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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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It'll be a nice archive for the reaction after Cena's win.


hahahah gold



So how long was Bruno's speech? I predicted 90 minutes. Are they going to upload the full thing sometime, or do we only get the edited for TV speech? My uncle was PISSED when he found out it wasn't being televised tonight, he's like Bruno's #1 fan lol

According to Alveraz Bruno only talked for maybe 10 minutes.
Just got in from the HOF...Going by the crowd tonight. we're in for a great ride tomorrow. No fucks were giving. Foley with the best speech ever. Ate up close to an hour.


When it comes to the crowd, I'm actually more excited for Raw. A huge open air stadium like that just wastes away much of the crowds reactions.

70,000 fans from all over the world in a football, versus 20,000 smarks in a smaller arena. Yeah...that's gonna be boiling hot.

WM crowd's gonna be good, though, I'm sure of that.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
i wouldn't bet your life savings on cena winning tomorrow....

I'll leave you this gem

The WWE title match has no stips attached to it.


Does NY NJ hate Diddy as much as Miami? A good part of the audience was booing him at WM28 (including me lols).

SPeaking as a guy from Jersey no. In fact since he represents the east coast (obviously since the 90's) he gets love.

From Wrestling fans tho? thats an entirely different crowd. Most likely not
The whole show was great, but 2 things stuck out the most.

The crowd ate Maria Menounos alive. I'm talking about Lesnar/Goldberg type heat. Her speech felt like an hour long of Bob's life story. For the last 5min or so the crowd shred her up. The way they turned on her and booing her off the stage. Brutal stuff. At least Trump saw it coming and had fun with it.

During Arnold's speech he said Bruno had an amazing immigrant story. Someone in the crowd yelled "we the people". Comedic brilliance.

As expected the crowd is HOT for Taker/Punk.


What's going to save Cena from super massive boos tomorrow is probably going to be the stadium since all the sound will travel out of the building.


Unconfirmed Member
According to Alveraz Bruno only talked for maybe 10 minutes.

I don't think that's true at all. Arnold came out at or just before 11, probably talked for about 5 minutes or so, and then Bruno came out, and the show ended at 11:30.

Bruno probably talked for a little under 20 minutes.


I just got home from Wrestlecon and WWE Axxess. Had a good time, took some pictures.

Best highlight, picture with Kelly Kelly, Goldust, and discovering more indie wrestling stuff.

Worst highlight, seeing Bobby Heenan's bad health. I don't keep up with a lot of wrestling and I didn't know about his cancer battle. Feels awful.



You know as soon as Cena turns, all the dudes are going to cheer. A heel turn is the only thing that can make Cena a face again.
I've never had a problem with Cena, the problem is him being pushed as a superhuman goody two shoes. Apart from Hogan and to a large extent Sting, all top superstars switch it up and have heel runs. Austin, Rock, Flair, HBK.

The relief of a bad guy coming good is what makes us love a good face. When a good guy is just good all the time it's boring as hell. The moment Cena turns it will be sensational. Then his face turn would be fresh and interesting. It's simple really. Unfortunately as long as stupid six year olds keep buying shitty Cena tat there won't be a money-losing heel turn


Does NY NJ hate Diddy as much as Miami? A good part of the audience was booing him at WM28 (including me lols).

You're probably going to be disappointed. I love my state, but we've got an embarrassing taste in rappers.

I had no idea Mania was happening at Metlife Stadium, which is literally five minutes from my apartment. Not that I'd ever pay through the nose and freeze in an outdoor stadium to see this card. (We're also hosting the next Super Bowl, I've been told to expect an entire week of terrible traffic...not pleased.)



Swung by the Superstore @ Met Life earlier and picked me up a Cesaro/Henry shirt/Punk hoodie. Wanted some Ziggles merch, but didn't see any, unfortunately. Place was pretty packed though, Vince is definitely raking it in this weekend.

Anyway, only a few more hours y'all!
till massive disappointment


Unconfirmed Member
So for the Hall of Fame, the tickets I originally bought back when they first sold them back at the Christmas MSG house show turned out to be for seats that no longer existed with the new stage layout they used for the show, so instead they had me trade in my ticket and in exchange I got a seat in the comped section, on the floor, in the section right behind the wrestlers. So that was pretty awesome.

This is going to be a relatively thorough run-down, so if you don't want to know anything about the show, don't read beyond this point.

