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Who needs games: PlayStation 4's first year [EUROGAMER]

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So, they disregard cross gen games like Diablo 3 and last gen ports like TLOU:R because they can be played on the older system? With that line of thinking, they shouldn't count the MCC since it's a collection of ports that can originally be played on the previous system. They shouldn't also count FH2 since it's also cross gen and can be played on the 360. Taking those two out, the only true AAA exclusives that the XB1 has are Sunset Overdrive and Forza 5.


Or it could just mean that people have lives outside of playing video games. Wtf? Who interpret things like that
People with agendas?

Have to say that my PS4 has become my goto machine for all things gaming, even over my beloved PC. Can't say I agree with what I've read of the article at all.


I wonder why the article is written in we-form. How can the article write speak for all PS4 owners? I also dont know why crossplatform games are kinda discounted when they are the better version. I have a PS3 and a PS4, and i see no reason to buy the PS3 version over the PS4 version. The only reason i could see for this is if i didnt want to pay for PS+ and i also wanted to play online, or if i had many friends who played online on PS3 and i wanted to play together with them,


The shambles that is AC: Unity.

Remember me which score Eurogamer gave this game?

Considering Oli Welsh is the new Editor-in-Chief I would think he would have known better.

That's almost as good as:

Halo MCC - 9/10

Launch day news story: "Eurogamer has this morning repeatedly tried and failed to get into a game"
Just wanted to chime in, wii won 7th gen. Period. Only way that changes is of 360 ends up selling more software And hardware. And PS3 only caught up in world wide hardware numbers, 360 kicked that booty in the u.s, with the software ratio greatly in its favor. Continue with the euro gamer roast...lol


Even allowing for DriveClub ... and those damned rubber sticks, Sony has had a great year.

And yet, remarkably, we are never informed of the reasons why. Just why has Sony had a great year?

Something about open goals, rank opportunism, and disintegrating rubber sticks. We are reminded that online gaming now requires a paid subscription, told that Sony's first-party line-up is hollow and dire, with most third-party games also available on PS3 and Xbox. It all seems like a terrible mistake!

Words convey meaning, so when Oli Welsh writes

The machine's launch feature set was limited, missing some ancillary functions like media playback, but this was managed with care to play into its fanboy-friendly image as a no-nonsense, thoroughbred games machine.

what is the intent other than to paint PlayStation designers as a duplicitous bunch of public relations specialists? I could better understand his point if Sony had spoken and promised media playback pre-launch, but they did neither. Sony was perfectly clear from the outset where their priorities lay.

Then there is

PSN's ups and downs (mostly downs)

I understand the frustration when PSN (or third-party servers) go down, but come on, this is total fiction.


So, they disregard cross gen games like Diablo 3 and last gen ports like TLOU:R because they can be played on the older system? With that line of thinking, they shouldn't count the MCC since it's a collection of ports that can originally be played on the previous system. They shouldn't also count FH2 since it's also cross gen and can be played on the 360. Taking those two out, the only true AAA exclusives that the XB1 has are Sunset Overdrive and Forza 5.
But Microsoft is super nice now! Phil Spencer is here to save us all from the Soony PS4 and Stoopid indies! Go XB1! The best games. All in one. Now $349. It's worth it now trust us.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Its baffling to me because they make this borderline rant even though they know the games are coming. There are so many games coming next year we won't be able to hold them all.

So even for 2014....in which most consoles have a lackluster first year with software droughts, what exactly is the argument being presented?

MS had to do catch up because they were so far behind to begin with starting. Its not a proper argument to say because someone comes from third place to second place by exhausting themselves with every possible option, the one out in first is somehow loosing.


All these people who are saying they are having "backlogs" as proof of a console
having games must also consider it sounds like the games you have aren't interesting or
compelling enough for you to play and finish them.

I have a backlog of games and it is because I have to work and attend college at the same time. Or are the games just not compelling enough just as you state like a fact.


Wow. The internet, eh! From disagreement to rage to conspiracy in the blink of an eye. :D

I think I've felt this way recently and the article really sums it up. It's a well-written and fairly accurate article, imo.

