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Why is Adam Sessler tweeting about being afraid and having to leave the industry?

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See, it's not even worth thinking about as long as he stops being cryptic. If he wants to do something useful then he should release that upsetting information anonymously. But that's something a journalist would do.

What kind of entitlement bull is this? How about its none of our business until he makes it our business? Going anonymous is obviously idiotic in the sense that we would still know it's him since we are talking about him. What?

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
See, it's not even worth thinking about as long as he stops being cryptic. If he wants to do something useful then he should release that upsetting information anonymously. But that's something a journalist would do.

How do you do that in a way that's not easy to dismiss? None of the big sites are going to run the story since they could face the same repricussions as everyone else, and most of them are probably under NDA about the subject at hand anyway and won't want to look like their anonymous source is themselves.

I don't think anyone's going to put much stock in it if he just makes a big pastebin about it.


Neo Member
If the issue is some people in the gaming press do not like, or agree with "staged" review events, then they shouldn't participate. These experienced adults should inform their viewers, or readers that they do not wish to handle the reviews this way and will not be able to present such content until a later date than other sites/reviewers.

If this is the situation they are presented to work in...comment that you will not be apart of it and work outside the situation. Sure, they may not receive certain resources in a time or manner they wish. They may also not be able to produce content in a certain period of time that they wish, but they do still have personal control outside of the situation.

If I was in the situation, and feeling like Adam does, I would comment on it and decide to not work on such coverage, or take it upon myself to procure what I needed and do it in a setting more to my comfort.

I would love to read more details with what is going on and why a few industry people are so worked up. (And one who publicly makes a statement about leaving the industry over this) I really would have expected more of an intelligent approach from an experienced adult in this industry.


Stop doing this to yourself guys.

Sessler himself said this would affect a "handful" of people.

Gertsman says it's not a big deal

Jschrier (sic) said it's not a big deal

If it were half the things you are all talking about, more than Sessler would be having a hissy fit.


One other thing, tweets going out saying it's not Xbox related, does that automatically have to mean it's Sony/PS4 related?

Another thing, didn't Marcus Beer pretty much clarify it's got to do with staged events?

Or is there a storm of things happening (CoD 720, staged events, and the sessler thing) and people are confusing tweets/reactions to be about just one thing?

What kind of entitlement bull is this? How about its none of our business until he makes it our business? Going anonymous is obviously idiotic in the sense that we would still know it's him since we are talking about him. What?

Didn't he make it our business by tweeting it? Vague statement that's stirring a shitstorm? If it wasn't any of our business, he should've kept it private from the start.
We don't know if it's an issue yet. It's just speculation right now.

It seems to be an issue for journalist, not only him as far as twitter stalking goes but it's no secret that this stuff is happening. Nintendo pulled the plug first since they are their own publishers, the Total biscuit situation.. I have no doubt about it
I thought MS was the one blocking reviews by having the embargo end at a later date. It's apparently the other way around?

I'm pretty MS has forced review embargos as well.

Both companies are tightening their grips around the critics' neck. I'm surprised there isn't some kind of Association of Video Game Reviewers established specifically for this kind of bullshit.
Guys, it's his twitter. He's free to say anything there. It's his personal mini-blog.

If he does this in articles, videos or what, sure. You can bash him for being cryptic. But when it's his twitter, where things that he posts are about his everyday life, he has the right to keep things under wraps. Seriously, you guys are making him like a servant who has to follow each or your needs and desires.
Guys, it's his twitter. He's free to say anything there. It's his personal mini-blog.

If he does this in articles, videos or what, sure. You can bash him for being cryptic. But when it's his twitter, where things that he posts are about his everyday life, he has the right to keep things under wraps. Seriously, you guys are making him like a servant who has to follow each or your needs and desires.

why not just unfollow him?
Where is this youtube thing coming from?

