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Who needs games: PlayStation 4's first year [EUROGAMER]

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Currently been playing Sunset Overdrive and the Forza games -- I'm a big racing game fan though. I know many people aren't these days (especially based on recent sales). Sunset Overdrive may end up being my GOTY to be honest. Love it so much. Beat the story and now I going through the side challenges.

Titanfall isn't a true exclusive but it was also a reason why I got the system over the PS4 (since it doesn't have it) and the recent updates for the game have been great.

If I had a PS4 and didn't have an Xbox One, I would be playing multiplats and Infamous right now (well, if I didn't beat Infamous already). I would be satisfied with that but I would be dissapointed that I would be missing out on Sunset Overdrive, the Forza games, Killer Instinct, etc. The XB1 simply has more games that I'm interested in even if the PS4 has more. A bit off topic but I could kind of relate to iOS vs. my 3DS when it comes to that. I do play iOS games and do feel that iOS has some good games. iOS absolutely crushes the 3DS when it comes to sheer number of games but I would side with the 3DS being a better handheld/mobile gaming system simply due to the solid games that it has that aren't on iOS.



What a weird article. I mean I now expect to see extremely concerned posts by forum posters but media articles are coming too now eh?


I think it's pretty dumb for Eurogamer to say that PS4 owners haven't been having a great year. It has been, objectively, an extremely weak year for new first party exclusives from Sony. But people don't just play exclusives do they.

For people like me who own a gaming PC and PS4 I imagine its felt like a pretty shitty year to own a playstation (I know I have) considering we get better multiplats on PC. But for console only gamers you're getting the best multiplats you can which goes a long way.
The x1 launch really nailed this home.

Why is it this way? I really don't know. Maybe a good, close race produces more clicks? Maybe MS pr is better at making friends in the press? Maybe there are more former journos with lots of friends and contacts working for MS? Maybe MS hires more retired journos so there is more of an incentive to play ball if you want a pension?

Who knows.

You are blinded by your own bias. EG is always getting shit for being biased towards Sony/MS/Nintendo depending on the day of the week.

There is no persecution going on.

It really is pathetic that people cry and whinge about bias whenever an opinion is posted that they don't agree with.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Well that end up biting them in the ass because they thought market care about Kinect.

I don't think the market dislikes Kinect (quite the opposite). It's just that the people who care don't bite at $500 (or $400 or $300). Look at the price point the Wii took off at.

Stop fucking falling for JomJom.


Even if it has some good points, that article reads like a MS fanboy salty response to the NPD of yesterday tbh.

The 1st party -non remake- lineup has been mediocre for both machines for the longest time , only with sparse bright lights (I:SS and First Light for PS4, Forza Horizon 2 for the XB1, which is btw present on both XB1 and 360). The only reason the XB1 enjoys a slight advantage is thanks to 2n party titles bought with possibly huge checks and that either aren't or won't be pure exclusives for very long (DR3, Ryse, TitanFall, and probably SO some time in the future in one form or another, as the very reason IG has signed with MS is to retain the IP ownership).

Eurogamer barely brushes past one of the huge strengths of the PS4 (indies - because they aren't really games right?), to concentrate on the problems of the first year: delays, Driveclub's admitedly disastrous launch and the PSN hiccups. Live's me-too problems or the failures of the launch such as wonky party chat? Nah. MS has been doing such a great job catching up, we shouldn't point that out.
Super speedy installs on PS4, PS Now rental service (still hoping for a sub on that one), Shareplay? Why should we dwell on these?
Destiny is a huge success for a new IP? Let's concentrate on the bad reviews and the failures of the storyline instead.

Weird article to say the least... After a whole month of near non stop coverage of Halo by IGN in October, got to wonder how much that MS money is getting them in the Media...



You are blinded by your own bias. EG is always getting shit for being biased towards Sony/MS/Nintendo depending on the day of the week.

There is no persecution going on.

It really is pathetic that people cry and whinge about bias whenever an opinion is posted that they don't agree with.

Yeah Xbox and Nintendo had tons of stories this year with the same kinda stuff. Nintendo gets more doom articles than anyone. People shouldn't let stuff like this bother them the way that it is. Who cares what Eurogamer says, if you enjoy the PS4, then you enjoy the PS4. What should you even care what one publication says
I have really enjoyed my ps4. But only the most defensive would disagree with that article.

If xbone was more powerful sony would have really been in trouble.


