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Winter Storm for NE/MA States Friday-Sunday (Up: Blizzard warnings)

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Maxis Redwood

Aww man, that looks so fun. I bet that dog is having a blast.


Homeland Security Fail
All bridges/tunnels will close in NYC at 2:30pm. No escape!

Roads too. No car is allowed on the road after 2:30pm.

The MTA has shut down bus service, and any train service which runs above ground. All service will be shut down by 4pm.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Roads too. No car is allowed on the road after 2:30pm.

Westchester too. I didn't get enough beers last night :(

but i just remembered there's whiskey, so i'll be ok!


Looks like Annapolis/Central MD is in a dry slot for the time being. It's been all light powdery snow and even though I can barely see anything below the hood of my car, the streets have been thoroughly plowed.

That said, they're saying snow could continue for around 6 more hours.
Thought I'd check the map for NY again to see if any changes have been made since it certainly seems like we're ahead of schedule so far with already a good foot or so on the ground.


Aww yeahhhh. Two and a half feet here we come!

right in that 18-24 inches, and like 2 days before the storm they were talking about southwestern CT only getting 4-8 inches

meteorologists; only job beside politicans were you can be so wrong lol


Felium Defensor
3 hours shoveling session done. Literally soaking wet from sweat mostly. Ate food and am ready to die. Gonna rest for a few before going out there again in this frozen hell.
So much snowwwww.
Just got back from shoveling out a stranded train in the flats going to Far Rockaway, Queens. If anyone's familiar with the area, then you know that's not a good time lol. Walking on train tracks in 12 inches of snow is a hell of a workout. I'm shot, and I'm stuck at work until at least Monday. Pour a drink for me GAF, it's been real!
NYC Blizzard of 96 recorded 20inches in Central Park, and 30inches in some parts of the burbs, if predictions hold true 24-30 2016 will surpass 96 in NYC..
This is kind of selfish, but I hope that happens. I was born in'96 so I've never experienced a huge storm living in NYC. This storm brings back memories of snow that looked gigantic when I was a kid.
This is kind of selfish, but I hope that happens. I was born in'96 so I've never experienced a huge storm living in NYC. This storm brings back memories of snow that looked gigantic when I was a kid.

I swear every person who wants a ton of snow is in an area where power outages are not a thing. Here in Philly-suburban GAF, I'm worried we will lose power in a few hours. The wind has really picked up in the past hour, and the snow is not as fluffy/light as it has been; transitioning into a heavier wet snow.

Probably ~20-22 inches so far, probably going to hit ~30inches all said and done -_-


LIRR and MTA will suspend all service at 4PM today.

Finished shoveling so it's time to celebrate...... until I have to shovel another foot of snow in 3-4 hours.
Hahaha, typical Mully to have huge bottles of beer chilled out. Have fun shoveling!
Just got back from shoveling out a stranded train in the flats going to Far Rockaway, Queens. If anyone's familiar with the area, then you know that's not a good time lol. Walking on train tracks in 12 inches of snow is a hell of a workout. I'm shot, and I'm stuck at work until at least Monday. Pour a drink for me GAF, it's been real!

Hey at least you're getting paid pretty good money for it! But I have deep respect for you MTA workers so I tip my hat off to you.That lonely stretch must have been quite the work out. Stay strong out there.


I swear every person who wants a ton of snow is in an area where power outages are not a thing. Here in Philly-suburban GAF, I'm worried we will lose power in a few hours. The wind has really picked up in the past hour, and the snow is not as fluffy/light as it has been; transitioning into a heavier wet snow.

Probably ~20-22 inches so far, probably going to hit ~30inches all said and done -_-
Nice thing about NYC is that you rarely lose power unless it's something truly catastrophic like hurricane Sandy. Even when that happened my then apartment in Queens didn't lose any power, but my office in Manhattan was powerless for a week.
Someone should build an igloo, and post some pictures of the progress. It'd be awesome.
You know an igloo can keep a heat of 60 degrees f inside when it's -50 degrees outside if it has a fire in it. The fire melts a bit of the snow inside which gets frozen by the cold temps outside into a hard insulating layer.

The more you know, etc!

I'm so tempted. I love building igloos in the winter. If I do, I'll post some pictures. Can't promise anything, though. My girlfriend doesn't seem keen to go out in to the snow haha.
This storm has a very good chance of defeating Central Park's record. There's a 4 inch an hour band hovering over northern New Jersey, that will slowly move east towards NYC over the next couple of hours.

Yeah I remember the '96 blizzard (I was home from college on winter break and had to shovel out my parents' house on LI, dammit). This is definitely looking comparable or worse.


I saw the flight info:
4972 cancelled flights, 4153 delays. Lot's of folks sleeping in airports tonight.

Here in middle Georgia the sun broke through for a little bit and 99.9% of the snow is melted.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Just walked to my corner bodega in Brooklyn. Huge snow drifts on both sides of the sidewalk making it extremely narrow. Snow blowing brutally in my face. Woman in front of me with puffy jacket walking at a snails pace. Couldn't walk around her.

Finally had enough and went over a snow bank to get around her. My boots filled with snow. Look back at her, and wouldn't you know it, she was face down in her phone texting.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.


I feel bad for the people stuck working in places they can't leave :/

Hospitals, airports, etc etc. Hope they have beds and food in those places. Salutes to them.


Just walked to my corner bodega in Brooklyn. Huge snow drifts on both sides of the sidewalk making it extremely narrow. Snow blowing brutally in my face. Woman in front of me with puffy jacket walking at a snails pace. Couldn't walk around her.

Finally had enough and went over a snow bank to get around her. My boots filled with snow. Look back at her, and wouldn't you know it, she was face down in her phone texting.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.
LOL. Sounds about right.

Yeah wind here in Brookyln has really picked up. Going to be some crazy snow drifts.
Just walked to my corner bodega in Brooklyn. Huge snow drifts on both sides of the sidewalk making it extremely narrow. Snow blowing brutally in my face. Woman in front of me with puffy jacket walking at a snails pace. Couldn't walk around her.

Finally had enough and went over a snow bank to get around her. My boots filled with snow. Look back at her, and wouldn't you know it, she was face down in her phone texting.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

In a few days when it all melts there will be big huge puddles you can get your feet wet in!
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