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Who needs games: PlayStation 4's first year [EUROGAMER]

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I like a thing. Wait, that person doesn't like a thing?! OMG THEIR BIASED!!!

I really still can't understand how people aren't agreeing with the article. First it's not comparing the PS4 to the One, so half the posts in this thread are irrelevant immediately. Then you've got the fact that it actually says the PS4 is a great system but it's just lacking in games that you can't play elsewhere. It's literally the truth, however you look at it.

Then you've got other people in this thread going "well who cares, exclusives don't sell consoles!" which, if they'd bothered to read the article before raving about how biased Eurogamer are, they'd see that it actually says that.

Bizarre, really.

Did you read the article? He talks about why is the ps4 selling, and why are we buying theses consoles, it's pretty obvious people want the best console upgrade available, I'm sure if you bought a phone, laptop or TV 7 years ago you would want to upgrade. You can look at wiiu or xbox 1 exclusives and people are not buying them, unless halo or Mario is in them.
I honestly don't understand it. I mean, it's a literal fact that the PS4 has more games than the XBO. The list floating around shows that very handily - so why this narrative? Why these ridiculous articles?

This article has been written from a very specific angle to demonstrate that the PS4 has no pre-Christmas Triple-A releases. It's clickbait bullshit with no grounding in reality.
Its quite obvious that EG were talking about quality, not list wars.

If sheer numbers wasa ll that mattered, sony/nswould jusy create a load of studios and let them run wild.

If it came to list wars, PC would be the best gaming platform in history.

Fact is, in terms of quality big name games, they havent been there in the way that they have been elsewhere.

And i dont know in what world a load of indie ports makes a worthy replacement for the types of games console gamers on the whoke have come to exppect. The vast majority wont have bought a ps4 for indies.

The problem with this line of thinking is when AAA games come out and sell bad and we have indies selling more who is to say that some AAA games matter more.
Some of this reminds me of a lot of the complaints about the Xbox 360 post 2011. Even though there were a ton of games released on the system, and 3rd party games were largely considered better on it, and even though it still sold the most (well, in the US at least), the impression of "no games" always came from the fact that it didn't have enough "brand new first-party AAA, exclusive, non-PC, non-Kinect IP". So the hundreds of games released for the system and the giant, varied library that the mass market enjoyed didn't count.

I suppose it would be a tad hypocrticial if the same person who was super strict about counting exclusives on the 360 suddenly has no issue with indie games and 3rd party games on the PS4, so maybe that's where this article is coming from. "Sony has better AAA exclusives, look at stuff like The Last of Us! They're all about the games!" was kind of considered common knowledge for a while, so I guess articles like this are set against those expectations, even though there's nothing inherently "wrong" with the PS4's current library (and, as numerous people have pointed out, seems to have the most variety in their lineup simply due to having so many more developers, indie and otherwise, releasing games for it, and enjoys the power advantage in most 3rd party games).

So set against those types of expectations, the PS4 has had a "weak" year. But if you just want a console with a shit load of stuff to play, it'll serve you just fine (I tend to think pretty much any console out now has a shit load of worthwhile stuff to play, it just depends on your personal tastes, but I digress)
Great gameplay, yet fail to mention anything that's actually notable about said gameplay. You guys aren't helping your case. Whenever I:SS is mentioned it's almost always about graphics, not it's mechanics, content or systems. The response the Driveclubs gameplay is middling, I don't need to mention Killzone etc.

I'll hold off on the order since it's not out but you see my point..

If these games are not as mediocre like your implying people should be finding it easier to state notable things about said games that set them apart, and yet almost every time I hear one of these games come up the it's almost always about the graphics. That's why I said the graphics are the only notable things about these games.
So uh, what's so great about the gameplay from the XB1's exclusives? Like actual only-on-Xbox One exclusives.


So, they disregard cross gen games like Diablo 3 and last gen ports like TLOU:R because they can be played on the older system? With that line of thinking, they shouldn't count the MCC since it's a collection of ports that can originally be played on the previous system. They shouldn't also count FH2 since it's also cross gen and can be played on the 360. Taking those two out, the only true AAA exclusives that the XB1 has are Sunset Overdrive and Forza 5.

Exactly. I just love hypocrisy.

Well it comes down to the exclusives, OS, friends and ecosystems you prefer.

I traded in my PS4 towards an Xbox One because of the criteria listed above.

Ryse (Also on PC)
Killer Instinct
Forza 5
Forza Horizon 2 (Also on Xbox 360)
Titanfall (Also on PC & Xbox 360)
Plants vs Zombies (Also on PC & PS4)
Halo MCC (remaster) *when it works* (3 out of 4 Halo games are also on Xbox 360)
Sunset Overdrive

Replies in bold.
if there are no games you like - don't buy the system, buy a different system or just wait and miss nothing.
but you should tolerate that there are people out there who disagree and have fun with the toy you do not like.


Gold Member
Poorly thought out article. PS4 certainly can do better with exclusives, but the picture isn't as dire as they are painting and there are numerous fantastic reasons to own a PS4 right now.