I've seen an image floating around with no source suggesting Sony and Microsoft are pulling every video off youtube.
But apparently this big end of the youtube gaming industry thing is happening but nobody wants to talk about it? What would be the reason not to shout it to the heavens? Would the people at youtube pulling all the videos and stopping revenue get offended and...do it faster or something?

All this talk is about the Sony press event and review schedules. We had Marcus Beer in here earlier talking about it. Am I missing something else?
Just tried that, using a Google nexus..installer blocked it :p .. Possibly something to do with samsung /security :p
No, you have to go into settings and allow installation of apps from unknown sources. Otherwise you can't install anything that's not from the Play Store.


WTF is that app exclusive to samsung
Same reason Flipboard was exclusive to Samsung phones for a while. They paid for it.


I detest the guys voice with a vengeance but I sure as shit don't want the poor bastard losing his job :( I get the impression he's pretty passionate about gaming and has a pretty huge selection of fans.

Wonder what is going on.
This isn't a dumb question, it's the one that should be asked and answered before everone's going crazy again.

Yeah, I can see this going in circles.

I started off my morning with the thread about the confirmation over 720p BF4/COD. We had Bish drop the news that CBOAT has pmed him about technical problems, and CBOAT said we'ld see at launch. Thuway hints at having further knowledge, but seeks mod approval before posting this time. He can't seem to wait for confirmation, so posts on Twitter, before confirming that PS4 BF4 is 900p over here. Concurrently we have these twitter folk cryptically whining over some issue, which they are unable to share (and so frankly, should have left it off of social media in the first place). Inevitably GAF gets worked up about it, and assumes that there is some new fishy stuff going on with the Xbox. Or the later review embargo for the Xbox. Penello confirms it's not the Xbox, so everyone assumes it's the PS4. Kevin Dent posts a wall of rambling text complaining about the PS4, and is shut down by Mortimer and CBOAT. Marcus Beer let's out that the Press are annoyed about the review event for the PS4, yet there's no real confirmation from any party about that.

And now we've got some random on Twitter, who, as far as I can tell doesn't have any inside knowledge, claiming it is something to do with Youtube, and we all suddenly believe him?

This is just too suspicious.


Yeah, I can see this going in circles.

I started off my morning with the thread about the confirmation over 720p BF4/COD. We had Bish drop the news that CBOAT has pmed him about technical problems, and CBOAT said we'ld see at launch. Thuway hints at having further knowledge, but seeks mod approval before posting this time. He can't seem to wait for confirmation, so posts on Twitter, before confirming that PS4 BF4 is 900p over here. Concurrently we have these twitter folk cryptically whining over some issue, which they are unable to share (and so frankly, should have left it off of social media in the first place). Inevitably GAF gets worked up about it, and assumes that there is some new fishy stuff going on with the Xbox. Or the later review embargo for the Xbox. Penello confirms it's not the Xbox, so everyone assumes it's the PS4. Kevin Dent posts a wall of rambling text complaining about the PS4, and is shut down by Mortimer and CBOAT. Marcus Beer let's out that the Press are annoyed about the review event for the PS4, yet there's no real confirmation from any party about that.

And now we've got some random on Twitter, who, as far as I can tell doesn't have any inside knowledge, claiming it is something to do with Youtube, and we all suddenly believe him?

This is just too suspicious.

This was an excellent summary and surprisingly fun to read, good job!
One the one hand I doubt it's YT because that Annoyed Gamer guy said it's about the staged event. On the other hand that would only mean that you get to review stuff later, which doesn't seem like too much of a problem? It's literally a couple of days.


How do you do that in a way that's not easy to dismiss? None of the big sites are going to run the story since they could face the same repricussions as everyone else, and most of them are probably under NDA about the subject at hand anyway and won't want to look like their anonymous source is themselves.

I don't think anyone's going to put much stock in it if he just makes a big pastebin about it.

There's something called integrity. The games industry and all those self-proclaimed journalists are good at forgetting what this word means.