Maybe I'm too old for this, but I don't understand how you can get so angry about the article. Is it because you can only afford one console, so you have to defend it for fear of regretting your purchase? That's probably a bit facile, I know, but it just seems bizarre to me. That's how it was in my day lol - way back when I had a Megadrive which was better than the SNES because the SNES was for kiddy games.

For what it's worth...(and I think I've said this a couple of times today)...

I bought my PS4 over the launch weekend (well, my fiancée did), mainly for Resogun, which is still brilliant, and for Killzone Shadow Fall (I loved Mercenary on the Vita).

I think if you have somewhere else to play the indies (e.g. a Vita), there's only really one or two outstanding games on the PS4. It's all a matter of taste, I know, but aside from TLOU I don't think the exclusives have been that good. Infamous is shallow, repetitive and I think GAF overrates it massively. Killzone was - exactly as the writer says - hollow. Knack was truly dreadful - probably the worst AAA game I've played in a long, long time.

All of the games I've really enjoyed I could've played elsewhere - and I don't see anything on the Xbox or PS4 which really feels like an advancement from the last generation. It might be a bit sharper, but it's still 30fps. It might have a speaker in the controller and a pointless lightbar, but it's still the same old thing.

I was caught up in the hype and have had some fun with the machine. But recently I'm looking over at the Xbox lineup and feeling a bit jealous of Titanfall and the MCC.

This doesn't mean I hate Sony (they're a corporation, not a person and I don't really care about them on an emotional level) or the PS4. It just means that it's been a pretty dry year for both consoles. 2015 will probably see the PS4 come into its own and develop an identity outside of running last gen games with slightly prettier graphics.

I've been around the block a few times - it's just a fallow year. It happens.

And, just to finish off, 2014 has really been the year of the Wii U. It's insane how good the lineup is on that machine.

it's the first year of a console, it's like this for pretty much every platform

what did the Wii U have in it's first year?


I will sell my ps4 next June if the prospects and lineup don't improve. I love the PS4 hardware, but it's maybe the worst year a PS console has ever had.
Name me these gameplay features that are the best of it's kind or significantly different to those in their respective genre. I'll wait.

There's a reason why all of those games have mediocre user and critic reviews.
XB1's exclusives don't have "gameplay features that are the best of it's kind or significantly different to those in their respective genre" either.

I will sell my ps4 next June if the prospects and lineup don't improve. I love the PS4 hardware, but it's maybe the worst year a PS console has ever had.

What other console has had such a strong and diverse lineup of games in the 1-3 years leading up to the release of the next iteration?
Where's Eurogamer's article on how the Xbox One is selling really well in spite of having no games?

It's not about it being positive or negative.

It's about the fact that the One fares no better than the PS4 in their narrative, and I bet "has no games" won't show up in the article at all.

why do you bet that? sheesh, I don't get this ultra-defensive reaction. Your posts boil down to 'well I know this is a piece about PS4 but what about Xbox? PS4 is better so why isn't this article about Xbox?'. An article is being written about Xbox's first year, PS4's came first. You should wait til then to make loaded bets.


It was a new system that took the generation. Theres no real need to discuss it further in this thread about the ps4 or to attempt to downplay its victory. It already happened. It's in the past. The goalposts don't need to be moved anymore. Just as goalposts shouldn't be moved that the ps4 will have this generation

I guess you missed the part when I said "I feel like" ? I'm not trying to move any goalposts.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I will sell my ps4 next June if the prospects and lineup don't improve. I love the PS4 hardware, but it's maybe the worst year a PS console has ever had.

PS3 2006-2007 says hello.

Short term memories people...
I will be sure to have a nogamestation 4 by march. Xbone is completely redundant if you have a decent PC IMO.
Even if you don't - thus far, it's multiplatform games pushing the system - hell, most of them cross-gen.

Nothing so far has 'captured' me the way Mass Effect (hell, I bought a second Xbox 360 for ME2, then played it all AGAIN when it came out on PS3), Elder Scrolls, P4G, or Fallout did last generation. Only Oblivion was a year 1 game (didn't Mass Effect come out in 2007?).

