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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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Even by Heavy standards, an 8.5 for that show is a joke

I may have been overcompensating for the extreme negativity and gave it a lil higher than it should, maybe a 7 then. I liked the shield match, the tag team title match, punk/taker was great especially the ending, Mark beating ryback was nice in terms of the result not the match. The fact that the last two matches hhh and cena were bad leaves a bad taste in your mouth because that's what you end the ppv with and the last things you remember. Now imagine if punk/taker was the last match. Still, half ot eh matches sucked so i guess a 6 or 7 out of 10 is fair.


Great question - a good jumping off point would be to watch Wrestle Kingdom VII, which is like NJPW's Wrestlemania but full of AWESOME SHIT.

Our fellow poster Bootaaay uploads a lot of footage of it to Dailymotion, which is the best place to find NJPW as Youtube cuts it off pretty quick.

This match is a wonderful one to give you a taste of how amazing NJPW is. A REAL champion. A REAL match.


Go to about 7 minutes in for the finest entrance of all, and then enjoy a BEAUTIFUL match.

Can I still buy the event from Saturday on uStream? Does it become cheaper than $25?

This just hurts to look at. Fuck this company.


I thought Brock VS HHH was very good. Second best match after Taker/Punk.

Agreed. I liked the Kimura spots, even. Brock can sell a submission move with the same intensity with which he throws shit at people and makes people bleed probably-by-mistake.

Punk/Taker > Brock/HHH > DelRio/Swagger > Shield+Hell No/ZiggleStable+Fandangericho > Living Color Live > HenRyback > That bathroom break I took during Diddy concert > Diddy concert > Drive to my friends house > almost burning off my eyebrows on the grill > Cena/Rock

Someone had a pretty tasteless Blue Blazer sign.

I don't get this. What's the joke? Was the Metlife stadium where he died?

what match?

Lol. Exactly.


Brodus tweeted this about being cut tonight:

"In life we have set backs and disappointments sometimes you need your heartbroken to know how much you love it #365toredemption Nyadonothat"


what did you think was going to happen? It was obvious cena was gonna win the second after the match was announced/hinted at because Rock won last year. You knew this coming in so i don't know why people so angry.
They deluded themselves into thinking there would be a heel turn or that something unpredictable and genuinely exciting would happen.
It's their own fault, Heavy. It's their own fault for having any sort of expectation of good things out of this creatively bankrupt company while Vince lives and breathes.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
ok now even Cena saluting and Rock giving him a talk after the match says Rock is done...

same way Rock talked to Stone Cold after their last match

Only Stone Cold Rock Vince and 1 other person knew it was Austin's last match

I bet WWE had a different ending planned but wanted Rock to have a classy ending
Bully ray has been the best thing going for a while. No matter how shitty the program they put him in he makes it entertaining.

And the ratings for tna are still garbage

No one is buying bubba ray fucking Dudley as a heavyweight champ, but the same tna core audience will always watch whatever trash is in front of them. That's why the ratings stay at .9-1.1 for years


what did you think was going to happen? It was obvious cena was gonna win the second after the match was announced/hinted at because Rock won last year. You knew this coming in so i don't know why people so angry.

Exactly. The single most predictable ending imaginable and they did it. Five year olds saw this coming. No swerves, no twists, not even a nod in that direction. Just CenaWinsLol again. It's gone beyond trite, it's stupidly boring and toxic if what you're trying to do is entertain your audience. You can't take their attendance for granted and you sure as hell can't bore them. Biggest match of the year and that's the only word that seems fitting--#Boring.
I may have been overcompensating for the extreme negativity and gave it a lil higher than it should, maybe a 7 then. I liked the shield match, the tag team title match, punk/taker was great especially the ending, Mark beating ryback was nice in terms of the result not the match. The fact that the last two matches hhh and cena were bad leaves a bad taste in your mouth because that's what you end the ppv with and the last things you remember. Now imagine if punk/taker was the last match. Still, half ot eh matches sucked so i guess a 6 or 7 out of 10 is fair.

Shield match was pretty good, but the worst of their PPV matches. Show turning at the end matters to nobody.

Ryback/Henry was bad and went on for far too long. The finish left both guys looking bad.

Tag title match was fun, but FAR too short at only six minutes. This match needed more time.

Fandango/Jericho was meh. I don't see how that elevates Fandango at all and the finish was a mess.

Del Rio/Swagger NOBODY cared about. It was boring and predictable

Taker/Punk was much better than it had any right being at Takers size and age and was easily the best match of the night.

HHH/Brock was a snoozefest. The booking for this match was abysmal and HHH just can't go anymore.

Cena/Rock was basically rest hold and finisher spam. I can't believe they found a way to have a worse match than last year.

