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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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Going on the road is the best decision they ever made. Really elevates the product.

The only negative right now is that they're allegedly losing money every week because of paying for travel, hotels, etc. They're taking a huge risk and basically betting the farm on going on the road as the way to grow their brand and to be successful.


And the ratings for tna are still garbage

No one is buying bubba ray fucking Dudley as a heavyweight champ, but the same tna core audience will always watch whatever trash is in front of them. That's why the ratings stay at .9-1.1 for years

While I agree with you that TNA as whole isn't the best product, I absolutely can buy Bully Ray as champ. The guy's done a complete transformation over the last few years, and not only can he talk on the stick like a champ but can look the part as well.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
The only negative right now is that they're allegedly losing money every week because of paying for travel, hotels, etc. They're taking a huge risk and basically betting the farm on going on the road as the way to grow their brand and to be successful.

Is there any information on how many tickets they sell for an average impact now? Actual sales and not comps.


I had fun with it for the most part, but I laughed at the Cena/Rock match

It literally was

Cena does one of his five moves
Rock counters
Cena does five move
Kick Out

Cena tries next move, rinse and repeat

Then it was... let's pay homage to how last year's show ended... twice


Is there any information on how many tickets they sell for an average impact now? Actual sales and not comps.

No idea. Here's some info I found online about the cost of Impact weekly:

We're told each set of iMPACT! tapings costs between $600,000 to $700,000. With the company running twenty-six tapings a year, that equates to $15 million to $17 million a year. The reason the cost is so high is due to production, renting 18-wheeler trucks for their ring/equipment, gas, travel expenses for a crew of 150+ people, renting the arena, plane tickets for the entire roster and crew, etc. It's very easy for fans to say "take iMPACT! on the road" without factoring in all the costs that come with it. The company then depends on ticket sales and merchandise to "break even". They are far from breaking even at the current time and are taking a major hit by taking the show on the road. Nonetheless, it's what the fans want and is also what the company needs to do to have the company succeed in the long run.

The cost of taking iMPACT! on the road is also part of the reason they tape two weeks worth of shows in the same night.

Haha wow, HHH and Cena just had to get their wins, no one gets to go over those two.

Last two matches were incredibly boring. Night definitely peaked where it should have: Taker vs. Punk.

It's amazing how that story started for no reason, yet people were all over both of them simply for who they were. Punk/Taker was easily the best match

I actually really loved Fandango's debut, he is such a hatable guy, screw you guys, his entrance was magnificent. Match wasn't though. Daniel Bryan also had an incredible reaction, and people were all over Dean Ambrose. Henry is such a bad ass and people loved him.

Too bad the super egos of Cena and HHH sucked the fun out of the ending, I really had no interest in Rock, HHH, or Cena.
Give it time? I remember the same thing being said about the smarks favorite heel that beer money guy and he was champ for 9 months and the ratings needle didn't move.

Bubba ray Dudley is a heavyweight champ in 2013, that's tells you about the state of wrestling right there

You're sounding an awful lot like this guy, champ:

"Fans, as Hollywood Hogan walks away and you look at this 40,000 plus on hand, if you're even thinking about changing the channel to our competition, fans, do not, because we understand that Mick Foley, who wrestled here one time as Cactus Jack, is going to win their world title. Ha! That's gonna put some butts in the seats, heh."


Its fun to think that Daniel Bryan was able to get one of the biggest reaction out of the crowd at the end of the match. The same guy who curtain jerked for an 18 second job last year.
I liked Punk vs. Jericho from last year though the match against Taker was definitely better. Did Punk hit the second elbow drop on Taker on the announce table? It looked like he missed it by a bit.

As for TNA, I don't want Bully Ray as champ. He's become a much better worker but I am not a fan of Aces and Eights. What if there is a possibility of Hogan and Bully Ray for the belt? D:


Its not a surprise by any means, but its worth point out how great Paul Heyman was tonight. Being manager in back-to-back matches really showed how well he is able to work perfectly off of two very different characters.

And man it really can't be said enough how shitty I feel for everyone involved in the Mixed Tag match. For entrances+match there no way that would have gone over 15 minutes. It could have been slotted in anywhere. Just cut out half of the Kimora Lock time for the Lesnar/HHH match and they would have been well under time still.
Also, they announced 80,000+ attendance. I was sitting there like is that there spin machine working.

