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Why do the Brits never vote for Mo Farah in SPOTY?

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Alistair brownlee has acheived a hell of a lot and won olympic gold this year and back in 2012 and probably got a boost from him collapsing in that race a couple of months ago when his brother helped him over the line

i forgot about that. the pic probably was what did it. power of a good image.

basically farah had two possible years because of low visibility of sport outside of olympics

2012 - overshadowed by murray's first wimbeldon by a brit in yonks & olympic gold + wiggins winning first tour de france as a brit in forever & being joint record most decorated british olympian + ennis being the literal face of the home olympics and absolutely everwhere
2016 - overshadowed by murray wimbeldon, olympics, #1 and two more narrative friendly and fresh feeling olympic successes (by this time farah was household name so people probably wanted to celebrate someone new feeling)

Par Score

murray is an understandable winner but i do think it's bullshit that triathlete brownlee came 2nd with 16% of the vote and farah came fourth with 7.3%. farah's achievements are far greater.

i can understand the showjumper in 3rd just cuz of the novelty of the 58 year old man as an olympic medalist being a nice narrative.

Brownlee has a compelling story too, everyone loves a bit of sibling rivalry, and his interactions with his brother (helping him over the line in the last race of the season etc.) and actual personality gets him a lot of love.

Plus, Yorkshire innit.


It's not about creating drama, I feel strongly about this. It's disgraceful how the masses overlook him.

Yes he is celebrated by the sporting media but the ordinary folk in non-multicultural areas dislike immigrants.

It's awesome you're the voice for all the "non-multicultural" areas in the UK.

I'm sure there are 10's of thousands of middle distance running fans in Sheffield or Newcastle or Aberdeen just desperate for a white 10k runner to vote for in SPOTY.


Must I say it again? It's not just about his skin colour, it's the fact that he is an immigrant and Muslim. See how he prays after every race?

Linford was neither of the above.

I keep seeing you bring up his immigrant background and the praying. You sure you're not reaching here? Maybe, just maybe, the average Brit cares less about those things than you make it seem.


He is celebrated a lot when he win medals for Britain. But the fact that he is a Muslim immigrant means that they have less love in their hearts that than they would have if he wasn't.

I don't deny that he is celebrated, but there is a lot of hidden dislike for him around the country. He is celebrated more in multicultural parts of the UK and in the liberal media. But the Brits elsewhere don't really love him.

The fact is that him never being in the top 3 is a disgrace. He is considered by the pros to be the greatest British athlete ever.

You're literally just making stuff up now. 'Hidden dislike' lol. Everyone was going crazy when he won his golds. He's amazing.
Just wait a week until they make it Sir Andy. I can only imagine the thread then, lol.

OP, you are reaching with this, if people look hard enough they can see anything they want to see.


Maturity, bitches.
I guess whoever invited Muhammad Ali to take part in the London Olympic's opening ceremony wasn't told that foreigners and muslims aren't allowed to be celebrated in British sports.

Disappointed with GAF. Not quite as liberal as I thought.


He could only really win it in an Olympic year, and this year Murray was unbeatable (2nd Wimbledon title and becoming world No 1). Maybe he could have won 2012 but that was such a big year for sport here (I can't remember who actually won, but pretty much any of the stars from Team GB could have)

Murray is big in the Olympics, and big the rest of the time.
He has done the 'double double' and won so many other championship medals. It makes him Britian's most celebrated athlete ever. He should have won the award 5 years ago but never even makes it to the top 3. Today again he was robbed of the award.

Is this a sign of the racist undertones in society that Brexit and Trump made obvious to us?

....nope? I don't know who has beaten him in previous years but Andy Murray had an incredible year that may not be beaten for decades by another Brit.

I think Tennis is also more widely popular but also how many people vote for SPOTY? 100s of 1000s? Because that's a pretty shitty sample size :p

People get robbed of awards all the time. If it was up to Arsenal fans they'd probably manage to get him the award every year...
Murray's first because he's achieved great things and got all of the Scots behind him as well. Brownlee did well at a hard sport and people love the story of him and his brother. The showjumper came back from injury and everybody loves an older guy that can still rock it.

Racism could be a thing why Mo isn't super super big maybe, but if that was the biggest factor than surely the saviour of the working class would have taken it all:


Stealth edit: I really was expecting Vardy to place higher though, non-league to winning the premier league is a hell of a story.


Junior Member
You're literally just making stuff up now. 'Hidden dislike' lol. Everyone was going crazy when he won his golds. He's amazing.

Yes that's what you see. Here is what you don't:

Researchers found that the white candidates - John Andrews and Jenny Hughes - were successful in getting interviews 23% of the time while the black African applicants - Abu Olasemi and Yinka Olatunde - had a 13% success rate. For Fatima Khan and Nasser Hanif, the Muslim candidates, the success rate was just 9%.


That is what's hidden. Lots of people like the fact that he wins of GB but hate the fact that he is an immigrant. Go read the Daily Mail and see how many comments are against him.


