubt next week's X1 article will be more positive.

The open world superhero genre is pretty dead. It could be argued that inFamous is providing gameplay that nobody else really is in their exclusive lineup. Also while Knack failed, it was trying to do something innovative with the main character growing and shrinking and other powers.

This article makes it seem like there has been zero on offer on PS4 that couldn't be found elsewhere. These games weren't critical darlings or anything, but they're offering gameplay the exclusive games on other consoles are not.

(same with games like Titanfall, SO, etc.)


People have VERY short term memories here. Looks like it's me that is going to bring some knowledge here about PS3's first year exclusives.

PS3 First Year Exclusives (2007):

Enchanted Arms
Heavenly Sword
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
Uncharted 1: Drake's Fortune

These were the only first party (or first party games to actually put on paper) for PS3 in its first year. MotorStorm was basically the DriveClub of 2007, Enchanted Arms was a crap JRPG, Lair (do I really need to bring back the Lair jokes?), Heavenly Sword was a disappointingly bad rip-off of God of War, and Uncharted 1 was known as a mediocre Tomb Raider clone that didn't take off as its own until Uncharted 2 years later.

The only very solid exclusives listed here is a niche game Warhawk, and Ratchet and Clank. Uncharted 1 being te next closest thing.

I'll take PS4s Second Son, DriveClub, Killzone, Resogun, and best performaning third party games over PS3's 2007 "killer apps" and worse performaning third party any day.

EDIT: Enchanted Arms was actually a timed 360 exclusive before it came out for the PS3. My mistake. :(

Err no.

Motorstorm was flawless and an absolutely brilliant console release. Perfect split screen, silky smooth and spectacular looking.
Heavenly Sword was widely regarded as a brilliant game from out of no where, and sadly under promoted. It also has legions of fans wishing for a sequel. You couldn't be more wrong here.
Uncharted 1 blew peoples minds, and to keep this on topic and prove my point, here is the summary from Eurogamers 9/10 review of it:
Warhawk, niche? No - it was hugely popular, but Starhawk killed the buzz years later.

Naughty Dog has cooked up one of the most relentlessly entertaining, fat-free games to emerge in ages. Topped off with the most stunning use of the PS3's underused technical prowess yet, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is, for my money, the first must-have PlayStation 3 title.

I'm not arguing that the PS4's lineup isn't better, or as good, but you've done those PS3 games an injustice that I could not abide!
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