In conclusion Punk/Taker was very good, Shield winning was good, and the tag title match needed more time. I'll give it a very generous 5/10 (mostly for Punk/Taker). I split the price of the PPV with some friends, so it takes some on the steam off. If I paid $70 for that, I would be PISSED
Exactly. The single most predictable ending imaginable and they did it. Five year olds saw this coming. No swerves, no twists, not even a nod in that direction. Just CenaWinsLol again. It's gone beyond trite, it's stupidly boring and toxic if what you're trying to do is entertain your audience. You can't take their attendance for granted and you sure as hell can't bore them. Biggest match of the year and that's the only word that seems fitting--#Boring.

But you still watch...


And the ratings for tna are still garbage

No one is buying bubba ray fucking Dudley as a heavyweight champ, but the same tna core audience will always watch whatever trash is in front of them. That's why the ratings stay at .9-1.1 for years

He's only been champ for a few weeks. Give it time. This week they're doing a live Impact and actually did a good job promoting it. We know four angles going in. When was the last time we knew four things were happening on the following week's Raw?
I went to the bathroom in the Met Life after Punk/Taker and figured The Clay/Tensai + Funkettes vs Rhode Scholar + Bella's match would be an appropriate break instead they went to HHH/Bork.

It wasn't a bad show. I'd give it a 7/10. It was just the safe, predictable endings and the work rate in the main event. I'd actually say Cena despite his clumsiness is a better wrestler than Rock. I really got tired of the near falls from Rock Bottom/Attitude Adjustment.

Rock has a DDT, Spine Buster, Sharp Shooter, People's Elbow and Rock Bottom as signature moves.


Brodus tweeted this about being cut tonight:

"In life we have set backs and disappointments sometimes you need your heartbroken to know how much you love it #365toredemption Nyadonothat"

Meanwhile, they ran THREE promos for the worst match of the night, for people who were already watching the PPV. Oh, and had one short match for the entire pre-show.

Anyway, I'm just going to join the "if you pretend Taker vs. Punk was the last match, this was a pretty decent PPV!" crowd. It wasn't as bad as my abysmally low expectations, let me put it that way.
Shield match was pretty good, but the worst of their PPV matches. Show turning at the end matters to nobody.

Ryback/Henry was bad and went on for far too long. The finish left both guys looking bad.

Tag title match was fun, but FAR too short at only six minutes. This match needed more time.

Fandango/Jericho was meh. I don't see how that elevates Fandango at all and the finish was a mess.

Del Rio/Swagger NOBODY cared about. It was boring and predictable

Taker/Punk was much better than it had any right being at Takers size and age and was easily the best match of the night.

HHH/Brock was a snoozefest. The booking for this match was abysmal and HHH just can't go anymore.

Cena/Rock was basically rest hold and finisher spam. I can't believe they found a way to have a worse match than last year.

In conclusion Punk/Taker was very good, Shield winning was good, and the tag title match needed more time. I'll give it a very generous 5/10 (mostly for Punk/Taker). I split the price of the PPV with some friends, so it takes some on the steam off. If I paid $70 for that, I would be PISSED
Yeah my 6/10 is an IGN 6/10 not an Edge 6/10 so it's "worth playing through once, but you'll forget about it soon after" type of game except a ppv


Brodus tweeted this about being cut tonight:

"In life we have set backs and disappointments sometimes you need your heartbroken to know how much you love it #365toredemption Nyadonothat"

Their THREE 5 minute video promos for Rock & Cena vs Interest cost EIGHT people their WM match. EIGHT.
Overall it was a good show, but the matches never excelled. I was never bored, I think it was paced pretty well and nothing was shit, but only Taker/Punk was Wrestlemania quality. It's probably a fair 5/10 as far as Wreatlemanias go.


They paid Diddy to look like a fool. It was all nonsense.

Triple H and Lesnar was fine in the middle when Lesnar was throwing him around like a rag doll and looking dominant. When Triple H began no selling the Kimura Lock and getting slammed on steps, it was a total joke.


But you still watch...

I actually haven't watched a RAW in about a month. My friends were having a WM party this year, so I watched and that was fun. Having people over can make even Brock/Goldberg great. Doesn't make this PPV anything more than the (nearly) complete crapfest that it ended up being.
Pretty shitty WM. Just real boring. Main event was terribad. Enjoyed Punk vs Taker and Ziggler/Big E vs Hell No. HHH vs Lesnar was meh until the end. The rest was forgettable.

Brodus tweeted this about being cut tonight:

"In life we have set backs and disappointments sometimes you need your heartbroken to know how much you love it #365toredemption Nyadonothat"
Still don't understand why they didn't just stick it into the pre-show if they felt they were going to run out of time during the show. They had an entire hour dedicated to it and wasted it showing promos we've seen before.


How would you guys rate the matches from best to worst tonight?

1. Taker/Punk
2. Brock/HHH
3. Shield/Big Sheorton
4. Jericho/Fandango
7. Henry/Ryback
8. Cena/Rock

I didn't watch the Del Rio/Swagger match, nor the Hell No/Ziggles match. Had to help my wife with the baby. Can't imagine them being worse than the main event.