Then again, it's year one. Except for the original Xbox, nothing I've ever seen has launched with such a variety and quality as current-gen. I don't remember getting "free" indie games at launch last time around either.


It is the greatest question of our time: If PS4 games top the software charts every month, but no games media is around to see it, do the games still exist?
Those games don't count. They can be played on other platforms in a lower resolution with crushed blacks. Who needs a PS4? Those 12million+ who bought one are just fanboys supporting their favorite company. For all we know these PS4s are just collecting dust. I mean who buys a console with no games? Fanboys. Earth is full of them.
I have had a blast with my PS4 since launch. This no games narrative is such BS, I play games for hours every day and still have a nice backlog starting. With all the games coming out in the next few months its just going to grow. This is like some TMZ quality journalism right here.


Gold Member
Its baffling to me because they make this borderline rant even though they know the games are coming. There are so many games coming next year we won't be able to hold them all.

So even for 2014....in which most consoles have a lackluster first year with software droughts, what exactly is the argument being presented?

MS had to do catch up because they were so far behind to begin with starting. Its not a proper argument to say because someone comes from third place to second place by exhausting themselves with every possible option, the one out in first is somehow loosing.

what're you gonna believe: eurogamer, or yer own lyin' eyes? :) ...

&, afa ms playing catch-up, a 'bouncing back' narrative always beats a 'dominating' narrative afa 'winning hearts'n'minds' is concerned... tho portraying ms under any circumstance as 'the underdog' requires a serious overdose of cognitive dissonance...


Not sure why people care so much. The article is total click bait. I don't need Eurogamer to tell me those 20+ games on my PS4 right now don't exist.


As far as I'm concern this generation has switched from last gen. I only have exclusive games on my xbox one and multis + exclusives on my playstation 4. I dont even bother with my laptop unless I'm playing Dota 2 or LoL. As for the Wii U, it's my go to system to relax and have fun.


Name me these gameplay features that are the best of it's kind or significantly different to those in their respective genre. I'll wait.

There's a reason why all of those games have mediocre user and critic reviews.

Ok I'll bite.

Driveclub gameplay gets compared to PGR a lot. For good reason. The game has issues. Gameplay is not one of them.

Infamous. Name me another game like it that isn't prototype. Graphics? The game has amazing gameplay. It's issue lies in how quick you can finish it and the lack of diversity in the secondary missions.

The order? It has terrific gameplay. I played it last week at Lisbon games week. Had 0 issues with the thermite gun that those drooling baboons who call themselves video game journalists did.
Fire a shot with r1. Ignite it with r2 and keeping shooting in the vicinity to use the weapon. This game is sorely missing multiplayer.
I have had a blast with my PS4 since launch. This no games narrative is such BS, I play games for hours every day and still have a nice backlog starting. With all the games coming out in the next few months its just going to grow. This is like some TMZ quality journalism right here.


I don't understand the complaining here.


All these people who are saying they are having "backlogs" as proof of a console
having games must also consider it sounds like the games you have aren't interesting or
compelling enough for you to play and finish them.

Sorry if I couldn't beat 35 games in the 3 months I've owned a ps4 while still playing my other stuff.


Eurogamer seems to really like click bait and/ or dislike the PS4 these days. This article is nonsense. PS4 has plenty of good fun games to play in native 1080p on those super thin 1080p tvs we have amassed in the last few years. The fact many of them can be played in 1080pr or in a far inferior version on old consoles is irrelevant. We aren't talking about Wii U (which I own and love) that needs great exclusives to survive due to excessively weak specs.

Seriously games media, what is so hard to understand? The majority of gamers could care less that most ps4 games can be played somewhere else with worse graphics, and that ability to play crappier versions elsewhere in no way means the games don't really exist on PS4.
Kudos to the author. If his piece was intended to be provocative, going by this thread he hit it out of the park.