It's no different from the first 2 years of Wii U.

"Nintendoland? Who cares.
Monster Hunter? Who cares.
Lego City? Who cares.
Wonderful 101? Who cares.
Super Mario 3D World? Who cares."

So many games that "didn't count" or were "bomba" even if they were good. All you have to do is look at the "what will save Wii U" picture for all the games people dismissed. It took a long time until most people agreed that Wii U had enough games to care about, to be a respectable platform.

Playstation 4 hasn't hit that point for many people. Its exclusives are arguably weak and so far its main draw are the multiplatform titles, which are not a draw at all if you have a PC.

Bloodborne will mark the point at which it starts to turn the corner in terms of building a unique library. By the end of 2015, like Wii U, it will have built a respectable exclusive library.


Anti PS bias ? The fuck am I reading

In the press? SOME outlets have had it, yes. The constant downplaying of what a resolution difference means by Polygon and IGN, specifically marking the XBO version of Ghosts higher than the rest of the versions on Polygon, DF articles downplaying the spec differences and actually trying to make it seem like the XBO has some hidden power.

But certainly not all outlets. There are plenty of outlets that have slanted the other way as well.

There's no way to spin this in a persecutory way either direction though since some media outlets do one way and some do the other.


Worships the porcelain goddess
To be honest, the vast majority of the western press has a pro xbox, anti-PS or ambivalent PS bias it seems to me.

I think its just how it is because the Xbox is the home grown machine, much like the western press for movies really only cares and roots for Hollywood movies.

On the other hand Famitsu should be pro-PS but I think they are just pro whoever pays them for 40s.


Holy shit! This thread has gone to plaid!


You'd skip Driveclub, eventhough you're a big racing game fan? I'm one as well, and it's one of the best racing games I've played in years, even without some of the online features.

I agree. The single player stuff is so hardcore it's insane. There really is nothing on the market like it at all. No caRPG stuff, no microtransactions, no 'insta-win' buttons, no rewind, no 'brake/turn' lines all over the place, no car upgrades...just you, the car, and the track.

I haven't played or bought another game since it came out (except danganronpa2, but thats portable). I love it when a game is meaty enough to hold my attention for a few months. I just wish there was a decent wheel availble for ps4. T80 is ok, but no ff and the petals are a bit shit.

The mystery is why people struggle to reconcile that with what's in their brains.

Do they? Maybe its just a message they want to repeatedly communicate.


In the press? SOME outlets have had it, yes. The constant downplaying of what a resolution difference means by Polygon and IGN, specifically marking the XBO version of Ghosts higher than the rest of the versions on Polygon, DF articles downplaying the spec differences and actually trying to make it seem like the XBO has some hidden power.

But certainly not all outlets. There are plenty of outlets that have slanted the other way as well.

Wait, what?
Yeah I think the only exclusive I've enjoyed on PS4 is Infamous (liked it, didn't love it) and a couple of indie games.

Still though, I've enjoyed quite a few multiplatform games on it. Although I agree that the Xbone has better exclusives at this point, I've been very happy with what's available on PS4. And if Bloodborne is half as good as I'm expecting, that's the killer ap for me right there.


What did you find disappointing about it ? Not having a go at you just curious. I thought it was great personally.
Seattle was pretty boring and unimaginative compared to the taller structures of empire city and parts of New Maris.

Side content was vastly limited to the host of different side missions and good/evil missions of the first two games.

Power traversal was fun but the powers themselves felt smaller then all of Cole's powers.

The music in SS was great and there were some bits of the story that were interesting, although nothing matched the twist of the first game nor the threat of the Beast in the second.

Second Son just felt hollow in light of its two counterparts. I still feel like the series hasn't hit it's peak yet, which is disappointing.
Yeah Xbox and Nintendo had tons of stories this year with the same kinda stuff. Nintendo gets more doom articles than anyone. People shouldn't let stuff like this bother them the way that it is. Who cares what Eurogamer says, if you enjoy the PS4, then you enjoy the PS4. What should you even care what one publication says

True. It's an article that isn't leading parents come Christmas day into stores choosing one over the other because of game lineups. At the end of the day, people buy consoles to play their favorite games on them. It's an article that tends to the negative instead of balancing out the positive.

I wish this article was just about Sony's transparency issue rather than games. One of them they go right, the other one they still aren't "getting".


