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Will MS go for Sony's throat at E3 and undercut their PS4 MSRP ?


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I know you guys know about honeytraps... So why are you doing this?

Because I need to say something OT, pricedrop incoming I think. But not that much.


I think they'll price match their current SKU with the PS4.

And then Sony will swiftly respond and go lower, as they have gone on record saying they have designed and priced their system for.

MS is stuck where they are, they made their bed and now they have to lie in it.


more like Crappy: more crappy

and yes they had a MASSIVE library much of that was crap... if I had any desire I'd go and find out the ratio of good (70 +) to bad (50 and below) on metacritic... I wonder if it would be around the same ball part percentage wise?

The PS2 has enough good games to last anyone a lifetime. It's irrelevant that you can fill a landfill with the shovelware. Are you just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point?


I know you guys know about honeytraps... So why are you doing this?

Can't do that.



And then Sony will swiftly respond and go lower, as they have gone on record saying they have designed and priced their system for.

MS is stuck where they are, they made their bed and now they have to lie in it.
Wow,did they say that?


Wow,did they say that?

One of their execs mentioned in an interview that they designed and priced the system to allow them to sell it at a very small loss (as in, with one game sell, they don't lose money at all in one unit), so that if they have to quickly drop the price, they have still some free room to do so, with an acceptable loss.

Sadly, I don't remember who.
Well, I disagree... a failing system means a lot less support down the road. If a system is failing their are less likely to get third party support and some games might even not go to their system. Check at the WiiU, its not exactly thriving on third party support...

I just want to add that RE4 came out to the gamecube first. Why didn't it just go straight to ps2 right away?

It is not thriving with the support, However there is enough content there to keep someone busy who has other obligations in life not just gaming. Personally I don't buy systems for 3rd party support entirely I buy one for the exclusive content for the particular system. The exclusives always are the best experiences for me.


Yes, they said the PS4 was designed and priced to be competitive.

They are ready to pricedrop at any time.

No. It was said that Sony was crossing their fingers all day last year hoping that MS wouldn't go lower than $399 because that was the absolute lowest Sony could go and not lose a great sum of money on each unit. Of course, MS tried their best to give a selfish consumer public a great machine at the affordable price of $499 and the rest is history. The PS4 might be competitively built, but Sony wants to avoid losing money if they can help it. Considering the lack of games on the system, I'd say they better spend more.


Seriously what is hard to get? Even if there were 1000s of crappy games it does not make the good ones bad? I buy the games I want to play and in the ps2 era you could drown in them. No one force you to buy the bad ones!

if it was 1000 crappy games and only 500 good games how would that compare to Xbox OG or Gamecube... how would it compare to PS3 and 360?
One company is going to lose 1.1 billion dollars... the other company has more cash then the first company is worth... I'll let you figure it out. There will not be a 2:1 sale ration this generation no matter how many sony ponies get out of their stables. It's also not healthy for the industry.

Sony Ponies? Really?

You think the Xbox division has unlimited access to Microsoft's cash reserve? Hint:
They don't.

Also, this:
Man if you side with Sony you get a pony codeblew! If you side with MS you only get a robot. Clearly you/I/us/we want ponies


The PS2 has enough good games to last anyone a lifetime. It's irrelevant that you can fill a landfill with the shovelware. Are you just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point?

>_> partially... but mostly it's just a lazy Sunday afternoon and my fingers hurt from playing The Show on my Vita
I'm not the one who's drawing those conclusions sadly


So you were not joking.

Let me explain this too you real simple. The server side of MS also known as Azure has nothing to do with the Xbox business area. Yes Xbox uses Azure servers but the money that it brings to MS is not from live subscriptions but from companies using their Azure services. The live money goes straight to the entertainment business area shown in the picture I previously posted by the purple small line.

Also the incorporation of azure into the Xbox will not bring any money to MS but instead cost them money if there claims of free servers and cloud compute is true and even further make them lose money on the Xbox brand. Only way to mitigate this is either to charge the developers for using it or the gamers themselves.
If MS does drop the price to $399 I expect Sony to drop the price at the minimum of $349.

It's entirely possible PS4 could be $299 this fall. They've got a distinct competitive advantage and they won't give it up. They've also got a significant amount of leeway in comparison to MS as well. No esoteric designs that could impede price reduction. MS has that eSram pool.

I have no doubt that if MS drops the price Sony will as well, and I honestly expect Sony to try and maintain that $100 price differential for as long as they can.
Wow,did they say that?
I remember in an E3 interview they went as far as to say they were ready to launch at $350 if they had to, but fortunately they didn't need to once Microsoft announced their price and were "hi-fiving" each-other until the press conference. If that's true then people are really underestimating Sony's ability drop the price.


buy one for the exclusive content for the particular system. The exclusives always are the best experiences for me.

Forgotton ONE you like your exclusives LOL...Don't buy many games then do you...

