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WWE SummerSlam 2013 |OT| The Spontaneous Combustion of Bryan Danielson & Cena Johnson

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Wait a minute, don't drag me into your celebration. Orton's your guy, dream. If he becomes "Mr Kicking people in the head, RKOing women, and asploding wrestlers with pyro" again, THEN you can put me back on the bandwagon.
The punt needs to come back. It's probably the only finisher no one has kicked out of yet.



I was kinda pissed at how it all went down, but now I'm just curious to see where it all leads to.

On the plus side, CENA GOT BEAT CLEAN!

Plus side!?

It meant nothing, DB trashed him as irrelevant

And not worth it of a Wrestling slap and called him a joke parody.

why you DB fanatics all hyped his best friend cena layed down?, these two are shirtless choppin wood in a Diva show


I called that ending but I wasn't sure on the clean finish. Bryan was made tonight by Cena and I'm fairly confident he'll win back that belt. It was a great match, probably only trailing Punk/Lesnar, in my opinion. For a second, I thought Bryan would ride off into the sunset but as soon as Orton turned back around I knew Triple H was sticking him. The lesson to be learned is never have Triple H ref a match at Summerslam again. This'll probably set up a program for Orton and Bryan where DB can chase the belt again and re-gain it.

The rest of the card was pretty fair except the divas stuff. Sandow isn't looking too hot but he's still fairly new I guess. I keep wanting to find something in Cody Rhodes that makes him a top level guy but I can't. Dolph looked good and I'm also glad they're sticking with this Del Rio run instead of quickly taking the belt off of him again. I don't think too highly of him but for now at least they're giving him something.

That opener was pretty boring, if you ask me. I like the Wyatt gimmick but I'm not huge on Bray in-ring yet. He seemed very sluggish.

It was also nice of Cena to almost shove DB's head into the mat from the top rope!
Wait, where are the meltdowns? Maybe I scrolled too fast but I didn't see more than a couple of genuine meltdowns. The HHHburial.gif 's weren't serious, I believe?
I'm fine with this ending. HHH and Orton go back to being what they're best at and Bryan has become a main eventer. As long as they do this correctly (which may be a challenge for this company) then we've got ourselves one hell of a storyline.

I may start watching Raw again because of this.


I also really despise the idea of a face Vince vs. Heel HHH. I hope they ditch that and just make them all heels. No one needs to see HHH vs. Vince
You're right on the money here. McMahon feuds are overdone and both Vince and Trips are natural heels. It's just who they are. The only McMahons that have consistently been effective at garnering legit face appeal are Shane and Linda... neither of whom are involved with the on-screen product any more.
Bryan in the chase is wayy better than bryan being champ at this point.

THis could be some Stonr cold/mcmahan level stuff if they play their cards rights

I like Bryan in the chase. I just don't trust these guys to not fuck it up and lose steam.

I also like Bryan when he's pissed off. I hate baby as fuck face Bryan. I think it'll be great to see what happens, but I really hope they keep the momentum going.

I hope Bryan goes on a rage. That's the closest we'll get to this being like Austin/Vince.

I will say it's really refreshing to have HHH as the bad guy and the boss. Vince is just too goofy with his funny suits.


Im really surprised WWE would be willing to put Orton in the main spotlight this quickly after his relapse/suspension. He has all the talent in the world, but it seems very risky to trust him with their top title barely a year after his 2nd suspension. I didnt see Bryan holding the belt for long with how over he has been, but also didnt think Cena was going to keep it either. Guess this is just a temporary solution to let Cena recover and keep Bryan hunting after the belt.

I didnt think they would give Orton the money in the bank to start off with, but that allowed them to work around his ups/downs, the title wont allow for any slips outside the ring. Im sure he has promised this time is different and he is going to be clean, but Ortons last dvd was about his recovery and how he would never fuck up his chances again. Bryan is use to chasing belts over the years, but he has to be tired of it by now and wants to hold it at least a few months.
Wait, where are the meltdowns? Maybe I scrolled too fast but I didn't see more than a couple of genuine meltdowns. The HHHburial.gif 's weren't serious, I believe?