Am I right in saying that the main event was actually the worst match of the night? Forget that it was Cena and the Rock...I'm just talking from an in-ring and psychology perspective. I felt like the final 10 minutes was just finishers and both guys lying on the mat catching their breath.
what did you think was going to happen? It was obvious cena was gonna win the second after the match was announced/hinted at because Rock won last year. You knew this coming in so i don't know why people so angry.

I knew exactly how the match would end. Cena was destined to win this year the second he lost last year. Just watching The Rock shake his hand and do the dumbass salute with him makes me a little salty.


Cena/Rock was basically rest hold and finisher spam. I can't believe they found a way to have a worse match than last year.

It really was astounding that the last 5 minutes of the match were, I think, literally a mix of holds and finishers. That was actually it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Punk is far better than anything else in wrestling today BAR NONE.

There are like 8+ guys in NJPW alone who shit on CM Punk from a massive height. Shinsuke nakamura, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and Kazuchika Okada right now are unfuckingtouchable.


How would you guys rate the matches from best to worst tonight?

1. Taker/Punk
2. Brock/HHH
3. Shield/Big Sheorton
4. Jericho/Fandango
7. Henry/Ryback
8. Cena/Rock

I didn't watch the Del Rio/Swagger match, nor the Hell No/Ziggles match. Had to help my wife with the baby. Can't imagine them being worse than the main event.

Am I right in saying that the main event was actually the worst match of the night? Forget that it was Cena and the Rock...I'm just talking from an in-ring and psychology perspective. I felt like the final 10 minutes was just finishers and both guys lying on the mat catching their breath.

Reposting from earlier post:

Punk/Taker >
Brock/HHH >
DelRio/Swagger >
Shield+Hell No/ZiggleStable+Fandangericho >
Living Color Live >
HenRyback >
That bathroom break I took during Diddy concert >
Diddy concert >
Drive to my friends house >
almost burning off my eyebrows on the grill >

Nothing was worse than the main event. That was some bad wrestling. No selling, only like five moves being repeated over and over. Felt like a video game with infinite finishers turned on.
He's only been champ for a few weeks. Give it time. This week they're doing a live Impact and actually did a good job promoting it. We know four angles going in. When was the last time we knew four things were happening on the following week's Raw?

Give it time? I remember the same thing being said about the smarks favorite heel that beer money guy and he was champ for 9 months and the ratings needle didn't move.

Bubba ray Dudley is a heavyweight champ in 2013, that's tells you about the state of wrestling right there


Well Team #Heel, it was worth a shot, right?

I figured I'd bank on him turning HEEL this one last time, if he didn't turn against The Rock of all people, a Cena turn is never going to happen. As much as I hate Cena, I don't think a Heel turn will make me like him anymore..he's just annoying, it's not his character, it's him, he's just stale...

I wasn't even mad he beat The Rock like he did...I guess at this point I'm just used to it. I keep watching though, not gonna even pretend I'm going to stop. I was so mad about going to WM27 and it being a lame show, I wanted to quit watching and almost did, but I caught the Raw that Punk cut his epic promo and was glad I kept watching...

Guess I'm just loyal..I don't know
There are like 8+ guys in NJPW alone who shit on CM Punk from a massive height. Shinsuke nakamura, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and Kazuchika Okada right now are unfuckingtouchable.

Not to mention the indys as well. Punk is fantastic but there are others out there who out shine him.

Give it time? I remember the same thing being said about the smarks favorite heel that beer money guy and he was champ for 9 months and the ratings needle didn't move.

Bubba ray Dudley is a heavyweight champ in 2013, that's tells you about the state of wrestling right there

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Bully Ray as champ. He has done a great job and deserves the belt.
There are like 8+ guys in NJPW alone who shit on CM Punk from a massive height. Shinsuke nakamura, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and Kazuchika Okada right now are unfuckingtouchable.

Yeah I'm sure they also have incredible mic skills and charisma. Punk is god-tier in terms of the total package (in-ring and mic/charisma).

Edit: well i see that your first post was about in-ring only so nevermind then


Give it time? I remember the same thing being said about the smarks favorite heel that beer money guy and he was champ for 9 months and the ratings needle didn't move.

Bubba ray Dudley is a heavyweight champ in 2013, that's tells you about the state of wrestling right there

I was ready to spit on TNA's grave over 2 months ago, but they've gotten some of their shit together lately. I'd love it if the ratings increased, but right now I'm just happy to be getting better storytelling, more interesting characters than the WWE, and good in-ring action. I wish them success, and I hope they keep improving.
Oh, and guys shitting on Bully Ray must not have watched Bully Ray in the last few years. TNA os never going to grown much beyond what they are now, but he is a fantastic worker and really knows what he's doing on the mic and in the ring. He deserves respect.
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