Neo Member
Guys, it's his twitter. He's free to say anything there. It's his personal mini-blog.

If he does this in articles, videos or what, sure. You can bash him for being cryptic. But when it's his twitter, where things that he posts are about his everyday life, he has the right to keep things under wraps. Seriously, you guys are making him like a servant who has to follow each or your needs and desires.

He doesn't have to provide any further information if he does not wish to. His posts are made public and are related to the video game industry. He himself is now news and others will comment on it and even ask for clarification on the situation.
One the one hand I doubt it's YT because that Annoyed Gamer guy said it's about the staged event. On the other hand that would only mean that you get to review stuff later, which doesn't seem like too much of a problem? It's literally a couple of days.

It isn't a problem for people doing up text, but for those who make videos it is a much bigger issue. They will want to sit down with the games in their own environment and do their editing etc.
If it's youtube, then it's the publishers.. and if it's the publishers, then this shit is all about message control...

The publishers will happily give the review sites official video, but in return they want 'favorable' reviews, and you only get official gameplay video if your reviews are favorable...

where could it stop? how about print magazines or blog sites not being able to show screenshots in their reviews because the publisher will claim copyright infringement?, but guess what! give us favorable reviews and you all good to go...

Microsoft may not being 'front and center' about this, but with their hatred of all things Google, you have to ask yourself are they being 'Machiavellian' about it behind the scenes...?

Alternatively it could be just about money, and the publishers have asked the likes of Rev3 for a cut of their advertisement revenue...


The way Totalbiscuit mentioned his livelihood is potentially in danger and was a big news this past week. Now Sess mentions it with the same tone.. This feels like it's Youtube related


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
One the one hand I doubt it's YT because that Annoyed Gamer guy said it's about the staged event. On the other hand that would only mean that you get to review stuff later, which doesn't seem like too much of a problem? It's literally a couple of days.

It might just be a plethora of shit happening at once so all the vagueness is actually misinterpreted different scenarios for different people.

In any case, something about the press event hardly seems like it would be a major blow to people getting late dev kits and consoles. Launch coverage gets hits, but it's a single period of time. I can't see him talking to such an extreme if that is all it is.
One the one hand I doubt it's YT because that Annoyed Gamer guy said it's about the staged event. On the other hand that would only mean that you get to review stuff later, which doesn't seem like too much of a problem? It's literally a couple of days.

Surely if you have got an issue then you don't sign the NDA and when the PS4 launches you buy one and you can bash it to hell if you like, as you didn't like the NDA in the first place. With Sonys good press at the moment, i don't think they would risk a large backlash from press/media by forcing the them to do something out of the ordinary.

Dead Man

How do you do that in a way that's not easy to dismiss? None of the big sites are going to run the story since they could face the same repricussions as everyone else, and most of them are probably under NDA about the subject at hand anyway and won't want to look like their anonymous source is themselves.

I don't think anyone's going to put much stock in it if he just makes a big pastebin about it.

If only there were people who were trusted to get information out to the public, and would be willing to publish his information in an anonymous manner while vouching for the veracity of the source. If only.


Entitled gamers is a common trope, but the entitled press is unbelievable. Oh no, you're only getting free test units two days before launch, I don't know how you get out of bed in the mornings.

They better hope Sony and MS never realize they're a complete waste of time and money. Game sales wouldn't even be impacted if the big three decided to instantly end video game press. PR would be much more controlled. When you're getting a free ride, you don't spit at the driver.
It's strange that only a small collective of people are upset about this on twitter.

Also, the Sony review event makes no sense as these sort of events are held all the time, and we never hear that much bitching about them.


The way Totalbiscuit mentioned his livelihood is potentially in danger and was a big news this past week. Now Sess mentions it with the same tone.. This feels like it's Youtube related

Pretty hypocritical of him to complain considering how he didnt give a shit about DRM on Xbox one. Ditto on Sessler.