Everyone saw this coming. That and there's only so many meltdowns you can have before you begin to take it all in stride. That and the meltdown prone people don't care anymore.
Gotta say, being away from the product for several weeks really elevated my enjoyment of the PPV. I could focus more on the action in the ring and the payoffs and potential of feuds as opposed to always wanting "my guy" to win. Of course, it's always the execution of the stories/matches that make-or-break a show.
Count me as someone who doesn't think Bryan could carry that type of angle. But times are different, so I'd be pleasantly surprised if he could make it work.

I think they'd need to find a way to bring someone like CM Punk into that angle if they really wanted to go down that route. If it's a long term thing, it won't be Bryan alone. You've got the WWE establishment vs the 'boring indie guys'. Vince has said his piece and can do so again, Triple H can tow the line and talk of how he's learnt from the master, blah blah blah.


I'm pretty sure the only guy Cena tapped out to after winning the WWE Championship was Kurt Angle shortly before Angle got sent to ECW and then retired.


Unconfirmed Member
Wait, where are the meltdowns? Maybe I scrolled too fast but I didn't see more than a couple of genuine meltdowns. The HHHburial.gif 's weren't serious, I believe?

It's hard to have a meltdown relating to something you knew was almost certainly going to happen.

Bryan beating Cena clean, HHH turning heel, and Orton cashing in also turning heel was pretty much the best case scenario.


WOW, people on the floor are throwing their commemorative seats around over the railing



So not worth it
Way to twist things after I countered your argument perfectly.

You didn't. If a guy loses maybe one match clean every year on average, it's a fucking big deal when that happens. Cena wrestles hundreds of matches a year, he loses a handful and most of those with some kind of shenanigans.
I agree that Daniel Bryan is done. I mean, look at what happened to him after Sheamus beat him in 18 seconds at WM last year. We've never heard from him again!

And I mean, look what happened after Punk lost a cash in at Summerslam two years ago. What did he ever do again after that? Nothing, that's what.

This is the logical next step in the storyline people. I don't know how you didn't think this was a viable conclusion to this match.


Orton will hold at least until the Rumble, where Cena will get it back. Bryan will win the Rumble, and we'll have Bryan/Cena II at Wrestlemania.


So is this going to build to D.Bry vs HHH Wrasstlemania? The implications of this seem pretty big for it to not to culminate in a big event. D.Bry is certainly at a level to be heading main events now with how much support he gets from the markiest of crowds.
I feel like doing the cash-in tomorrow night would have been better.

Tomorrow night is reserved for Cena confronting Orton and HHH because he's all about that hustle, loyalty and respect only to get a brutal beatdown on his busted elbow so he can take time off.

If he actually does need to deal with the elbow.
Bryan will win the Rumble, and we'll have Bryan/Cena II at Wrestlemania.

Do you think young rookie j.cena will be able to overcome the odds and beat dominant champion d.bryan???

Angle didn't in that era.

brand split era, yep.

HBK also beat Cena clean in an Ironman match on tv. >_>

The UK raw? That was a fantastic match, either that or umaga/rumble is cena's best match I think(though that's really largely thanks to shawn and umaga).
What? That was one of the best Summer Slam in awhile.

Christian/Del Rio was good.

Brock/Punk was great.

Bryan/Cena was very good.

The mixed match was goodish.

An okay women's match.

The only stinker was the first match.

I know they were good matches, others were nothing big..poor Ziggler deserves better than this...I hope they go back to him and Del Rio for Night of Champions.


Plus side!?

It meant nothing, DB trashed him as irrelevant

And not worth it of a Wrestling slap and called him a joke parody.

why you DB fanatics all hyped his best friend cena layed down?, these two are shirtless choppin wood in a Diva show

You're seriously the worst person in WrestleGAF.

Go to /woo/ or something. Christ.
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