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Why is Adam Sessler tweeting about being afraid and having to leave the industry?

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Its youtube Guys



If it is to do with YouTube then I wonder if it is because of Twitch integration on the boxes and the deals setup with Twitch.

Clips on YouTube will take clicks away from Twitch.


Considering Sessler never addressed the statement he made at E3 where he said the PS4 would be more expensive than the Xbox one if MS made Xbox Live free, I'm willing to take this with a slight pinch of salt. I know some bigger sites (and some smaller ones too) have debugs now or at least coming very soon, so if this is about the review event then it's certainly sounding overblown


at last, for christ's sake
sometimes this industry and its "celebrities" make me feel a bit embarassed of myself since I'm part of it
Its youtube Guys

Wouldn't you just move to a different video site or go as far as to make your own video player rather than just quite the industry if it was specifically youtube removing game-related videos? I don't see why it'd only effect the XB1 review of CoD Gies was talking about either, unless that's a wholly unrelated affair to what's affecting Sessler.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I asked this in the David Boyle's thread, but maybe this is the best place for this.

Guys, I tried to read the whole journalists integrity arguement happened in the last hours, but I could have lost some details. I've seen Kagari's answer, that Gies, Beer and Sessler are involved, as well as PS4 review event. Anyone who can fill me up with details? Even through PM, in order to not pollute this thread with things said so many times.


oh wow, and right after we had the blowout TotalBiscuit had after just one of his videos getting removed. This will be big if true =/


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Why would Youtube do that? Gaming stuff, LPs etc get them a ton of views, why would they ever get rid of it? Are they replacing it with porn?


I guess there is room online for a video service with no such restrictions now, where all the video game youtube channels can migrate? That is until YouTube does a 180. I don't think they realize how much content and viewers they are about to lose. That is if I understand what this is exactly.


Consider the ramifications. If publishers essentially have the right now to take down any footage involving their games from youtube, it means that being on a blacklist not only means that you don't get early access and inside scoops, it also means they have the ability to censor you off the biggest video site on the internet and prevent you from even covering their games without their permission.
I guess there is room online for a video service with no such restrictions now, where all the video game youtube channels can migrate? That is until YouTube does a 180. I don't think they realize how much content and viewers they are about to lose. That is if I understand what this is exactly.

Is it youtube though restricting these videos or publishers/developers?

Edit: My understanding is that they will only allow videos provided by publishers/developers. So they can still do video reviews. They just can't use their own captured footage


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I think more than half of all my youtube subscriptions are videogame-related. The implications behind removing all game movies not from publishers and developers would be so major if taken literally that I'm inclined not to believe it lol

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
So who's "TheRealAtrocity" then? Can we please fucking clear up who tweets stuff before all going crazy about tweets?
I think more than half of all my youtube subscriptions are videogame-related. The implications behind removing all game movies not from publishers and developers would be so major if taken literally that I'm inclined not to believe it lol

And why would he be the only one who knows about Youtube's "plans"?

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Wouldn't you just move to a different video site or go as far as to make your own video player rather than just quite the industry if it was specifically youtube removing game-related videos? I don't see why it'd only effect the XB1 review of CoD Gies was talking about either, unless that's a wholly unrelated affair to what's affecting Sessler.

They could if they don't care about not making enough money to support themselves or their families. It's not as simple as just going to a different video site or making their own site. If they're not on YouTube then 99% of their viewers are going to disappear just like that.

Don't know if TheRealAtrocity is actually anybody, but it wouldn't surprise me if this has something to do with YouTube cracking down hard on who can monetize gaming content.


oh wow, and right after we had the blowout TotalBiscuit had after just one of his videos getting removed. This will be big if true =/

That's why it won't happen. Just like DRM, people will go nuts... oh and imagine all those closed YT accounts. You don't want to piss off the very disturbing fanbase of even more disturbing people like PewDiePie.


I think: You can't review the PS4 hardware unless you go to the review event. The units at the event will be running firmware not available until release on the test kits handed out to the media, and Sony don't want reviews saying stuff like "it doesn't play blurays, but that should be fixed with an upcoming firmware update". Certain outlets either haven't been invited to the review event or are unable to attend, and they're getting mad.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does Keos Atrocity check out?

As in, is there any reason to believe what he's saying isn't just another rumour on top of the already growing pile.

Because I thought that Sessler and the like were hinting it was a gaming company, not just an organisation like Youtube. And I find it hard to believe Youtube would take down gaming videos, considering that would have to be some of the most viewed videos over YT.

This is all too much to comprehend, I can't wait till launch so some of these rumours can be straightened out (and others inevitably take their place).


Sessler seems like a guy with serious drug problems. He sometimes looks high on cocaine during the videos Ive seen of him.
Seriously there's something wrong with this guy
Maybe they have to block YouTube clips because of the deals with Twitch?

This would be an overreaching and bone headed move because the integration of twitch/ustream will already bring a lot more videos/viewers to these sites. It still makes sense though. Just don't think it's the right move


Consider the ramifications. If publishers essentially have the right now to take down any footage involving their games from youtube, it means that being on a blacklist not only means that you don't get early access and inside scoops, it also means they have the ability to censor you off the biggest video site on the internet and prevent you from even covering their games without their permission.

