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Who needs games: PlayStation 4's first year [EUROGAMER]

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95% of the people posting in this thread obviously didn't even read the article.

The whole article is the writer trying to prove that the games that were released for the PS4 aren't the reason people have bought the PS4 games console.

It's another elitist article from the gaming press.
The article was the year in review, and they very much did acknowledge indie games in that paragraph and attributed some of the PS4's success to them while also making it clear that it there's still more big indie games on the way.

In any case, his post would seem to indicate that the author didn't acknowledge indies at all, which it did.

My overall point though is that you should read before you dismiss something. We interpreted the paragraph two different ways, and that's cool and we can talk about it because we both read the same thing. I'm not going to sit here and interpret an article for someone who doesn't want to read it, because my summary is going to be colored by my interpretation.

I did read it the article. Obviously there wasn't enough mention of Sony's exclusive/timed 2014 indies in the article. It was passed over for the usual bullshit "AAA" argument.

For every Sunset mention in these threads, Sony had Infamous since Q1. Sony also had PT.


I think that The Order will be an awesome cinematic experience that should please quite a few fans, but I still think that no multiplayer is going to hurt the longevity of that title. The Order was Sony's chance to pull away that Gears of War audience who are anxiously awaiting a third person multiplayer title.
This isn't about sales, it's about games, and how good they are. Sales only matter to me when a game I really like does fuck all, like FH2 apparently, and I think Insomniac and Sunset Overdrive deserve nothing but success. I would be sad to see otherwise.

It about sales because if people buy there PS4 for Destiny , COD , FIFA etc etc .
How does eurgamer know to say that those people are not happy with the reason they bought there PS4s.
The article is about why people are buying a PS4 among other things of course sales of the system and games matter .
Today is the PS4's first birthday and therefore this article was released, stop with this dumb conspiracy stuff.

Wasn't alluding to any "conspiracy stuff" at all. I was merely highlighting the impeccable timing of posting an article of this nature days prior to the system having one of its best weeks of the year.


Kind of ironic that this article was put up in the week before LittleBigPlanet 3, Grand Theft Auto V and Dragon Age: Inquisition come out. But I guess none of those constitute as reasons to justify a PS4 purchase because they're either remasters or titles you can play on a previous gen, thus the PS4 has no 'games'.

Far Cry 4 too.

That's an amazing week we will have and I just can't go back to ps3 anymore.


I know, but Eurogamer host them and give them a platform. I am sick of seeing positive angles on every faceoff in favour of Xbox One.

Read the PS3/ Xbox 360 faceoffs and how they laid into Sonys machine.

Best thing was the FFXIIi face off. Apparently 6 seconds faster load time was really GREAT and was really GREAT and Xbox.... had only minor issues compared to PS3...But 6 seconds faster load time!! GREAT!!
Or how they tried really hard to push for XBO in the beginning of this generation in some aspects. Meh who cares? Everyone who read the DF articles didn't get anything other than pixel amount.

Yeah Xbox360 was the better Multiplat machine for the vast majority of last gen. But it seemed hard for many to swallow when the status quo got turned around.


I think you need to read up on what these things mean. That's not a No True Scotsman argument.

And if this was a debate and you had spelled it right it would also be wrong, because if it was anything it would be a tu quoque.

In conclusion: Mega fail
codeblue just code blued.


Because by telling us there are no games on the PS4 it suggests there are more games on the XB1. I haven't seen one article about 'no games' for the XB1 and yet it has less games than the PS4.
I think both the X1 and the PS4 have had a poor year but yeah I don't get why the PS4 takes all of the heat for it. It feels like people are just looking for a reason to put down the successful console.

I know people will bring up Sunset Overdrive but critically its in the same ballpark as Infamous. Halo collection is coming out and it looks like good value but at the end of the day its just games we've already played before.....which was the criticism against The Last of Us Remastered.

Even back at launch people were enjoying Dead Rising and Ryse and laughing at Killzone and Knack but if you check the average scores theres not much difference between them at gamerankings for example.

