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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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I would go with Fandango vs Jericho opening, just because of how much time and work Fandango's entrance is probably going to need.

I really hope Bob Backlund was doing full on Mr. Backlund and that there are WWE.com videos of him with Damien Sandow being awesome and using large words.


I've never had a problem with Cena, the problem is him being pushed as a superhuman goody two shoes. Apart from Hogan and to a large extent Sting, all top superstars switch it up and have heel runs. Austin, Rock, Flair, HBK.
I think guys like Hogan perform better as the heel, despite being mega over as a face. Bret Hart is another example - from the beginning of his run in 1992 until 1997, he never quite changed. Same character. His heel run with the Hart Foundation and the whole Canada thing, it was incredible. It also helped elevate Stone Cold to massive heights; unfortunate we don't see that type of thing anymore.

I'm sure Vince would welcome a Cena heel run, but I'm just not thinking its a viable option if they don't have that big babyface in place. Randy Orton won't be in that top postiion anymore due to his strikes against him, Alberto is just getting started but not quite there yet, Sheamus may be a possibility, and there's a big opportunity for them to do something worthwhile this summer with Daniel Bryan if they ever send him solo and give him a big push. But other than that, not really, and that's what will hold it back.
With all this WM30 talk buzzing already (apparently, Taker wants to face Lesnar next year and with Trump teasing a Vince rematch of sorts), can we please have a Punk-Cena 60 minute Ironman WWE title match next year?

Pending Taker does get Lesnar and they don't bring in Austin, it frees up Punk with the opportunity to finally be in the final match of WM. And as for Cena, hate all you like, but you have to admit: Cena-Punk matches since MITB have been amazing (most recent example: No 1 contenders match on Raw a while back).

I want this to happen. Surely I'm not the only one?


So not worth it
I'd say if Austin vs. Punk is not in the cards for WMXXX, they'll definitely put Cena vs. punk for the title on the card yeah. Iron Man Match, doubt it, WM simply doesn't have time for that, they need tomfit alot of stuff on that card.
I'd love to see a Cena/Punk Iron Man match (but I'd prefer a Bryan/Punk Iron Man match) - however, in no way do I want to see Undertaker vs Lesnar. That one has train wreck written all over it.

Iron Man Match, doubt it, WM simply doesn't have time for that, they need to fit alot of stuff on that card.

Yeah, they've got to fit in shit like a Diddy concert and excessive, over-indulgent ring entrances.
With all this WM30 talk buzzing already (apparently, Taker wants to face Lesnar next year and with Trump teasing a Vince rematch of sorts), can we please have a Punk-Cena 60 minute Ironman WWE title match next year?

Pending Taker does get Lesnar and they don't bring in Austin, it frees up Punk with the opportunity to finally be in the final match of WM. And as for Cena, hate all you like, but you have to admit: Cena-Punk matches since MITB have been amazing (most recent example: No 1 contenders match on Raw a while back).

I want this to happen. Surely I'm not the only one?

Man that RAW match was ridiculous. I seriously think they went all out with that match to prove a point or something to everyone in back.

I just wanna hear that glass break during the Punk/Taker match. That's the only way I'll accept Punk loosing to Taker.


Wrasslemania hype is building.

Will be the first PPV I watch live with GAF in a while. It's starts at 9AM here in the morning though!


It's fine either way, but yeah, this is the WrestleMania OT. Welcome, put your feet up, talk some trash, pick a side. #heel.

lets see.....expect for the babyface vs babyface match and idk if jericho is heel or face all my other choices are Heel so you got one more on your side.


So not worth it
lets see.....expect for the babyface vs babyface match and idk if jericho is heel or face all my other choices are Heel so you got one more on your side.

Oh no, it's about wether Cena will turn Heel at the end of the night.

We need more people to take up the Wrestlemania Cena Bet.