Mick Foley - Probably the longest speech of the night. Great stories, lots of fun, shoutouts to all kinds of people. At one point he used the word "surreptitiously" and said he used it instead of "secretly" because he's an author and he wanted to get the approval of Damien Sandow (which he did in the form of a thumbs up). Later on he lamented that he had never beaten Chris Jericho (camera cut to Jericho mouthing "NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE") and that he wanted to just drop an elbow on him some day. Y2J got up onto the stage and laid out for Mick, Punk jumped up on stage and started playing referee. Mick lines him up and drops the big elbow, and Punk counts the pin (Punk would continue the charade by promptly throwing up the X sign and rolling Jericho off the stage before raising Mick's hand and finally leaving the stage). Fun times.

By the way, Punk was getting HUGE chants basically anytime he came up. Guy was mega over. There were also dueling UNDERTAKER-CMPUNK chants before the show got started.

Trish - This one got real ugly towards the end. See, the fans love Trish, but when she introduced her husband....hoo boy. The crowd booed the ever-living shit out of him and every reference to him. And that was BEFORE Trish announced she was pregnant! No idea how they're going to edit this one for broadcast/Blu-ray.

Booker T - This one started with one of the more emotional moments as Stevie Ray looked close to tears early on in his intro for Booker when he was talking about their parents dying when they were kids. More stories from Booker about how he got started in the business and some of his earlier days. His speech dovetailed nicely with Mick's as he recounted the event in Germany where Mick lost his ear.

Bob Backlund - This is where things got really weird. First off, nobody wanted to see or hear Maria Menounos. Then she got into her intro and it became apparent that she actually did have a long-running friendship with Bob Backlund and her inducting him wasn't quite as weird as it seemed, so the crowd calmed down a little bit and gave her some respect. But then she went on and on and on and on and on and the crowd became unruly and starting eating her alive. By the end she could barely get a word in edgewise and was being totally drowned out by the crowd. When Bob finally came out, it was pretty clear he was PISSED and spent the first minute or two completely silent and then began to defend Maria before beginning to ramble about...god knows what. Stuff about not ever giving up. He called out John Cena at one point and pointed out that he doesn't ever gives up, which brought nuclear heat and got Bob shouting that he didn't care if people boo because he's never going to give up. Then he started putting over some indy guy or...something, god knows. Vince then snuck up in the background in that comedic cartoonish way that only Vince can and stood next to Bob looking at his watch until Bob finally noticed, at which point he began to wrap it up. Still ranting and raving. Was fucking weird and bizarrely entertaining.

By the way, both Bob and Maria mentioned John Cena numerous times, and Maria made a major point about how Bob Backlund refused to turn heel at the end of his title reign because he didn't want to alienate his fans. You can read into that what you want.

Donald Trump - First of all, Vince tonight looked, sounded, and acted younger than he's seemed to me in years. Seriously, it was like having early 2000s Vince back. Donald basically played straight heel and embraced the "warm" reception he got and mercifully kept things relatively short. Not much to talk about, though he did say he wanted to kick Vince's ass at Wrestlemania 30.

Bruno Sammartino - Obviously the main event. Bruno got multiple standing ovations upon his entrance and said that the reaction brought him back 50 years and made him feel like he was about to run down to the ring. This was largely what you would expect, with him going into his childhood and talking about how his mother protected him while they hid in the mountains from the Nazis and so on, and, of course, what Madison Square Garden meant to him in particular.

Show ended with all the Hall of Famers and their inducters coming back out on stage and Vince and Bruno hugging.

As everybody was leaving, though, Bob Backlund's crazy ass started running all around the VIP section and riling up the crowd and high fiving people. So I got to high five Bob Backlund before heading out.

Fun night all around. It's a shame that the whole thing won't be put on TV, because almost all of it was really interesting and fun, and it's too bad you're surely going to have some major edits to the crowd and stuff for the DVD/Blu-ray release.
So does anyone actually have what order the card is going to be in? I'm gonna watch this in two different places and I need to know when I can leave cause it'll take me about 15-20 minutes to get to my destination.


Unconfirmed Member
So does anyone actually have what order the card is going to be in? I'm gonna watch this in two different places and I need to know when I can leave cause it'll take me about 15-20 minutes to get to my destination.

Intercontinental Title is on the pre-show. Rock-Cena is last. Other than that, I don't think so.

If I had to guess, my guess for first match is probably the tag title match.