Now obviously reviews aren't the last word on a games quality before people jump on me but I'm trying to remain neutral here. I'd give the slight edge to X1 on retail games but only slightly. Both lineups seem about equal to me so I don't get why people pick on the PS4 only. Most of the big games have been on both systems. Hell games like sunset overdrive, infamous etc pale in comparison to the hype that GTA V has, or games like Destiny, Dragon Age, Diablo, Call of Duty and Shadow of Mordor. Those games were on both consoles. I would bet most x1/ps4 owners have been playi games like that and the EA sports games anyway.

It's kind of funny because I remember 7 years ago this was the mantra with PS3 too and the PS3's lineup in it's first year or so craps on the PS4's.
Yeah I hated the ps3s year one lineup. Boy did things turn around a few years in though. I think thats what everyone expects from PS4.


Both consoles were pretty meh for me this year as I also own a PC to play most multi plats on.

PS4 has no good games indeed, 0, nothing, end of the story.
This isn't about sales, it's about games, and how good they are. Sales only matter to me when a game I really like does fuck all, like FH2 apparently, and I think Insomniac and Sunset Overdrive deserve nothing but success. I would be sad to see otherwise.

I agree. But if we put aside our respective views (I really dislike open world racers, so I am really not into Forza Horizon), we would be forced to defer to reviews to assess the value of a game's proposition. If Sunset Overdrive is hailed as this amazing title for getting a 82 score, I find it strange that Infamous SS, which obtained a 80, and sold much, much better, is barely mentioned as a worthy title...


I started a thread the other day about whether to sell my PS4. I have enjoyed a couple of games on it very much but generally I haven't found a lot to play in its first year. I am fussy though and there are games out there. I always thought Eurogamer was fairly unbiased incidentally
Far Cry 4 too.

That's an amazing week we will have and I just can't go back to ps3 anymore.

Oh yeah, forgot about that one. I guess because I have no interest in that game whereas I consider the other three as must-buys, but you're right, that further enforces what I'm saying. An amazing week indeed.


I think you need to read up on what these things mean. That's not a No True Scotsman argument.

And if this was a debate it would be a tu quoque.

In conclusion: Mega fail

No real indie dev would say their games are fluff.

Ad Hominem is literally "to the person", which is where he took the argument. I'm not sure "Appeal to Hypocrisy" is mutually exclusive from it.


95% of the people posting in this thread obviously didn't even read the article.

I'm guessing people have busy Sundays since they don't have the time to read past the title?

I read it and it doesn't change my point at all.

The whole premise it is built on is so shitty and it ignores a large chunk of games because they don't count for one reason or another.

It also somehow speaks for "PS4 owners," which is pretty damn hilarious actually.

Mr Rivuz

Up until now i kinda agree with the article, except for Destiny and Infamous i havent used my ps4 much. I'm kinda envious of xboxone owners for Forza Horizon 2, D4 and Sunset Overdrive, but i'm sure that in 2015 things will change.
Until then, i'll just keep playing Bayonetta 2 and Smash Bros U :p
If PS4 has no games, what have I been playing all year?

The waiting game!



I think it's been ok on both console's. Yea the exclusive's are not anything to shout about at the moment on any of them. I dunno I guess people just expect better from sony with what they put out last gen. That being said it's still early and last gen they did over rate game's likely due to the game"s look better they seem to be more cautious now, and rightly so better looking game's does not make an average game any better.
It's true!

I regret buying my ps4 this early, there is just nothing at all for me to buy on that console

Please don't say 3rd parties, i am talking games i can't play anywhere else :)


BF4 best version, Infamous, Last of Us Remaster, Diablo 3, Shadow of Mordor best versiong. MGS V Ground Zeroes best version, COD AW best version.

Yeah I played no games this year... uhum ok...
I think you need to read up on what these things mean. That's not a No True Scotsman argument.