Yes that's what you see. Here is what you don't:


That is what's hidden. Lots of people like the fact that he wins of GB but hate the fact that he is an immigrant. Go read the Daily Mail and see how many comments are against him.

I'm not arguing that there isn't institutional racism in this country. Of course there is. But that's not why Mo why didn't win Sports Personality. When people point out other black athletes winning it in the past you move the goalposts.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Farah just got very unlucky with his timing, I think. Nobody really watches athletics except in Olympics years, and this is something that is decided by popular vote. So Farah only realistically had two chances - 2012, and 2016. Unfortunately, he had to contend with an absolute raft of all-time British performances in both years. That's incredibly tough to do.

Hamilton won in 2014 and most people think he's a bit of a dickhead whereas Mo is generally well liked, but 2014 was a quiet year.


It really should be renamed Sports Person of the Year. Andy Murray doesn't have a personality.

Regardless, the likes of Lewis Hamilton and Kelly Holmes have won in the past.
Farah probably has a good shot for next year if he does the double at the london world athletics and retires but again there'll probably be a tonne of other big acheivements to compete with (wouldn't surprise me if murray wins again lol)


Junior Member
lol yes, because the Daily Mail is a good way to learn anything

Yes and that's why you guys thought Trump wont win. You live in a liberal bubble and never see the other side. I too am liberal but at least I admit a problem when I see it. You think the world is exactly like your social community and what you see in the media.

And for those of you who keep bringing up how great Murray's year has been: I don't deny it. Murray is deserving of the award. But I don't accept Mo being 4th. And don't forget he wins World Championships too. They come every two years. He has multiple of those medals. And European and and Commonwealth medals.

Now let me quote the man himself:

In an interview published on Tuesday, Farah said: “I’ve never been in the top three of Sports Personality. And I won’t be in the top three again. You have just got to accept what it is. What drives me is winning medals and going out there and enjoying it.”


See even he know that it's a problem.


Farah probably has a good shot for next year if he does the double at the london world athletics and retires but again there'll probably be a tonne of other big acheivements to compete with (wouldn't surprise me if murray wins again lol)

Could well be up against Anthony Joshua too.

Then again, he can't win because he's black.


Track running isn't particularly popular in the UK. Certainly not compared to Football, Tennis, Cricket, F1, Rugby, Darts and probably a dozen other sports.


Yes and that's why you guys thought Trump wont win. You live in a liberal bubble and never see the other side. I too am liberal but at least I admit a problem when I see it. You think the world is exactly like your social community and what you see in the media.

See even he know that it's a problem.

First you say GAF isn't as liberal as you thought, now you are saying we are living in a liberal bubble which is it? Also i would like to know how you know me better then myself?



1st: Mark Cavendish (IOM) Cycling
2nd: Darren Clarke (NIR) Golf
3rd: Mo Farah (ENG) Athletics


So much for never being in the top 3....


Irrelevant. Mo has never been in the top 3. That's what is relevant.
The whole basis of SPOTY is just wrong. A popularity contest, but the beauty of sport is that it's about achievement where the rules are the same for anyone no matter their background. SPOTY ruins this.
Yes and that's why you guys thought Trump wont win. You live in a liberal bubble and never see the other side. I too am liberal but at least I admit a problem when I see it. You think the world is exactly like your social community and what you see in the media.

And for those of you who keep bringing up how great Murray's year has been: I don't deny it. Murray is deserving of the award. But I don't accept Mo being 4th. And don't forget he wins World Championships too. They come every two years. He has multiple of those medals. And European and and Commonwealth medals.

Now let me quote the man himself:


See even he know that it's a problem.

World championships dont usually get anywhere like the exposure that olympics do (next years in london should be different though)
And while you are accepting of murray winning you are basically shitting on Brownlee and Skelton who both had incredible acheivements with both having incredible stories attatched


Yes and that's why you guys thought Trump wont win. You live in a liberal bubble and never see the other side. I too am liberal but at least I admit a problem when I see it. You think the world is exactly like your social community and what you see in the media.

I prefer my right wing media to actually be intelligent and informed. Not conservative Monkies throwing shut at one another. That's why I read the telegraph and the times if I want a informed reality check when it comes to media outside of my own liberal bubble.
Live in a liberal bubble?

Because I chose not to read the Daily Mail? There's a new one.

If Anthony Joshua beats Klitschko next year I could see him winning it.


Junior Member
He was third in 2011. This is the second time that's been pointed out to you in this thread.

Ok you are right about that. I didn't know. But my problem still stands.

I guess one reason I feel so strongly is that I have faced a lot of racist abuse in the UK. I have been spat at, beaten up, told not to touch things in shops because of my skin colour. I live in a part of the UK with a lot of racists. I see things that people don't see. Sigh. At least I know that some people agree with me. Even if it's a few people.

Jay Sosa

Cause he's just runner?

No one gives a fuck about running (besides 100m/200m)

If Anthony Joshua beats Klitschko next year I could see him winning it.

Oh, no doubt. Dude is handsome as hell and oozes charisma. Has been my mancrush ever since I saw some sky docu about him.

I mean look at him. LOOK AT HIM:

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