There were areas roped off but I have no clue on the stadiums' total seating.

Also, I wish I could've gotten one of those pink and blue Ziggler shirts. They would go great with my pairs of Nike Flyknit.


Its fun to think that Daniel Bryan was able to get one of the biggest reaction out of the crowd at the end of the match. The same guy who curtain jerked for an 18 second job last year.

Vince trying to justify Cena being his top face as he's booed out of the building, while Punk and Bryan get the biggest face reactions of the night (one of them being heel) would be a funny conversation.


I liked Punk vs. Jericho from last year though the match against Taker was definitely better. Did Punk hit the second elbow drop on Taker on the announce table? It looked like he missed it by a bit.

As for TNA, I don't want Bully Ray as champ. He's become a much better worker but I am not a fan of Aces and Eights. What if there is a possibility of Hogan and Bully Ray for the belt? D:

Aces and Eights are definitely the worst part of TNA right now. I really hope they have an ending written to this faction and that it's within the next 2-3 months. However, I doubt that.


Also, they announced 80,000+ attendance. I was sitting there like is that there spin machine working.

There were areas roped off but I have no clue on the stadiums' total seating.

Also, I wish I could've gotten one of those pink and blue Ziggler shirts. They would go great with my pairs of Nike Flyknit.

The real number was probably closer to 70,000.


Its fun to think that Daniel Bryan was able to get one of the biggest reaction out of the crowd at the end of the match. The same guy who curtain jerked for an 18 second job last year.

he was getting one of the biggest reactions last year too

vince is a fucking moron

i bet team hell no will be defending the tag titles at mania 30


Vince trying to justify Cena being his top face as he's booed out of the building, while Punk and Bryan get the biggest face reactions of the night (one of them being heel) would be a funny conversation.

The thing is, Bryan COULD play the super face and do a great job doing it. And he would do it with an edge. Sadly, I don't think WWE will give him a chance to prove this.

From a pwtorch story:
“I don’t consider it wrestling,” Bryan told the Washington Post about the evolution of his TV storyline. “I’ve done wrestling. Everywhere. And just by being a good wrestler you can become popular. But not here. It’s more important to be entertaining than it is to be a great wrestler. It’s fascinating to me. Some things just stick. Why it happens, I have no idea."


"The odds were stacked against the Cenation leader from the get-go. The MetLife Stadium faithful rained boos down on Cena from the second he made his entrance and lavished The People’s Champion — whose history in New York and New Jersey is long and storied — with praise typically reserved for visiting dignitaries. Adding to Cena's woes, fate initially seemed to share the partisan mood of the crowd, handing The Rock the advantage early on in the match. Although Cena struck first, it didn’t take long for The Great One to seize control of the contest, halting the Cenation leader’s momentum and sending him scrambling outside the ring to regroup within the bout’s opening moments."

from wwe.com's recap of the match

Can we please move beyond "The odds are against Cena" angle...It's so played out. The odds are always against whoever he is up against. It's never against Cena, the fact that this is ALWAYS the way they go with his feuds is what disgusts me more than the man himself.


The thing is, Bryan COULD play the super face and do a great job doing it. And he would do it with an edge. Sadly, I don't think WWE will give him a chance to prove this.

From a pwtorch story:
“I don’t consider it wrestling,” Bryan told the Washington Post about the evolution of his TV storyline. “I’ve done wrestling. Everywhere. And just by being a good wrestler you can become popular. But not here. It’s more important to be entertaining than it is to be a great wrestler. It’s fascinating to me. Some things just stick. Why it happens, I have no idea."

Oh he could. Give him the spot Cena has, he'd do it and do it better.


Vince trying to justify Cena being his top face as he's booed out of the building, while Punk and Bryan get the biggest face reactions of the night (one of them being heel) would be a funny conversation.

No, it would be a very trying and frustrating conversation that would involve merch sales instead of the audience's reactions. Also, if you prove him wrong in any way, he'd condescendingly pat you on the shoulder on his way out the door and say "I think I know this business, son."


Just got back from the show. It was pretty much what I expected. Which was shit. Thank god the crowd made it a somewhat enjoyable experience and it was nice going to my first WrestleMania, but still. The only even mildly surprising thing that happened was Henry over Ryback. No Cesaro. No Ziggler cash in. Every match either had no stipulations, was super predictable, or both. Just about all of them were both actually. Just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.