I don't think the market dislikes Kinect (quite the opposite). It's just that the people who care don't bite at $500 (or $400 or $300). Look at the price point the Wii took off at.

Stop fucking falling for JomJom.

I think the market sees Kinect as an old product, one they know what to expect from. I don't think the market sees any difference in Kinect version 1.0 vs Kinect version 2.0, the market doesn't see it as an exciting hardware anymore, and the everyday consumer sees no real reason to pay for it. It's time is over and everyone knows it.


Wait, what?

There was an old Ledbetter (I think his name is?) interview with an MS rep prior to launch that was basically a PR puff piece with softball questions about the XBO tech and it was painting a picture like the spec difference would be pretty much non-existent. I don't have a link or nothin, but I'm sure some of you remember it. That same dude had made other articles downplaying stuff as well.

Either way though, painting a "overwhelming media bias" in either direction is stupid. Both Sony and MS have their fans in the media.


extra source of jiggaflops
There was an old Ledbetter (I think his name is?) interview with an MS rep prior to launch that was basically a PR puff piece with softball questions about the XBO tech and it was painting a picture like the spec difference would be pretty much non-existent. I don't have a link or nothin, but I'm sure some of you remember it.
To back that up. Digital Foundry had a string of very badly reasoned articles in 2013 about the two upcoming (at that time) consoles.

If you followed DF at that time, then you must remember the criticism. Doesn't have anything to do with what Oli Welsh of EG thinks however.
In the press? SOME outlets have had it, yes. The constant downplaying of what a resolution difference means by Polygon and IGN, specifically marking the XBO version of Ghosts higher than the rest of the versions on Polygon, DF articles downplaying the spec differences and actually trying to make it seem like the XBO has some hidden power.

But certainly not all outlets. There are plenty of outlets that have slanted the other way as well.

If anything last year show us they might not be bias but they were delusional as hell when it came to MS.
I never see such a divide between the press and the users like last year when it came to gaming .

EDIT and once again it happening here since they can't seem to get that multiplatform games push system .
Mind you this after Destiny help PS4 had one best Septembers in NPD history .


To back that up. Digital Foundry had a string of very badly reasoned articles in 2013 about the two upcoming (at that time) consoles.

If you followed DF at that time, then you must remember the criticism.

Yeah that was my major point. You could find bias on both sides. The dude was wrong to call it all out as anti-Sony bias because that's simply not true. Yes, as I showed, you can cherry pick specific articles to paint that picture, but it is disingenuous to state that "media is biased against Sony".
You'd skip Driveclub, eventhough you're a big racing game fan? I'm one as well, and it's one of the best racing games I've played in years, even without some of the online features.

I smh when i see driving fans skip Driveclbu due to reviews. Easily the best racer in years and I've played nearly all the racers out there


There is some truth to it.
Exclusive retail games are basically non-existent - KZ4, Knack, Infamous 3, DC, and LBP3.
5 Games and not one that you have to own.
Even the multigames were underwhelming so far.
Indies are always good, but most indies can also be played elsewhere.

The ps3 had a much better line-up and got endless shit for it.
But the ps3 was also the console it was cool to hate on while this time it's the opposite.
Seattle was pretty boring and unimaginative compared to the taller structures of empire city and parts of New Maris.

Side content was vastly limited to the host of different side missions and good/evil missions of the first two games.

Power traversal was fun but the powers themselves felt smaller then all of Cole's powers.

The music in SS was great and there were some bits of the story that were interesting, although nothing matched the twist of the first game nor the threat of the Beast in the second.

Second Son just felt hollow in light of its two counterparts. I still feel like the series hasn't hit it's peak yet, which is disappointing.

Each to their own :) I thought it was great and much better than the previous two. I do think First Light was a little meh but I look forward to seeing where SP take the series next.


I smh when i see driving fans skip Driveclbu due to reviews. Easily the best racer in years and I've played nearly all the racers out there

Driveclub is amazing, but I wouldn't fault people for being cautious about spending 50$ on a game that still isn't completely functional yet.

This would actually be the primary benefit of Microsoft dropping out of gaming: much less bullshit.

ugh, competition is great and it would be absolutely horrible if something like that was to ever happen, and I don't think it ever will thankfully.


Each to their own :) I thought it was great and much better than the previous two. I do think First Light was a little meh but I look forward to seeing where SP take the series next.

