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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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Heels are always dreamers.....you should know this. We come up with the grand plots and odds which must be overcome.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Here you go;

Team #FACE: Bootaaay, Dead Man, jmdajr, Sunflower
Team #HEEL: Aiii, amodelmerol, Chopper, Dave Meltzer, jred2k, Mr. Sandman, Nebula, Pavaloo, Petrie, ZeroRay
Team #SWERVE: Strobogo

Surprised to see, as of yet, so few bet on the obvious outcome. The Cena is endless and unchanging.

I think we have a few more but we'll see from the posts. Hopefully more people do take the bet, I want to see some SAD CENA FACES.

Can I be on Team Heel?

Do I need to submit a form?

This is your form, I'll do my best.


Are they filling up the higher sections of seats with people? How the hell are they going to see the ring when it's covered and has a giant statue of liberty right on top of it? Who is planning these sets?

You can't really see shit from up there anyway. They'll have to use the TV monitors.

My favorite floor sign from Wrestlemnia 17.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Not too happy with it but here it is:



I'm pretty sure Cena's finally going to turn. The question is how. It needs to be a despicable act to convince the kiddies what is happening. I'm not sure if beating The Rock to death with a chair is big enough. SCSA had McMahon to team up with. Cena's got no-one. But if The Shield were to get involved, I would mark out hard...

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Cena is going to beat up everyone in the locker room after the main event, but the last person he hits is going to be McSillyputty so he will end as a face.


The sweetest thing of all is the sheer rage and shock we will see on this thread when Cena clocks The Rock with belt, duck tapes his feet to the ropes and 5 knuckle Shuffles him until he bleeds. Then he pins him by putting his foot on him, while raising the belt.

A man can dream


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Despite wanting him to change just so it would at least be slightly different or new, I have to go with what I truly expect. Anger from me and all.


Also yes, SHIMMER will be a great iPPV and far more rewarding and satisfying for wrestling in general than Wrestlemania or Extreme Rising ever plan to be for planned matches in slightly-better-than-old Jersey.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I actually kinda hope Cena wins the title and remains face just so we can hear the X Pac heat.

I want this too, I want people to throw every belonging they brought into the ring. Throw ropes and pull down the fake Statue of Liberty.



If HHH comes out to MyTime with Stephanie, I would mark out.

Well.................. more so than usual.


The sweetest thing of all is the sheer rage and shock we will see on this thread when Cena clocks The Rock with belt, duck tapes his feet to the ropes and 5 knuckle Shuffles him until he bleeds. Then he pins him by putting his foot on him, while raising the belt.

A man can dream
There will have to be blood. I mean, if Cena's gotta do it on his own, to effectively turn heel, he'll have to bust Rocky open hard. But I can't shake off the possibility of The Shield turning up. I really am in a dream world, aren't I... :(


If HHH comes out to MyTime with Stephanie, I would mark out.

Well.................. more so than usual.
As will I. Won't happen.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
There will have to be blood. I mean, if Cena's gotta do it on his own, to effectively turn heel, he'll have to bust Rocky open hard. But I can't shake off the possibility of The Shield turning up. I really am in a dream world, aren't I... :(

Shield could do that if they dig themselves out of the hole they're most assuredly going to get buried in earlier that night.
Team Slow Burn Tweener into Mega Heel that creates a new revolutionary era...aha, yeah I wish.

So what's the price you pay again for either team choice?
I think the set looks pretty cool. Not sure if it's unfinished, but the roof looks horrible.

I need some good sign ideas. Something simple and funny. One side I'm going to have 20-1 and something else on the other.

Something Cena or HHH related.


Shield could do that if they dig themselves out of the hole they're most assuredly going to get buried in earlier that night.
But...but...Big Show double-cross! Orton heel-turn! The Internet told me!

Something more interesting than we are all expecting has got to happen. Otherwise this has literally been the worst Wrestlemania season of all time and I will genuinely have to rethink my fan status.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Team Slow Burn Tweener into Mega Heel that creates a new revolutionary era...aha, yeah I wish.

So what's the price you pay again for either team choice?

People who vote #heel, if Cena remains as is, get a Sad Cena face to show their disappointment with WWE.

If Cena turns, us #face believers have to get the corniest, most shiteatingly happy Cena avatars

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think the set looks pretty cool. Not sure if it's unfinished, but the roof looks horrible.

I need some good sign ideas. Something simple and funny. One side I'm going to have 20-1 and something else on the other.

Something Cena or HHH related.

"wrasslegaf wants more cena"
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