Gold Member
The problem with this line of thinking is when AAA games come out and sell bad and we have indies selling more who is to say that some AAA games matter more.

Is there someplace that tracks indie sales? I always figured that since they were digital it would be tough to know for sure how much they are selling.

But anyway, the line of thinking you replied to seems like a valid thought process to me. I have a hard time believing that the decline of AAA games has been because people like indies better. I think that people are buying indies because that's pretty much all that's been offered this year.

In my opinion AAA seems to have fallen off the sales cliff because these AAA developers have turned into factories that are just iterating on past successes instead of pushing new ideas. A lot of people aren't willing to shell out $60 for the same game they played a year ago. The sequel bubble needs to burst. AAA titles must be worthy of their price tag, and they haven't really been worthy of it for several years.


Thats your opinion TLOU remastered is still the best rated game of the year with your Halo:redeemed edition 0.5 points behind.

It's not really an exclusive. The highest rated PS4 exclusive this year clocks in at a sweet 80 on Metacritic. You're allowed to be happy with your PS4, no doubt, but don't shit the bed when there's clear reasons for others to be disappointed with the machine.

If TLOU:R isn't considered an exclusive then MCC (EDIT: and FH2) can't be considered one either. If you're going to exclude something from the other side by an arbitrary rule, the same have to apply to both.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
if there are no games you like - don't buy the system, buy a different system or just wait and miss nothing.
but you should tolerate that there are people out there who disagree and have fun with the toy you do not like.
Not enough ad revenue in being reasonable like that. You would think there is some parallel universe where Microsoft was not relying on super aggressive price cutting and bundling to maybe take two months out of the whole year. If Titanfall, Forza, and SO were what people make them out to be, you would not be able to get the system, four Halo games (or two AC games) and a gift card for $330 on Black Friday. People want to exist in some twilight zone where their own (dreadful) opinion counts for more than what is actually happening in the market.

You do not see such aggressive price slashing or bundling in less than 365 days if things are going to plan, or if the existing exclusives are moving the needle at retail.
Is there someplace that tracks indie sales? I always figured that since they were digital it would be tough to know for sure how much they are selling.

But anyway, the line of thinking you replied to seems like a valid thought process to me. I have a hard time believing that the decline of AAA games has been because people like indies better. I think that people are buying indies because that's pretty much all that's been offered this year.

In my opinion AAA seems to have fallen off the sales cliff because these AAA developers have turned into factories that are just iterating on past successes instead of pushing new ideas. A lot of people aren't willing to shell out $60 for the same game they played a year ago. The sequel bubble needs to burst. AAA titles must be worthy of their price tag, and they haven't really been worthy of it for several years.

I am not talking big AAA games like AC , COD etc i am talking about stuff like SSO , DC , etc .
AAA games that came out and do nothing sales wise , who is to say they more important than some indie games just because they AAA.
People still looking down on indies but they also replacing the mid tier so much people used to love.


This really is an odd point of view from the author of that article... The #PS4NoGames theory really has no foundation, it should be clear to everyone right now. The PS4 happens to have loads of critically acclaimed games available (just look at the metacritic page, it is impressive how many high scores titles are available, in fact significantly more than the Xbox One or the much older Wii U).

People than only look for AAA exclusives may find the line up lacking, but then again, which first year line-up of a new console isn't in that aspect ? Also, disregarding remasters or quality PSN is incredibly shortsighted - especially when you considers newcomers to the Playstation brand.

Last but not least, a new console is never about first year line-up. A new console is a promise, and Sony still has my entire trust regarding long term support of quality original titles - and I believe many will agree with me on that aspect. Next year planning is simply baffling, and we know so many great studios that are working behind the scenes on unannounced projects...

The only point with which I agree to some extent with the author is the disappointing output of SCE in that first year. Whether it's bad luck or bad management, Killzone: Shadow Fall wasn't as good as it looked, DriveClub's launch was a true disaster, their big AAA exclusive for the holiday season got delayed, Knack turned into a joke to many eyes, ... Not really surprising considering a) SCE has been on a cycle of "one year on - one year off" for a while now, b) launch titles on new consoles are often underwhelming due to the strong time constraints and c) their output on PS3 last year was simply god-like. I believe that last point may be the biggest reason why they dropped the ball somehow this year, but it's also imho one of the biggest reason why the PS4 has had so much success so far. Ironically...

The media has been Sony's best friend since MS announced those horrible DRM policies. They were too nice in this article.


You mean the same media that lead the "SonyToo" charge? And tried to downplay the DRM policies effects on consumers at every chance they got? And tried to call gamers entitled for complaining about them? And claimed that the "#NoDRM" campaign thing was stupid and that it would accomplish nothing?

because the article already pointed out that some of the best games can be played on ps3 (tlou) and they don't consider infamous to be a killer app( eurogamer gave it a 7)
But The Last of Us on PS4 is not the same as on PS3. It offers the whole new experience that is nowhere to be found on the PS3 version ( 1080p, 60fps, photo mode...) So you can't remove it from the list.

Infamous Second Son's Metascore is 80, which I think is not bad at all :D So yeah, although that game is not perfect, it is still pretty good.