Put FACE or HEEL on your avatar depending on what you think Cena will be at the end of Wrestlemania. The time is ripe for a heel turn, but will WWE do it? Will they?

If you vote FACE (like I am) and there's a heel turn at Mania, you have to have a happy, cornball Cena face as your avatar for 2 weeks.

If you vote HEEL (like some other misguided souls) and he stays a face (as he will) you have to have a sad Cena face for your avatar for 2 weeks.

Don't be afraid, just vote Face like me.


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Anyone have any good wrestlemania related podcast/interviews? Listened to all the Rosenberg interviews and need some more to listen to while grading tests.


I'm so excited for WrestleMania. It's the first one I'll be attending too. I've been watching wrestling my entire life, and I can't believe I'm finally going.


So not worth it
If there's one swerve I would love to happen it would be for Punk vs. Taker to go on last instead of Rock vs. Cena II.

Wouldn't that be amazing? When we've run through almost every match and you know it's time for Punk vs. Taker and then suddenly "IF YOU SMELL" hits instead. That would be the greatest swerve in recent memory.

Dead Man

If there's one swerve I would love to happen it would be for Punk vs. Taker to go on last instead of Rock vs. Cena II.

Wouldn't that be amazing? When we've run through almost every match and you know it's time for Punk vs. Taker and then suddenly "IF YOU SMELL" hits instead. That would be the greatest swerve in recent memory.

It's sad that you can say that.
If there's one swerve I would love to happen it would be for Punk vs. Taker to go on last instead of Rock vs. Cena II.

Wouldn't that be amazing? When we've run through almost every match and you know it's time for Punk vs. Taker and then suddenly "IF YOU SMELL" hits instead. That would be the greatest swerve in recent memory.

Not happening


Punk-Austin at Mania XXX would be huge. The feud could be one of the greatest ever. Trash talking, pipe bombs, split fans, and the match would be brilliant.

I hope WWE pulls out all the stops for Mania XXX seeing as it's a big anniversary. Ten was good but XX sucked, so much let down. Big HoF inductees (Savage? Rock?), huge main event, string card, surprises, fun guest appearances. It deserves to be epic.

Dead Man

With all this WM30 talk buzzing already (apparently, Taker wants to face Lesnar next year and with Trump teasing a Vince rematch of sorts), can we please have a Punk-Cena 60 minute Ironman WWE title match next year?

Pending Taker does get Lesnar and they don't bring in Austin, it frees up Punk with the opportunity to finally be in the final match of WM. And as for Cena, hate all you like, but you have to admit: Cena-Punk matches since MITB have been amazing (most recent example: No 1 contenders match on Raw a while back).

I want this to happen. Surely I'm not the only one?

That would be amazing.


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Punk-Austin at Mania XXX would be huge. The fetus could be one of the greatest ever. Trash talking, pipe bombs, split fans, and the match would be brilliant.

I hope WWE pulls out all the stops for Mania XXX seeing as it's a big anniversary. Ten was good but XX sucked, so much let down. Big HoF inductees (Savage? Rock?), huge main event, string card, surprises, fun guest appearances. It deserves to be epic.

How can they induct The Rock when he'll be in the main event again next year?

I expect Savage and Triple H to be inducted next year.
Punk-Austin at Mania XXX would be huge. The fetus could be one of the greatest ever. Trash talking, pipe bombs, split fans, and the match would be brilliant.

I hope WWE pulls out all the stops for Mania XXX seeing as it's a big anniversary. Ten was good but XX sucked, so much let down. Big HoF inductees (Savage? Rock?), huge main event, string card, surprises, fun guest appearances. It deserves to be epic.

What will we be doing with said fetus from Punk-Austin?


Why has Meltzer and Alvarez not done a preview/predictions of WM?

As far as i can remember they did not seem to do one last year either, would love to hear their thoughts on who they believe is going over and why. They only review RAW and barely mentioned anything about what they expect to happen, yet spend a entire hour predicting a MMA show, which i also enjoy but would like the same applied to wrestling.