In conclusion: Mega fail

I have to disagree with this. The original poster commented that if he was actually an indie developer he would not say that, trying to apply a way of thinking/acting/speaking to an abstract concept, invoking the "no true Scotsman" rule.
I think eurogamer (and a lot of other gaming-media) made the mistake of assuming that a lack of console exclusives equals a lack of games in general. As a PS4 owner i don't agree with this. I've had a steady supply of games in PS4, all year long, with the free PS+ games helping me over the somewhat dry months of january and february this year. Yes there's been a lack of First party exclusives, but when i look at my PS3 and Xbox 360 library, about 75% of those games are multiplatform anyway. And this generation, the PS4 seems to be the best choice for Multiplayer games (excluding PC).


That article really does a good job of capturing my sentiment. I'm a collector - I was always going to own all three consoles - but despite owning it since launch, I've not felt the allure of a must-have. The only full title I've played extensively on PS4? Black Flag. The exclusives are leaving me cold (One possible exception: Second Son. But I'm still a game behind on the series, and I'm a stickler for playing titles in order; I'll pick up SS in due course, no doubt!), and much of the indie lineup is great but also stuff I've played in other forms elsewhere.

The next title I'm purchasing on PS4? Little Big Planet 3. It's the first full-price retail game that's interested me since launch. I'm really looking forward to it (I don't have the same problem as I do with Infamous there!). And yet... I *could* play that on PS3 if I wished.

The press are driving this 'no games' narrative so hard. In a couple of years it will be seen as a fact.
I've been feeling this way for quite a while, since before I saw much from the press offering the same sentiment.


"Better exclusives" Between consoles is definitely down to the individuals opinion. I'm loving infamous second son and tlou:r was awesome. Plus binding of isaac and pix the cat aren't on the xbox one...

February and March have the order and Blood borne so even though the end of the year is barren the start of next year looks great.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I think they've missed the point of what usually sells consoles to the wider audience.

Sony could have the strongest first party lineup that they can muster and - while it would be extremely welcome for many, including me, and Eurogamer, and probably many on GAF - the best selling franchises for the year would still look mostly the same.

I say this as someone who still hasn't bought a PS4. It probably will be the first party and indie stuff coming next year that makes me bite the bullet but I'm probably not the typical buyer. It shouldn't be so difficult to accept that people have different tastes and different reasons for wanting something.
This isn't "Microsoft vs. Sony," this is just about PS4's first year.

It's very, very difficult to argue with Eurogamer's conclusion that if you hadn't bought a PS4 this year you could easily have had just as good a time playing the same games on PS3.


It's true!

I regret buying my ps4 this early, there is just nothing at all for me to buy on that console

Please don't say 3rd parties, i am talking games i can't play anywhere else :)

But 3rd parties is important, because PS4 has most of the best versions of them...


This isn't "Microsoft vs. Sony," this is just about PS4's first year.

It's very, very difficult to argue with Eurogamer's conclusion that if you hadn't bought a PS4 this year you could easily have had just as good a time playing the same games on PS3.

Of cause but as long as the ps3 has the multi plats and you are not bothered about better looking and performing games then you can carry on using the ps3 for another 10 years.


I sold my PS4 for the exact reasons Eurogamer states. Great system but it lacks the great online service, frequent updates and exciting exclusives the Xbox One does.
This isn't "Microsoft vs. Sony," this is just about PS4's first year.

It's very, very difficult to argue with Eurogamer's conclusion that if you hadn't bought a PS4 this year you could easily have had just as good a time playing the same games on PS3.

It's not difficult because we're seeing PS4 versions of games sell better than any other version of them. So people have decided that they'd have more fun with those versions than they would've with a PS3 or 360 version of the same game. I won't touch a last gen version of a game if I can get it on the PS4. It's simply going to be a better game on that platform.
The fact that people dismiss indy games really piss me off. It is not acknowledging all the hard work that indies put into their games, especially when a lot of them are better games than plenty of boxed games.

You are calling yourself out all the time?

No, i call you out for the fact that you are saying persecution complex while you exercise it all the time in Nintendo threads. You don´t seem to understand what that means. But that is off topic so i will not answer you anymore.
But 3rd parties is important, because PS4 has most of the best versions of them...

Man there is hardly any difference between them, don't care how many milliseconds of slow down a comparison video shows to show you the difference, there is hardly nothing between them in reality
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