So for the Hall of Fame, the tickets I originally bought back when they first sold them back at the Christmas MSG house show turned out to be for seats that no longer existed with the new stage layout they used for the show, so instead they had me trade in my ticket and in exchange I got a seat in the comped section, on the floor, in the section right behind the wrestlers. So that was pretty awesome.

This is going to be a relatively thorough run-down, so if you don't want to know anything about the show, don't read beyond this point.

Mick Foley - Probably the longest speech of the night. Great stories, lots of fun, shoutouts to all kinds of people. At one point he used the word "surreptitiously" and said he used it instead of "secretly" because he's an author and he wanted to get the approval of Damien Sandow (which he did in the form of a thumbs up). Later on he lamented that he had never beaten Chris Jericho (camera cut to Jericho mouthing "NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE") and that he wanted to just drop an elbow on him some day. Y2J got up onto the stage and laid out for Mick, Punk jumped up on stage and started playing referee. Mick lines him up and drops the big elbow, and Punk counts the pin (Punk would continue the charade by promptly throwing up the X sign and rolling Jericho off the stage before raising Mick's hand and finally leaving the stage). Fun times.

By the way, Punk was getting HUGE chants basically anytime he came up. Guy was mega over. There were also dueling UNDERTAKER-CMPUNK chants before the show got started.

Trish - This one got real ugly towards the end. See, the fans love Trish, but when she introduced her husband....hoo boy. The crowd booed the ever-living shit out of him and every reference to him. And that was BEFORE Trish announced she was pregnant! No idea how they're going to edit this one for broadcast/Blu-ray.

Booker T - This one started with one of the more emotional moments as Stevie Ray looked close to tears early on in his intro for Booker when he was talking about their parents dying when they were kids. More stories from Booker about how he got started in the business and some of his earlier days. His speech dovetailed nicely with Mick's as he recounted the event in Germany where Mick lost his ear.

Bob Backlund - This is where things got really weird. First off, nobody wanted to see or hear Maria Menounos. Then she got into her intro and it became apparent that she actually did have a long-running friendship with Bob Backlund and her inducting him wasn't quite as weird as it seemed, so the crowd calmed down a little bit and gave her some respect. But then she went on and on and on and on and on and the crowd became unruly and starting eating her alive. By the end she could barely get a word in edgewise and was being totally drowned out by the crowd. When Bob finally came out, it was pretty clear he was PISSED and spent the first minute or two completely silent and then began to defend Maria before beginning to ramble about...god knows what. Stuff about not ever giving up. He called out John Cena at one point and pointed out that he doesn't ever gives up, which brought nuclear heat and got Bob shouting that he didn't care if people boo because he's never going to give up. Then he started putting over some indy guy or...something, god knows. Vince then snuck up in the background in that comedic cartoonish way that only Vince can and stood next to Bob looking at his watch until Bob finally noticed, at which point he began to wrap it up. Still ranting and raving. Was fucking weird and bizarrely entertaining.

By the way, both Bob and Maria mentioned John Cena numerous times, and Maria made a major point about how Bob Backlund refused to turn heel at the end of his title reign because he didn't want to alienate his fans. You can read into that what you want.

Donald Trump - First of all, Vince tonight looked, sounded, and acted younger than he's seemed to me in years. Seriously, it was like having early 2000s Vince back. Donald basically played straight heel and embraced the "warm" reception he got and mercifully kept things relatively short. Not much to talk about, though he did say he wanted to kick Vince's ass at Wrestlemania 30.

Bruno Sammartino - Obviously the main event. Bruno got multiple standing ovations upon his entrance and said that the reaction brought him back 50 years and made him feel like he was about to run down to the ring. This was largely what you would expect, with him going into his childhood and talking about how his mother protected him while they hid in the mountains from the Nazis and so on, and, of course, what Madison Square Garden meant to him in particular.

Show ended with all the Hall of Famers and their inducters coming back out on stage and Vince and Bruno hugging.

As everybody was leaving, though, Bob Backlund's crazy ass started running all around the VIP section and riling up the crowd and high fiving people. So I got to high five Bob Backlund before heading out.

Fun night all around. It's a shame that the whole thing won't be put on TV, because almost all of it was really interesting and fun, and it's too bad you're surely going to have some major edits to the crowd and stuff for the DVD/Blu-ray release.

That NYC crowd. It's gonna be so good tomorrow. To bad he most likely won't beat the undertaker because the crowd would explode if punk wins.


Unconfirmed Member
Punk was really over at Axxess too, though the reaction was SLIGHTLY more mixed there. Very close, though.

That match should be hot.
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