Remember a couple months ago when Machinima floated that rumor that Youtube uploading was not going to be a feature and that there were sources who told them that capture control was going to be a big deal? Right after that Sony confirmed that they would patch in capture so we sort of ignored that Youtube part of the story, but is this what they were talking about?


The way Totalbiscuit mentioned his livelihood is potentially in danger and was a big news this past week. Now Sess mentions it with the same tone.. This feels like it's Youtube related

Agree, i dont see why this review event is a massive problem, yeah having a few hours to review a game is hardly great, but its been going on since late 90s. And usually companies are very protective of their products, especially at launch of their consoles.

Whether Ses' review of Knack is out day 1 or day 9 will hardly matter much, things will return to normalcy as games are released normally and we go back to the usual stuff

But if YouTube indeed is changing things, then that changes everything for the likes of him, TB and all the other YT people who do make most of their money there and not on their personal sites.
One other thing, tweets going out saying it's not Xbox related, does that automatically have to mean it's Sony/PS4 related?

Another thing, didn't Marcus Beer pretty much clarify it's got to do with staged events?

Or is there a storm of things happening (CoD 720, staged events, and the sessler thing) and people are confusing tweets/reactions to be about just one thing?

Didn't he make it our business by tweeting it? Vague statement that's stirring a shitstorm? If it wasn't any of our business, he should've kept it private from the start.

Can you spell entitlement any louder! Wtf? He did not make it our business but expressed his frustrations on twitter because he can do that. To question what he is talking about is ridiculous because technically what he is concerned or frustrated about is not our business.
He doesn't have to provide any further information if he does not wish to. His posts are made public and are related to the video game industry. He himself is now news and others will comment on it and even ask for clarification on the situation.

That's fine. People who are dicks about it is what annoys me.


The way Totalbiscuit mentioned his livelihood is potentially in danger and was a big news this past week. Now Sess mentions it with the same tone.. This feels like it's Youtube related


My guess is that either Youtube or there is some publisher thing going on backstage.

Maybe Youtube fears that with new consoles and milions of people sharing everything via 1 button will essentially crash Youtube and content variety on it ?

I mean already games have big presence on youtube. Give people easy way to share and stream and suddenly every new youtube vid will be some game gameplay.


Guys, it's his twitter. He's free to say anything there. It's his personal mini-blog.

If he does this in articles, videos or what, sure. You can bash him for being cryptic. But when it's his twitter, where things that he posts are about his everyday life, he has the right to keep things under wraps. Seriously, you guys are making him like a servant who has to follow each or your needs and desires.

Sorry, when his twitter profile points out his job, and links to his YouTube channel, I'd consider that a professional twitter account before it is a personal one.


What does the DRM have to do with this?

It's the doesn't affect me argument coming home to roost.

DRM didn't affect them so they didn't care, Them having problems with YT doesn't affect us so why should we care?

I'd guess that's the reason anyway, it would make sense to me.
Maybe twitch (and/Ustream lol) have some sort of deal with sony/ms that in order for them to have them on the system and stream straight to their service that youtube videos should be gone.. Meaning twitch get all that money youtube was getting. Maybe they want twitch to be the main spot to watch game videos. idk


(From other thread)
Its likely not consoles, Sony/ms... Seems like publishers wanting it blocked via YouTube....

Sessler =consoles

Total biscuit livelihood = PC

Only correlation is the publishers forcing YouTube??


Can you spell entitlement any louder! Wtf? He did not make it our business but expressed his frustrations on twitter because he can do that. To question what he is talking about is ridiculous because technically what he is concerned or frustrated about is not our business.

If you say something on social media, in particular one that is OPEN like twitter, it is no longer private, seriously. Specially when it comes from a person in the (gaming)media.

What you're saying makes it more like he deserves our sympathy, but we cannot question why?

And you're the one talking about entitlement?
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