It shouldn't be though. "Console's first year lineup uninspiring" is practically "dog bites man" as headlines go. It's almost always the case.


Junior Member
I love my ps4 but my Xbox One has stolen. Y heart as of late with all of the great exclusives and EA Access is great. Ps plus has been much better than games with gold though IMHO.

most of my multiplats I still go pc anyways
I have had a blast with my PS4 since launch. This no games narrative is such BS, I play games for hours every day and still have a nice backlog starting. With all the games coming out in the next few months its just going to grow. This is like some TMZ quality journalism right here.
The problem is too many games on PS4 is on like 4 other things


It's not like Xbone is doing much better in terms of AAA exclusives. If you count indie games PS4 has actually a lot more exclusives than Microsoft's Console.

It's just a matter of perception. All I know is that I'll be playing Bloodborne soon and I'm really happy with the exclusives I have so far, plus multiplat titles.
The article could have been headlined "who needs games" about four months ago

but unless you have the luxury that you can spend 20+ hours a week gaming, the PS4 library is more than full enough now, and will only get more stuffed over the next week.

just spelunky, terraria, minecraft and binding of isaac alone would soak all available hours but of course there are dozens of other titles if you want to avoid those..


Well it comes down to the exclusives, OS, friends and ecosystems you prefer.

I traded in my PS4 towards an Xbox One because of the criteria listed above.

Killer Instinct
Forza 5
Forza Horizon 2
Plants vs Zombies (made a mistake)
Halo MCC (remaster) *when it works*
Sunset Overdrive

All in one year. Games you can't get on the PS4. For comparison sake

Killzone Shadowfall
Infamous Second Son
The Last of Us Remastered (remaster)
Driveclub *when it works*
Some exclusive Destiny Raids
LittleBigPlanet 3 (also playable on PS3)

But let's be fair here. Sony is the only one of the big three that had first party games release up until 2013 whereas microsoft and nintendo abandoned ship after holiday 2011.
All these people who are saying they are having "backlogs" as proof of a console
having games must also consider it sounds like the games you have aren't interesting or
compelling enough for you to play and finish them.
How? I have games on my PS3 still backlogged/WiiU/Vita/Ps4/3DS/PC. Just sold my 360 since I'm not renewing live. It's called too many games. I still find most of my time on my Vita with games like SSD, Dangan, and on my PS4 which honestly I have wayyy too many games for.
That trend also was prevalent last gen, when Xbox 360's big first year games were stuff like CoD 2, Advance Warfighter and Oblivion, which were third party games and were probably only "exclusive" because the PS3 was released a year later. People don't care about the first/third party label.
Well it comes down to the exclusives, OS, friends and ecosystems you prefer.

I traded in my PS4 towards an Xbox One because of the criteria listed above.

Killer Instinct
Forza 5
Forza Horizon 2
Plants vs Zombies
Halo MCC (remaster) *when it works*
Sunset Overdrive

All in one year. Games you can't get on the PS4. For comparison sake

Killzone Shadowfall
Infamous Second Son
The Last of Us Remastered (remaster)
Driveclub *when it works*
Some exclusive Destiny Raids
LittleBigPlanet 3 (also playable on PS3)

But let's be fair here. Sony is the only one of the big three that had first party games release up until 2013 whereas microsoft and nintendo abandoned ship after holiday 2011.
Umm Titanfall, PvZ, and Ryse are all multiplatform...
why do you bet that? sheesh, I don't get this ultra-defensive reaction. Your posts boil down to 'well I know this is a piece about PS4 but what about Xbox? PS4 is better so why isn't this article about Xbox?'. An article is being written about Xbox's first year, PS4's came first. You should wait til then to make loaded bets.

We are going on 9 years of "Playstation has no games".

It was absurd 9 years ago, and it's absurd now.

And it's beyond absurd that a major site like Eurogamer continues to espouse the absurdity.

Who's being ultra-defensive? Something tells me if you didn't strongly agree with Eurogamer you wouldn't see my posts as being defensive.

Why is it that disagreeing in any fashion with an article these days is viewed as being "angry" or "defensive"?
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