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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Actually yeah, does the heel turn have to stick?

If by Summerslam he's back to doing face shit, well, that's not part of the bet - post-raw, decisions will be made and I'm sure we can come to an agreement as a group. Wrasslegaf is even-tempered and takes their bet losses like good folks.


Here are the supposed match times for Wrestlemania 29 not including entrances: Daniel Bryan match is now 40 to 50 times longer than last year! Posted in the April thread as well.

- According to F4Wonline.com, here are scripted times for the WrestleMania 29 matches, not counting entrances:

* Chris Jericho vs. Fandango has been given 10 minutes

* Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston has been given 12 to 15 minutes

* Ryback vs. Mark Henry has been given 12 minutes

* The Shield vs. Randy Orton, Big Show and Sheamus has been given 15 minutes

* CM Punk vs. The Undertaker has been given 20 minutes

* Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio has been given 15 minutes

* Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar has been given 20 to 30 minutes

* The Rock vs. John Cena has been given 25 to 30 minutes

* A Diddy musical performance has been given 8 minutes

* The WWE Hall of Famers coming out to wave to fans has been given 7 minutes

* The show opener and National Anthem has been given 7 minutes

* Other assorted segments throughout the show have been given 10 minutes

Dead Man

If by Summerslam he's back to doing face shit, well, that's not part of the bet - post-raw, decisions will be made and I'm sure we can come to an agreement as a group. Wrasslegaf is even-tempered and takes their bet losses like good folks.

Either way I win. Either I am right, in which case I was right, or I am wrong, in which case WWE did something clever for the first time this decade. Win/Win.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I need a #HEEL Avatar.

I'll do what I can when I can. I'm not good or quick at these, but it doesn't have to be pretty.

Either way I win. Either I am right, in which case I was right, or I am wrong, in which case WWE did something clever for the first time this decade. Win/Win.

That's how I feel. If it happens, thank god - if not, same ol' shit.
Yeah, post-RAW should be the judging point - if he does something heelish in the match and justifies his actions with a typical 'never give up' Cena promo on RAW, then it's back to business as usual.

Cmon Bootaaay. Put Face on your avatar. You know there's 0% chance Cener will turn. Offer the Page as a sacrifice that'll never be taken.

Fine, but he better not turn!

somedevil said:
* Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar has been given 20 to 30 minutes

I'd book this as 10 minutes of a crazy, hard-hitting brawl with a few big spots. It doesn't need much more than that. I really wish Punk/Taker was the main focus of the show.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member


Yes. This is going to be excellent. Maybe the rules for this Cena Face/Heel thing should be posted in the OP so everyone knows what's what.

Also that Cesaro video of him preparing for Mania... He should be on the card kicking some damn ass. The man is fantastic at what he does.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, post-RAW should be the judging point - if he does something heelish in the match and justifies his actions with a typical 'never give up' Cena promo on RAW, then it's back to business as usual.

Fine, but he better not turn!

He won't turn, you can bet ANYTHING and not lose. Any bet at all, you'll win.
I wonder if it boosts chances of a heel turn that Cena had his twice a year palette swap at Elimination Chamber and not mania this time. Maybe they are prepping post mania dark cena attire.


* CM Punk vs. The Undertaker has been given 20 minutes

* Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar has been given 20 to 30 minutes

For fucks sakes Hunter no one wants to see you match go that long. That time should be given to Taker/Punk.

* Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio has been given 15 minutes

Short match. Gotta make time for the briefcase cash in!

* Chris Jericho vs. Fandango has been given 10 minutes

* A Diddy musical performance has been given 8 minutes

* The WWE Hall of Famers coming out to wave to fans has been given 7 minutes

* The show opener and National Anthem has been given 7 minutes



If by Summerslam he's back to doing face shit, well, that's not part of the bet - post-raw, decisions will be made and I'm sure we can come to an agreement as a group. Wrasslegaf is even-tempered and takes their bet losses like good folks.

12 Angry WrassleGAFfers.


I'm fine with Undertaker vs Punk getting 20 minutes. Undertaker is still hurting and hasn't wrestled in a year and Punk is banged up as well. Also, this is a straight up match with no shortcuts. So with that can the Undertaker go 25 to 30 minutes with these conditions?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You heel guys are crazy. Crazy I say!

Serious, real talk - I know the time is ripe, but why do you feel WWE will pull the trigger and go this route? Or if it's just fun to pick a side that's valid too :p


You heel guys are crazy. Crazy I say!

Serious, real talk - I know the time is ripe, but why do you feel WWE will pull the trigger and go this route? Or if it's just fun to pick a side that's valid too :p

For me, it's more Hope than anything. That and it gives us more to stake at Wrestlemania, which can only make a match more interesting (or the result at least.)


So not worth it
You heel guys are crazy. Crazy I say!

Serious, real talk - I know the time is ripe, but why do you feel WWE will pull the trigger and go this route? Or if it's just fun to pick a side that's valid too :p

Real talk, I have no faith at all in winning this bet. It's more wishful thinking really.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Damnit Sunny, you beat me to the punch, lol.



Yours are better! Usually I'm not on the ball like this as I'm at work, but I recommend using Bootaaay's as he spent more time with them and they look better. Small nuances.


I'd be pleased with those match-times, if true. And there's still tons of padding involved, jeez. And yeah, any #heel talk is crazy. Can't see them turning both Orton/Cena.


Metlife has four enormous HD corner screens, and yet they still stuck a giant screen in the middle of two of them on the closed-off end zone. rofl.


So not worth it
I'd be pleased with those match-times, if true. And there's still tons of padding involved, jeez. And yeah, any #heel talk is crazy. Can't see them turning both Orton/Cena.

Orton is not even a top five guy in the company anymore. Guy has burned every bridge last time he got suspended, hasn't been relevant since he buried Christian in 2011


Wonder how many people are staying in NJ, or simply just going to WM and not doing anything in New York City.

Outside of WM I'm won't be in NJ doing anything really.


Heels are always dreamers.....you should know this. We come up with the grand plots and odds which must be overcome.


Neo Member
Should be a fun couple of days here in NY. Going to ROH, Chikara, and then WM with a few buddies. Will be wearing my Granny's Gang shirt too.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Should be a fun couple of days here in NY. Going to ROH, Chikara, and then WM with a few buddies. Will be wearing my Granny's Gang shirt too.

Have fun! Should be great - GAF MEETUP YOU GUYS


Orton is not even a top five guy in the company anymore. Guy has burned every bridge last time he got suspended, hasn't been relevant since he buried Christian in 2011

Didn't really comment on Blandy's current position, just that they wouldn't do pull off the same thing twice in one night. Anyway, it'll end with Cena holding the belt triumphantly, announcers oblivious to the crowd reaction.

Also down for any meetups if anyone bothers to organize. Gonna be in town from Thursday night-Tuesday morning.
Can someone please keep score on who belongs to TeamFace or TeamHeel?

Here you go;

Team #FACE: Bootaaay, Dead Man, jmdajr, Sunflower
Team #HEEL: Aiii, amodelmerol, Chopper, Dave Meltzer, jred2k, Mr. Sandman, Nebula, Pavaloo, Petrie, ZeroRay
Team #SWERVE: Strobogo

Surprised to see, as of yet, so few bet on the obvious outcome. The Cena is endless and unchanging.
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