I look at my library of games last gen and it was about 80-90 % multiplat. Mainly on 360 - it ran most of them better,

This gen its all Ps4 (atm) - it runs them FAR better.
We don't need any of that. The market will choose and show what consumers want. If that means XB1 will be a distant second place then thats a good thing. Its telling MS people want cheaper, more powerful hardware as well as no BS DRM.

Well thats because PS2 had a far far far larger library. Biggest in gaming history. It also has the best gaming library in gaming.

The ration in JP will more likely be 20:1 lol

Is always needing a disc to play a game bs drm? I think it could be considered that.
No. It was said that Sony was crossing their fingers all day last year hoping that MS wouldn't go lower than $399 because that was the absolute lowest Sony could go and not lose a great sum of money on each unit. Of course, MS tried their best to give a selfish consumer public a great machine at the affordable price of $499 and the rest is history. The PS4 might be competitively built, but Sony wants to avoid losing money if they can help it. Considering the lack of games on the system, I'd say they better spend more.

you are on a roll today man


Their hardware numbers aren't too far off because they do massive adjustments after more legitimate sources (NPD, quarterly reports) release data.

I'm well aware of their short comings... and I take all their numbers with a table full of salt


No. It was said that Sony was crossing their fingers all day last year hoping that MS wouldn't go lower than $399 because that was the absolute lowest Sony could go and not lose a great sum of money on each unit. Of course, MS tried their best to give a selfish consumer public a great machine at the affordable price of $499 and the rest is history. The PS4 might be competitively built, but Sony wants to avoid losing money if they can help it. Considering the lack of games on the system, I'd say they better spend more.

Did you wake up today with a huge wooden spoon by your bed ? You certainly are enjoying yourself.

I have a large backlog of Ps4 games to play thanks (but I guess you are just being silly viewing your last few posts)
Forgotton ONE you like your exclusives LOL...Don't buy many games then do you...

I look at my library of games last gen and it was about 80-90 % multiplat. Mainly on 360 - it ran most of them better,

This gen its all Ps4 (atm) - it runs them FAR better.

I do buy the multiplatform games, right now I only have a Wii U and a decent PC.. so with that I can play most multiplats smooth and silky on the PC then turn to the WII U for the exclusive content. I recently got my vita and ps3 stolen, so i sold all my games for those systems.


Did you wake up today with a huge wooden spoon by your bed ? You certainly are enjoying yourself.

I have a large backlog of Ps4 games to play thanks (but I guess you are just being silly viewing your last few posts)


(this is relevant for many other responses in this thread too)


if it was 1000 crappy games and only 500 good games how would that compare to Xbox OG or Gamecube... how would it compare to PS3 and 360?

So instead of caring about the number of good games, we should only care about the ratio of bad games. WTF man?

And FFS, do you even know the ratio of bad games of each console?

I believe that have or will soon surpass Amazon in size of their cloud servers though... for what that's worth

It's worth nothing without a source.


No... Sony Ponies are the crazy fanboys that want Sony's competitors to fail
You should really stop. On second thought, it's probably too late.
I remember in an E3 interview they went as far as to say they were ready to launch at $350 if they had to, but fortunately they didn't need to once Microsoft announced their price and were "hi-fiving" each-other until the press conference. If that's true then people are really underestimating Sony's ability drop the price.
Seems like they were expecting the Xbone to be another big loss leader and were surprised when Microsoft revealed they wanted to turn a profit on hardware immediately.


So instead of caring about the number of good games, we should only care about the ratio of bad games. WTF man?

And FFS, do you even know the ratio of bad games of each console?

It's worth nothing without a source.

wether you care or not is unimportant... it's simply data that would be interesting... data mining can tell you all kind of things
more like Crappy: more crappy

and yes they had a MASSIVE library much of that was crap... if I had any desire I'd go and find out the ratio of good (70 +) to bad (50 and below) on metacritic... I wonder if it would be around the same ball part percentage wise?

Oh my god. Why is this so hard for you to understand. Anyone human with a functional brain would not be having such problems.

The number of crappy games does not deter from the quantity of quality games. PS2 could have a 900 crappy games. Its not going to change that it also has 100 quality games.

Using metacritic as a scale to judge the quality of a game is stupid as it implies that the quality of a game is objective when in reality its very subjective.

Oh and PS2 having by far the best library is not some random opinion. There was a thread asking which system had the greatest library. Surprise, surprise Ps2 was one of the most popular if not the most popular.


What makes you think that? No need to be Kumbaya about this. Did you consider gc and xbox a failure?

Gamecube to some extent... the xbox no... the Xbox was Microsoft's "foot in the door" and whill it was no PS1 foot in the door I feel that Microsoft accomplished what they wanted with the box, but I wouldn't call it a success either. The deal they struck with Intel and Nvidia really bit them in the rear and cost them a lot of money.
So you were not joking.

Let me explain this too you real simple. The server side of MS also known as Azure has nothing to do with the Xbox business area. Yes Xbox uses Azure servers but the money that it brings to MS is not from live subscriptions but from companies using their Azure services. The live money goes straight to the entertainment business area shown in the picture I previously posted by the purple small line.

