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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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Bored, so I made a calendar of all the Mania weekend events;

TOO MUCH WRESTLING! I'll be watching 7 of those - may have to skip Saturday's DGUSA show, but I'll watch it via VOD sometime in the week after Mania weekend.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
If Rock turned full heel and joined Shield and acted as an evil mentor for Roman Reigns I would mark the fuck out, no lie.

i think the harshest current era rock critics like myself would mark out too. hell either one of them turning heel after this would be awesome
Will I still be able to get tickets to supercard of honour easy enough at this point. Thinking of filling my Friday in new York with it.


So not worth it
Why are they following the workout of people that aren't even in a match, stupid WWE, stupid!
Cesaro will probably get to be in a filler segment where he comes out and says some by the numbers heelish things only to get beaten down by some overly American legends, and by legends I mean Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Dusty Rhodes and Sgt Slaughter for the billionth time.

You know like that time when Muhammad Hassan's entire WM role was to get beaten up by Hogan.
I haven't been following him, but he looks slick, good video. US champion and no match? What the hell?

They were building towards Cesaro vs The Miz, but quickly pushed that under the rug and shunted Miz into challenging for the Intercontinental Title (and what kind of logic is that? Guy fails repeatedly to capture US title, well here's an IC title shot instead!). Really sucks, as Cesaro deserves a Mania pay-day and isn't getting one because, somehow, The Miz is seen as better than him.


If Cesaro does have an in-ring segment it will probably involve someone beating him up for yodeling. I hate that he has to do that stupid shit just because crowds weren't smart enough to get his pro-America/anti-American angle.

Dead Man

They were building towards Cesaro vs The Miz, but quickly pushed that under the rug and shunted Miz into challenging for the Intercontinental Title (and what kind of logic is that? Guy fails repeatedly to capture US title, well here's an IC title shot instead!). Really sucks, as Cesaro deserves a Mania pay-day and isn't getting one because, somehow, The Miz is seen as better than him.

I knew Miz should have stuck to MTV.


So not worth it
Cesaro's probably going to wrestle in the pre-show. Maybe defend the US Title against Kofi. Just because.


Neither are we getting AJ vs. Kaitlyn at the pre-show either.

Why? Because WWE doesn't give two shits about either of those titles.


I haven't been following him, but he looks slick, good video. US champion and no match? What the hell?

He's the second best wrestler on the roster, only below Daniel Bryan.

Why the hell do they have an hour long pre-show and only one match? Mz/Barrett is going to be maximum ten minutes long, there's only so many interviews/running down the card they can do in 50 minutes. Why not have a couple more matches? It's not like you're going to burn out the crowd, otherwise they're just sitting on their hands while you play the same trailers over and over til WM starts proper.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Ezekiel Jackson will be signing autographs and posing for pictures at Wrestlemania Axxess on Saturday sometime after 18:00. Anyone going, could you look for him and see if anyone actually lines up.

I honestly had no idea he was even still employed.


So not worth it
Ezekiel Jackson will be signing autographs and posing for pictures at Wrestlemania Axxess on Saturday sometime after 18:00. Anyone going, could you look for him and see if anyone actually lines up.

I honestly had no idea he was even still employed.

the Saturday 18:00 timeslot is for superstars not deemed worthy of appearing at the Hall of Fame ceremony.

Last year it was The Chickbusters in that slot.


Ezekiel Jackson will be signing autographs and posing for pictures at Wrestlemania Axxess on Saturday sometime after 18:00. Anyone going, could you look for him and see if anyone actually lines up.

I honestly had no idea he was even still employed.

That's almost cruel to tell him to do that.


What was that you said? Five hours was not enough? Well, we have you covered.

WWE will be streaming a Wrestlemania 29 Post Show live after the PPV goes off the air this Sunday night. The Post Show will stream on the WWE website, App and other online mediums.

Why go somewhere else for a post show when you can see the official one?


the Saturday 18:00 timeslot is for superstars not deemed worthy of appearing at the Hall of Fame ceremony.

Last year it was The Chickbusters in that slot.

That seems odd this year, looking it up the Saturday 18:00 slot includes The Shield, Ryback, Dolph, AJ, Christian, Howard Finkel. I would have thought at least several of those would be at the HoF.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So is it finally happening?! I just caught up with Raw. Are they really gonna turn Cena heel?!

IF you believe it, sacrifice your avatar to the Face Cena god and take the bet with the rest of us.


So not worth it

I guess by Cindarella Moment they mean being pushed to the sidelines as a valet so the announcers can call you batshit insane and creatively insinuate you're a slut for 15 minutes.