If this is true, now I can understand the freak out.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does Keos Atrocity check out?

As in, is there any reason to believe what he's saying isn't just another rumour on top of the already growing pile.

Because I thought that Sessler and the like were hinting it was a gaming company, not just an organisation like Youtube. And I find it hard to believe Youtube would take down gaming videos, considering that would have to be some of the most viewed videos over YT.

This is all too much to comprehend, I can't wait till launch so some of these rumours can be straightened out (and others inevitably take their place).

This isn't a dumb question, it's the one that should be asked and answered before everone's going crazy again.
The sad thing about all this is that game reviews are kind of worthless anyway. All of this drama over the game review process. I wish there was a study done that gave a good indication whether reviews have much of an impact on what people buy. Most of the time they're used solely as fanboy fodder. God, what a broken system.

I remember reading a "letters to the editor" column in Game Players magazine years and years ago in which a writer stated that he would not buy a game that had less than an 84% rating. From the tone, it sounded like he wouldn't acknowledge their existence. Think about how few games this guy got to experience as a result of that rule. Hell, nowadays he'd probably be playing nothing but FPSes and Asscreed.


Sessler seems like a guy with serious drug problems. He sometimes looks high on cocaine during the videos Ive seen of him.
Seriously there's something wrong with this guy

I actually thought that before but didn't want to bring it up because of the negative over the top spin on it...he does describe some event shows as completely draining etc (E3 and the like)
Don't even try to understand. Sessler probably had a bad day and access to twitter, come back later and laugh about it with us.

I get that, Adam is upset bout something. That something is what Im confused bout. He's either upset with Sony OR as of now, Youtube. Then theres the debacle with a developer talking bout Xbone and PS4's something. Ugh, too many thing to process...


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Maybe because of the Game DVRs both consoles have and their partnerships with other streaming services.

So, IF that Youtube thing is true, what is the theory?
That Youtube is going to take down all the videos or that Sony is going to force them to take them down? Even if that was the case, isn't most YT stuff on PC? Could publishers actually do that, I though this was all covered under the fair-use thing?

Dead Man

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does Keos Atrocity check out?

As in, is there any reason to believe what he's saying isn't just another rumour on top of the already growing pile.

Because I thought that Sessler and the like were hinting it was a gaming company, not just an organisation like Youtube. And I find it hard to believe Youtube would take down gaming videos, considering that would have to be some of the most viewed videos over YT.

This is all too much to comprehend, I can't wait till launch so some of these rumours can be straightened out (and others inevitably take their place).

Not a dumb question at all, and one some more posters should probably ask.
Why is everyone shitting on Sessler? My goodness.. I mean, I just can't. Calling him a drama queen when he is venting about his source of income? Seriously, Wtf does that have to do with anything. In fact what does Xbox or Playstation have to do with his company. Obviously something is affecting his job doing something he loves regardless of how you may think it's bias or not. Next gen is really bringing out the worst in just about everyone I swear.


Seems to be just a dude speculating. Don't know why so many people on GAF think everything posted on Twitter is news now.

He seems to be discussing with another guy, by the look of their conversation they look like YouTube channel owners.

/its not fact or guaranteed news but at least it makes for some insight or at least some basis of truth.

BTW I doubt its YouTube's own policies, its likely some company forcing youtube. Surely? But its been mentioned not Sony or ms?


Hes probably tweeting this right now naked in a dark apartment hes been holed up in for days cos his cat told him he's about to be fired.


The controlled environment review I can understand being frustrating for reviewers ,but it seems Sony and MS are both doing it - maybe there is simply a lack of devkits available to supply to everyone that wants one, and the crunch for launch means they'd prefer a controlled environment? Ubisoft did it for ACIV too I think

I'm sure it is something that will settle down after launch, as Sony and MS can get devkits to a wider number of press.

Mountain out of a molehill, or platform holders restricting press reviews? I'm going for the first one for now.

The YouTube thing doesn't sound like it makes sense. Why now suddenly at the launch of two consoles - are they going to pull all LPs including PC and WiiU? Are google pissed at MS's and Sony going with twitch/ustream?


I get that, Adam is upset bout something. That something is what Im confused bout. He's either upset with Sony OR as of now, Youtube. Then theres the debacle with a developer talking bout Xbone and PS4's something. Ugh, too many thing to process...

See, it's not even worth thinking about as long as he stops being cryptic. If he wants to do something useful then he should release that upsetting information anonymously. But that's something a journalist would do.
Consider the ramifications. If publishers essentially have the right now to take down any footage involving their games from youtube, it means that being on a blacklist not only means that you don't get early access and inside scoops, it also means they have the ability to censor you off the biggest video site on the internet and prevent you from even covering their games without their permission.

Thank you. I'm feeling this is an issue as well. All this nonsense sessler bashing has absolutely nothing to do with the real issue at hand. Talk about deflect.
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