They need to take it back to inFamous 2 and let people be able to choose more than one power set at once. Forcing me to switch out ALL my powers for a different set, that sucks ass. What if I want to use some neon powers and some fire powers at the same time? inFamous 2's system was built to allow exactly that with ice and electricity or smoke and electricity.


You are blinded by your own bias. EG is always getting shit for being biased towards Sony/MS/Nintendo depending on the day of the week.

There is no persecution going on.

It really is pathetic that people cry and whinge about bias whenever an opinion is posted that they don't agree with.

I'm no authority on the games press at all because I no longer read that boring PR driven stuff and the tastes of reviewers have very little in common with my tastes.

But I do know the launch had maybe one or two guys calling out MS and that was it. The rest was apologists or 'wait till launch' guys. The effectiveness of MS pr was astounding, and if it wasn't for the tidal wave of social media, things would have worked. Media is no long the gate-keepers and shapers of opinion.

So, yeah, is the media biased? I don't really know, maybe bias is the wrong word. They were more than happy to work against the interests of their readers and to play ball with MS from Jan-June of 2013. What word should be used for that?


This article is bad. The PS4 has more games available than the Xbox One and on average releases more games per month than the Xbox One.


Can't say I really disagree since there isn't anything I'd buy on the system outside of Transistor since I don't really care about multiplats. The few multiplats I would be interested are cross gen and I'd much rather get them on my PS3. I probably won't jump in until Japanese third parties start releasing more stuff I can't get on PS3. I don't think MS is doing that much better with their mostly mediocre exclusives either though.

All that said, I don't see any real reason to rag on Sony for their lack of exclusives. Exclusives don't really drive sales the way they used to. It's about third party, primarily Western, tentpole releases and marketing/DLC shenanigans these days. Sony has made a bunch of good decisions with their hardware/services, marketed their brand well, and picked the right third party partnerships.
Horizon 2 was on 360 as well

The only " AAA " exclusives through all of 2014 for the X1 have been Sunset Overdrive and MCC. And MCC is just a collection of the entire series, some games being a decade old or more. So REALLY, its just Sunset Overdrive. For an entire year. And somehow that did not sell very well ..........

Oh, indeed. But come on the game is VERY different on 360.

Well if they don't consider TLoU a good game for PS4 owners though...


Even if it has some good points, that article reads like a MS fanboy salty response to the NPD of yesterday tbh.

The 1st party -non remake- lineup has been mediocre for both machines for the longest time , only with sparse bright lights (I:SS and First Light for PS4, Forza Horizon 2 for the XB1, which is btw present on both XB1 and 360). The only reason the XB1 enjoys a slight advantage is thanks to 2n party titles bought with possibly huge checks and that either aren't or won't be pure exclusives for very long (DR3, Ryse, TitanFall, and probably SO some time in the future in one form or another, as the very reason IG has signed with MS is to retain the IP ownership).

Eurogamer barely brushes past one of the huge strengths of the PS4 (indies - because they aren't really games right?), to concentrate on the problems of the first year: delays, Driveclub's admitedly disastrous launch and the PSN hiccups. Live's me-too problems or the failures of the launch such as wonky party chat? Nah. MS has been doing such a great job catching up, we shouldn't point that out.
Super speedy installs on PS4, PS Now rental service (still hoping for a sub on that one), Shareplay? Why should we dwell on these?
Destiny is a huge success for a new IP? Let's concentrate on the bad reviews and the failures of the storyline instead.

Weird article to say the least... After a whole month of near non stop coverage of Halo by IGN in October, got to wonder how much that MS money is getting them in the Media...


Yup, 100% Clickbait to reinforce a small market segments CW, that against all odds is very, very wrong.

It be much more interesting to do some actual journalism and find out why PS4 is selling so well and why software is selling like hotcakes on it. Instead we get a grumpy article recycling the incorrect idea that some sort of magic and trickery is driving their console and software sales.

The hardcore opinions do matter, especially early. But I feel there no real consensus past the first few months and while that no gaemz loud drum banging persists, the numbers don't lie. A good chunk of the hardcore are pretty happily gaming and buying software and having a good time.
They need to take it back to inFamous 2 and let people be able to choose more than one power set at once. Forcing me to switch out ALL my powers for a different set, that sucks ass. What if I want to use some neon powers and some fire powers at the same time? inFamous 2's system was built to allow exactly that with ice and electricity or smoke and electricity.