Good article though, great picture.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
We need more people to take up the Wrestlemania Cena Bet.

Put FACE or HEEL on your avatar depending on what you think Cena will be at the end of Wrestlemania. The time is ripe for a heel turn, but will WWE do it? Will they?

If you vote FACE (like I am) and there's a heel turn at Mania, you have to have a happy, cornball Cena face as your avatar for 2 weeks.

If you vote HEEL (like some other misguided souls) and he stays a face (as he will) you have to have a sad Cena face for your avatar for 2 weeks.

Don't be afraid, just vote Face like me.


We need more people to take up the Wrestlemania Cena Bet.

Put FACE or HEEL on your avatar depending on what you think Cena will be at the end of Wrestlemania. The time is ripe for a heel turn, but will WWE do it? Will they?

If you vote FACE (like I am) and there's a heel turn at Mania, you have to have a happy, cornball Cena face as your avatar for 2 weeks.

If you vote HEEL (like some other misguided souls) and he stays a face (as he will) you have to have a sad Cena face for your avatar for 2 weeks.

Don't be afraid, just vote Face like me.

It should be a month!
I guess by Cindarella Moment they mean being pushed to the sidelines as a valet so the announcers can call you batshit insane and creatively insinuate you're a slut for 15 minutes.

As sad as the fact is, she wouldn't have gotten a chance at that 'Cinderella Moment' by being just a wrestler. She's the most prominently placed female talent in the company, but little of that has to do with her wrestling. Which is a real shame, as she's one of the better young talents on the roster.

Of course, there's always an alternative if you'd like to see a show that takes women's wrestling seriously this WrestleMania weekend;



So not worth it
I like my occassional Shimmer show, I wish I had time to properly follow the good indies, but alas.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Cmon Bootaaay. Put Face on your avatar. You know there's 0% chance Cener will turn. Offer the Page as a sacrifice that'll never be taken.

EDIT: Shimmer is bomb as fuck, I'm totally gonna watch that ippv. Great stuff.



I guess by Cindarella Moment they mean being pushed to the sidelines as a valet so the announcers can call you batshit insane and creatively insinuate you're a slut for 15 minutes.

Good article though, great picture.

Hey look some mainstream exposure for the event. Let's schedule another Rock interview not featuring the WWE title or having any WM mentions.

Mania stream is up! Haven't watched in a couple years? Catch up with Wrestlemania 27 and 28!


You're supposed to attract viewers, dude!


So they are going to do more of the "Throw in the towel" "DON'T YOU THROW IN THE TOWEL!!" "I HAVE TO THROW IN THE TOWEL" stuff with HBK and HHH?

Dead Man

We need more people to take up the Wrestlemania Cena Bet.

Put FACE or HEEL on your avatar depending on what you think Cena will be at the end of Wrestlemania. The time is ripe for a heel turn, but will WWE do it? Will they?

If you vote FACE (like I am) and there's a heel turn at Mania, you have to have a happy, cornball Cena face as your avatar for 2 weeks.

If you vote HEEL (like some other misguided souls) and he stays a face (as he will) you have to have a sad Cena face for your avatar for 2 weeks.

Don't be afraid, just vote Face like me.

Shit, I won't even be able to watch it I don't think, but I'll take that bet.
Mania stream is up! Haven't watched in a couple years? Catch up with Wrestlemania 27 and 28!


Thank you

Now to remember my hatred towards WWE for putting this match first on the card

We need more people to take up the Wrestlemania Cena Bet.

Put FACE or HEEL on your avatar depending on what you think Cena will be at the end of Wrestlemania. The time is ripe for a heel turn, but will WWE do it? Will they?

If you vote FACE (like I am) and there's a heel turn at Mania, you have to have a happy, cornball Cena face as your avatar for 2 weeks.

If you vote HEEL (like some other misguided souls) and he stays a face (as he will) you have to have a sad Cena face for your avatar for 2 weeks.

Don't be afraid, just vote Face like me.

Believe in the #HEEL

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ugh, sorry about the Mania stream, Veetle is killing it. I guess WWE is choking out anyone doing it.
What if Cena cheats to win but stays face?

I am thinking there will be shenanigans involved that at first look like a turn but they wont pull the trigger and it will be same old Cena come RAW.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What if Cena cheats to win but stays face?

I am thinking there will be shenanigans involved that at first look like a turn but they wont pull the trigger.

If he stays face he stays face. Faces do a lot of heel tactics anyway, but we're not letting this be up for debate - it's gotta be concrete. We're waiting until after the Raw after Mania to make the decision.
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