Pretty mediocre WM, everything that supposed to happen, happened. Was not impressed by the stage set too except Undertaker's, that shit's was pretty cool.

The crowd was not into it, and it was cold. The main event was so so dull they gotta figure out a way to not climax the match trading finishing moves.

A.E Suggs

"The odds were stacked against the Cenation leader from the get-go. The MetLife Stadium faithful rained boos down on Cena from the second he made his entrance and lavished The People’s Champion — whose history in New York and New Jersey is long and storied — with praise typically reserved for visiting dignitaries. Adding to Cena's woes, fate initially seemed to share the partisan mood of the crowd, handing The Rock the advantage early on in the match. Although Cena struck first, it didn’t take long for The Great One to seize control of the contest, halting the Cenation leader’s momentum and sending him scrambling outside the ring to regroup within the bout’s opening moments."

from wwe.com's recap of the match

Can we please move beyond "The odds are against Cena" angle...It's so played out. The odds are always against whoever he is up against. It's never against Cena, the fact that this is ALWAYS the way they go with his feuds is what disgusts me more than the man himself.

Don't worry the odds won't be against cena while he's WWE champion.


Oh he could. Give him the spot Cena has, he'd do it and do it better.



Let this man do what he's good at. PLEASE.


Don't worry the odds won't be against cena while he's WWE champion.

The odds were against him at WM22 and 23 when he was against Trips and Shawn. The announcers made comments about it several times...I guess we're supposed to forget that far back though.


Just got back from the show. It was pretty much what I expected. Which was shit. Thank god the crowd made it a somewhat enjoyable experience and it was nice going to my first WrestleMania, but still. The only even mildly surprising thing that happened was Henry over Ryback. No Cesaro. No Ziggler cash in. Every match either had no stipulations, was super predictable, or both. Just about all of them were both actually. Just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Sorry to hear about your luck. How was it being there live? How was your section? Who did they cheer? What did they chant? Etc. What was the feeling from being at ground zero?
I turned it off right after the pinfall

man what the fuck is that shit at the end! Normally I would say this company is creatively bankrupt but its worse then that.

Dead Man

Yeah I'm sure they also have incredible mic skills and charisma. Punk is god-tier in terms of the total package (in-ring and mic/charisma).

Edit: well i see that your first post was about in-ring only so nevermind then

Until Punk can stand on a turnbuckle without wobbling he is far from the best in ring. He is great on the mic, and has personality up the wazoo, but that elbow is not great. He's probably the best the WWE has at the moment from what I saw today.


Yeah, same here. They have actual tag teams that they face on Raw and Smackdown and then they face a random team at the PPV.

WWE needs to clear out their entire creative department.

Can't really blame creative when all their ideas go through Stephanie and Vince. Who knows what they pitch compared to what he over rules and turns down. I think the problem is Vince being out of touch, but what do I know?


Until Punk can stand on a turnbuckle without wobbling he is far from the best in ring. He is great on the mic, and has personality up the wazoo, but that elbow is not great. He's probably the best the WWE has at the moment from what I saw today.


If only they would let him loose...


Yeah, same here. They have actual tag teams that they face on Raw and Smackdown and then they face a random team at the PPV.

WWE needs to clear out their entire creative department.

Based on what I've heard and read in interviews of old WWE writers, almost everything goes by Vince, and if he doesn't like something, he scraps it or changes things however he sees fit.


Sorry to hear about your luck. How was it being there live? How was your section? Who did they cheer? What did they chant? Etc. What was the feeling from being at ground zero?

It was a nice enough experience. Was in 124F, which were pretty good seats opposite of the ramp. Got some good pics of the entrances. Was with 6 other people and the 2 seats to the right of us were empty until the main event so we were able to spread out more. Around 10:15, just as Cena was coming out, a father and son showed up to occupy the seats. I didn't ask them where they were for the other 3 hours.

We did get some "Sexual Chocolate" chants during the Henry/Ryback match and some "Twice in a Lifetime" chants during the Rock/Cena match but they didn't sounds big enough to make it on TV. I also heard some decently loud boring chants during the rest hold fest in the beginning of the Rock/Cena match that I don't know if it was heard on TV or not. The crowd was definitely burning out towards the end. And never minding the lack of quality of what was going on in the ring, I was definitely getting sick of constantly standing and sitting and then standing again for 4 1/2 hours.
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