Also the incorporation of azure into the Xbox will not bring any money to MS but instead cost them money if there claims of free servers and cloud compute is true and even further make them lose money on the Xbox brand. Only way to mitigate this is either to charge the developers for using it or the gamers themselves.

they've been charging us for XBL for years, I would think that would cover the cost of servers for gaming purposes already. seeing as all we had thus far is peer2peer, what exactly are those fees used for? partychat bandwidth and matchmaking?


Oh my god. Why is this so hard for you to understand. Anyone human with a functional brain would not be having such problems.

The number of crappy games does not deter from the quantity of quality games. PS2 could have a 900 crappy games. Its not going to change that it also has 100 quality games.

Using metacritic as a scale to judge the quality of a game is stupid as it implies that the quality of a game is objective when in reality its very subjective.

Oh and PS2 having by far the best library is not some random opinion. There was a thread asking which system had the greatest library. Surprise, surprise Ps2 was one of the most popular if not the most popular.

the Wii has a ton of quality game, but perception is that it's a giant waste bin outside of what Nintendo did... perception can become reality and the damage it can do to a brand is huge.
To put it more succinctly no I don't think it's even possible for MS to undercut Sony.

Their shareholders would have to be willing to lose a loooot of money on each One sold to undercut Sony and I expect Sony to be within range for price parity. Like One dropping to $299 would shock the hell out of everyone... but I'd still expect Sony to at least be at price parity... with wiggle room to drop further.

All predicated on just how screwed One is by E3 this year.
what's your point?

cad is at 0.90 usd right now.

Man, are you that daft to not know my point? our dollar goes up and down all the time the americans buy our shit untill it goes up to there level then they back off and watch it go down then start trading like nuts again.. My point is the xboxone is the same price and comes with titan fall for 499 or u can get a ps4 with no camera no game for 449? Tell me you see a difference in value.
I wish. There are going to be a lot of ex-Sony employees soon.

edit: above has nothing to do with gaming divsion, though we've seen cutbacks there too, just not en mass.
They're pretty much done with the cuts. Q1 will be ending very soon and that's when they wanted to do the cuts anyway.

If I'm wrong I'll go eat some salt.

Look guys, this is the reality. Xbox One is the more popular console coming off of an amazing last generation run worldwide. The only problem is that MS tried to price it competitively that consumers would jump on while making money for themselves. This bit them in the butt. MS is coming out all guns blazing at E3 and Sony has no answer for it realistically. The Order? Uncharted: Steampunk Edition. DriveClub? MS has Forza and PGR possibly. The Last Guardian? Hasn't been seen in years. No Japanese developers gving out games either, while MS has Halo, Sunset Overdrive, D4, Below, etc. Sony has no games coming for E3, no games currently on PS4, yet everyone keeps bowing down to almighty Sony and their $399 machine. You all laughed at Mattrick, Nelson, Penello, and others, but at the end CBOAT got taken out and all the rest of the naysayers are going to eat crow when MS takes their place back at the head of the table. I just laugh at all the fanboys too silly to realize it. Come get your plate of crow boys. Plenty will be had in June.
At first I thought you were joking but this ain't the first time I've seen posts like this from you, so I'm thinking you're dead serious.

If I'm wrong I'll go eat some some salt+.

Wii U = Saturn
That's an insult to the Saturn TBH.
they've been charging us for XBL for years, I would think that would cover the cost of servers for gaming purposes already. seeing as all we had thus far is peer2peer, what exactly are those fees used for? partychat bandwidth and matchmaking?

I believe a more secure stable environment. Or shall we all forget the PSN outage that lasted 2-3 months..
What's with this idea that Microsoft has this hidden masterplan behind the scenes and oooooh boy Sony'd better be worried? Microsoft is gonna come back with a vengence. What will Sony do? Etc.

It goes against everything - every single thing - we've seen Microsoft do since Adam Orth last year. We heard the same thoughtful commentary last year "Hrm, hrm, Microsoft always has a plan. Yes. Yes. They are staying silent for a reason. They are showing off TV-TV-Spawrts for a reason. Hrm. Yes. Microsoft will improve their development tools. Oh yes. Close the gap. Sony will lose the hardware advantage. Hrm. Yes. Yes".

But the facts are quite straightforward: Microsoft has been the one without a plan. Microsoft has been the one reacting to Sony's behavior. Microsoft has been the one playing catchup and scrambling to save face. Suddenly Microsoft is one step ahead of Sony, despite the many instances of Sony being the one a step ahead over this past year?

And Microsoft has some grand plan to "go for Sony's throat"? FWIW, price is not everything, as the Wii-U and Gamecube learned. If Xbox One was the exact same price as PS4, I think it would still be losing. If Xbox One was $50 cheaper, I think it would still be losing. Price cuts don't erase a company's reputation.

best post in this thread.
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