Never going to happen but I would love SP to be somehow given the X-Men ip and do a RPG/Conversation system/Action hybrid, basically X Men Destiny but infinitely better. Activision make my piss boil with what they have done to that licence.


This would actually be the primary benefit of Microsoft dropping out of gaming: much less bullshit.

I wanted Microsoft to drop out after they announced that DRM bullshit before XBO release and they seemed hell-bent on being arrogant in their PR.

But hell no. Hungry Microsoft is best Microsoft and they're killing it with how they're working things out now.
I'm no authority on the games press at all because I no longer read that boring PR driven stuff and the tastes of reviewers have very little in common with my tastes.

But I do know the launch had maybe one or two guys calling out MS and that was it. The rest was apologists or 'wait till launch' guys. The effectiveness of MS pr was astounding, and if it wasn't for the tidal wave of social media, things would have worked. Media is no long the gate-keepers and shapers of opinion.

So, yeah, is the media biased? I don't really know, maybe bias is the wrong word. They were more than happy to work against the interests of their readers and to play ball with MS from Jan-June of 2013. What word should be used for that?

Did you not see some of the scathing articles about MS original xbox one plans? They got rightly crucified.

I honestly don't believe there is a bias. There is a far bigger bias on forums than in the gaming press.
Currently been playing Sunset Overdrive and the Forza games -- I'm a big racing game fan though. I know many people aren't these days (especially based on recent sales). Sunset Overdrive may end up being my GOTY to be honest. Love it so much. Beat the story and now I going through the side challenges.

Titanfall isn't a true exclusive but it was also a reason why I got the system over the PS4 (since it doesn't have it) and the recent updates for the game have been great.

If I had a PS4 and didn't have an Xbox One, I would be playing multiplats and Infamous right now (well, if I didn't beat Infamous already). I would be satisfied with that but I would be dissapointed that I would be missing out on Sunset Overdrive, the Forza games, Killer Instinct, etc. The XB1 simply has more games that I'm interested in even if the PS4 has more. A bit off topic but I could kind of relate to iOS vs. my 3DS when it comes to that. I do play iOS games and do feel that iOS has some good games. iOS absolutely crushes the 3DS when it comes to sheer number of games but I would side with the 3DS being a better handheld/mobile gaming system simply due to the solid games that it has that aren't on iOS.

I cannot disagree with you, especially the bold part. I dont have an Xbox One, I am disappointed I cannot play its exclusives. But I am sure everyone feels that way when they only own one console. However, I will get to play the exclusives on the console I do own, and that makes up for the ones I will not get to play on the one I dont.

Sure, the PS4 doesn't have all these big hot exclusives right now (LBP3 is one of my my most anticipated titles and that will hold me through the Holidays). However, I do not have a problem with Sony spacing out exclusives next year. It makes next year so exciting, especially with so many unannounced exclusives in the pipeline that I hope are announced at the Experience (which will, I assume, start dropping in early 2016, and maybe late 2015). Its not like there aren't some great multiplats (DAI, FC4) coming, and I will most likely get to play the best versions of each (DA:I comes to mind, when I finally pick it up). It just seems like so many people focus on Exclusives, without mentioning the great multiplat titles that have been released and will get released, on both systems. Those will hold me over until all the PS4 exclusives start hitting next year, throughout the year.


Seriously, PS3's 2007 shits all over PS4's 2014.

People have VERY short term memories here. Looks like it's me that is going to bring some knowledge here about PS3's first year exclusives.

PS3 First Year Exclusives (2007):

Enchanted Arms
Heavenly Sword
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
Uncharted 1: Drake's Fortune

These were the only first party (or first party games to actually put on paper) for PS3 in its first year. MotorStorm was basically the DriveClub of 2007, Enchanted Arms was a crap JRPG, Lair (do I really need to bring back the Lair jokes?), Heavenly Sword was a disappointingly bad rip-off of God of War, and Uncharted 1 was known as a mediocre Tomb Raider clone that didn't take off as its own until Uncharted 2 years later.

The only very solid exclusives listed here is a niche game Warhawk, and Ratchet and Clank. Uncharted 1 being te next closest thing.

I'll take PS4s Second Son, DriveClub, Killzone, Resogun, and best performaning third party games over PS3's 2007 "killer apps" and worse performaning third party any day.

EDIT: Enchanted Arms was actually a timed 360 exclusive before it came out for the PS3. My mistake. :(
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