Or have i missed the show? Been looking and listening to everything they have put out and cannot find it.


Sucks that it starts at midnight here in UK. It's like "Welcome to Wrestlemania everyone, and goodnight England."

No way I can stay up to watch when it ends at 4am and my daughter wakes up at 6.


Ugh the 2 friends were going to foot the bill me with backed out with other plans.

Looks like im floating the $60 ppv this year.. Is it cheaper if i buy the streaming PPV off wwe.com?


Why has Meltzer and Alvarez not done a preview/predictions of WM?

As far as i can remember they did not seem to do one last year either, would love to hear their thoughts on who they believe is going over and why. They only review RAW and barely mentioned anything about what they expect to happen, yet spend a entire hour predicting a MMA show, which i also enjoy but would like the same applied to wrestling.

Or have i missed the show? Been looking and listening to everything they have put out and cannot find it.
Mania doesn't have pop culture crossover superstar Ronda Rousey on it, D&B don't give a shit.


Why has Meltzer and Alvarez not done a preview/predictions of WM?

As far as i can remember they did not seem to do one last year either, would love to hear their thoughts on who they believe is going over and why. They only review RAW and barely mentioned anything about what they expect to happen, yet spend a entire hour predicting a MMA show, which i also enjoy but would like the same applied to wrestling.

Or have i missed the show? Been looking and listening to everything they have put out and cannot find it.

Meltzer made some predictions for both the matches and the outcomes when he reported the plan for the match times earlier this week. He's expecting MOTN from Punk/Taker, Rock/Cena to be worse than last year, Jericho/Fandango to surprise everyone, and doesn't think the Shield should lose under any circumstances.


Nope, still 60$.
That is quite possibly the dumbest pricing in the history of pricing.

Might as well just order it through the PPV on my TV to avoid any kind of lag or anything.. Haven't fully paid for a WM in like 20 years, it feels weird and somewhat sickening that i am spending $60 on a 3 hour PPV. Especially considering there are only 3 matches i really really want to see. I might just end up going to a bar and watching it.


Meltzer made some predictions for both the matches and the outcomes when he reported the plan for the match times earlier this week. He's expecting MOTN from Punk/Taker, Rock/Cena to be worse than last year, Jericho/Fandango to surprise everyone, and doesn't think the Shield should lose under any circumstances.

Okay ill go find that show, would love to hear his thoughts

The latest episode they spent all the time talking about HoF, Shimmer i believe and some other shows i barely even heard about.

I tried PWTorch many times but Wade Keller's opinions on wrestling just do not mesh with mine, also their audio quality is horrible, and the people who call in have some really dumb questions, just an awkward show to listen to.

Unless someone knows other good wrestling podcasts, would love some suggestions.


So not worth it
Review-A-Mania Day 2 is pretty cool, they review the Hall of Fame Ceremony.

^ My favorite podcasts are the LAW stuff and Solomonster Sounds Off.


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That is quite possibly the dumbest pricing in the history of pricing.

Might as well just order it through the PPV on my TV to avoid any kind of lag or anything.. Haven't fully paid for a WM in like 20 years, it feels weird and somewhat sickening that i am spending $60 on a 3 hour PPV. Especially considering there are only 3 matches i really really want to see. I might just end up going to a bar and watching it.

It's actually 4 hours, and yeah the pricing sucks, better off with tv.


That is quite possibly the dumbest pricing in the history of pricing.

Might as well just order it through the PPV on my TV to avoid any kind of lag or anything.. Haven't fully paid for a WM in like 20 years, it feels weird and somewhat sickening that i am spending $60 on a 3 hour PPV. Especially considering there are only 3 matches i really really want to see. I might just end up going to a bar and watching it.

It's a 4 hour show, though I don't blame you for wanting to bail on Twice in a Lifetime.
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