Im just saying thats the point of the article. There are alot of games but most are on like 4 other devices like I said. Xbox 360, PS3, xbox one and PC. Yes consumers dont care but thats the point. Theres not anything wrong with it but it is what it is. Same games on the 4 on like everything else. Theres no special gameplay or anythinf with it. Im not sure why people see it as offensive on something thats just the plain ol truth.
Then why is it a problem if the consumer dont care? :)
But The Last of Us on PS4 is not the same as on PS3. It offers the whole new experience that is nowhere to be found on the PS3 version ( 1080p, 60fps, photo mode...) So you can't remove it from the list.
uh yes you can. the author also talks about how increased frame rate and resolution of the ps4 versions aren't enough to keep his enthusiasm up about spending money on a new console


Gold Member
I'm surprised by the popularity of the PS4 versus its lack of games, to be honest. Xbox One has notably better games.

I agree with you on the first part. I bought a PS4 back on February and I honestly can't put my finger on exactly why. I like it a lot, but I wish it had more games that I like. I know that they will come. But I could have waited.

I think the second part is subjective. Until Sunset Overdrive dropped there was nothing that interested me on Xbox One. Now I want one.

I still can't put together exactly how I justified my PS4 purchase, though. Because there's only been one big name title exclusive this year that I like and I've found most of the indies to be better suited for my Vita. I suppose that being a big Infamous fan and knowing I could play multiplats was enough to tip me in the PS4's direction early on.


Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2 (next-gen version is the real one), Halo: MCC

Ryse and DR3 were superior exclusives, too, at the time of launch.

And Ryse, originally a 360 Kinect game, and DR3, originally a 360 game, were moved to XBO to beef up the system's exclusive library, resulting in fewer exclusives towards the end of the 360's life.

So the real question is, which is better? Heavy exclusive support during the launch/cross-gen transition, or heavy exclusive support towards end-of-life?

Polyphony could have moved GT6 to PS4 sometime in its development cycle to try to compete with Forza, but they (Sony) decided to support PS3 with the game.
I'm surprised by the popularity of the PS4 versus its lack of games, to be honest. Xbox One has notably better games.

You can't be serious with this post. Firstly, the Xbox has notably better games in your opinion. Don't state that as fact. Secondly, it's already been shown time and time again in this thread that the PS4 has considerably more games than the Xbox.



The media has been Sony's best friend since MS announced those horrible DRM policies. They were too nice in this article.

Wut? I guess you missed the articles about "not reading too much into the ps4 sales" or how complaining about the DRM is like "a fart in the wind." When editors triump a console over the other, then there is something wrong with the media.


Just finished infamous second son and as a guy who couldn't stand the first two, I adored this. Shame the gamespot first year review didn't even mention it at all when referring to ps4 exclusives. It's a must have imo.

Edit - so did Eurogamer. What's going on with infamous, one of the best looking current gen games, being ignored?


Just finished infamous second son and as a guy who couldn't stand the first two, I adored this. Shame the gamespot first year review didn't even mention it at all when referring to ps4 exclusives. It's a must have imo.
Yeah i find it weird that the media basically ignores it. My favourite game in the series.
Good article.

I disagree with one thing in particular though. While the PS4 doesn't technically have a "Killer App", it has a Killer feature called, "the best $400 3rd party port console on the market". These 3rd party games will be lifelong Killer apps for PS4, so I think consumers buying the system now, do so knowing this is the best console for COD, Batman, AC, GTA to buy.

Sony's gained a ton of consumer goodwill with their 1st party support too, so I think most consumers know the games will come.

Either way, the article was fair criticism, and it was overdue to be spoken from a journalist.
Just finished infamous second son and as a guy who couldn't stand the first two, I adored this. Shame the gamespot first year review didn't even mention it at all when referring to ps4 exclusives. It's a must have imo.

Edit - so did Eurogamer. What's going on with infamous, one of the best looking current gen games, being ignored?
Yeah, I just finished it last night. Great game. I enjoyed the story as well. First Light was also great.

Speaking of which, is First Light considered DLC?


PS4 exclusive games this year are not good and this article is 100% correct. Wii U and Xbox one owners got better exclusives.
All Nintendo has are exclusives. There's no 3rd parties willing to develop for it. And the ps4 exclusives are good this year. I'll debate junior opinions with junior opinions, any day.


Just finished infamous second son and as a guy who couldn't stand the first two, I adored this. Shame the gamespot first year review didn't even mention it at all when referring to ps4 exclusives. It's a must have imo.

Edit - so did Eurogamer. What's going on with infamous, one of the best looking current gen games, being ignored?

I hated the first two and enjoyed Second Son a lot. Definitely in for a sequel.


Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2 (next-gen version is the real one), Halo: MCC

Ryse and DR3 were superior exclusives, too, at the time of launch.

Sunset will be forgotten , calling Forza Horizon 2 on Xbox One the real one & including Halo:MCC , Ryse & DR3 in your argument about the Xbox One having better games is just admitting to the fact that it don't matter if the game is on other platforms.
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